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2 ‘THY MEXICAN HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1906. NO KNiGHTHO00 08 [COOK RECORDS REACH | PENSION FOR POET) DENMARK UNDER GUARD ‘wansos cans exes news Se Ine onasUmens waving REMAN OF WIFE OF | UHABLE. TO LEAVE CHAIR ‘AMBASSADOR INTERRED) TROUBLE WITH DRIVES 2° COFFEE Percolators. In cooper or eed frome BEATS the cofee eur mater mode. Elninteathcefn, “Lowney's” Delicious GOLDEN OAK ROCKERS WITH SADDLE SEATS. Entirely New Schemes in Rockers, Price $1425. COMPARIA FERRETERA MEXICANA, S. A. ‘SUCCESSORS 10 ROBERTO BOKER ¥ CIA P.O. Box 148,” Aeerida 16 de Spon Bah Phonce 780. MEXICO, D.F. Chocolates. es, sgt SANBORNS ssi Preserigion Lora aming-Bovnan” |} 2434p Ines. 3ft88 laches 2 tebe ne ie de ae fel RETIRE FROM WESTERN UNION YOUR FUEL ACCOUNT REDUCED BY USING eanes Creek” and “Fairmont” Coals ANALYSES FURNISHED ‘ON APPLICATION, cis, COMERCIAL, PANAPIERIGANA, HBornemann, Se a Sle Ag Tor GERBER-CARLISLE ( CO, INC., FOR GOOD ip 0 Hee Be James Munro & Son, Ltd, Diss fom the fisest Scotch Male Bay nly. Paryors to th Hose amine ee i Seton, “ang and. Short” iyaged Gl Giese Us ROSENBLUETH, FURNITURE LA ALMONEDA Dé ariture Bargains, FaraitureBought and Sout ‘Arey Prine Hours tes 28 [Manuel Niet Now Basing TABLE WINES THE BODEGAS UNIVERSALES. Especially adapted to the clinat ‘of Mexico and SUITABLE FOR al, ROOMS OR-ON PORCHES AT aU ways to be relied upon for WEAR, CLEAN. LINESS AND ATTRACTIVENESS Ne LEITH amy of Lords “Tot Mex 2

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