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1. How does God reveal himself? Why He need to reveal himself?

a. The concept of how God manifests himself is central to many religious beliefs and varies greatly across faith traditions. In
Christianity, for example, God is believed to reveal himself through the Bible, which is regarded as God's inspired word, and
through the person of Jesus Christ, who is regarded as God's son and a manifestation of God in human form. Christians also
believe that God reveals himself to them through personal encounters with the divine, such as prayer and meditation. The
reason for God's revelation is also subject to religious interpretation. Some believe that God reveals himself to humanity to
provide guidance, comfort, and a sense of divine connection. Others believe that God reveals himself to communicate his
love and grace to humanity, as well as to provide a pathway for people to experience a closer relationship with him. Finally,
the question of why and how God reveals himself is deeply personal and subjective, shaped by one's beliefs and experiences.

2. How important is Jesus Christ in God’s revelation?

a. Christians believe that God revealed his love, grace, and compassion for humanity through Jesus Christ. Jesus' teachings,
miracles, and ultimate sacrifice on the cross are viewed as powerful manifestations of God's character and salvation plan.
Christians believe that through faith in Jesus Christ, they can have a personal relationship with God and receive eternal life.
Many Christians see Jesus Christ as the means through which humanity can experience forgiveness, redemption, and a
renewed relationship with God. In this sense, Jesus Christ is regarded as the central figure in God's revelation, and his role as
the intermediary between God and humanity is regarded as crucial to the Christian faith.

3. Analyze this statement from the main character of the story. I leaned over, began to pat his hand and said, “I did not do this for
you. God is here working through me to give you hope.” What type of revelation that the main character experienced on their
encounter of the two poor homeless men? Explain your answer!

a. According to the statement, the main character of the story has had a religious or spiritual revelation. The reference to "God"
and the assertion that God is "working through" the main character to give the homeless man hope indicate this. This
statement implies that the main character sees their meeting with the two homeless men as a chance for divine intervention.
The phrase "I did not do this for you" implies that the main character's actions are guided by a higher power and that they are
merely a vessel for God's work. Without more context, it's difficult to determine the specific type of revelation that the main
character has had, but their statement suggests a deep sense of faith and a belief that they are being used by God to bring
comfort and hope to the homeless man. This type of revelation could be viewed as a spiritual experience in which the main
character feels a connection with God and is called to serve as an instrument of his will.

4. If God will reveal something to you now by helping your neighbor or friends or someone around you, will you respond to His
revelation? Why? Why not? What if he/she is your enemy? Will you still give assistance to that person? Explain your answer!

a. Whether or not someone responds to a divine revelation, and how they respond, is determined by a variety of factors,
including their religious beliefs, personal values, and life experiences. Some people, regardless of who they are, may feel a
strong sense of obligation to respond to God's revelation and to help others. They may see this as a chance to serve God and
live out their faith. Others may be more hesitant to respond to a divine revelation, especially if the person in need is an
enemy. Personal beliefs about forgiveness, compassion, and the importance of treating others with kindness may play a role
in an individual's decision to offer assistance in this case. For me, the decision to help someone, including an enemy, is a
personal one that is shaped by an individual's values, beliefs, and life experiences. While some may feel called to help others,
regardless of the circumstances, others may have different perspectives on what is the right thing to do in a given situation.

1. How important is Sacred Scripture in our life as Filipino Christian?

a. As a Filipino Christian, the significance of Sacred Scripture varies depending on one's religious beliefs and practices. Sacred
Scripture, on the other hand, is frequently regarded as an important source of guidance and inspiration for many Filipino
Christians. For some, Sacred Scripture serves as a foundation for their faith and aids in their understanding of religious
teachings and principles. They may consult the Bible or other sacred texts for personal reflection, worship, and daily living.
Others regard Sacred Scripture as an essential component of their spiritual practice that connects them to the divine. They
may study and memorize passages, turn to them for comfort during difficult times, or seek their advice on important
decisions. Overall, the significance of Sacred Scripture in the life of a Filipino Christian may vary according to their personal
beliefs and practices, but for many, it is a central component of their faith and a means of connecting with God.

2. How do we interpret the Scripture? What is the significance of interpreting the Scripture in our daily life as Christians?

a. Many Christians base their interpretation of Scripture on their religious leaders' teachings, personal experiences, and
tradition. Some people may also rely on theological and biblical scholarship to help them understand the text's meaning and

significance. The importance of interpreting Scripture in everyday life stems from its ability to provide guidance and insight
for living a faithful and meaningful life. Christians, for example, may turn to Scripture for moral and ethical guidance, to
better understand God's will and plan for their lives, or to find comfort and hope in difficult times. Finally, Scripture
interpretation is a personal and ongoing process shaped by individual beliefs, experiences, and perspectives. It is important
for Christians to approach the interpretation of the Scripture with humility, respect, and an open mind, recognizing that it may
evolve and deepen over time.

