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How to Avoid
The Top 10
Offers Into
Cash Mistakes

Marlon here.

Let’s talk about how to avoid the biggest mistakes in turning offers into
This is our overall method. I call it the Expansion Formula.

I wrote another newsletter on that process.

You see the step above called INTRO.

That’s what we’re creating with the Offers Into Cash system.

An entry type product.

You analyze the market to find unmet or overserved needs.

You do a 12-product survey (optional advanced method).

You create a freebie.

Then you offer people a front-door type entry-level product.

This might be an introductory product or service.

This is an easy, comfortable entry point.

It might be an inexpensive seminar.

A personal trainer offers a 21-day slim down.

Or a 10-day “lose a dress size.”

It might be a little $20 5-day seminar for a consultant.

This is a low cost paid service or product.

In the Offers Into Cash system, which focuses on info or digital products,

After they buy it (and sometimes upsells with it), you then move them to
the next step.

What’s the next step?

They buy the intro service or offer.

What will you offer them next?

How will you offer it?

Will it be a free webinar or training?

A free challenge?

A free seminar or workshop as a follow up?

I learned something else from Russell.

You ALWAYS embed your NEXT offer in your EXISTING product or


And after that, to different levels of offers that can increase in value and
price. You can do that infinitely.

Now, I want to discuss the 10 mistakes people make in creating that ENTRY

1. Never acting because you don’t feel like you’ve found the
“right idea.”

This is a biggie. So I’m starting off with it.

Here’s what I want you to understand.

When you MOVE, then it’s easy to change your path from there.

If you crank the steering wheel of a car sitting still, it’s hard to turn.

But when the car is moving, you can turn the wheel with 1 finger.
So it’s EASY to change directions once you’re in motion.

Yes, you follow the things I teach about finding a “magic pill” and a good

But the most important thing is just to get started.

There’s a learning curve to doing videos, creating a little member’s area,

getting graphics done, and sending emails.

Once you mentally overcome the hurdle of doing those things, it’ll then be
easier to jump on the right idea when it appears to you.

2. Creating a sales page without comparison

You aren’t likely the first person to create a sales page on your topic.

There’s probably already one or more people who have already done it. And
are selling gangbusters.

So don’t reinvent the wheel.

Compare your letter to theirs.

You want to use the same selling points they do. You copy the IDEAS, not
the WORDS or articulation of the ideas.

So learn from what others are doing.

I see people complain their letter isn’t selling. Or their page. And you look
at it and it’s OBVIOUS they spent 0 time studying sales pages that convert.

If you don’t have any on your topic to model, then just study pages that
ARE doing well.

For example, go to

Look at the people running lots of ads. And with ads running a long time.
You generally know these people are making money.

So study their sales process.

This is the truth:

You can just LOOK visually at sales pages that do great and compare them
to pages that don’t.

And the difference is night and day.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

You can see products with high “gravity” on Clickbank.

Here’s the page:

It looks pro:
A lot of people don’t know it.

But if you go to and type in spokesperson or presenter, you can

find professional video people who will shoot a video for you at an
affordable rate.

Now, your sales page does NOT have to be fancy.

But the sales copy does need to be good as I teach.

For example, the page at is bare

bones on graphics.

But it SELLS.

That template works.

On, you can go to offers > affiliates and see the sales pages
with 1,000+ sales vs. the ones with 0 to 10 sales and compare.
All you do is compare the sales pages and you’ll learn quickly what works
and what doesn’t.

Sometimes the 1,000+ sales pages are fancy.

But sometimes they’re just ok.

It’s the copy and “magic pill” offer that matters the most.

If you go to or you can find designers there who will
lay out your sales page for you.

But MOST page design programs today have TEMPLATES built right in
that look pretty darned good.

All you need to do is add text and replace pictures.

This is what I recommend you do at first. Don’t hire a designer unless
they’re inexpensive ($250 or less).

Just use a page template.

Look at my sales page here:

You’ll see that it’s mostly text:

3. Sales pages that are too short

The biggest mistake I see beginners make is not following a proven

template like this one I’ve already mentioned:

Instead, they get worried about keeping it short so people will read it.
People who don’t know much about copywriting will tell you to keep it

But if you LOOK at the sales pages ACTUALLY SELLING on Clickbank,

Warriorplus and elsewhere, you’ll see they aren’t short.

Now sometimes you see a short page.

But it has a sales video.

And the video isn’t short. lol.

It’s all the same thing. You can’t build value for a product in 3 paragraphs.
You need to talk about problems, talk about your solution and why it works.
And present the offer.

4. Having a product that makes no sense

I saw someone wanting to sell coaching to people with acne.

Presumably the coaching would be $2,000.

Let’s be real.

If someone has THAT bad of an acne problem, they’re going to a doctor.

You need to look around and see if ANYONE ELSE is successfully selling
something similar to what you want to sell.

If they aren’t, there’s probably a reason.

As in people tried and it didn’t work.

It’s GOOD to see competition.

To see others selling the product successfully.

It means there’s a market for it.

And competitors are often your joint venture partners as they have lists of

5. Failing to find an unmet need or 50%+ improvement

So I JUST told you to find others selling the same thing.

What gives?

See, you want to see others selling a similar WIDGET. But you want to find
an unmet need within that category.

For example, chocolate candy bars with high protein.

Others sell the product successfully.

OK great! That’s a good thing.

But now you want YOUR chocolate candy bar to meet an UNMET NEED.

