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Software manual

Access DLL
Function library for controlling

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


This manual contains instructions on how to install and operate the described
WEETECH product. The data and information for this manual has been compiled
with absolute care and attention to detail. However, no guarantee can be given for
a flawless set of instructions. The content of the manual may be altered at any
time without prior notice. We also reserve the right to make alterations to the de-
scribed software. For editorial reasons, it is possible that the software supplied
may on rare occasions feature functions that are not yet described in this manual.
All alterations and further developments made up to the point at which CEETIS
was supplied are therefore given in the file “WhatsNew.pdf“, in the folder
The screenshots and figures used in this manual are only used for the purposes
of explanation and may differ from the actual screen displays and figures that ap-
pear in the product itself. We would like to emphasize that any guarantee or liabil-
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part, with the written permission of WEETECH.


Function library for controlling CEETIS
Software manual
Doc.-No.: 600020EN
5. Edition, Revision E, released March 2022
© Copyright 2022 WEETECH GmbH
 The content of this manual relates to the following software version: 4.11-08

Hafenstraße 1
D-97877 Wertheim
Tel.: +49 (0) 9342 875-0
Fax: +49 (0) 9342 875-175

2 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


1 General ...................................................................................................... 6

2 Function reference .................................................................................... 8

2.1 TE control functions ................................................................. 8
2.1.1 open_project_finished ................................................. 8
2.1.2 activate_application ................................................... 10
2.1.3 create ........................................................................ 10
2.1.4 free............................................................................ 11
2.1.5 is_running ................................................................. 11
2.1.6 is_running_01 ........................................................... 11
2.1.7 open_project ............................................................. 12
2.1.8 run_test ..................................................................... 12
2.1.9 set_ui_enabled .......................................................... 13
2.1.10 shutdown................................................................... 13
2.1.11 startup ....................................................................... 14
2.1.12 test_finished .............................................................. 15
2.2 Electrical test functions ......................................................... 16
2.2.1 electrical_test_finished .............................................. 16
2.2.2 functioncall_capacitortest .......................................... 19
2.2.3 functioncall_connectiontest ....................................... 20
2.2.4 functioncall_dielectricbreakdowngrouptest ................ 21
2.2.5 functioncall_diodetest ................................................ 22
2.2.6 functioncall_isolationgrouptesthv ............................... 24
2.2.7 functioncall_isolationgrouptestlv ................................ 25
2.2.8 functioncall_measurecapacitance.............................. 26
2.2.9 functioncall_measurecurrentstim ............................... 27
2.2.10 functioncall_measureresistance ................................ 28
2.2.11 functioncall_measurevoltagestim .............................. 29
2.2.12 functioncall_noconnalldb ........................................... 30
2.2.13 functioncall_noconnallhv ........................................... 32
2.2.14 functioncall_noconnalllv ............................................ 33
2.2.15 functioncall_noconnectiondb ..................................... 34
2.2.16 functioncall_noconnectionhv ..................................... 36
2.2.17 functioncall_noconnectionlv....................................... 37
2.2.18 functioncall_noconngroupdb...................................... 38
2.2.19 functioncall_noconngrouphv ...................................... 40
2.2.20 functioncall_noconngrouplv ....................................... 42

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 3


2.2.21 functioncall_pinscan ................................................. 44

2.2.22 functioncall_resistortest ............................................ 45
2.2.23 functioncall_rlcserialinductancetest .......................... 46
2.2.24 functioncall_wiretest ................................................. 47
2.3 Matrix switching functions .................................................... 48
2.3.1 matrix_finished ......................................................... 48
2.3.2 functioncall_contactsetoff ......................................... 50
2.3.3 functioncall_contactseton ......................................... 51
2.3.4 functioncall_contactresetall ....................................... 52
2.3.5 functioncall_pinsethighlow ........................................ 53
2.3.6 functioncall_pinsetoffall ............................................ 54
2.3.7 functioncall_powerpinresetall .................................... 54
2.3.8 functioncall_powerupinsethigh .................................. 55
2.3.9 functioncall_powerupinsetlow ................................... 56
2.3.10 functioncall_powerupinsetoff .................................... 57
2.4 Generator functions ............................................................... 58
2.4.1 generator_finished .................................................... 58
2.4.2 functioncall_connectjackstomatrix ............................ 60
2.4.3 functioncall_gensetjacksenabled .............................. 61
2.4.4 functioncall_genvoltageon ........................................ 62
2.4.5 functioncall_genvoltageoff ........................................ 63
2.5 Parameter functions .............................................................. 64
2.5.1 functioncall_paramcontinuity .................................... 64
2.5.2 functioncall_paramdielectricbreakdown .................... 66
2.5.3 functioncall_paramisolationhv ................................... 68
2.5.4 functioncall_paramisolationlv .................................... 70
2.5.5 functioncall_paramresetcontinuity............................. 71
2.5.6 functioncall_paramresetdielectricbreakdown ............ 71
2.5.7 functioncall_paramresetisolationhv ........................... 73
2.5.8 functioncall_paramresetisolationlv ............................ 73
2.6 Probe functions...................................................................... 75
2.6.1 get_probe_pins......................................................... 75
2.6.2 start_probe ............................................................... 76
2.6.3 stop_probe ............................................................... 76
2.7 Test system functions ........................................................... 77
2.7.1 test_system_command_finished............................... 77
2.7.2 close_safety_circuit .................................................. 79
2.7.3 is_safety_circuit_closed ............................................ 80
2.7.4 is_safety_circuit_hv_key_switch_closed ................... 81

4 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.7.5 reset_test_system ..................................................... 82

2.7.6 set_warning_light_flashing ........................................ 83
2.8 Custom function calls ............................................................ 84
2.8.1 custom_function_finished .......................................... 84
2.8.2 execute_custom_function .......................................... 86

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 5


1 General
The CEETIS TE Access DLL is a dynamic link library which provides routines for
remote controlling the CEETIS TE Test Environment.
The described functions are separated into the categories:
 TE control
 Electrical test
 Matrix switching
 Generator
 Parameter
 Probe
 Test system
 Custom function calls
In the function reference you can find declarations in Delphi, C/C++ and Visual Basic
for each function. In addition every function is described in detail with its purpose, its
parameters and result.
Some of the functions in the DLL can/must be called in a loop to wait until CEETIS
has completed a command. It is essential that window messages are processed
while those waiting loops are running. Depending on your programming language
you can use functions/procedures like DoEvents, Application.DoEvents();,
Application.ProcessMessages; or the like.

6 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 7


2 Function reference

2.1 TE control functions

2.1.1 open_project_finished
Delphi: function open_project_finished(pcResultBuffer:
pchar; iResultBufferSize: integer): integer;
C/C++: int open_project_finished(char *pcResultBuffer,
int iResultBufferSize);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function open_project_finished&
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcResultBuffer$,
ByVal iResultBufferSize&)

The function returns whether the execution of an “open_project” is finished or not.
The function can be called in a loop after a call to “open_project” to wait until the test
is finished. It is essential to process window messages while waiting.

pcResultBuffer: Pointer to a memory buffer for the result string. The buffer
should have at least a size of 1024 bytes.
iResultBufferSize: Size of the allocated result buffer

Return value
The return value is 0, while “open_project” is not finished.
When it is finished, it will return the number of characters (including all separators)
which were written into the result buffer. The buffer will contain the result as a string.
The data in the string is organized in fields. All fields are terminated by carriage
return + line feed (CRLF = #13#10). The first field contains general information. De-
pending on its value the second field contains further information. Additional result
data will be returned in the following fields.

Value of field 1 Description

executed The function was executed. No other content is possible for this
field at the moment.
 2nd field: Contains the result (success or failed)
 3rd field: Additional information if the project could not be
opened (failed). The possible values are shown in the fol-
lowing table.

8 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


There are several reasons why the opening of a project can fail.
“open_project_finished” returns them in the 3rd field of the result string.

Error text Description

file not found The project file could not be found.
open project data One or more required files could not be found or opened. These
files are: Project file, test system configuration, parameter file.
open pin table The pin table file could not be found or opened.
open optical pin The optical pin table file could not be found or opened.
create hardware Program structures for access to the test system could not be
access created.
activate hardware The test system could not be activated.
init project Project data could not be initialized. This includes the loading of
compensation values and programs for:
 test start, test, test initialization, test end, screen output and
report generation
activate safety The safety circuit of the test system couldn't be enabled
init pins for net- The initialization of the pins for the network structure failed
unknown An unknown error occurred.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 9


2.1.2 activate_application
Delphi: function activate_application: boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool activate_application(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function activate_application Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function activates the CEETIS TE and brings it to the front.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the CEETIS TE was successfully activated, otherwise

2.1.3 create
Delphi: procedure create(pcTEExe: pchar); stdcall;
C/C++: void create(char *pcTEExe)
Visual Basic: Private Declare Sub create Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcTEExe$)

This function creates and initializes the routines in the DLL. It must be called once
when the host application starts up.

pcTEExe: Path and filename of the CEETIS_TE.exe.

