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Author: Concolor1

Editor: FinalAlert2 Yuri's Revenge

Created:14th JAN, 2022


To play these missions:Yuri's Revenge mission disc is required.(Unless you have the
full game installed on your system.)
Extract the contents of the zip file into your Red Alert2 Directory.

Launch the game,select new campaign for Yuri.

The game will then launch.
All missions have difficulty levels. Easy mode the objectives are fairly simple to
complete, Hard modes have increased patrols,attacks,defences ect.

Two part campaign.

Part One 1 - 6
This campaign follows on from Yuri's defeat when the Soviets win in the original
Red Alert2 release, when the last we see of Yuri is his brain in a jar.
Hint:Each map has a hidden Nuke crate. These can be found mostly by destroying all
of a particular item, ie all the Excavators on a map ect

Plot: This campaign leads on from the original Red Alert 2 Soviet campaign.
The last we see of Yuri is his destruction at the hands of the Soviet forces.(Red
Revolution). His body presumed buried beneath the smoking ruins of the Kremlin.
Although his body was recovered, a mystery still surrounds wheather this was the
true prime or a clone.
Indeed a cut away scene at the end of the Soviet campaign shows that somehow the
brain of Yuri survived, perhapes spirited away by his devoted followers?
One thing is certain, as the Soviets celebrate their victory over the Allies and
the world is forced to embrace Soviet rule,the all knowing Yuri is all but
forgotten, and his followers are written out of history.

Initiation Test - Mission One, Yuri Resurgence.


Location: Siberia - Unknown

Info: Following the Soviet victory and defeat of Yuri,(Red Alert2 Soviet End
scene), his surviving forces were dismantled and dispersed. His followers left
leaderless, Compelled to follow a path of isolation and ridicule.
Rumours soon circulated that the great leader Yuri had somehow cheated death, his
brain survived and had been spirited away by his most devout followers.
We have decided to follow up on these rumours in the hope that in recovering Yuri's
brain it can then be reunited with a cloned body.
As ever, there are great obstacles ahead in order to achieve this goal, the first
being a lack of resources and followers of the faith.
We know that few Yuri MCV's survived, their location a Soviet state secret. However
this information can be accessed from a remote Siberian communications center.
It is your mission to infiltrate this communications center with an Engineer, steal
the information pertaining to the location of one of these surviving MCV's and then
escape via the sea.
Your force of committed initiates is small, but this increases your chance of
success. You must complete your mission for Yuri!

Objective 1:Capture or Destroy the three Radar Towers in the base.

Objective 2:Capture the Communications Center with an Engineer.

Objective 3:Escape with the Engineer holding the stolen information.

Hints and Tips: The more you destroy, the more patrols will come looking for you.
Destroy or disable the three Radar Towers first before entering the Communications
Hunt beneath destroyed structures for hidden crates.


Name: Nautical Nightmare

Size: 80 x 126
Players: 1
Theatre: Snow

Nautical Nightmare - Mission Two, Yuri Resurgence.


Location: Lake Chany - Russia

Info: Disciples of Yuri, welcome to Lake Chany, a large body of shallow waters and
islands. We will need to cross this lake in our push towards the boarder with
Once we had a base on one of the islands, it's now no more than a burnt out shell.
Many of the small islands have been occupied by the Soviet forces.
We require you to locate the ruined Yuri base and take control. From here you will
stage a small maritime invasion of each of these islands. Land on the islands,
overwhelm the occupying forces and take control. Once the Soviet presence here has
been eradicated it will be safe to move on. We now have the location of a surviving
Yuri MCV and time is of the essence to reach it.
The waters here are no deeper than 23 feet we do not expect the Soviets to use
their Submarines, however there have been tales of ships being lost in these
waters, so beware.
You cannot afford to loose the ability to construct Amphibious Transports, should
you loose a Naval Yard, you will fail, despite there being transports available. We
need those Naval Yards.
Go forward acolytes, and crush all who stand in our way. This can be a test of your
resolve and loyaltity to the plan.

Objective 1:Locate and take control of the damaged Yuri base.

Objective 2:Destroy the Soviet forces in the area.

Hints and Tips: Protect your Naval Yard against the Soviet fleet.
Beware there may be Giant Squids in the waters.
Once you have occupied the second island, the Soviets will begin sending Kirovs out
to hunt you.


Name: Broken Bridges

Size: 166 x 90
Players: 1
Theatre: Temperate

Broken Bridges - Mission Three, Yuri Resurgence.


