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A. Cümleleri should veya shouldn’t ile tamamlayınız. B.

B. Soruları What time, Why, Where, How many, How often ile tamamlayınız.
1.We ……………………… stop deforestation and overkilling. 1. A:.……………………… birds are there on the tree? B: Two.
2.People ……………………… cut down the trees. 2.A:.……………………… do lions live? B: In forests.
3.We ……………………… protect the habitat. 3.A:.……………………… are they becoming endangered? B: Because people hunt them.
4.We ……………………… hunt animals. 4.A:.……………………… does she go swimming? B: Once a week.
5.I am thirsty. I ……………………… drink something. 5. A:.……………………… do you go to bed? B: at 10 pm.
6.We………………..use chemicals.
7.Animals…………………………live in their natural habitats.
C. Cow, Elephant, Dolphin, Giraffe, Bee
I have got four strong legs and two big ears. I have got ivory. What am I? …………………….
I have got four legs and a long neck. I am very tall. What am I? …………………….
I live on farms. I give milk. I am black and white. I like eating grass. What am I? …………...……
I am a kind of fish. I have got fin. I can swim. What am I? …………..…
I am an insect. I’m small. I can fly between flowers. I make honey. What am I? …………..…

D.Boşlukları listedeki doğru kelime ile doldurun.

Hunt - habitat - herbivores - healthy - documentaries - mammals - became extinct
1. Dinosaurs _______________________many years ago. 5. A ________________animal can live with people.
2. The ________________of pandas is the bamboo forests. 6. Some people _______________animals for their fur and skin.
3. _______________________eat only plants. 7. We should eat ___________________food.
4. I like watching ______________________about wild cats.

E.Verilen hayvan isimlerini doğru kategorilere yazınız. F.Boşlukları SHOULD veya SHOULDN’T ile doldurunuz.
cat - crocodile - lion -dog - tiger - tortoise - spider – butterfly 1. People ______________ protect the wild life
pets/domesticated reptiles wild animals insects 2. We ________________kill endangered animals.
3. You _______________ keep the forests clean.
4. We _______________turn off the electricity when we don’t use it.
5. We _______________overhunt animals for their furs.

G) Aşağıdaki ifadelere doğru ise ‘’TRUE’’, yanlış ise ‘’FALSE’’ yazınız.

1.Snakes are both reptiles and mammals. ________ 6.Elephants are herbivores. ________
2.Lions are both mammals and carnivores. ________ 7.Zebras are mammals but not herbivores. ________
3.Sharks are birds. ________ 8.Camels are both herbivores and mammals. ________
4.Giraffes are both herbivores and reptiles. ________ 9.Crocodiles eat meat, so they are herbivores. ________
5.Dolphins are mammals. ________ 10.Cheetahs are both carnivores and mammals. ________

H) Soruları cevaplarıyla eşleştiriniz.

1. How many legs has a zebra got? ____ A. It’s a mammal.
2. How fast can a cheetah run. ____ B. They can sometimes live more than 150 years.
3. How long can caretta carettas live? ____ C. It has got 4 legs.
4. Where do domestic animals live? ____ D. It can run 110 km / h.
5. What kind of animal is a panda? ____ E. They live on a farm, at home or in a pet shop.

J) true / false
Crocodiles are reptiles. They live in water.They have scales and a big mouth. It eats meat. They can weigh about 1200 kg and 5 m long. They lay 35
eggs. 1.It is a mammals. ____ 2.They live in water.___ 3.They have scales. 4.They eats vegetables.___ 5. They lay 2 eggs. ______

K)Boşluklara SHOULD veya SHOULDNʼT yazınız.

1.We ____________ feed birds. 8. We ____________________ kill wild animals.
2.We ____________ overhunt animals. 9.We ____________ donate and work for wildlife.
3.We ____________ provide shelter for animals. 10.We ________________ provide water.
4.We ____________ protect the animals. 11.You ___________________smoke.
5. I am hungry. I____________ eat something. 12.You ___________________stay up late.
6.We ____________ stop wearing fur. 13. You _________sleep about eight hours a day.
7.You _____________do regular exercise. 14.You _________________watch TV all the time.

L.Boşluklara hayvanları yazınız. (leopard- zebra- gorilla - lion – panda – spider – crocodile – hippopotamus – monkey - snake- ostrich - giraffe)
1. ______________is the king of the jungle with strong claws. 7. ______________is a wild cat with yellow and black spots.
2. ______________is a long poisonous reptile. 8. ______________can climb up trees easily. It is an omnivore.
3. ______________is bigger than the other monkeys in the forest. 9. ______________has got a long neck and it is very tall.
4. ______________has got black and white stripes. It is a herbivore. It eats only plants.
5. ______________has got green colour and sharp teeth. It eats meat. It is a carnivore.
6. ______________is a huge animal with a big mouth. It likes resting in water. 10. ______________is a big bird. It has got wings but it can’ t fly.

