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Kv sector-24, noida
Xii computer science
Practical list
****Subject teacher: Rachna katiyar pgt(CS) ****
S. Page
Date No. Signature
No. Aim/Practical
1. Write a menu driven program in python to display
Fibonacci series of a given no and print factorial of a
given no.
2. Write a menu driven code in python to check whether
string entered by user is palindrome or not and
number entered by user is prime or not
3. Program to search any word in given string/sentence
4. Program to read the content of file and display the
total number of consonants, uppercase, vowels and
lower case characters‟
5. Program to read and display file content line by line
with each word separated by „#‟
Program to read the content of file line by line and
6. write it to another file except for the lines contains „a‟
letter in it.
Consider a dictionary with keys as course name and
7. fee as value. Write a program to push course name in
stack where fee is more than 10000. Pop and display
contents of stack on the screen.
Program to create binary file to store Rollno and
8. Name, Search
any Rollno and display name if Rollno found otherwise
“Rollno not found”
Program to create binary file to store Rollno,Name and
9. Marks
and update marks of entered Rollno
10. Program to create CSV file and store
empno,name,salary and
search any empno and display name,salary and if not
found appropriate
11. Program to generate random number 1-6,
simulating a dice
12. Program to implement Stack in Python using list

13. Program to take 10 sample phishing email, and

find the most common word occurring
14. Program to connect with database and store
record of employee and display records.
15. Program to connect with database and search
employee number in table employee and display
record, if empno not found display appropriate
16. Program to connect with database and update the
employee record of entered empno.

17. Program to connect with database and delete the

record of entered employee number
Write a program of database connectivity of
18. Python with MySQL. Program

will store the data entered by the user in a table

named as 'library'.library table has following
attributes bookid,title,author,price
Write a database connectivity program python
19. with MySQL to update the

records in a table ‘Library’

20. .

Software used: IDLE (Python 3.8)

Hardware used: Computer system.

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