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The plight of the kingdom began when King Shahryar was betrayed by his late wife, hence,

he took revenge. Shahrazad's bravery and intelligence were to create hope, and none of the
people could make the King stop the killings, which piqued my interest. I chose Shahrazad
among the characters because she stands out through her bravery for all the people. The apt of
other characters are only supporting her in doing the achievement that people want, which is to
cease the repetitive murder by the King. Dunyazad has the ability to make Shahrazad feel that
she can do everything by telling a story. His father, a Wazir to the King, was being cautious and
concerned about Shahrazad, but she refused as she was in real danger. Shahrazad became
resilient even though the Wazir warned her during her maidenhood.

Among the characters, Shahrazad has a well-educated background; she is a book lover and
enjoys telling stories, which is one of her areas of expertise. The persuasion through her story
and words builds a new character for the King, which shows that King Shahryar can change.
Some characters have downsides but the characteristics of Shahrazad had valiant skills. Her skill
at telling stories to people gave the King and the people a new character. She shows that it is not
necessary to be violent and takes revenge for everyone’s reasons; thus, she shows her ability in
the "thousand nights and one night."

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