10 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.1.4 free
Delphi: procedure free; stdcall;
C/C++: void free(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Sub free Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" ()

This function finalizes the routines in the DLL and releases allocated memory. It
must be called once when the host application shuts down.

2.1.5 is_running
Delphi: function is_running: boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool is_running(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function is_running Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function checks whether the CEETIS TE is running or not.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the CEETIS TE is running, otherwise FALSE.

2.1.6 is_running_01
Delphi: function is_running: integer; stdcall;
C/C++: int is_running(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function is_running Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" ()

The function checks whether the CEETIS TE is running or not.

Return value
The return value is 1 if the CEETIS TE is running, otherwise 0.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 11


2.1.7 open_project
Delphi: function open_project(pcProject: pchar): boolean;
C/C++: bool open_project(pchar pcProject);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function open_project Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcProject$) as

The function opens the project which is passed in "pcProject". After calling
"open_project" you must call "open_project_finished" in a loop to wait for the end of
the opening process.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the open project routine was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE. The result of the opening of the project will be re-
turned if you call "open_project_finished".

pcProject: Path and filename of the project to be opened.

2.1.8 run_test
Delphi: function run_test: boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool run_test(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function run_test Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function starts a test.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the test was successfully started, otherwise FALSE.

12 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.1.9 set_ui_enabled
Delphi: function set_ui_enabled(boEnabled: boolean):
boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool set_ui_enabled(bool boEnabled);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function set_ui_enabled Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (boEnabled as boolean) as

With this function the user interface of the CEETIS TE can be disabled and enabled.
This makes it possible to prevent user inputs which could disturb an automated test
run. When the user interface is disabled, all controls in the CEETIS TE are grayed
out and not click-/usable.

boEnabled: If you pass TRUE for “boEnabled”, the user interface will be ena-
bled. If you pass FALSE, the user interface will be disabled.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the routine was successfully called in the CEETIS TE,
otherwise FALSE.

2.1.10 shutdown
Delphi: function shutdown: boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool shutdown(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function shutdown Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function closes the CEETIS TE.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the CEETIS TE was successfully shut down, otherwise

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 13


2.1.11 startup
Delphi: function startup(pcUsername, pcPassword: pchar;
boAutoOpenProject, boMinimized: boolean): boolean;
C/C++: bool startup(char *pcUsername, char *pcPassword;
bool boAutoOpenProject, boMinimized);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function startup Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcUsername$, ByVal
pcPassword$, boAutoOpenProject, boMinimized as
boolean) as boolean

The function starts the CEETIS TE if it is not yet running.

pcUsername: Username to be used. Use 'Admin' if the user manage-
ment is disabled.
pcPassword: Password which belongs to the username.
boAutoOpenProject: If you pass TRUE, the CEETIS TE will automatically open
the last used project. If you pass FALSE, no project will
be opened.
boMinimized: If you pass TRUE, the CEETIS TE will start up minimized.
If you pass FALSE, it will start up with the last used
window size and come to the front.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the CEETIS TE was successfully started, otherwise

14 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.1.12 test_finished
Delphi: function test_finished: integer; stdcall;
C/C++: int test_finished(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function test_finished& Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" ()

The function returns whether a test run is finished or not. The function can be called
in a loop after a call to „run_test“ to wait until the test is finished. It is essential to
process window messages while waiting.

Return value
 0 The test is finished and passed.
 >0 The test is finished and failed. The returned value is the number of detected
 -1 The test was aborted by a user.
 -2 The test was not started yet.
 -3 The test is still running.
 -4 The test terminated abnormally.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 15


2.2 Electrical test functions

After calling one of the electrical test functions you must wait until they are finished.
This can be done by calling "electrical_test_finished" in a loop. It is essential
to process window messages while waiting. The result of the electrical test is re-
turned by "electrical_test_finished".

2.2.1 electrical_test_finished
Delphi: function electrical_test_finished(pcResultBuffer:
pchar; iResultBufferSize: integer): integer;
C/C++: int electrical_test_finished(char *pcResultBuffer,
int iResultBufferSize);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function electrical_test_finished&
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcResultBuffer$,
ByVal iResultBufferSize&)

The function returns whether a call to an electrical test function is finished or not. It
can be called in a loop after a call to an electrical test function to wait until the test is
finished. It is essential to process window messages while waiting.

pcResultBuffer: Pointer to a memory buffer for the result string. The buffer
should have at least a size of 1024 bytes.
iResultBufferSize: Size of the allocated result buffer

Return value
The return value is 0, while no electrical test result is available. As soon as data is
available the return value is the number of characters (including all separators) which
were written into the result buffer. The buffer will contain the result of the function call
as a string.
The data in the string is organized in fields. All fields are terminated by carriage
return + line feed (CRLF = #13#10).
The first field contains general information about the execution of the function. De-
pending on its value the second field contains further information. If the test function
was correctly executed, the result data will be returned in the following fields. The
result data depends on the type of function which was executed.

16 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


Value of field 1 Description

executed The function was executed.
 2nd field: Contains the test result (passed or failed)
 Following fields: Result data (see description of the func-
tions below)
function call error An error occurred while preparing or calling the function.
One reason could be that the component which shall be tested,
cannot be found in the net list.

 2nd field: Contains unknown (no other possible values at the

 Following fields: Not used
not executed The function call was valid but the function itself was not exe-
cuted for any reason.
 2nd field: Contains splice not referenced which is the only
possible reason at the moment.
 Following fields: Not used
invalid The result of the function is invalid.
 2nd field: Contains the reason why the result is invalid.
- user break: The execution of the function was
interrupted by user input.
- external voltage: External voltage was detected during the
execution of the function.
- unknown: Unknown reason
 Following fields: Not used
function execution An error occurred during the execution of the function.
error  2nd field: Contains the type of the error:
- safety circuit: An interruption of the safety circuit was
- Hexadecimal value:
An error code mostly a result of in-
valid parameters or a hardware problem.
- unknown: Unknown error
 Following fields: Not used

In many cases the electrical test functions also return measurement values. These
values consist of a prefix and a floating point value. The prefix is a string and can
have the following content:

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 17


Content Description
No content (empty The floating point value is exact.
< The real value is less than the floating point value.
> The real value is greater than the floating point value.
% The floating point value is invalid because a measurement was
not possible.

18 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.2.2 functioncall_capacitortest
Delphi: function functioncall_capacitortest(pcName, pcPin1,
pcPin2: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_capacitortest(char *pcName, char
*pcPin1, char *pcPin2);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_capacitortest
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcPin1$, ByVal pcPin2$) as boolean

This function calls "CapacitorTest" in the CEETIS TE.
A project must be open to execute this function. "CapacitorTest" always refers to a
capacitor in the net list.

Return value
It returns TRUE if "CapacitorTest" was successfully called, otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name of the capacitor
pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin

Result data
After "functioncall_capacitortest" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop to
wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was exe-
cuted, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and measurement
data in the 3rd and 4th field.

Field number Description

3 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in farad

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 19


2.2.3 functioncall_connectiontest
Delphi: function functioncall_connectiontest(pcName, pcPin1,
pcPin2: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_connectiontest(char *pcName, char
*pcPin1, char *pcPin2);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_connectiontest
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcPin1$, ByVal pcPin2$) as boolean

This function calls "ConnectionTest" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "ConnectionTest" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name for the test
pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin

Result data
After "functioncall_connectiontest" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop to
wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was exe-
cuted, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and measurement
data in the 3rd and 4th field.

Field number Description

3 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in ohms

20 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.2.4 functioncall_dielectricbreakdowngrouptest
Delphi: function
boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_dielectricbreakdowngrouptest();
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_dielectricbreakdowngrouptest Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function calls "DielectricBreakdownGroupTest" in the CEETIS TE. A project
must be open to execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE, if "DielectricBreakdownGroupTest" was successfully
called in the CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

Result data
After "functioncall_dielectricbreakdowngrouptest" you must call "electrical_test_finished"
in a loop to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function
was executed, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and the num-
ber of found errors in the 3rd field.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 21


2.2.5 functioncall_diodetest
Delphi: function functioncall_diodetest(pcName, pcPin1,
pcPin2: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_diodetest(char *pcName, char
*pcPin1, char *pcPin2);
VisualBasic: Private Declare Function functioncall_diodetest Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcPin1$, ByVal pcPin2$) as boolean

This function calls "DiodeTest" in the CEETIS TE.
A project must be open to execute this function. "DiodeTest" always refers to a diode
in the net list.