Location: Alatau Mountains - Kazakhstan

Info: Finally we have left the biting cold of Russia for a more bracing climate.
The Alatau Mountain range in Kazakhstan. Whilst this mountainous region may be only
a few degrees warmer, the landscape is far more verdant.
It is here we plan to cross the patrolled mountains, and curve back through into
Mongolia. Our objective lies beyond in the Gobi desert.
First we must cross this range, and deal with its Soviet Garrisons.
However all hope is not lost. For within these mountains lies another abandoned
relic of our past. There is a guarded base belonging to Yuri, it just awaits
reactivation. Once control is taken from the Soviet forces guarding it, then the
base can be ours.
Take this base, and use it against the Soviets in the mountains. There is a small
airport on a mountain platau, capture this also to aid our coming battle.
Do not loose the base, and do not loose that airport.
Victory is close.

Objective 1:Take control of the Yuri base in the mountains.

Objective 2:Destroy the Soviet bases in the area.

Objective 3:Capture the airport.


Name: Recovery
Size: 100 x 100
Players: 1
Theatre: Desert

Recovery - Mission Four, Yuri Resurgence.


Location: The Gobi Desert - Mongolia

Info: At last, our goal is in sight. We have arrived on the very edge of the Gobi
Desert, known as the valley of the lakes, a semi-arid desert steppe.
It is here our journey has led us to the location of a surviving Yuri Construction
Vehicle. Here it has lain dormant, buried beneath the shifting sands, awaiting
It is within our grasp, but for one obsticle.
Somehow, the Allies have returned, we suspect that they have utilized Professor
Einstein's Time Displacement Device. They have established a forward base and are
in the process of excavating and recovering the very prize which we ourselves seek.
This must not happen, we need that construction vehicle and you must throw
everything you have at the allies to get it!
Destroy the allies, you must recover the construction vehicle and establish a base,
then sweep forward and rid the desert of the allies let nothing stop you! - For the
restoration of the faith!

Objective 1:Recover the Yuri MCV.

Objective 2:Destroy the Allies base in the area.

Objective 3:Do not allow your MCV to be destroyed.


Name: Mountain Pass

Size: 140 x 60
Players: 1
Theatre: Snow

Mountain Pass - Mission Five, Yuri Resurgence.


Location: The Himalaya's - Tibet

Info: Our ongoing mission now brings us one stage closer to our goal. We now have
an MCV and our plans are about to be realised. Our forces have left Mongolia and
crossed back through China. They are now at the edge of the Himalaya mountain
Our objective is to cross these mountains using a pass partially constructed by the
Allies. There is a time factor involved in our mission, and we must cross these
mountains with haste.
Once our forces have crossed this pass we shall head on into Tibet, where our
ultimate objective awaits us.
The MCV has been repacked, refulled and is ready to cross the Himalayan mountain
pass. The Allies have bases in this region, and will attempt to stop us. Smash
through their defences and ensure our MCV gets to its destination. Our mission
nears its conclusion, let nothing stop you! - Yuri awaits!

Objective 1:Capture the Allied Barracks.

Objective 2:Repair the damaged bridge.

Objective 3:Escort your MCV successfully through the Mountain Pass.

Hints and Tips:Your Master Mind Vehicle is vital up to the stage of capturing the
The Barracks will produce engineers and Gi's while under allied control. So there
are plenty of engineers to mind control.
There is a solution for this mission, which if your stuck can be published.
The Mission Timer can be extended, if your lucky enough to figure out how.


Name: Mindless Faith

Size: 100 x 120
Players: 1
Theatre: New Urban

Mindless Faith - Mission Six, Yuri Resurgence.

Location: The Commune of the Mind - Tibet

Info: Finally we have reached our destination. Behind us the daunting peaks of the
Himalayan mountains, before us a plain of grasslands. This is the chosen site of
the Commune of the Mind. A secret order of Yuri's fallen followers. It is here that
the last of his acolytes sprited away and hid. Taking with them the brain of Yuri,
following his defeat by the Soviets.
Yes - Yuri, our master cheated death, but he himself has been cheated by his very
devotees. For Yuri's mind has been locked away in darkness, buried in a crypt deep
in an inner sanctum.
Over the years these followers have worshipped the brain of Yuri, but their faith
is corrupted, dilluted and is stagnent. These followers have no plans, no desires
other than to keep Yuri's great mind to themselves. They are misguided and their
sole purpose is to keep Yuri's brain locked away in the darkness.
This is not the way forwards, this is not our intent. This is the final obsticale
in the resurrection of our Master. We now have an MCV, the willpower and the
numbers required to achieve our goal.
Commander you are going to smash into the very heart of this commune and take back
the brain of our Master Yuri. You will will then make use of the sanctums Cloning
machine ensuring the brain is placed within a cloned body. Then our ambitions will
be realised.
This is a huge battle ahead, casualties will be many. We will fight to the last,
let nothing stand in your way, free the Yuri Prime, free the master!

