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Daniela Pérez Guarín

1. .Economy:They are godos and services to satisfy human needs.

2. Microeconomics:These are small companies.

3. Macroeconomic:Large companies, one country, one region.

4. Economic growth: When the gross domestic product o fan

economy grows over a period of time.

5. Opportunity costs: When we make a decisión and give up things that can
be beneficial that could be money or time.

6. Gross domestic product: Value of goods and services that occur in a

country in a period of time.

7. Gross domestic producto in the circular flow: When a household buys

godos and services from a business or also when a household uses money
that receives frombsales to pay workers wages or rent the land.

8. National accounting: Are when it seeks to highlight the most important

data of the economy of a country.

9. Fiscal poicy: It is the one that gives us the stale Budget, public
expenditures and taxes.

10. Balance of payment: It is the record of everything that the country

produces in general.

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