Return value
This function returns TRUE if "DiodeTest" was successfully called, otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name of the diode
pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin

Result data
After "functioncall_diodetest" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop to wait
for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was executed,
the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and measurement data in
the 3rd, 4th , 5th and 6th field.

22 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


Field number Description

3 Prefix for the measured value in forward direction
(see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in forward direction in volts
5 Prefix for the measured value in reverse direction
(see electrical_test_finished)
6 Measured value in reverse direction in volts

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 23


2.2.6 functioncall_isolationgrouptesthv
Delphi: function functioncall_isolationgrouptesthv():
boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_isolationgrouptesthv();
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_isolationgrouptesthv Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function calls "IsolationGroupTestHV" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open
to execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE, if "IsolationGroupTestHV" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

Result data
After "functioncall_isolationgrouptesthv" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a
loop to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function
was executed, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and the
number of found errors in the 3rd field.

24 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.2.7 functioncall_isolationgrouptestlv
Delphi: function functioncall_isolationgrouptestlv():
boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_isolationgrouptestlv();
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_isolationgrouptestlv Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function calls "IsolationGroupTestLV" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open
to execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE, if "IsolationGroupTestLV" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

Result data
After "functioncall_isolationgrouptestlv" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a
loop to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function
was executed, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and the
number of found errors in the 3rd field.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 25


2.2.8 functioncall_measurecapacitance
Delphi: function functioncall_measurecapacitance(pcPin1,
pcPin2, pcMaxVoltage_V, pcExpected_F: pchar):
boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_measurecapacitance(char *pcPin1,
char *pcPin2, char *pcMaxVoltage_V, char
VisualBasic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_measurecapacitance Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcPin1$, ByVal
pcPin2$, ByVal pcMaxVoltage_V$, ByVal
pcExpected_F$) as boolean

This function calls "MeasureCapacitance" in the CEETIS TE.
A project must be open to execute this function.

Return value
It returns TRUE if "MeasureCapacitance" was successfully called in the CEETIS TE,
otherwise FALSE.

pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin
pcMaxVoltage_V Maximum voltage in volts. If an empty string is passed, the
default value (4V) will be used.
pcExpected_F Expected value in farad. If an empty string is passed, the
default value (1μF) will be used.
Result data
After "functioncall_measurecapacitance" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a
loop to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function
was executed, the result string will contain passed in the 2nd field and measurement
data in the 3rd and 4th field.

Field number Description

3 Value prefix
(see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in farad

26 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.2.9 functioncall_measurecurrentstim
Delphi: function functioncall_measurecurrentstim(pcPin1,
pcPin2, pcVoltage_V, pcMaxCurrent_A, pcTrise_s,
pcTwait_s, pcTmeas_s: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_ measurecurrentstim(char *pcPin1,
char *pcPin2, char *pcVoltage_V, char
*pcMaxCurrent_A, char *pcTrise_s, char *pcTwait_s,
char *pcTmeas_s);
VisualBasic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_measurecurrentstim Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcPin1$, ByVal
pcPin2$, ByVal pcVoltage_V$, ByVal pcMaxCurrent_A$,
ByVal pcTrise_s$, ByVal pcTwait_s$, ByVal
pcTmeas_s$) as boolean

This function calls "MeasureCurrentStim" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open
to execute this function.

Return value
It returns TRUE if "MeasureCurrentStim" was successfully called in the CEETIS TE,
otherwise FALSE.

pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin
pcVoltage_V: Voltage for stimulation in volts
pcMaxCurrent_A: Maximum current in amperes
pcTrise_s: Maximum rise time in seconds
pcTwait_s: Maximum wait time in seconds
pcTmeas_s: Maximum measurement time in seconds

Result data
After "functioncall_measurecurrentstim" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a
loop to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function
was executed, the result string will contain passed in the 2nd field and measurement
data in the 3rd and 4th field.

Field number Description

3 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in amperes

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 27


2.2.10 functioncall_measureresistance
Delphi: function functioncall_measureresistance(pcPin1,
pcPin2, pcMaxPower_W: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_measureresistance(char *pcPin1,
char *pcPin2, char *pcMaxPower_W);
VisualBasic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_measureresistance Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcPin1$, ByVal
pcPin2$, ByVal pcMaxPower_W$) as boolean

This function calls "MeasureResistance" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open
to execute this function.

Return value
It returns TRUE if "MeasureResistance" was successfully called in the CEETIS TE,
otherwise FALSE.

pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin
pcMaxPower_W: Maximum power in Watt. If an empty string is passed, the default
value (0.5W) will be used.
Result data
After "functioncall_measureresistance" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a
loop to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function
was executed, the result string will contain passed in the 2nd field and measurement
data in the 3rd and 4th field.

Field number Description

3 Value prefix
(see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in ohms

28 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.2.11 functioncall_measurevoltagestim
Delphi: function functioncall_measurevoltagestim(pcPin1,
pcPin2, pcCurrent_A, pcMaxVoltage_V, pcTrise_s,
pcTwait_s, pcTmeas_s: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_ measurevoltagestim(char *pcPin1,
char *pcPin2, char *pcCurrent_A, char
*pcMaxVoltage_V, char *pcTrise_s, char *pcTwait_s,
char *pcTmeas_s);
VisualBasic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_measurevoltagestim Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcPin1$, ByVal
pcPin2$, ByVal pcCurrent_A$, ByVal pcMaxVoltage_V$,
ByVal pcTrise_s$, ByVal pcTwait_s$,
ByVal pcTmeas_s$) as boolean

This function calls "MeasureVoltageStim" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open
to execute this function.

Return value
It returns TRUE if "MeasureVoltageStim" was successfully called in the CEETIS TE,
otherwise FALSE.

pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin
pcCurrent_A: Current for stimulation in amperes
pcMaxVoltage_V: Maximum voltage in volts
pcTrise_s: Maximum rise time in seconds
pcTwait_s: Maximum wait time in seconds
pcTmeas_s: Maximum measurement time in seconds

Result data
After "functioncall_measurevoltagestim" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a
loop to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function
was executed, the result string will contain passed in the 2nd field and measurement
data in the 3rd and 4th field.

Field number Description

3 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in volts

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 29


2.2.12 functioncall_noconnalldb
Delphi: function functioncall_noconnalldb(pcName, pcPin:
pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_noconnalldb(char *pcName, char
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_noconnalldb
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcPin$) as boolean

This function calls "NoConnAllDB" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "NoConnAllDB" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name for the test
pcPin: Name of the pin

Result data
After "functioncall_noconnalldb" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop to
wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was exe-
cuted, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and measurement
data in the 3rd field to 7th field. The measurement data can only be valid if the test
step passed. Otherwise the fields eight and nine must be checked for the pins to
which a short was found. The 8th field contains the number of those pins and field
nine the names. Each name is terminated by a tabulator (TAB = #9).

30 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


Field number Description

3 Flag whether the measured value is valid. The value is valid if your
test system is capable of measuring the current. The field contains
valid if the test system is capable of measuring the current and is
otherwise empty.
4 Prefix for real fraction of the measured current
(see electrical_test_finished)
5 Real fraction of the measured current in amperes
6 Prefix for imaginary fraction of the measured current
(see electrical_test_finished)
7 Imaginary fraction of the measured current in amperes
8 Number of pins to which a short was detected
9 Names of the pins to which a short was detected. Each pin is
terminated by (TAB = #9).

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 31


2.2.13 functioncall_noconnallhv
Delphi: function functioncall_noconnallhv(pcName, pcPin:
pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_noconnallhv(char *pcName, char
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_noconnallhv
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcPin$) as boolean

This function calls "NoConnAllHV" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to exe-
cute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "NoConnAllHV" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name for the test
pcPin: Name of the pin

Result data
After "functioncall_noconnallhv" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop to
wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was exe-
cuted, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and measurement
data in the 3rd field and 4th field. The measurement data can only be valid if the test
step passed. Otherwise the fields five and six must be checked for the pins to which
a short was found. The 5th field contains the number of those pins and field six the
names. Each name is terminated by a tabulator (TAB = #9).

Field number Description

3 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in ohms
5 Number of pins to which a short was detected
6 Names of the pins to which a short was detected. Each pin is
terminated by TAB (#9).

32 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.2.14 functioncall_noconnalllv
Delphi: function functioncall_noconnalllv(pcName, pcPin:
pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_noconnalllv(char *pcName, char
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_noconnalllv
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcPin$) as boolean

This function calls "NoConnAllLV" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "NoConnAllLV" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name for the test
pcPin: Name of the pin

Result data
After "functioncall_noconnalllv" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop to
wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was exe-
cuted, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and measurement
data in the 3rd field and 4th field. The measurement data can only be valid if the test
step passed. Otherwise the fields five and six must be checked for the pins to which
a short was found. The 5th field contains the number of those pins and field six the
names. Each name is terminated by a tabulator (TAB = #9).