For example, a SMOOTH chocolate bar with high protein and LOW

Most of those bars have the texture of sandpaper. And HIGH sugar.

That’s just an example.

In the ideal world, your product SAVES people 50% or makes something
50% easier or faster.

The protein bar isn’t a good example for this.

But let’s say you could save people 50% in bulk. BOOM! That would be
powerful if you could still make a profit.

Or maybe it’s 50% faster to eat because it goes down smooth. And you don’t
have to chew forever like those “cardboard” bars that are like eating

This is FAR EASIER it terms of info products.

Find needs the other products don’t meet.

Or make the process 50% faster or easier.

For example: “How to find 50% more profitable Facebook ads in HALF the

I won’t go in depth into teaching this here. But you get the idea.

I see people trying to sell a product WITH NO UNIQUE BENEFIT OR


There’s basically NO REASON to buy their product vs. another.

Or the difference is so small or inconsequential, no one cares.


That’s where the 50% comes from.

Normally, a little 15% difference doesn’t work except on a commodity like

car insurance.

Example: When I originally produced Push Button Letters, it make

writing sales letters probably 500% faster.

You filled in the blanks.

Clicked a button.

And you got a sales letter.

I was the FIRST to create and sell this product. There are dozens of them

Another product I had was “how to create your own product in 2 hours.”

This was sold back when that claim was a BIG DEAL!

That was a HUGE speed increase. Far greater than 50%.

People want it a LOT BIGGER, a LOT FASTER, a LOT EASIER.

I call this the MAGIC PILL.

What’s hilarious is sometimes you see products advertised as faster or


And they’re COMPLICATED!

My goodness.

6. Over-analyzing and over-complicating the product

People spend FOREVER trying to analyze ideas. And they come up with
COMPLICATED ideas for products and sales processes.

The thing is, SIMPLE is actionable.

The more complex something is, the more chances there are for it to NOT

And you won’t even know WHY because the thing is so darned complicated.

Listen, later on after you’ve done 50 products, you can do stuff fancier and
more complex.

But when you’re getting your feet wet, just keep it simple.

Just RESIST debating your product forever.

Just get it going.

I don’t care if it doesn’t sell or it’s the wrong product.

People OBSESS over their first product. And go in the depths of despair if it
doesn’t sell.

And they fell like a failure.


It’s like getting all depressed because you can’t throw a football 50 yards the
first try or dunk a basketball.

Or you don’t win your first game of poker.

Or you can’t swim in the deep end your first try.

7. Expecting to write a hot-selling sales page your first try

You know, you won’t be good at it your first try.

Just keep at it.

You’ll get better if you keep learning.

I promise you will.

If you make ANY SALES, celebrate!

Now, if you follow my methods and templates, I fully believe you’ll reach
success faster than others.

8. Expecting to build a million dollar business in short order

when you’re just starting out

It happens.

It sure does.

But typically, it’s a stair step process.

I know that’s tough in a “we want it all now” environment.

Take it one step at a time!

9. Listening to criticism of friends or family who have no clue

about running your own business. Or about online business

Holy cowl.

Some people have horribly negative friends who apparently think

everything is a scam other than their crappy job that will fire them they
reach retirement.

I’m serious.

It amazes me.

Get some positive friends to support you.

And don’t even tell negative friends what you’re doing. They’ll just never get

10. Stopping after 1 bat at the plate

You get up to bat.

You swing the bat 3 times.

You strike out.

So you think you suck at baseball.

Never to set foot at the diamond again.

Just keep increasing your skills and knowledge.

You CAN get there one step at a time.

Read the book the SLIGH EDGE.

Just a tremendous book:


AFTER someone buys the entry level product, you CONNECT THEM to the
NEXT STEP. You LINK them to the next step.
And after that, your levels.

I’ll return to the diagram to illustrate that movement:

That’s the big picture of where you go AFTER the entry level product.

Best wishes,



The Fail Safe System (intermediate to advanced)

This zeroes in only on the Info Product Business. On Zoo and W+ you can
buy a lot of beginner courses and possibly a few “intermediate” info product
marketing courses or training. But you won’t find advanced training.
There really is almost no advanced training on the Info Product Business
other than the Fail Safe System. It’s advanced information, although not as
sweeping and comprehensive as the Amazing Formula Full-Blown Course
above. The price reflects that but is considerably more than you’d pay for an
introductory or intermediate course on info products. Click here to see it.

How to Create High Profit Info Products

This is my info product creation training for BEGINNERS.

There’s not a lot of “new” methods in it like my intermediate and advanced
courses above. But it’s 100+ pages of solid, step-by-step information, albeit
not with the numbered steps and screen caps in Product Dashboard.
Recommended for newbies and beginners. See it here.

Take The Lid Off Your Income

Just a fantastic, in-depth 4-module course I put a lot of time, care and
attention into creating for you. If you’re ready to create yourown products
and get traffic, THIS is what you need to get. See it here.

The Long Lost Viral Marketing Ebook Treasure of Jimmy D.


This is best and most definitive ebook ever written on the topic. It’s a long
lost treasure now made available with special permission from Jimmy D.
Click here to see this bad boy. Highly recommended.

Feel Overwhelmed?

Buyers love this product. It’s fresh, new insights into how to overcome
overwhelm and get focused and productive. There is no other course like
this. If you feel overwhelmed, click here for the solution
If you feel overwhelmed, click here for the solution
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

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