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There are different strategies to read critically.

First is previewing. It is gathering as much information about the text as you can before reading it.

It's like providing yourself a preview of a movie before you actually watch the film.

Second is annotating. It is jotting down notes in the text as you read it. It can be done along the margins
of the text or within the text itself.

Next is summarizing. It is simply shortening the text you read, to test your comprehension.

Fourth is analyzing. Which is breaking down the text into its parts to find out how they relate to one
another. Simply it is carefully studying the parts of the text.

Five, re-reading. Rereading is reading the text for several times to make as much meaning as you can.

And, finally the sixth one is responding. Which is reacting to what you have read, after you have
evaluated the meanings and arguments made by the author.

What can you say?

Again, these six strategies are some of the ways you can read a text critically.

Surely, in our brain teasers a while back you used one or two of these strategies to find the answer.

This demonstrates the importance of critical reading in comprehending texts and even responding to

Moreover, one major use of critical reading is to form reasoning.

But what is reasoning?

Reasoning is simply logical thinking

It is a thinking that all has reasons, as in cause and effect, pattern, etc.

This means that you can use critical reading to formulate arguments or reasons in response to what you

Critical reading as a form of reasoning simply means,

Carefully understanding and evaluating the details of the text to formulate judgments or even conclusions.

Like what you did in our brain teasers.

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