Field number Description

3 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in ohms
5 Number of pins to which a short was detected
6 Names of the pins to which a short was detected. Each pin is
terminated by TAB (#9).

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 33


2.2.15 functioncall_noconnectiondb
Delphi: function functioncall_noconnectiondb(pcName, pcPin1,
pcPin2: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_noconnectiondb(char *pcName, char
*pcPin1, char *pcPin2);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_noconnectiondb
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcPin1$, ByVal pcPin2$) as boolean

This function calls "NoConnectionDB" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "NoConnectionDB" was successfully called.

pcName: Name for the test
pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin

Result data
After "functioncall_noconnectiondb" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop
to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was
executed, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field, ARC infor-
mation in the 3rd field and measurement data in the 4th to 8th field.

34 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


Field number Description

3 Flag whether an ARC was detected. The field contains arc if an
ARC was detected and is otherwise empty.
4 Flag whether the measured value is valid. The value is valid if your
test system is capable of measuring the current. The field contains
valid if the test system is capable of measuring the current and is
otherwise empty.
5 Prefix for real fraction of the measured current
(see electrical_test_finished)
6 Real fraction of the measured current in amperes
7 Prefix for imaginary fraction of the measured current
(see electrical_test_finished)
8 Imaginary fraction of the measured current in amperes

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 35


2.2.16 functioncall_noconnectionhv
Delphi: function functioncall_noconnectionhv(pcName,
pcPin1, pcPin2: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_noconnectionhv(char *pcName,
char *pcPin1, char *pcPin2);
Visual basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_noconnectionhv Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcPin1$, ByVal pcPin2$) as boolean

The function calls "NoConnectionHV" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "NoConnectionHV" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name for the test
pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin

Result data
After "functioncall_noconnectionhv" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop
to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was
executed, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field, ARC infor-
mation in the 3rd field and measurement data in the 4th and 5th field.

Field number Description

3 Flag whether an ARC was detected. The field contains arc if an
ARC was detected and is otherwise empty.
4 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
5 Measured value in ohms

36 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.2.17 functioncall_noconnectionlv
Delphi: function functioncall_noconnectionlv(pcName,
pcPin1, pcPin2: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_noconnectionlv(char *pcName,
char *pcPin1, char *pcPin2);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_noconnectionlv Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcPin1$, ByVal pcPin2$) as boolean

This function calls "NoConnectionLV" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
It returns TRUE if "NoConnectionLV" was successfully called in the CEETIS TE,
otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name of the test
pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin

Result data
After "functioncall_noconnectionlv" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop
to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was
executed, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field, ARC infor-
mation in the 3rd field and measurement data in the 4th and 5th field.

Field number Description

3 Flag whether an ARC was detected. The field contains arc if an
ARC was detected and is otherwise empty.
4 Value prefix (see „electrical_test_finished”)
5 Measured value in ohms

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 37


2.2.18 functioncall_noconngroupdb
Delphi: function functioncall_noconngroupdb(pcName,
pcHighGroupName, pcHighGroupPins, pcLowGroupName,
pcLowGroupPins: pchar): boolean;stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_noconngroupdb(char *pcName, char
*pcHighGroupName, char *pcHighGroupPins, char
*pcLowGroupName, char *pcLowGroupPins);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_noconngroupdb Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcHighGroupName$, ByVal pcHighGroupPins$, ByVal
pcLowGroupName$, ByVal pcLowGroupPins$) as boolean

The function calls "NoConnGroupDB" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "NoConnGroupDB" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name of the test step
pcHighGroupName: Name of the high group
pcHighGroupPins: Pins of the high group. Each pin (even the last) must be
terminated by a TAB (#9).
pcLowGroupName: Name of the low group
pcLowGroupPins: Pins of the low group. Each pin (even the last) must be
terminated by a TAB (#9).

Result data
After "functioncall_noconngroupdb" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop
to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was
executed, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and measure-
ment data in the 3rd field to 7th field. The measurement data can only be valid if the
test step passed. Otherwise the fields eight and nine must be checked for the shorts.
The 8th field contains the number of pins in field nine. Field nine contains the name of
the pins that belong to the detected shorts. Always two consecutive pins belong
together and indicate that a short was detected between those pins. Each name is
terminated by a tabulator (TAB = #9).

38 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


Field number Description

3 Flag whether the measured value is valid. The value is valid if
your test system is capable of measuring the current. The field
contains valid if the test system is capable of measuring the
current and is otherwise empty.
4 Prefix for real fraction of the measured current
(see electrical_test_finished)
5 Real fraction of the measured current in amperes
6 Prefix for imaginary fraction of the measured current
(see electrical_test_finished)
7 Imaginary fraction of the measured current in amperes
8 Number of pins in field nine
9 Names of the pins to which a short was detected

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 39


2.2.19 functioncall_noconngrouphv
Delphi: function functioncall_noconngrouphv(pcName,
pcHighGroupName, pcHighGroupPins, pcLowGroupName,
pcLowGroupPins: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_noconngrouphv(char *pcName, char
*pcHighGroupName, char *pcHighGroupPins, char
*pcLowGroupName, char *pcLowGroupPins);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_noconngrouphv Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcHighGroupName$, ByVal pcHighGroupPins$, ByVal
pcLowGroupName$, ByVal pcLowGroupPins$) as boolean

The function calls "NoConnGroupHV" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "NoConnGroupHV" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name of the test step
pcHighGroupName: Name of the high group
pcHighGroupPins: Pins of the high group. Each pin (even the last) must be
terminated by a TAB (#9).
pcLowGroupName: Name of the low group
pcLowGroupPins: Pins of the low group. Each pin (even the last) must be
terminated by a TAB (#9).

Result data
After "functioncall_noconngrouphv" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop
to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was
executed, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and measure-
ment data in the 3rd field and 4th field. The measurement data can only be valid if the
test step passed. Otherwise the fields five and six must be checked for the shorts.
The 5th field contains the number of pins in field six. Field six contains the names of
the pins that belong to the detected shorts. Always two consecutive pins belong
together and indicate that a short was detected between those pins. Each name is
terminated by a tabulator (TAB = #9).

40 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


Field number Description

3 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in ohms
5 Number of pins in field six
6 Names of the pins to which a short was detected

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 41


2.2.20 functioncall_noconngrouplv
Delphi: function functioncall_noconngrouplv(pcName,
pcHighGroupName, pcHighGroupPins, pcLowGroupName,
pcLowGroupPins: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_noconngrouplv(char *pcName, char
*pcHighGroupName, char *pcHighGroupPins, char
*pcLowGroupName, char *pcLowGroupPins);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_noconngrouplv Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcHighGroupName$, ByVal pcHighGroupPins$, ByVal
pcLowGroupName$, ByVal pcLowGroupPins$) as boolean

The function calls "NoConnGroupLV" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "NoConnGroupLV" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name of the test step
pcHighGroupName: Name of the high group
pcHighGroupPins: Pins of the high group. Each pin (even the last) must be
terminated by a TAB (#9).
pcLowGroupName: Name of the low group
pcLowGroupPins: Pins of the low group. Each pin (even the last) must be
terminated by a TAB (#9).

Result data
After "functioncall_noconngrouplv" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop to
wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was exe-
cuted, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and measurement
data in the 3rd field and 4th field. The measurement data can only be valid if the test
step passed. Otherwise the fields five and six must be checked for the shorts.
The 5th field contains the number of pins in field six. Field six contains the name of
the pins that belong to the detected shorts. Always two consecutive pins belong
together and indicate that a short was detected between those pins. Each name is
terminated by a tabulator (TAB = #9).

42 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


Field number Description

3 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in ohms
5 Number of pins in field six
6 Names of the pins to which a short was detected

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 43


2.2.21 functioncall_pinscan
Delphi: function functioncall_pinscan(pcPin: pchar):
boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_pinscan(char *pcPin);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_pinscan Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcPin$) as boolean

The function calls "PinScan" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to execute
this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "PinScan" was successfully called in the CEETIS TE,
otherwise FALSE.

pcPin: Name of the pin

Result data
After "functioncall_pinscan" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop to wait
for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was executed,
the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and measurement data
in the 3rd field and 4th field. The measurement data can only be valid if the test step
passed. Otherwise the fields five and six must be checked for the pins to which a
short was found. The 5th field contains the number of those pins and field six the
names. Each name is terminated by a tabulator (TAB = #9).

Field number Description

3 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in ohms
5 Number of pins to which a short was detected
6 Name of the pins to which a short was detected. Each pin is
terminated by TAB (#9).

