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Repentance of the bad boy

on one day in the village there are 2 bad boy who are smoking and drinken, he does not care about the surrounding Aconk: oh yes keep drunk again let fresh Brow Bonak: Okey Conk added hold steady at the same time give him some cigarette Aconk: okay Brow suddenly, a religious teacher with her students come from mosque

Pupils and ustadz: astagfirullahaladzim Ustadz: every day I saw you, you just smoking, drinking, and other immoral acts! so what you guys want this? sholehudin: you just trash for the citizens here, it's time for prayer rather than sinner bonax: eeh .... You lecture me religious teachers and students are stupid sholehudin :i've ustadz we return again to the mosque to read the Quran! just wasted our time to speak with this garbage. bonax and aconk: into sea all gay men .... hahaha aconk: continued .... bonax: is okay if so have fun again Brow ...

after that, in the mosque the students were reading the Quran together ustadz jim

Ustadz: let the kids let us pray and led by sholehudin sholehudin: before we read al-quran let us pray, pray begin. completed, greetings .... Ustadz: read al-Fatihah and an-nas. after that clean the mosque. the students: yes ... ustadz ...!

after they finish reading the Quran.

Ustadz: sholeh here.! sholehudin: yes sir.! Ustadz: when you finish cleaning the mosque, accompany me go home ..! sholehudin: yes sir ..!

when you finish cleaning the mosque, they went to the house ustadz. on the trip they met with some naughty children bonax: eeh .. students and ustadz jimjim aconk: hahaha ... Jimbo ustadz nax ... sholehudin: eeeh no children maho ... Ustadz: do not be so pious sholehudin: sorry ustadz bonax: why not pray udin aconk: menstruation once again ... sholehudin: already, already, has this despicable person we'd better go out alone Ustadz: hopefully the two are being rewarded for the heavy-weight than all-powerful. aconk: say what you'd like not in the learner by your parents bonax: let us find Vello. direct drinking ... aconk: come on ..... nax

after the cleric and sholehudin go, aconk and bonax went to Vello (shabu-shabu seller). after that, bonax invite aconk buy drugs and go to bars to drink liquor!

Vello was whispering to bonax that there is a very good new stuff. Vello: ........... bonax: how much? Vello: regular, 55 000 bonax: ok, thanks. Vello: ok Brow. aconk: bonax, have you done it? bonax:'ve Conk aconk: let's get to the bar, clubbing Brow ... bonax: come on

they went to a bar for drinking liquor and using drugs. when he got in a bar, and aconk bonax examined by her seducer.

conk: same. hehe vinie: service sir no, I'm lonely Bonak / aconk: oh yes aconk: Vodka three barbara: do not use ice? aconk: wear wrote two

barbara: ready they were very confused because so many drugs, after that journey, Acong suddenly fall unconscious, bonak ran to see who is on mosque preachers bonak: cleric cleric, Acong ustadz fainting Ustadz: where is he? bonak: at the intersection there Ustadz: let's go there bonak: come on Ustadz: astagfirulah take water bonak: yes ustadz ustadz: fast bonak: This pack water Ustadz: here (burrrr) bismillahirahmanirohim, repentance you, it's never too late for repentance Acong realized and apologized to the cleric who had to revive him, and bonak aconk was converted into the right path, he is now very good and very polite to others that s all from me ,if there some mistakes ,please forgive us ,just take its positive side wasalamualaikum wr wb


pada suatu hari di kampung ada 2 anak nakal yang sedang asik merokok sambil mabuk ,dia tidak peduli dengan yang di sekitarnya

