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Running Head: Misdiagnosis and Misuse of Medication in ADHD

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Misdiagnosis and Misuse of Medication in ADHD
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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder refers to a childhood condition which can persist

into adulthood usually characterized by attention difficulty, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

ADHD is commonly misdiagnosed because many of its symptoms overlap with those of other

conditions. The clinical features of ADHD include difficulty in concentrating, restlessness and

finding it hard to respond to instructions. Due to the complex pathophysiology of the conditions

misdiagnosis is usually common in many health set ups. Some of the factors and conditions that

can lead to the misdiagnosis of ADHD include: Age related factor where by children who start

school ata younger age are at a higher risk of misdiagnosis of ADHD, Sex of a child whereby

boys often receives a diagnosis of ADHD more than girls because girls tend to display more

symptoms of inattention than boys who may instead show symptoms of hyperactivity which are

more noticeable.

In addition, mood disorder can be misdiagnosed in form of ADHD since the condition

presents with same symptoms such as difficulty in concentrating, irritability, difficulty sleeping,

ideologically mood disorder occurs due to imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Autism spectrum

disorder also called autism can have some symptoms that may present similar to ADHD

fidgeting and always being on the move, struggling in social interactions, and becoming upset

due to frustrations. Anxiety disorders which cause people to feel constantly anxious, have panic

attacks, or experience phobias presents with symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, feeling

irritable, restlessness and struggling social skills due to social anxiety which ADHD also presents

with the same clinical features. Insomnia also causes symptoms similar to ADHD which include

restlessness, day time sleepiness and decrease in performance at school or work which can be

misdiagnosed to be ADHD. Auditory Processing Disorder is a central Nervous system condition

which makes it difficult for people to understand sounds of words correctly hence can be
Misdiagnosis and Misuse of Medication in ADHD
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misdiagnosed with ADHD. Allergies and celiac disease can also create symptoms similar to

those of ADHD hence misdiagnosed.

Some of the behaviors/clinical features that may indicate ADHD include; inattention,

hyperactivity and impulsivity. Behaviors related to inattention in ADHD include; daydreaming,

becoming distracted and having difficulty focusing on tasks, making ‘careless’ mistakes,

appearing to not listen while others are talking, having difficulty with time management and

organization, frequency loosing everyday item, avoiding tasks that need prolonged focus and

thought, and having difficulty following instructions. Behaviors related to hyperactivity and

impulsivity in ADHD include; seeming constantly “on-the-go” and unable to sit still, running or

climbing at inappropriate times, having difficulty taking turns in conversation and activities,

talking and making noises excessively, and taking unnecessary risks.

Side effects and risks associated with long term use of ADHD medication include; Heart

disease, High blood Pressure, Seizure, Irregular heartbeat, Abuse and addiction, skin

discolorations. Heart disease or high blood pressure occurs because most ADHD drugs are

stimulants thus raising blood pressure and increasing heart rate. Seizures or irregular heartbeats

are associated with atomoxetine drug. Abuse or addiction occurs due to the fact that some people

misuse drug by crushing the pills and snorting them in order to get high which can result to

dangerous overdose of the drug in the body. Psychiatric problems occurs as ADHD drugs are

tied to mental health issues as some people have reported behavior problems like aggression and

hostility while others developed symptoms of bipolar disorder, mood swings and symptoms of

psychosis. Skin discoloration occurs due to methylphenidate transdermal system skin patch drug

used in ADHD is associated with skin condition known as leukoderma.

Misdiagnosis and Misuse of Medication in ADHD
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Current research shows that genetic plays an important role in causes and risk factors of

ADHD, causes of ADHD include; brain injury, exposure to environmental risks such as lead

during pregnancy or at a young age, alcohol and tobacco use during pregnancy, premature

delivery and low birth weight. The theory of ADHD predicts that behaviors and symptoms in

ADHD result from the interplay between individual predispositions and the surroundings.

Barkley’s theory of ADHD predicts that affected children express frontal lobe related

impairments, including expression of utilization behavior-the appropriate use of an object in an

inappropriate context.

Alternative management of ADHD without the use of medication include; a well-

balanced diet, exercise, and meditation. Moreover, one can learn to create momentum by looking

at the things to do, set an intention, work in intervals, avoid multitasking, eliminate distractions,

set up a work zone, pace yourself, and create buffer. Changes have been made in some school

districts aiding in the behavioral issues caused by attention and hyperactivity symptoms, for

example, the National Resource Center on ADHD (NRC) has worked to create resources and

support for parents which include providing special education services and accommodations to

ADHD children.
Misdiagnosis and Misuse of Medication in ADHD
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