44 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.2.22 functioncall_resistortest
Delphi: function functioncall_resistortest(pcName, pcPin1,
pcPin2: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_resistortest(char *pcName,
char *pcPin1, char *pcPin2);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_resistortest
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcPin1$, ByVal pcPin2$) as boolean

This function calls "ResistorTest" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to exe-
cute this function. "ResistorTest" always refers to a resistor in the net list.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "ResistorTest" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name of the resistor
pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin

Result data
After "functioncall_resistortest" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop to
wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was exe-
cuted, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and measurement
data in the 3rd and 4th field.

Field number Description

3 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in ohms

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 45


2.2.23 functioncall_rlcserialinductancetest
Delphi: function
functioncall_rlcserialinductancetest(pcName, pcPin1,
pcPin2: pchar; dMinimum_H, dMaximum_H: double):
boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_rlcserialinductancetest(char
*pcName, char *pcPin1, char *pcPin2,
double dMinimum_H, double dMaximum_H);
VisualBasic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_rlcserialinductancetest Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcPin1$, ByVal pcPin2$, dMinimum_H as Double,
dMaximum_H as Double) as boolean

This function calls "RLCSerialInductanceTest" in the CEETIS TE.
A project must be open to execute this function. "RLCSerialInductanceTest" always
refers to a RLC combination in the net list.

Return value
It returns TRUE if "RLCSerialInductanceTest" was successfully called.

pcName: Name of the RLC combination
pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin
dMinimum_H: Minimum Inductance in Henry
dMaximum_H: Maximum Inductance in Henry
Result data
After "functioncall_rlcserialinductancetest" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in
a loop to wait for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function
was executed, the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and
measurement data in the 3rd and 4th field.

Field number Description

3 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in Henry

46 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.2.24 functioncall_wiretest
Delphi: function functioncall_wiretest(pcName, pcPin1,
pcPin2: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_wiretest(char *pcName,
char *pcPin1, char *pcPin2);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_wiretest Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcName$, ByVal
pcPin1$, ByVal pcPin2$) as boolean

This function calls "WireTest" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to execute
this function. "WireTest" always refers to a wire in the net list.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "WireTest" was successfully called in the CEETIS TE,
otherwise FALSE.

pcName: Name of the wire
pcPin1: Name of the first pin
pcPin2: Name of the second pin

Result data
After "functioncall_wiretest" you must call "electrical_test_finished" in a loop to wait
for the end of the execution and to get the result string. If the function was executed,
the result string will contain passed or failed in the 2nd field and measurement data in
the 3rd and 4th field.

Field number Description

3 Value prefix (see electrical_test_finished)
4 Measured value in ohms

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 47


2.3 Matrix switching functions

Matrix switching functions allow you to change the state of contacts/pins of the matrix.
After calling one of the matrix functions you must wait until they are finished. This
can be done by calling "matrix_finished" in a loop. It is essential to process
window messages while waiting. The result of the function is returned by

2.3.1 matrix_finished
Delphi: function matrix_finished(pcResultBuffer: pchar;
iResultBufferSize: integer): integer; stdcall;
C/C++: int matrix_finished(char *pcResultBuffer; int
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function matrix_finished& Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcResultBuffer$,
ByVal iResultBufferSize&)

The function returns whether a matrix function call is finished or not. The function
can be called in a loop after a matrix function to wait until it is finished. It is essential
to process window messages while waiting.

pcResultBuffer: Pointer to a memory buffer for the result string. The buffer
should have at least a size of 1024 bytes.
iResultBufferSize: Size of the allocated result buffer

Return value
The return value is 0 while no electrical test result is available. As soon as data is
available, the return value is the number of characters (including all separators)
which were written into the result buffer. The buffer will contain the result of the func-
tion call as a string.
The data in the string is organized in fields. All fields are terminated by carriage
return + line feed (CRLF = #13#10).
The first field contains general information about the execution of the function.
Depending on its value, the second field contains further information.

48 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


Value of field 1 Description

executed The function was executed.
 2nd field: Contains the test result (success or failed)
 Following fields: Not used
function call error An error occurred while preparing or calling the function.
One reason could be that the contact/pin name is wrong.

 2nd field: Contains unknown (no other possible values at the

 Following fields: Not used
function execution An error occurred during the execution of the function.
error  2nd field: Contains the type of the error:
- safety circuit: An interruption of the safety circuit was
- Hexadecimal value:
An error code mostly a result of in-
valid parameters or a hardware problem.
- unknown: Unknown error
 Following fields: Not used

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 49


2.3.2 functioncall_contactsetoff
Delphi: function functioncall_contactsetoff(pcContact:
pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_contactsetoff(char *pcContact);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_contactsetoff
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcContact$) as

This function calls "ContactSetOff" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "ContactSetOff" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcContact: Name of the contact

Result data
No additional result data.

50 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.3.3 functioncall_contactseton
Delphi: function functioncall_contactseton(pcContact:
pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_contactseton(char *pcContact);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_contactseton
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcContact$) as

This function calls "ContactSetOn" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "ContactSetOn" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcContact: Name of the contact

Result data
No additional result data.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 51


2.3.4 functioncall_contactresetall
Delphi: function functioncall_contactresetall: boolean;
C/C++: bool functioncall_contactresetall(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_contactresetall
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

This function calls "ContactResetAll" in the CEETIS TE. This command switches all
contacts off. A project must be open to execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "ContactResetAll" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

Result data
No additional result data.

52 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.3.5 functioncall_pinsethighlow
Delphi: function functioncall_pinsethighlow(pcHighPin,
pcLowPin, pcAcDc, pcVoltage_V: pchar): boolean;
C/C++: bool functioncall_pinsethighlow(char *pcHighPin,
char *pcLowPin, char *pcAcDc, char *pcVoltage_V);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_pinsethighlow
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcHighPin$, ByVal
pcLowPin$, ByVal pcAcDc$, ByVal pcVoltage_V$) as

The function calls "PinSetHighLow" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "PinSetHighLow" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcHighPin: Name of the high pin
pcLowPin: Name of the low pin
pcAcDc: Must contain "AC" or "DC" depending on which kind of voltage will
be applied to the pins
pcVoltage_V: Voltage (floating point in volts) which will be applied to the pins

Result data
No additional result data.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 53


2.3.6 functioncall_pinsetoffall
Delphi: function functioncall_pinsetoffall: boolean;
C/C++: bool functioncall_pinsetoffall(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_pinsetoffall
Lib"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function calls "PinSetOffAll" in the CEETIS TE. This command switches all test
pins to off. A project must be open to execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "PinSetOffAll" was successfully called in the CEETIS TE,
otherwise FALSE

Result data
No additional result data.

2.3.7 functioncall_powerpinresetall
Delphi: function functioncall_powerpinresetall: boolean;
C/C++: bool functioncall_ powerpinresetall(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_ powerpinresetall Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function calls "PowerPinResetAll" in the CEETIS TE. This command switches all
power pins off. A project must be open to execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "PowerPinResetAll" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

Result data
No additional result data.

54 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.3.8 functioncall_powerupinsethigh
Delphi: function functioncall_powerupinsethigh(iExtIO: integer;
pcPowerUPin: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_powerupinsethigh(int iExtIO, char
VisualBasic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_powerupinsethigh Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll"
(ByVal iExtIO&, ByVal pcPowerUPin$) as boolean

The function calls "PowerUPinSetHigh" in the CEETIS TE. To execute this function a
project must be open.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "PowerUPinSetHigh" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

iExtIO: Number of the external IO to be used. 1 to 4 allowed, but depends
on the application and the test system.
pcPowerUPin: Name of the power-u-pin

Result data
No additional result data

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 55


2.3.9 functioncall_powerupinsetlow
Delphi: function functioncall_powerupinsetlow(iExtIO: integer,
pcPowerUPin: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_powerupinsetlow(int iExtIO; char
VisualBasic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_powerupinsetlow Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll"
(ByVal iExtIO&, ByVal pcPowerUPin$) as boolean

The function calls "Powerupinsetlow" in the CEETIS TE. To execute this function a
project must be open.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "Powerupinsetlow" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

iExtIO: Number of the external IO to be used. 1 to 4 allowed, but depends
on the application and the test system.
pcPowerUPin: Name of the power-u-pin

Result data
No additional result data

56 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.3.10 functioncall_powerupinsetoff
Delphi: function functioncall_powerupinsetoff(pcPowerUPin:
pchar):boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_powerupinsetoff(char *pcPowerUPin);
VisualBasic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_powerupinsetoff Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll"
(ByVal pcPowerUPin$) as boolean

The function calls "PowerUPinSetOff " in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "PowerUPinSetOff" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcPowerUPin: Name of the power-u-pin

Result data
No additional result data

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 57


2.4 Generator functions

Generator functions allow you to access the generators. After calling one of the gen-
erator functions you must wait until it is finished. This can be done by calling
"generator_finished" in a loop. It is essential to process window messages while
waiting. The result of the function is returned by "generator_finished".