3. Research work. Do a research work in the internet about any biblical person who had experienced an “immediate revelation”
(received revelation directly from God). Write the summary of the situation or incident and the biblical verse.

a. The apostle Paul is one biblical figure who received a "immediate revelation" from God. According to the New Testament,
Paul was born Saul, a devout Jew who persecuted Christians. However, according to the book of Acts, Paul had a profound
encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Damascus.
In Acts 9:3-6, it says: "As he was traveling, it happened that he was approaching Damascus, and suddenly a light from
heaven shone around him; and he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting
Me?' And he said, 'Who are You, Lord?' And He said, 'I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.'”
This "immediate revelation" from God completely transformed Paul's life and he went on to become one of the most
influential apostles and leaders in the early Christian church. Paul's encounter on the road to Damascus is often seen as a
powerful example of the transformative power of God's revelation and grace.

1. What is the importance of persevering the apostolic tradition especially in our time? Give the difference between written and oral

a. The importance of preserving the apostolic tradition stems from its connection to the early Christian church's teachings,
beliefs, and practices. This tradition serves as a foundation for Christian beliefs and practices today, helping to preserve the
faith's integrity and continuity. In terms of written and oral tradition, written tradition refers to written accounts of early
church teachings and practices recorded in the New Testament and other early Christian writings. This written tradition
preserves the early church's beliefs and practices and serves as a resource for Christians today. Oral tradition, on the other
hand, refers to unwritten teachings and practices passed down from generation to generation in the early Christian
community. This oral tradition includes teachings, stories, prayers, and liturgical practices that were not written down but
were still thought to be significant and valuable. It is critical to preserve both written and oral tradition in our time because
they provide a link to the early Christian church and serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for Christians today. It is
also important to recognize that tradition is not static and that it can evolve and adapt over time in response to changing
circumstances and cultural context.

2. Analyze this statement from the main character of the story: “But God instantly revealed to me that He loved this man just as
much as He loved me.” Based on the dimensions of revelation by St. Augustine, what kind of grace that the main character had
experienced? Explain your answer.

a. Internal revelation (revelation through personal experience), external revelation (revelation through created things), and
scripture are all dimensions of revelation according to St. Augustine (revelation through the Bible). Based on the main
character's statement, it appears that the main character had an internal revelation of God's love. This internal revelation was
a direct experience of God's love for man, as well as the realization that God loves all people equally, regardless of their
circumstances or actions. This type of revelation is an encounter with God's grace, which is a free gift of God's love and
favor. The main character's encounter with God's love for the man can be viewed as a transformative experience, one that
changed their perspective and inspired them to act in love toward the man. Overall, the main character's experience
exemplifies how God can reveal himself and transform our lives through personal experiences. We can gain a deeper
understanding of God's love and be inspired to live a more loving and compassionate life as a result of such experiences.

1. How important is the functions of the Magisterium? Explain your answer.

a. The Magisterium is the Catholic Church's teaching authority, responsible for ensuring the authenticity and consistency of the
Church's teachings. It is regarded as an important aspect of the Church's mission because it plays an important role in the
preservation and transmission of faith to future generations. The Magisterium's functions are critical for preserving the
Church's unity and coherence. The Magisterium clarifies the Church's position and prevents confusion or misinterpretation of
the teachings by declaring official teachings on matters of faith and morals. This is especially important in a rapidly changing
world where new challenges and questions may arise, necessitating guidance and clarity from the Church. In summary, the
Magisterium's functions are critical for preserving the Church's unity and coherence, preserving the integrity of the faith, and
providing guidance and clarity on matters of faith and morals. By carrying out these functions, the Magisterium contributes
significantly to the Church's mission and the spiritual growth of its members.

2. Why the Christian Church need to guard the word of God especially on deviation and heresy?

a. To ensure that the message of the faith remains authentic and unchanged, the Christian Church must guard the word of God.
Deviation and heresy can lead to a distorted understanding of the faith by causing confusion and misinterpretation of the
teachings. Deviation refers to a departure from the Church's original teachings and beliefs, whereas heresy refers to false or
unacceptable beliefs that contradict the Church's teachings. Both deviation and heresy have the potential to undermine the
foundation of the faith and cause division and strife within the Church. The Church protects God's word by preserving and
transmitting faith teachings through the use of Sacred Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium. This contributes to the faith
remaining consistent and unchanged, as well as the gospel message remaining clear and relevant to the world. By guarding
God's word, the Church also provides its members with a foundation for their faith and assists them in growing spiritually.
This contributes to the Church's strength and unity, even in the face of challenges and difficulties. To summarize, the
Christian Church must guard the word of God in order to ensure the authenticity and consistency of the faith, to maintain
unity and coherence within the Church, and to provide a foundation for its members' spiritual growth.


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