Kelimeleri doğru yere yazınız. endangered - domestic - carnivores - wild- reptiles - sea- mammals - desert - herbivores – forest
1.Tigers are …….………… animals. They aren’t domestic. 6.Leopard, bear and crocodiles are ………………………… . They like eating meat.
2.Lizards and crocodiles are ……………………… . 7.Elephants and giraffes are …………………..……….. They like eating plant and grass.
3.Dogs are …………..…………They give a birth. 8.Cows , sheep and chickens are ……….………………… animals. They live on a farm.
4.Camels live in ………………………. 9.Dolphins live in ……………………….
5.Monkeys live in ……….……………. 10.We should protect …………….………. animals.
Kutudaki hayvanları doğru kategorilere yerleştiriniz . ELEPHANT (__) - SNAKE (___) - JAGUAR (___) - PARROT (___)
(owl -ant -snake – dog – crocodile– lizard- fly- cat– tiger – 1.It is a wild animal.It’s a carnivore.It usually hunts during the day.It has whiskers.
lion – parrot – wolf – fish –bee – eagle)- 2.It has colourful feathers and two wings.It can talk and fly.
REPTILES DOMESTIC MAMMA BIRD INSECT 3.It is a dangerous and wild animal.It is a reptile. It usually lives on land.It has a
L long tongue.
4.It is a big animal.It has a long trunk.It generally lives in Africa

desert / habitat / trunk / wings/ mammal

1-Birds have got two _______________.
2- An elephant has a long ..................
3- Camels live in………………
endangered - domestic - carnivores - wild - sea - desert 4- Asia Forests are Pandas’ _____________.
1.Elephants are ………………………. animals. They aren’t domestic. 5- Cow is a ________________ animal.
2.Lions, wolves and cheetah are …………………………… . They like eating other animals.
3.Cows , sheep and chickens are …………….. animals. They live on a farm. JAGUAR (__) - HORSE (__), CROCODILE (__) – DOG (__) – GIRAFFE (__)
4.Camels live in …………………. . A-I am a wild animal.I can run fast .I have spot.I live in jungle ……..
5.Sharks live in …………………. B-I am a pet .I like eating bones .I don't like cats………..
6.We should protect ………… ….animals. C-I am a reptile .I am green.I have scale .I live in in the water ……….
D-I am a farm animal .I have mane .I can run fast………….
Giraffe - savannah – heavy – wings - elephant - camel - big - jungle E-I am a wild animal .I am tall.I like eating leaves…………..
desert – forest small - trunk - feather – shark – fast - mane


Farklı olanı bulunuz. tiger fish dog elephant giraffe monkey lion parrot tortoise
1. a) cat b)sheep c) lion d) dog a. What animal is the king of all animals?..............................
2. a) fox b) cow c) tiger d) bear b. What animal has the longest neck?.........................................
3. a)eagle b)giraffe c)owl d)parrot c. What animal is the biggest on the land?....................................
4. a) snake b) crocodile c) tortoise d) zebra d. What animal loves banana?..........................................
5. a)shark b)whale c)dolphine d) wolf e. What animal imitates human voice?........................................
f. What animal is very slow?.......................................
E)Boşlukları uygun kelimelerle doldurunuz. g. What animal is people’s friend?.....................................
1. Can you ……………………………. like a rabbit? h. What animal has yellow eyes and striped fur?............................
2. Can you ……………………………like a frog ? i. What animal has fins?.........................................
3. Can you…………………………….. like a monkey?
4. Can you ………………………………. like a fish? Soruları cevaplarıyla eşleştiriniz
5. Can you ………………………………like a dog? 1. How many legs has a zebra got? …. A. It’s a mammal
6. Can you………………………………. like a bird? 2. How fast can a cheetah run. …. B. They can sometimes live more than 150 years
3. How long can caretta carettas live? …. C. It has got 4 legs.
4. Where do domestic animals live? …. D. It can run 110 km / h
5. What kind of animal is a panda? …. E. They live on a farm, at home or in a pet shop.
Aşağıdaki cümleler için doğru şıkkı işaretleyiniz.
1) Tigers are ....................animals. A)wild B)deforestation C)domesticated D) herbivores
2) Herbivores eat ........................... A)meat B)insects C)fish D)plants
3) Camels live in ........................... A)deserts B) in the sea C)in the rivers D) on trees
4) Elephants have got ..................... A)beak B)claws C)wings D) tusks
5)Pandas are .......................animals. A) small B) sea C) domestic D) endangered
6) Lions.............................. claws. A)have got B)has got C)is D)does

Koalas are very lazy. They live in bamboo forests in Asia. They are small animals. A koala is 50-70 cm and weighs 30-50 kilos. They have got small ears
and a nose. They eat bamboo leaves. They are endagered because people cut down bamboo forests.
1-Where do koalas live? 3-Are koalas carnivore?
2-Why are they endangered? 4-How much does a koala weigh?

1. How much does an elephant weigh? __ a. Desert
2. What do tigers eat? __ b. we should protect their habitat.
3. What is camel ‘s habitat? __ c. 2000 kg.
4. How often do tigers reproduce? __ d. every year.
5. What should we do to protect wildlife? __ e. zebras, rabbits and other animals

Hayvanların isimlerini doğru yere yazınız. SNAKE – CAMEL – OSTRICH – KANGAROO – LEOPARD
1- A/AN ………………………. is a big bird. It has got wings but it can’t fly.
2- A/AN ……………………... is a long poisonous reptile.
3- A/AN ………………………. is a mammal with powerful legs. It always jumps around.
4- A/AN ………………………… is a wild cat with yellow and black spots.
5- A/AN ……………………… is a large desert animal with a humped back and yellowish-brown colour.

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