2.4.1 generator_finished
Delphi: function generator_finished(pcResultBuffer: pchar;
iResultBufferSize: integer): integer; stdcall;
C/C++: int generator_finished(char *pcResultBuffer, int
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function generator_finished& Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcResultBuffer$,
ByVal iResultBufferSize&)

The function returns whether a generator function call is finished or not. The function
can be called in a loop after a generator function to wait until it is finished. It is essen-
tial to process window messages while waiting.

pcResultBuffer: Pointer to a memory buffer for the result string. The buffer
should have at least a size of 1024 bytes.
iResultBufferSize: Size of the allocated result buffer

Return value
The return value is 0, while no generator result is available. As soon as data is avail-
able, the return value is the number of characters (including all separators) which
were written into the result buffer. The buffer will contain the result of the function call
as a string.
The data in the string is organized in fields. All fields are terminated by carriage
return + line feed (CRLF = #13#10).
The first field contains general information about the execution of the function.
Depending on its value, the second field contains further information. If the generator
function was correctly executed, the result data will be returned in the following
fields. The result data depends on the type of function which was executed.

58 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


Value of field 1 Description

executed The function was executed.
 2nd field: Contains the test result (success or failed)
 Following fields: Result data (see description of the func-
tions below)
function call error An error occurred while preparing or calling the function.
One reason could be that the contact/pin name is wrong.

 2nd field: Contains unknown (no other possible values at the

 Following fields: Not used
function execution An error occurred during the execution of the function.
error  2nd field: Contains the type of the error:
- safety circuit: An interruption of the safety circuit was
- Hexadecimal value:
An error code mostly a result of in-
valid parameters or a hardware problem.
- unknown: Unknown error
 Following fields: Not used

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 59


2.4.2 functioncall_connectjackstomatrix
Delphi: function functioncall_connectjackstomatrix(boFront,
boBack: boolean): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_connectjackstomatrix(bool boFront,
bool boBack);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_connectjackstomatrix Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (boFront as boolean, boBack as
boolean) as boolean

The function calls "ConnectJacksToMatrix" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be
open to execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "ConnectJacksToMatrix" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

boFront: If TRUE is passed, the front jacks of the test system will be con-
nected to the matrix.
If FALSE is passed, the front jacks will be disconnected from the
boBack: Must be set to FALSE.

Result data
No additional result data.

60 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.4.3 functioncall_gensetjacksenabled
Delphi: function functioncall_gensetjacksenabled(boSwitchOn:
boolean): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_gensetjacksenabled(bool boSwitchOn);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_gensetjacksenabled Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (boSwitchOn as boolean) as

The function calls "GenSetJacksEnabled" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open
to execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "GenSetJacksEnabled" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

boSwitchOn: If TRUE is passed, the jacks will be switched in parallel to the
internal generators until this function is called with FALSE.

Result data
No additional result data.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 61


2.4.4 functioncall_genvoltageon
Delphi: function functioncall_genvoltageon(pcStimBus,
pcVoltage_V, pcMaxCurrent_A: pchar): boolean;
C/C++: bool functioncall_genvoltageon(char *pcStimBus, char
*pcVoltage_V, char *pcMaxCurrent_A);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_genvoltageon
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcStimBus$, ByVal
pcVoltage_V$, ByVal pcMaxCurrent_A$) as boolean

The function calls "GenVoltageOn" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "GenVoltageOn" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcStimBus: The bus of the test system to which the voltage shall be
applied. Possible values are U2, U3, force and sense.
pcVoltage_V: The voltage (floating point in volts) which shall be applied.
pcMaxCurrent_A: The maximum allowed current (floating point in amperes).

Result data
If the 2nd field contains success, the following fields are not used.
If the 2nd field contains failed, the 3rd field contains some error information (external-
voltage = External voltage was detected; arc = An ARC occurred while applying the
voltage; value not reached = The desired voltage value could not be reached).

62 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.4.5 functioncall_genvoltageoff
Delphi: function functioncall_genvoltageoff(pcStimBus:
pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_genvoltageoff(char *pcStimBus);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function functioncall_genvoltageoff
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcStimBus$) as

The function calls "GenVoltageOff" in the CEETIS TE. A project must be open to
execute this function.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "GenVoltageOff" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

pcStimBus: The bus of the test system to which the voltage shall be applied.
Possible values are U2, U3, force and sense.

Result data
No additional result data.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 63


2.5 Parameter functions

2.5.1 functioncall_paramcontinuity
Delphi: function functioncall_paramcontinuity(pcCurrent_A,
pcThreshold_ohm, pcTrise_s, pcTwait_s, pcTmeas_s,
pcAutoRange, pcVoltageLimit_V: pchar): boolean;
C/C++: bool functioncall_paramcontinuity(char
*pcCurrent_A, char *pcThreshold_ohm, char
*pcTrise_s, char *pcTwait_s, char *pcTmeas_s, char
*pcAutoRange, char *pcVoltageLimit_V);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_paramcontinuity Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcCurrent_A$, ByVal
pcThreshold_ohm$, ByVal pcTrise_s$, ByVal
pcTwait_s$, ByVal pcTmeas_s$, ByVal pcAutoRange$,
ByVal pcVoltageLimit_V$) as boolean

The function sets the measurement parameters for the continuity test. Refer to your
manuals or the project parameters window for the allowed values.

Return value

 0 The function wasn't handled by CEETIS.

 1 No problems detected.
 2 A problem with the "Current" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 3 A problem with the "Threshold" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.The function was not executed.
 4 A problem with one of the time values (Trise, Twait, Tmeas) was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 5 A problem with the "Voltage Limit" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.


64 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


In the window of the CEETIS TE you can check which parameter was set to which
value for evaluation purposes. after the function was executed. All changed values
will be displayed.

All measurement parameter values must be passed as strings regardless whether
they are floating point or Boolean values. If you do not wish to change a value, you
can just pass an empty or any invalid string for that parameter. To set a Boolean
value you must pass '0' for FALSE, any numeric value greater than 0 for TRUE and
everything else to not change the value. To set a floating point value you must pass
a simple floating point number without thousand separators and without a unit.
Values which have a unit like currents, voltages and resistances must be passed in
their SI base unit.

pcCurrent_A: Current in amperes (floating point)

pcThreshold_ohm: Threshold in ohms (floating point)
pcTrise_s: Maximum rise time in seconds (floating point)
pcTwait_s: Wait time in seconds (floating point)
pcTmeas_s: Measurement time in seconds (floating point)
pcAutoRange: Automatic ranging (Boolean)
pcVoltageLimit_V: Voltage limit in volts (floating point)

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 65


2.5.2 functioncall_paramdielectricbreakdown
Delphi: function functioncall_ paramdielectricbreakdown
(pcVoltage_V, pcTrise_s, pcTwait_s, pcTmeas_s,
pcTmeasFactor, pcVoltageRamp_Vp, pcFrequency_Hz,
pcThresholdIr_A, pcThresholdIi_A, pcAutoRange:
pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool
*pcVoltage_V, char *pcTrise_s, char *pcTwait_s,
char *pcTmeas_s, char *pcTmeasFactor, char
*pcVoltageRamp_Vps, char *pcThresholdIr_A, char
*pcThresholdIi_A, char *pcAutoRange);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_paramdielectricbreakdown Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcVoltage_V$, ByVal
pcTrise_s$, ByVal pcTwait_s$, ByVal pcTmeas_s$,
ByVal pcTmeasFactor$, ByVal pcVoltageRamp_Vps$,
ByVal pcFrequency_Hz$, ByVal pcThresholdIr_A$,
ByVal pcThresholdIi_A$, ByVal pcAutoRange$) as

The function sets the measurement parameters for the dielectric breakdown test.
Refer to your manuals or the project parameters window for the allowed values.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the command was successfully executed and otherwise

All measurement parameter values must be passed as strings regardless whether
they are floating point or Boolean values. If you do not wish to change a value, you
can just pass an empty or any invalid string for that parameter. To set a Boolean
value you must pass '0' for FALSE, any numeric value greater than 0 for TRUE and
everything else to not change the value. To set a floating point value you must pass
a simple floating point number without thousand separators and without a unit.
Values which have a unit like currents, voltages and resistances must be passed in
their SI base unit.

