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244 The Computer Science Internal Assessment (IA) plays an integral role in determining your final grade. It is marked out of 60 and contributes 20% to the final grade. It must be remembered that If you do not do the IA, you will receive an UNGRADED (U) and automatically fail the subject, whether or not you pass the Paper 1 and Paper 2 with fiying colours. The 1A has the following requirements: 1. Definition of Problem (5 marks) This is a complete and accurate description of what the problem is and the Proposed solution. It should include a brief history of the organization (in past tense), a detailed but succinct description of the problem (in present tense) and a detailed description of the solution (in future tense). Example: ‘ 2. Fact-Finding Techniques Used (5 marks) This section requires the student to highlight various techniques of analysis used to gather data about the problem and a detailed justification as to how each technique was relevant to the particular organization chosen. Students should not simply state advantages of each technique without any regard to the context it was done in. It must be noted that proof of analysis must be given after the analysis, not in the appendix. If questionnaires are issued or if an interview is conducted, the questions should be included. If an observation is carried out, a detailed description of the events transpiring in the session should be included. Example: 3. Context-Level DFD (3 marks) This is a complete and accurate diagram of all relevant entities and data flows. Students must remember that data stores are not to be included at this level and that data flows should be labelled. Example: 4. 7 Level 1 DFD (3 marks) This is a complete and accurate diagram of all relevant processes, data flows, and major data stores. Students must remember to use the correct symbols to depict entities, processes, and data stores, and also to abide by the rules which govern how links can be made between them. Example: ‘ Entity Relationship Diagram (3 marks) This is a complete and accurate diagram of all relevant entities and relationships. Students must remember to use the correct symbols and especially to include attributes for each entity. Example: . Functional Requirements (3 marks) This section requires students to give a complete and accurate description of what the system is supposed to do. Example: the system will be able display a summary of the reports of all students. Students should not state the requirements as something that the user will do. Example: Non-Functional Requirements (3 marks) This section requires students to give a complete and accurate description of the limitations of the system or the constraints that must be placed on the system. Example: the system will allow the user 3 login attempts before exiting the program. Example: System Structuring (4 marks) This requires the student to provide a complete and accurate structure chart diagram of all processes. Example: 245 9. User Interface Design (2 marks) This requires the student to provide a thorough analysis and appropriate justification of the interface design they chose to go with. Students are reminded to not only include diagrams of what their program would look like had it been implemented as a GUI (User Interface — Ul), but also an explanation as to the flow of their program (User Experience - UX). Example: ‘ 10. Report Design (2 marks) This requires the student to provide an appropriate and well implemented design of what reports for various aspects of the project should look like. Reports are formally produced documents highlighting some important event that has occurred and must be tailored to appeal to their intended audience. Reports may be produced for the project manager to see or even for the client to see. 11. Algorithm Design (3 marks) The flowchart/Pseudocode should be logical, easy to follow and is an accurate description of the solution using the applicable symbols or algorithmic structures. The flowchart/Pseudocode should also show extensive use of structured programming concepts such as input statements, outputs statements, assignment statements, control structures and any other concepts required by your teacher. Students must remember not to include a narrative in place of the flow chart/Pseudocode. Example: 12. Appropriate Data Structures (3 marks) This requires the student to include appropriate and well implemented data structures in their solution. Recall that data structures include stacks, queues, linked lists, and arrays. 13. Code Achieves Functionality (5 marks) This requires that the code is well documented (proper naming of variables, constants, and functions and also proper use of comments), has appropriate error handling (checks for invalid inputs and checks to see if a file was opened 246 when an attempt was made), produces correct output, and has good usability and reporting. Students must remember that code should be written in procedural C as no other programming language will be accepted. Also, code should be printed directly from the editor used to write the code, and not transferred to a word processor before printing. Example: 14. Code Corresponds to Designs (5 marks) This requires that the code match the flowchart/Pseudocode in feature parity as well as implementation. Students are expected to provide adequate screen shots of their programs to demonstrate it executing from start till finish, highlighting that their code functions as it should. Example: 15. Test Plans (5 marks) This requires the student provide a tabular representation of how different input affects the running of the program from start till finish and should include normal, extreme, erroneous and incompatible data. Example: 16.Communication of Information (6 marks) Information in the project should always be presented in a sensible manner using grammatically correct statements and expressions suitable to the subject. Students and teachers are encouraged to view the yearly reports issued by CXC so as to get a better idea of what is expected of each candidate and also some reports. 247

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