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The Tests Worksheet

(Digital version! If you don’t have a printer, fill in your notes here!)

Rate each test by how you feel from 1-10 plus any additional notes. e.g. Couch stretch: felt
good left side (10) and very tight on right side (4). Your goal is to eventually have both sides at
For a visual demonstration with us, check out The Tests video in your SMM dashboard, or for
more detail, check out The Tests Breakdown in the e-book!

First Day
Tests After 4 weeks After 8 weeks
Before After

Visual Assessment

Closed Eyes Balance:

Both Legs
Single Leg
Butt Test:
Both Sides
Single Side

Standing Toe Touch

Overhead Reach

Crossed Arm
Overhead Squat

Deep Lunge Test

Couch Stretch Test

Side Plank Leg Lift

The Simplistic Mobility Method™

The Exercises Worksheet
(Digital version! If you don’t have a printer, fill in your notes here!)

Take notes of things you notice or struggle with - especially from one side to the other. E.g.
My thoracic bridge feels more unstable on left side. Eventually all exercises should feel ‘Easy’ with
good technique.
For a visual demo with us, check out The Exercises video, for more detail, check out The
Exercises Breakdown in the e-book, or for quick reference download the Cheat Sheet.

How difficult is it? Things you want to work

Exercises Easy / Do-able / Challenging / Impossible on?
Couch Stretch Reach
10x each side

Glute Bridges
20x Both Legs
10x Single Leg each side

90/90 Push Backs

10x each side

Deep Lunge Rotations

10x each side

Side Stretches
10x each side

Zenith Rotations
10x Hand on Head each side
10x Hand on Back each side

Thoracic Bridge Press

10x each side

Assisted Split Squat

10x each side

Unassisted Split Squat

10x each side

Side Plank Marches

10x each side

Elbow Withdrawal Lunges

10x each side

Crossed Arm Overhead

Kickstand Squat
10x each side

Single Leg Deadlifts

10x each leg

The Simplistic Mobility Method™

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