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Week 2

Day 1 - Acceleration and Back

Dynamic Warm Up
1. Jump Back Starts - 8 x 1 (10 yards)

Sumo Deadlift - 5 x 5

1.A. Wide Grip Cable Row - 1 x 20, 1 x 15, 1 x 10, 1 x 8

1.B. Pull Ups - 1 x 20, 1 x 15, 1 x 10, 1 x 8

1.C. Straight Arm Pulldowns - 1 x 20, 1 x 15, 1 x 10, 1 x 8

2. Cable Curls - 3 x 1 minute (Wide, Close, Reverse)

3. DB Hammer Curl - 1 x Max Reps

Core + Conditioning
1. Cable Crunches - 4 x 40

2. Treadmill Sprints - 3 x 2 minutes (10 sec. on | 10 sec. off)

Week 2
Day 2 - Change of Direction and Legs
Dynamic Warm Up
Change of Direction
1. Star Drill - 8 x 1

Front Squat - 5 x 5

1. DB Bulgarian Split Squat - 3 x 8 each leg

2. Good Mornings - 3 x 10

Core + Conditioning
1. L - Drill - 10 x 1 (30 - 45 second rest)
Week 2
Day 3 - Upper Power, Chest, and Triceps
Dynamic Warm Up
Upper Power
1. MB Slams - 50 reps (as fast as possible)

Bench Press - 5 x 5

1.A. Incline Press - 3 x 20

1.B. Incline Fly - 1 x 12, 1 x 10, 1 x 8

2.A. Bench Press - 1 x 10, 1 x 8, 1 x 6

2.B. Flat Bench Fly - 3 x 20

4.A. Skull Crushers - 3 x 20

4.B. Rope Extensions - 3 x 20

4.C. Close Grip Push Ups - 3 x Max Reps

Core + Conditioning
1.A. Jackknifes - 4 x 15

1.B. Lateral Push Ups - 4 x 10

1.C. Chin Ups - 4 x 5 (superset completed as fast as possible)

Week 2
Day 4 - Lower Power and Legs
Dynamic Warm Up
Lower Power
1. Broad Jumps - 10 x 1

1. Elevated Reverse Lunge - 5 x 5 each leg

1.A. Leg Extension - 1 x 20, 1 x 25, 1 x 30

1.B. Wall Sit - 3 x 45 seconds

2. Front Squat - 3 x 8

3. Standing Calf Raises - 3 x 50

Core + Conditioning
1. 400’s - 4 x 1 (2:30 minute rest)
Week 2
Day 5 - Top Speed and Shoulders
Dynamic Warm Up
Top Speed
1. Flying 20’s - 6 x 1

1. DB Overhead Press - 5 x 5

1. Lateral Raises - 3 x 10,10,10 (triple drop set)

2. Rear Delt Raise with External Rotation - 3 x 20

3. Front BB Raise - 3 x Max Reps

4. Behind Neck Press - 1 x 100 (least amount of sets you can)

5. Barbell Shrug - 1 x 100

Core + Conditioning
1. Suitcase Walks - 5 x 30 yards each side

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