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BSA-4A 12 Elms review

1. What are the possible circumstances that might happen if HR plans are
ineffective, and how would you address these circumstances?
I think , the possible circumstances that might happen if HR plans are
ineffective is that Poor HR practices will likely spread to impact all levels of
the company. Such negative impacts may include employee conflict, lack of
recognition, inadequate training, and poor team building among other
issues. Due to the lack of an effective HR management strategy, employees
may feel that such negative situations will not improve. As such, this will
likely damage workplace morale.

2. Choose one (1) reason why career planning and development are
important and provide a sample situation that will justify its importance.
It is essential to develop career planning because it reveals your future
goals and provides you with the much-needed direction. It reveals your
strengths and weaknesses, as well as the knowledge and abilities necessary to
achieve your future objectives.
Because achieving our career goals consumes a significant portion of our
lives, it is critical to ensure that the right steps were taken and proper planning
was carried out in your formative years. Only a few lucky people are born with
a clear head, knowing what they want to do and where they want to go in life.
However, since the majority of us are unsure of our life goals, it is essential to
plan ahead. Therefore, career planning gives your life and career, in some way,
true meaning and purpose.

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