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page 196 of the article, there are some words that are used to help compare and contrast.  In the space

below, record some of the phrases the author uses to 'compare or contrast' and idea or example.

The author makes a comparison between many indigenous peoples from Brazil,

which are thriving, compared to other indigenous groups that participate in
resistance acts against global trends. Thus, the approach that Brazilian groups
have about global ideas, they use these them to influence home states so that
those states take action in issues that concern indigenous peoples.

On the other hand, the author contrasts the idea that the indigenous peoples´ past
is not just a "cultural demise" regarding external modifications in a global trend, but
a "legacy of continuity" considering the changes that they might face.

Finally, Belton mentions how the chairperson of the Permanent Forum on

Indigenous peoples suggest that the use of the spaces of a globalizing world in
addition to the indigenous people, are transcendental to  foster "respect for the
earth and nature", "collectivity","values of reciprocity", etc.

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