66 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


pcVoltage_V: Voltage in volts (floating point)

pcTrise_s: Maximum rise time in seconds (floating point)
pcTwait_s: Wait time in seconds (floating point)
pcTmeas_s: Measurement time in seconds (floating point)
pcTmeasFactor: Factor for the measurement time during error search
(floating point)
pcVoltageRamp_Vps: Voltage ramp in volts per second (floating point)
pcFrequency_Hz: Frequency in Hertz (floating point)
pcThresholdIr_A: Threshold for real current in amperes (floating point)
pcThresholdIi_A: Threshold for imaginary current in amperes (floating point)
pcAutoRange: Automatic ranging (Boolean)

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 67


2.5.3 functioncall_paramisolationhv
Delphi: function functioncall_paramisolationhv(pcVoltage_V,
pcThreshold_ohm, pcTrise_s, pcTwait_s, pcTmeas_s,
pcAutoRange, pcTmeasReduction, pcCurrentLimit_A,
pcTmeasFactor, pcVoltageRamp_Vps: pchar): boolean;
C/C++: bool functioncall_paramisolationhv(char
*pcVoltage_V, char *pcThreshold_ohm, char
*pcTrise_s, char *pcTwait_s, char *pcTmeas_s, char
*pcAutoRange, char *pcTmeasReduction, char
*pcCurrentLimit_A, char *pcTmeasFactor, char
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_paramisolationhv Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcVoltage_V$, ByVal
pcThreshold_ohm$, ByVal pcTrise_s$, ByVal
pcTwait_s$, ByVal pcTmeas_s$, ByVal pcAutoRange$,
ByVal pcTmeasReduction$, ByVal pcCurrentLimit_A$,
ByVal pcTmeasFactor$, ByVal pcVoltageRamp_Vps$) as

The function sets the measurement parameters for the HV isolation test. Refer to
your manuals or the project parameters window for the allowed values.

Return value

 0 The function wasn't handled by CEETIS.

 1 No problems detected.
 2 A problem with the "Voltage" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 3 A problem with the "Threshold" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.The function was not executed.
 4 A problem with one of the time values (Trise, Twait, Tmeas) was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 5 A problem with the "Current Limit" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 6 A problem with the "Voltage Ramp" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 7 A problem with the "Tmeas Factor" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.

68 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


 8 A problem with the "dIdT Enabled" value was detected.

2 The function was not executed.
 9 A problem with the "dIdT Current Threshold" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 10 A problem with the "dIdT Time Threshold" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.

In the window of the CEETIS TE you can check which parameter was set to which
value for evaluation purposes. after the function was executed. All changed values
will be displayed.

All measurement parameter values must be passed as strings regardless whether
they are floating point or Boolean values. If you do not wish to change a value, you
can just pass an empty or any invalid string for that parameter. To set a Boolean
value you must pass '0' for FALSE, any numeric value greater than 0 for TRUE and
everything else to not change the value. To set a floating point value you must pass
a simple floating point number without thousand separators and without a unit.
Values which have a unit like currents, voltages and resistances must be passed in
their SI base unit.

pcVoltage_V: Voltage in volts (floating point)

pcThreshold_ohm: Threshold in ohms (floating point)
pcTrise_s: Maximum rise time in seconds (floating point)
pcTwait_s: Wait time in seconds (floating point)
pcTmeas_s: Measurement time in seconds (floating point)
pcAutoRange: Automatic ranging (Boolean)
pcTmeasReduction: Reduction of the measurement time (Boolean)
pcCurrentLimit_A: Current limit in amperes (floating point)
pcTmeasFactor: Factor for the measurement time during error search
(floating point)
pcVoltageRamp_Vps: Voltage ramp in volts per second (floating point)

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 69


2.5.4 functioncall_paramisolationlv
Delphi: function functioncall_paramisolationlv(pcVoltage_V,
pcThreshold_ohm, pcTrise_s, pcTwait_s, pcTmeas_s,
pcAutoRange, pcTmeasReduction, pcCurrentLimit_A:
pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_paramisolationlv(char
*pcVoltage_V, char *pcThreshold_ohm, char
*pcTrise_s, char *pcTwait_s, char *pcTmeas_s, char
*pcAutoRange, char *pcTmeasReduction, char
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_paramisolationlv Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcVoltage_V$, ByVal
pcThreshold_ohm$, ByVal pcTrise_s$, ByVal
pcTwait_s$, ByVal pcTmeas_s$, ByVal pcAutoRange$,
ByVal pcTmeasReduction$, ByVal pcCurrentLimit_A$)
as boolean

The function sets the measurement parameters for the LV isolation test. Refer to
your manuals or the project parameters window for the allowed values.

Return value

 0 The function wasn't handled by CEETIS.

 1 No problems detected.
 2 A problem with the "Current" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 3 A problem with the "Threshold" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.The function was not executed.
 4 A problem with one of the time values (Trise, Twait, Tmeas) was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 5 A problem with the "Voltage Limit" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.

In the window of the CEETIS TE you can check which parameter was set to which
value for evaluation purposes. after the function was executed. All changed values
will be displayed.


70 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


All measurement parameter values must be passed as strings regardless whether

they are floating point or Boolean values. If you do not wish to change a value, you
can just pass an empty or any invalid string for that parameter. To set a Boolean
value you must pass '0' for FALSE, any numeric value greater than 0 for TRUE and
everything else to not change the value. To set a floating point value you must pass
a simple floating point number without thousand separators and without a unit.
Values which have a unit like currents, voltages and resistances must be passed in
their SI base unit.
pcVoltage_V: Voltage in volts (floating point)
pcThreshold_ohm: Threshold in ohms (floating point)
pcTrise_s: Maximum rise time in seconds (floating point)
pcTwait_s: Wait time in seconds (floating point)
pcTmeas_s: Measurement time in seconds (floating point)
pcAutoRange: Automatic ranging (Boolean)
pcCurrentLimit_A: Current limit in amperes (floating point)

2.5.5 functioncall_paramresetcontinuity
Delphi: function functioncall_paramresetcontinuity:
boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_paramresetcontinuity(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_paramresetcontinuity Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function resets the measurement parameters for the continuity test to the values
in the parameter file. The default parameters will be used if there is no parameter file

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "ParamResetContinuity" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

2.5.6 functioncall_paramresetdielectricbreakdown
Delphi: function functioncall_paramresetdielectricbreakdown:
boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_paramresetdielectricbreakdown(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_paramresetdielectricbreakdown Lib

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 71


"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function resets the measurement parameters for the dielectric breakdown test to
the values in the parameter file. The default parameters will be used if there is no
parameter file available.

Return value
The passed values will be checked and if a problem is detected the function will re-
turn a value greater than two.

 0 The function wasn't handled by CEETIS.

 1 No problems detected.
 2 A problem with the "Voltage" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 3 A problem with the "Threshold" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.The function was not executed.
 4 A problem with one of the time values (Trise, Twait, Tmeas) was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 5 A problem with the "Current Limit" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 6 A problem with the "Voltage Ramp" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 7 A problem with the "Tmeas Factor" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.
 8 A problem with the "Frequency" value was detected.
2 The function was not executed.

72 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.5.7 functioncall_paramresetisolationhv
Delphi: function functioncall_paramresetisolationhv:
boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_paramresetisolationhv(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_paramresetisolationhv Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function resets the measurement parameters for the HV isolation test to the
values in the parameter file. The default parameters will be used if there is no
parameter file available.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "ParamResetIsolationHV" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

2.5.8 functioncall_paramresetisolationlv
Delphi: function functioncall_paramresetisolationlv:
boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool functioncall_paramresetisolationlv(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
functioncall_paramresetisolationlv Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function resets the measurement parameters for the LV isolation test to the
values in the parameter file. The default parameters will be used if there is no
parameter file available.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if "ParamResetIsolationLV" was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 73


74 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.6 Probe functions

2.6.1 get_probe_pins
Delphi: function get_probe_pins(pcResultBuffer: pchar;
iResultBufferSize:integer): integer; stdcall;
C/C++: int get_probe_pins(char *pcResultBuffer,
int iResultBufferSize);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function get_probe_pins& Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcResultBuffer$,
ByVal iResultBufferSize&)

The function returns the pins that were touched with the probe at last. It can be
called in a loop after "start_probe" to wait for pins. It is essential to process window
messages while waiting.

Return value
If no pins are available, the return value is “0”. Otherwise the return value is the
number of characters written to the result buffer. The result buffer contains the pins
and each pin is terminated by carriage return + line feed (CRLF = #13#10).

pcResultBuffer: Pointer to a memory buffer for the pins. The larger the
networks of the UUT are, the larger the buffer should be.
The buffer should have at least a size of 1024 bytes.
iResultBufferSize: Size of the allocated result buffer

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 75


2.6.2 start_probe
Delphi: function start_probe: boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool start_probe(void);
VisualBasic: Private Declare Function start_probe Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

This function starts the probe. A project must be open and the test system must be
available to execute this function.

