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Auxiliary Examination

Course Code•&UTA003 Date: 23-08-2019

Course Name: Computer Programming Time: 5.30-8.30PM

Q.1 a) Discuss with examples the scope, visibility and lifetime of variables used in C
programming. 10M
b) Write a function that will generate and print first 'n' Fibonacci numbers using C
programming. 10M

Q.2 a) Discuss about different types of functions used in C based on the number of
arguments it accepts and return values. 10M
b) Write a C program to two arrays of integer numbers and stores it in a third array. Two
arrays are of any size. 10M

Q.3 a) Discuss different types of operators and expressions used in C programming using
suitable examples. 10M
b) Write a C program to design a simple calculator which will accept two numbers and
find their sum, difference, product, division, and mod using switch statement. 10M

Q.4 Write a C program using structure that contains name, rollno, age, and marks in 6
subjects of a student. Read the details of 60 students and print their details with the total
marks obtained in all the subjects by adding all the 6 subject marks. Based on the total
marks, rank the students and print their details. 20M

Q.5 a) Give one example for each of the following used in C programming:
i) array of pointers. 2M
ii) call by value and call by reference 4M
iii) malloc and calloc 4M
iv) concatenating two strings 2M
v) recursion 2M
b) What are different functions available in C for random access to a file? Discuss them
briefly with examples. 6M

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