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Llamas1 Francisco Llamas Mr.

Erekson Junior English 9 May 2011 American Gothic Literature All we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. This quote from Edgar Allan Poe shows us that sometimes things can be more than just what we see. He wrote two stories called The Raven and The Masque of the Red Death. These two stories are a perfect example of American Gothic Literature. (Poe 402) From the 1800 s to the 1850 s, American Gothic Literature was popular. Many events that happened that changed people to having a more dark and depressing perspective of life. Such as when the congress passed the Slave Act, forcing officials in Northern states to return escaped slaves to their owners. Also the Indian Removal act authorizes relocation of the southeastern Native American tribes to territories west of the Mississippi river. In 1839 Edgar Allen Poe s The Fall of the House of Usher was published. (Allen 306-307) American Gothic Literature characteristicsinclude large, drafty old houses that have been in a family for years. Supernatural events include ghosts, doors that open and lose themselves and unexplained sounds are most often used to set a mood of terror or darkness for the reader. Words are also designed to evoke images of doom and gloom such as ghostly, dark, and forbidding. The writer sets an atmosphere of mystery and suspense that is enhanced by a plot which sees to discover the secret lying within the supernaturally charged environment. American Gothic s characteristics give the reader clues by foreshadowing or with omens or dreams this usually plays large role in the mysterious air that is created within the story. (Traditional 1)

Llamas2 In The Raven, a lonely man tries to calm his pain and sorrow from the loss of his love Lenore with his books. While being in his Chamber the sad man is about to fall asleep when he is interrupted by s mysterious a tapping at his chamber door. The man opens the doors and he finds nothing but darkness. He returns to his chambers strangely the tapping is now at the window the man opens he window and a raven flies in. The man asks for the birds name and the bird replies Nevermore. For every question the man asks it is the same answer, the man asks about his lost love and gets mad at the answer he is given every time until he finds it is pointless to continue to speak with the raven. In the story The Raven many American Gothic characteristics are included to create a mysterious setting full of suspense. Such as an old house were a happy couple once lived but is only full of sadness and sorrow. Also, unexplained sounds that disturb a sad lonely man in the middle of the night. These characteristics give the story a mood of fear and terror for the reader was the tapping a ghost or could it had just been the wind. This is what makes The Raven a great example of American

Gothic Literature. The quote Nevermore from The Raven shows that the sorrow man will never hear from his lost love again. This word designs a mood of terror and darkness in this story for the reader. Another quote that evokes image of terror to the reader would be and my soul from out that shadow that lies on the floor shall be lifted nevermore . This quote speaks of the man s soul and his hopes of seeing his love Lenore or hearing of her ever again will NEVER happen. This depressing quote shows hoe The Raven is a perfect example of American Gothic Literature. (Allen 442) In the story The Masque of the Red Death a plague that kills rapidly spreads through Prince Prospero s land .Prospero gathers thousands of his loyal followers and stays inside his castle were he and his followers are safe from disease while his people die a painful death. After several months he

Llamas3 throw a party in which he and his followers all die after seeing a mysterious figure covered in burial robes yet only his figure excites the true terror. The Masque of the Red Death , is a great example of American Gothic Literature. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or hideous. Blood was its Avatar seal the redness and the horror of blood. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with dissolution . This quote itself shows what a great example this story is for American Gothic Literature. This story has every characteristic needed to have a great American Gothic story. From a deadly disease that is described with the words blood, pain, fatal, and hideous. This gives the reader an idea of the horror that is happening or will happen throughout the story and evokes images of terror. (Allen 428) Who dares insult us with blasphemous mockery? Seize him and unmask him-that we may know whom we have to hang at sunrise, from the battlements .This quote helps show that The Masque of the Red Death is a story that showsall of the characteristics that make a great American Gothic story. By showing the reader that Prince Prospero has no clue of who the person he asks for may be give the reader a mysterious setting with fear. This quote speaks of killing the mysterious man Prince Prospero shows that he is angry yet full of fear. This proves very well how this story is a great example of American Gothic Literature. (Allen 433) These two stories are a perfect example of American Gothic Literature. These two stories contain every characteristic that American Gothic Literature has. From having old draft house, Ghosts of dead loved ones, and mysterious figures these two stories show everything needed to create a perfect Gothic story or poem. Also this story and poem can relate to historical events that were going on at the time. For a tory or poem being able to connect with how people were feeling implies that not only were the writers great but what they wrote meant something to everyone.

Llamas4 Works Cited

Allan, Janet. American Literature. Evanston, Illinois: McDougal Little, 2008. 306-307,402.Print Erekson, Jared. American Gothic Westview High school. 25 October 2010. Class notes. Traditional American Gothic Literature. . Middle Tennessee State University. Web.

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