Objective 1:Destroy the Command Center.

Objective 2:Enter the Crypt, to secure Yuri's brain.

Objective 3:Capture the Sanctum Cloning Vat.

Objective 4:Do not allow your Construction Yard to be destroyed.

Tips:This one is a hard one, Psychic against Psychic. Your best bet is to recruit
an engineer and capture your first oil derrick. Then a second and so on, until you
can construct a slave miner. Then concentrate on your defence, until you have
sufficent numbers to begin an assault.

Ok so there u have it,

A RA2md.CFS file has been added. This will overwrite any other RA2mdCSF.file which
you may of installed in your
RA2 Folder from previous downloaded missions.The file contains texts which been
altered in order to fit with all of the the maps in this campaign!

Credits: McPwny,EggRollz and Mig Eater.

McPwny who managed to advise and playtest a few of these despite being busy
himself. Providing useful input, and a few hacks that are not widely used or known
about. All which enhance the game. Can't thank you enough! He also made the Yuri
new campaign icon ingame.
EggRollz, who playtested all of these for me, found some exploits and gave me some
great ideas. He did a great job, and stresses just how vital a playtester is for
any project, as someone will always have a unique way of gameplay. Go check his
youtube channel out C&C Gameplays.
Mig Eater, without who this campaign would not of been possible in its connected
form. He supplied the files and information neccessary that allowed me to connect
each of the Yuri Missions together.

When I first mentioned the concept of 12 missions for Yuri, it must of seemed
easily dismissable, so I kept it pretty much to myself. Its taken five months of
non stop fiddling,testing,scripting,testing,re-building and did I mention testing?
However the community now has 13-(What?) brand new missions for the Yuri House to
play in this campaign. I hope those that try the missions get a great deal of fun
out of them, were very lucky Westwood made a game that still endures 20years on and
still have a community that knows their stuff.

Missions available.....1> Signed & Sealed. (Allied RA2)

2> Temporal Exposure. (Allied RA2)
3> Soviet Stranglehold. (Allied RA2)
4> Prisoner of Conscience.(Yuri YR)
5> The Wolves of Winter. (Soviet RA2)
6> Fierce Intent. (Allied RA2)
7> Shock Tactics. (Soviet RA2)
8> Dominance in Mind. (Yuri YR)
9> Weathering the Storm. (Soviet RA2)
10> In Cold Storage. (Allied RA2)
11> Identity Crisis. (Yuri YR)
12> Terminal Lunacy. (Soviet YR)
13> Under Pressure. (Allied RA2)
14> Robot Revolution. (Allied YR)
15> Nuclear Winter. (Soviet YR)
16> Last Post. (Soviet RA2)
17> Day of the Desolators. (Allied RA2)
18> Engineered to Kill. (Allied YR)
19> Jungle Fortress. (Allied YR)
20> Company of Wolves. (Soviet RA2)
21> End of an Era, pt1 & pt2.(Yuri YR)
22> Moon Madness.(TX Expansion)
23> Siege.(TX Expansion) (Allied YR)
24> Wipe Out! (Allied RA2)
25> Foothold. (Soviet RA2)
26> Viral Agent. (Yuri YR)
27> Finnishing Moves. (Allied RA2)
28> Driven up the Wall. (Soviet YR)
29> Wolves at the Door. (Soviet RA2)
30> Tanya's Tomb-Raiding Trek.(Allied YR)
31> Fire and Ice. (Allied YR)
32> Celestial Intervention.(Allied YR TX)
33> Yuri Resurgence Campaign. (Yuri YR)

Downloads available at

*Included files:
[Readme file].txt (this file)
[RA2umd.csf],(text game file)

This Red Alert 2 Campaign '[Yuri Resurgence]' is � 2022 by [Concolor1].
You MAY NOT include this map as part of any sort of commercial or promotional
product without my permission.
You MAY Not distribute this map on websites or in mappacks without my permission.
If offered from a WWW or FTP site or similar, this .txt file (unaltered) must be
Please do not use this map as a base for other maps.
Please seek permission before uploading onto a site.
copyright � 2022

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