Aconk : oh ya mabuk terus lagi brow biar seger Bonak : Okey conk tambah terus sekaligus rokoknya biar mantap Aconk : oke brow

tiba tiba seorang ustadz dengan santri nya datang dari mesjid Santri dan ustadz : astagfirullahaladzim ustadz : setiap hari saya melihat kalian ,kalian hanya merokok, mabuk ,dan perbuatan maksiat lainnya !! mau jadi apa kalian ini? sholehudin: kalian hanya sampah bagi warga sini, ini kan waktunya shalat bukan berbuat maksiat bonax: eeh.... kamu ceramah aku ustadz dan santri yang tolol sholehudin: sudah ustadz kita kembali lagi ke masjid untuk membaca al-quran! waktu kita hanya terbuang untuk berbicara dengan sampah-sampah ini. bonax dan aconk: ke laut semua manusia homo.... hahaha aconk: lanjut.... bonax: oke lah kalau begitu senang-senang lagi brow... sesudah itu , di masjid santri-santri sedang membaca al-quran bersama ustadz jim ustadz: ayo anak-anak marilah kita berdoa dan di pimpin oleh sholehudin sholehudin: sebelum kita membaca al-quran marilah kita berdoa, berdoa mulai. selesai, salam.... ustadz: baca al-fatihah dan an-nas. setelah itu bersihkan masjid ini. santri-santri: iya... ustadz...!

setelah selesai membaca al-quran. ustadz: sholeh sini.! sholehudin: iya pak.! ustadz: setelah selesai membersihkan masjid, antar bapak pulang ke rumah ustadz..! sholehudin: iya pak..! setelah selesai membersihkan masjid, mereka pun pergi ke rumah ustadz. di perjalanan mereka bertemu dengan anak-anak nakal yang tadi. bonax: eeh.. santri dan ustadz jimjim aconk: hahaha... ustadz jimbo nax... sholehudin: eeeh ada anak maho... ustadz: sholeh jangan begitu sholehudin: maaf ustadz bonax: kenapa gak shalat udin aconk: lagi menstruasi kali... sholehudin: sudah,sudah,sudah orang hina ini mendingan kita tinggalin saja ustadz: semoga ke dua orang ini mendapat ganjaran yang seberat-beratnya dari maha kuasa. aconk: ngomong apa kamu tadi seperti gak di didik oleh orang tua kamu bonax: ayo kita cari vello. langsung minum-minum... aconk: ayo nax..... setelah ustadz dan sholehudin pergi, aconk dan bonax pun pergi ke vello(penjual sabu-sabu). setelah itu, bonax mengajak aconk membeli narkoba dan pergi ke bar untuk meminum minuman keras! vello pun membisikan kepada bonax bahwa ada barang baru yang sangat bagus. vello: ........... bonax: berapa? vello: biasa, 55000 bonax: ok, terima kasih.

vello: ok brow. aconk: bonax, sudah belum? bonax: sudah conk aconk: ayo kita ke bar, dugem brow... bonax: ayo mereka pun pergi ke bar untuk meminum minuman keras dan memakai narkoba. sesampainya di bar, bonax dan aconk di layani oleh wanita penggoda. bonax : aduh.. merinding aku. hehe aconk: sama. hehe vinie : mas layanin gak ,aku kesepian Bonak/aconk : oh ya aconk : Vodka tiga barbara : pakai es gak? aconk : pakai aja dua barbara : siap

mereka pun sangat pusing karena memakai narkoba sangat banyak ,setelah itu diperjalanan ,acong tibatiba jatuh tidak sadarkan diri ,bonak pun lari menemui ustadz yang ada di mesjid bonak : ustadz ustadz ,acong ustadz pingsan ustadz : dimana dia ? bonak : di perempatan sana ustadz : ayo kita kesana bonak : ayo ustadz : astagfirulah ambil air bonak : iya ustadz ustadz : cepat

bonak : ini pak airnya ustadz : sini (burrrr) bismillahirahmanirohim ,tobatlah kamu ,tidak ada kata terlambat buat tobat

acong pun sadar dan minta maaf kepada ustadz yang telah menyadarkannya ,aconk dan bonak pun bertobat ke jalan yang benar ,dia sekarang sangatlah baik dan sangat sopan kepada orang lain

sekian dari kami ,mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan meskipun banyak sisi negatif tapi jangan di tiru ,dan ambilah sisi positifnya

wasalamualaikum wr wb

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