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The joy of Resurrection

Alina Paraschiv

Some time ago, I was on my way home from church, after the divine service of Resurrection.
There was a long way to my home so, my journey lasted till dawn. At the beginning of the
Great Lent, the remembrance of the morning, came stranly to my mind.
I was drawing near my home... The light of the morning started to disperse with gaiety. The
flowers of the trees smelled stronger. Birds were chirping lively and a recreating damp
surraunded everything. An indescribable joy overwhelmed my soul. I was singing in my mind
without being able to stop:’Christ has risen!’ I was shouting my joy to all that were willing to
listen to me: to grass blades, ants, little trees which were scattering their petals under the
gentle breeze of the wind... Good-hearted men! Christ has risen! Why are you sleeping? If
you knew this joy, you would want to leave your sleep.
Christ has risen so that His joy be in us, our joy be complete and nobody can take it from us.
(John 15:11; 16:22)
Rise and enjoy yourselves!

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