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Frank McCourt & Marla Runyan Timeline of their life

As obstacles they faced in their life, McCourt had poverty, loss sibling and lack of education. In the other
hand Marla had blindness and problems with schoolwork and reading. And as person who gave them
the hope, McCourt has his parents, classmate Micky Molloy and his students. But Marla she believed
and inspired herself beside her mother as well. They had defeated their obstacle, as McCourt overcame
his obstacle by his sense of humor, love of reading and hard working. Marla did it in other way, she was
pride of herself she didn’t expect any sympathy or special treatment from anyone. As God took
something from them, he graced them with talents that made themselves different than others,
McCourt had given a talent in teaching and writing. And Marla got talent in teaching, writing and
becoming an athlete.

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