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Title: Loved and Living Body [From: <a href="

html ">"Demas, In Love With This Present World"</a> by Kristin Fogdall] Rating: NC-17 Summary: Inspired by <a href=" dHbcdo1_500.jpg ">this incredibly NWS and lovely image</a>. Sex, basically. All Thanks To: <lj comm="jim_and_bones">, and <lj user="emiliglia">. <lj-cut text="Jim, Bones, and sex: a meditation."> <i>C'mere, Bones, come on, what've you got for me,</i>old ma--<i>ah, mmph, yeah, fuck yeah.</i> Jim likes sex. A lot. He's liked it since he discovered it, he likes it despite -- well, anyway, Jim really likes sex, with men, women and people who defy such classifications. Pretty much as soon as he tasted the warmth of Bones's plump ranty mouth on that flask, heading up the burn of liquor, Jim started thinking about what his new buddy would be like in bed, or against a wall, or just about anywhere. He held that thought as almost without meaning to they became friends, then good friends, then maybe the best friends either of them had ever had, and then one warm night so much more. And for all his theorizing and fantasizing, Jim's found the reality of having sex with Bones to be so much better than anything his fervid brain dreamed. <i>Oh my</i> God<i> come</i> on<i> I need you harder harder fuck me harder fuck me please c'mon</i>

yes<i> mmph nngh aah yes Bones ah!</i> It's the way the smile glints in his gold-green eyes before it pulls up the corners of his mouth, the dark molasses rumble of his thickening accent, the feel of those big capable hands on Jim's skin. It's the way he kisses, a tentative touch opening out to a hungry thrust backed by real power, the pleased hum vibrating through his lips as they part Jim's, and in the way he touches, lightly and deeply at once, his awareness of the shapes beneath Jim's skin palpable in his skimming fingertips and enfolding hands. And is it ever in how he fucks, the ripple and surge of his solid-muscled frame, the hard press of his thighs against Jim's, the musky tang of his fresh sweat. <i>Don't stop don't you stop I wanna feel you, come on come on lose it for me lose it in me lemme feel you come, Bones, c'mon, come for me, yeah, that's it, that's it, I got you.</i> When he's being fucked Jim likes to come first because he likes it best right after, when his nerves are all buzzing and he's just slightly, warmly sore, his dick tingling softly where it rests in the wet loosened curl of Bones's fingers. Jim tips his hips up a little more and just feels Bones working for it, face hidden against Jim's throat and gasping mouth pressed hot to his shoulder, thighs taut columns under Jim's hands as their hips rock counterpoint, chest shuddering against Jim's as Bones loses it enough to rest his full warm weight on him. Jim gulps the sex-savory air, his ribcage pushing against Bones' as if they could merge, and feels Bones slamming into him, all but nudging the back of his throat, feels

every molecule of him shiver into ecstasy. Pressed deep inside Jim, blanketing him with his body, Bones doesn't move for a long trembling moment, eyelashes flicking Jim's chin as he mouths silent words against his shoulder that they won't mention aloud. <i>Jesus fuck I need new curses to do your magnificent virility justice, Bones, I can </i>hear<i> your eyes rolling. No, c'mon, don't get up yet, we can clean up in a minute, just... yeah, the Great Jim Kirk </i>is<i> a cuddler. You know you love it. So just... stay.</i> Pretty soon Bones always starts carrying on about hygiene and bedsheets and stuff until he pries Jim out of his bed and into the shower, where he stubbornly swats Jim's hands away from his skin but scrubs his back for him and lets him steal a kiss or three before twisting away to rinse off. As soon as he's dry-ish, Jim sprawls across Bones's bed to make Bones gripe and shove at his limbs, grouse and bodily roll him over. Bones shuts off the light as he climbs in, and for all his complaining about crowded beds and Jim still being wet and needing sleep, he presses his mouth to Jim's shoulderblade and his whole front to Jim's back. Jim slings his arm backwards as Bones splays a hand over his heart, and closes his eyes in the soft darkness as he smiles.

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