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Unit 1 LEQ #4: Humanist Ideals Question: Analyze how humanist ideals affected TWO of the following areas in Italian Renaissance: art, education, gender, politics 1, Introduction: Contextualization: During the time period of 1375-1527, the Italian Renaissance came to flourish, and along with it, the concept of humanism. The new concept of humanism stressed individualism and secular values. amongst the few affected by the revolutionary era, presenting a completely different objective on life from the ideals in the previously downcast Middle Ages. Thesis: People from all different levels of society, ranging from artists and scholars to politicians and nobles, took inspiration from these new ideals and applied them to their work in art, education, politics, and even in gender roles. Amongst all of the different factions of life and society affected by the humanist ideals created during the Italian Renaissance, humanist ideals had a significant impact on the workings of politics as well as the concept of gender roles in society. Argument: Though humanist ideals would only come to affect a small minority of the Italian populace, the changes created in politics and gender roles became of great significance in history. 2. Body: Humanist Ideals and Politics a. Topic Sentence: Humanist ideals helped shaped politics in an unprecedented manner, helping separate the identity of a state from the Church and developing opinions on how to rule over the populace. i. Evidence: Medicis and their trading success through the 14th and 15th century. They spread their influence all over. Analysis: Reflected the new found humanist ideals secularism in that wealth and creating opportunities for oneself were not wrong. Political power did not necessarily come from status ii, Evidence: Niccolo Machiavelli, a humanist who lived during the 15-16th centuries, wrote The Prince, which presented a new manner of ruling with fear instead of love; Analysis: Machiavelli's work revealed the inner workings of society and the use as well of limits of power for the good of the common people. His ideals would later be the basis for the reigns of Elizabeth I of England and many others, even today 3. Body: Humanist Ideals and Gender a. ‘Topic Sentence: Though limited in scope, humanist ideals provided Italian societies a new perspective that women could be equal in power, but at the same time, setting a precedent of how women were expected to act. i. Evidence: Isabella d’Este, an educated ruling woman in the late 1400s and early 1500s who ruled over Mantua in her husband’s stead. She opposed her husband’s orders to send their son as a substitute to save him; Analysis: Not only did she embody other humanist ideals, such as being educated and well-rounded, but she demonstrated that women could be equally powerful and worthy of being rulers, as well as civie humanism and patronage of the arts. ii, Evidence: Castiglione and Book of the Courtier also addresses women, on how to be the perfect court lady- to be attractive, well educated, having artistic ability; Analysis: Though well-educated, most women were to be just an attractive “ornament” for their husbands. Their role was still limited to childbirth and taking care of the household. It shows the small range in which humanism was spread, but also continuity 4. Conclusion and Synthesis a. Conclusion: The humanist ideals developed in the Italian Renaissance helped introduce new ideas to the area of politics and the social classes of gender. Synthesis: Ultimately, these humanist ideals were not widely spread and did not affect all people, as the majority of Italy was not aware that a Renaissance era was existed. In contrast, in the Enlightenment of the 17th century, humanism was widely spread amongst the people and affected several facets of European society.

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