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The legend of the Silbón

Legend has it that a long time ago there lived in the plains a young man
who was nicknamed Silbón, because he spent his time whistling while
walking. He was a spoiled and capricious young man to the extreme,
accustomed since he was a child to being pleased in everything. He
spent his life, from bar to bar wasting his time.
One day when he was at his parents' house, sitting at the table to have
lunch, he was filled with rage and furious when he saw that they served
him food that he did not like. In an act of contempt and with extreme
arrogance, he threw the food on the floor saying: “What I want to eat is
venison offal”; he got up from the table and left the house full of anger,
to calm his rage with liquor in the town canteen.

His father, who was a noble and accommodating man, prepared his
shotgun and hunting knife and went into the jungle to look for the
happy deer to satisfy his rebellious son. But despite his skill and
knowledge in hunting, it was impossible for him to capture the precious
animal. After several hours and at nightfall, the father decides that it
was enough for that day and started to return home.

Meanwhile, the young whistler who had been drinking for several hours
and totally intoxicated, decides to go home. On the way back, he met
his father, who was returning from the failed hunt, who tried to explain
to him why he had not been able to hunt the deer he loved so much.

Without hearing reasons and in the midst of his drunkenness, Silbón

brutally beat his father; when he fell to the ground, he took the hunting
rifle and shot him dead. Immediately afterwards he took the hunting
knife and deftly removed his father's entrails, packed them in a piece of
shirt and went home.

When he got home, his grandparents and brothers received him and he
passed the offal to his grandmother, who asked him where he had
gotten them. To which he without any regret replied: "They belong to
my father, that loser was not able to get me the venison offal that he
wanted, so I took his, ha ha ha"

Grandpa and his brothers faced with such terrifying news, they were
filled with rage and tied him to a tree, where in reprimand for his evil
acts, they repeatedly whipped him with a foreman, followed by the
grandfather put salt and hot pepper on his wounds so that he writhed in

His grandmother, after releasing him, cursed him saying: “cursed you
are, for all eternity”, then the dog "tureco" (demonic dog) incited him
until the end of the world chases him and bites his heels.
Silbón, after being disowned by his family, returned to the place where
he had killed his father and collected the bones in a dirty sack, which
the forest animals had cleaned. He carried them on his shoulder and
was lost forever in the forest, followed by the Tureco dog to become a

Tradition explains that when the silbon arrives at a house at night, it

unloads the sack and counts the bones one by one. If people listen to it,
nothing happens, but if there is no one to listen to it, then a member of
the family dies at dawn.

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