Return value
It returns TRUE if the probe was started, otherwise FALSE.

2.6.3 stop_probe
Delphi: function stop_probe: boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool stop_probe(void);
VisualBasic: Private Declare Function stop_probe Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

This function stops the probe. A project must be open, the test system must be
available and the probe must be active to execute this function.

Return value
It returns TRUE if the probe was stopped, otherwise FALSE.

76 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.7 Test system functions

These functions allow access to several parts to the test system like the safety circuit
or the warning light. After calling one of the test system functions you must wait until
they are finished. This can be done by calling "test_system_command_finished" in a
loop. It is essential to process window messages while waiting. The result of the
function is returned by "test_system_command_finished".

2.7.1 test_system_command_finished
Delphi: function
pchar; iResultBufferSize: integer): integer;
C/C++: int test_system_command_finished(char
*pcResultBuffer, int iResultBufferSize);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
test_system_command_finished& Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcResultBuffer$,
ByVal iResultBufferSize&)

The function returns whether a test system function call is finished or not. The
function can be called in a loop after a call to a test system function to wait until it is
finished. It is essential to process window messages while waiting.

pcResultBuffer: Pointer to a memory buffer for the result string. The buffer
should have at least a size of 1024 bytes.
iResultBufferSize: Size of the allocated result buffer

Return value
The return value is "0", while no electrical test result is available. As soon as data is
available the return value is the number of characters (including all separators) which
were written into the result buffer. The buffer will contain the result as a string.
The data in the string is organized in fields. All fields are terminated by carriage
return + line feed (CRLF = #13#10).
The first field contains general information about the execution of the function.
Depending on its value the second field contains further information. If the test
system function was correctly executed, the result data will be returned in the follow-
ing fields. The result data depends on the type of function which was executed.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 77


Value of field 1 Description

executed The function was executed.
 2nd field: Contains the test result (success or failed)
 Following fields: Result data (see description of the func-
tions below)
function execution An error occurred during the execution of the function.
error  2nd field: Contains the type of the error:
- Hexadecimal value:
An error code mostly a result of in-
valid parameters or a hardware problem.
- unknown: Unknown error
 Following fields: Not used

78 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.7.2 close_safety_circuit
Delphi: function close_safety_circuit(boWithCheck:
boolean): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool close_safety_circuit(bool boWithCheck);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function close_safety_circuit Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (boWithCheck as boolean) as

The function closes the safety circuit and executes an optional functional test if
necessary and possible. Refer to the hardware manual of the test system for more
information and hints about the safety circuit.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the safety circuit routine was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

boWithCheck: If you pass TRUE for "BoWithCheck", a functional test will be
performed for the safety units after closing the safety circuit. If
you pass FALSE, the functional test will not be executed.
If the safety circuit was already closed before, no functional test
will be executed even with "BoWithCheck" set to TRUE.

Result data
If the function was executed (1st field = executed) but an error occurred, the 3rd field
of the result string will contain additional information about the problem and the 4th
field will contain an error code.

Field number Description

3 close: The safety circuit could not be closed. The most common
reason for this problem is, that an emergency stop push
button is still pressed or the safety circuit is interrupted by
other security equipment like light barriers.
check: The functional test of the safety switching units failed.
In this case you should run a diagnostics.
4 Hexadecimal value:
An error code which is mostly a result of invalid parame-
ters or a hardware problem.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 79


2.7.3 is_safety_circuit_closed
Delphi: function is_safety_circuit_closed: boolean;
C/C++: bool is_safety_circuit_closed(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function is_safety_circuit_closed
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function checks whether the safety circuit is closed or not.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the safety circuit routine was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

Result data
If the function was correctly executed, the 3rd field of the result string will contain the
status of the safety circuit.

Field number Description

3 open or closed

80 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.7.4 is_safety_circuit_hv_key_switch_closed
Delphi: function is_safety_circuit_hv_key_switch_closed:
boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool is_safety_circuit_hv_key_switch_closed(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function
is_safety_circuit_hv_key_switch_closed Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function checks whether the HV key switch at the SHVSU is closed or not.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the safety circuit routine was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

Result data
If the function was correctly executed, the 3rd field of the result string will contain the
status of the HV key switch.

Field number Description

3 open or closed

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 81


2.7.5 reset_test_system
Delphi: function reset_test_system: boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool reset_test_system(void);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function reset_test_system Lib
"CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" () as boolean

The function resets the matrix and the internal generators of test system. If you do
not use the "run_test" function to run an automated CEETIS test but use your own
test sequence, we recommend you to call "reset_test_system" at the end of your test

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the reset routine was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

Result data
No additional result data.

82 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


2.7.6 set_warning_light_flashing
Delphi: function set_warning_light_flashing(boSwitchOn:
boolean): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool set_warning_light_flashing(bool boSwitchOn);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function set_warning_light_flashing
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (boSwitchOn as boolean)
as boolean

The function enables or disables the flashing of the warning light of the test system.
It is not possible to switch the light on or off or to manipulate the colours.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the warning light routine was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

boSwitchOn If you pass TRUE for "BoSwitchOn", the blinking will be enabled, if
you pass FALSE, the blinking will be disabled.

Result data
No additional result data.

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 83


2.8 Custom function calls

Custom function calls allow to run custom (user written) ATS functions to be execut-
ed. The call is started with "execute_custom_function". Afterwards you must wait
until the function is finished. This can be done by calling "custom_function_finished"
in a loop. It is essential to process window messages while waiting. "cus-
tom_function_finished" not only signals that the function is finished, it also returns a
result and the return value of the called function.

2.8.1 custom_function_finished
Delphi: function custom_function_finished(pcResultBuffer:
pchar; iResultBufferSize: integer): integer;
C/C++: int custom_function_finished(char *pcResultBuffer,
int iResultBufferSize);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function custom_function_finished&
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcResultBuffer$,
ByVal iResultBufferSize&)

The function returns whether a custom function call is finished or not. In addition the
result buffer contains the return value of the called function. "cus-
tom_function_finished" can be called in a loop after a call to "exe-
cute_custom_function" to wait until it is finished. It is essential to process window
messages while waiting.

pcResultBuffer: Pointer to a memory buffer for the result string and the
return value string. The buffer should have at least a size
of 4096 bytes.
iResultBufferSize: Size of the allocated result buffer

Return value
The return value is 0, while no result is available. As soon as data is available the
return value is the number of characters (including all separators) which were written
into the result buffer. The buffer will contain the result of the function call as a string.
The data in the string is organized in fields. All fields are terminated by carriage
return + line feed (CRLF = #13#10).
The first field contains general information about the execution of the function. De-
pending on its value the second field contains further information. If the test system

84 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH


function was correctly executed, the result data will be returned in the following
fields. The result data depends on the type of function which was executed.

Value of field 1 Description

executed The function was executed.
 2nd field: unknown
 3nd field: Return value of the custom function (= value which
is assigned to "Result" within the ATS function.
 Following fields: Not used.
function call error An error occurred while calling the function. Reasons can be
that the function does not exist or it is not tagged for range test.
 2nd field:
- function not found: The function does not exist in the
- not tagged for range test:
The function is not tagged for
range test in the ATS (directive
"rangetest" is missing).
- invalid parameters: One or more of the parameters for
the ATS function are invalid.
 Following fields: Not used
function execution An error occurred during the execution of the function.
error  2nd field: Contains the type of the error:
- safety circuit: An interruption of the safety circuit was
- Hexadecimal value:
An error code mostly a result of in-
valid parameters or a hardware problem.
- unknown: Unknown error
 Following fields: Not used
invalid No valid results available. The 2nd field contains the reason.
 2nd field:
- user break: The execution of the function was
interrupted by a user (no other possible
values at the moment).
 Following fields: Not used

Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH 85


2.8.2 execute_custom_function
Delphi: function execute_custom_function(pcFunction,
pcParameters: pchar): boolean; stdcall;
C/C++: bool execute_custom_function(pchar pcFunction,
pchar pcParameters);
Visual Basic: Private Declare Function execute_custom_function
Lib "CEETIS_TE_Access.dll" (ByVal pcFunction$,
ByVal pcParameters$) as boolean

The function calls a custom ATS function. It is possible to pass parameters to that
The function must be tagged for range test in the ATS. This means the directive
"rangetest" must be applied to the function.
After the function is called, poll for its end with "custom_function_finished".

pcFunction: Specifies the name of the ATS function to be executed.
pcParameters: Contains the parameters for the ATS function. The single pa-
rameters within this string must be embedded in single quotation
marks and separated by commas.

Return value
The return value is TRUE if the specified function was successfully called in the
CEETIS TE, otherwise FALSE.

86 Doc.-No.: 600020EN (5. Edition, Revision E) 17.03.2022, FH

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