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workbook 4

by João Balouta
workbook 4

A) Harmony
Simplifing harmony concept, this is the combination of different note frequen-
cies, played at the same time. It can be produced with the same instrument, as
with different ones. When people think about harmony, it is more associated to
the left side of a piano, with accompainments and chords, but in the end of the
day, this is the combination of all notes played, even the melody, or other varia-

B) Intervals/Chords
When 2 different notes are played at the same time, we call it an interval. For
example, if you play a C and an E, it is an interval. To build a chord you need, at
least 3 different notes. For example, C-E-G. This chord is a C major chord in his
normal formation. But, it’s also possible to build chords with 4 notes, and more.

In the case of a 3 notes chord, we will use the roman symbol (I) to represent the
main chord, called as Tonic - C major chord (C-E-G):

After tonic, it comes Supertonic, represented with (ii), Mediant (iii), Subdomi-
nant (IV), Dominant (V), Submediant (vi) and, finally, Leading Tone (vii).

Chord Symbols representation in C major Scale

workbook 4

C) Major and Minor Chords

As you must be aware, there are happy and sad songs. Of course this is a subjecti-
ve concept, because it includes human feelings and perception, but also includes
mathematics facts. It’s where harmony analysis begin, studying the intervals dis-
tance, between 2 notes, in each chord. So, if a chord sounds “happy”, usually is a
Major Chord, if it sounds “sad”, it’s a Minor Chord.

For example, on C Major Chord, we will have 3 notes (C-E-G), as we saw before.
From C to E we will have 3 white keys (including them) and 2 black keys. This is
considered a major interval, and because it has 3 natural notes, it is called a Ma-
jor Third. On the other side, if we pay attention to the distance between E and G,
there are 3 white keys, but only one black key. So this last one, it’s considered a
minor interval, which is called a Minor Third.

Major Third Minor Third

C Major chord intervals

If we study the C Minor Chord, we will have 3 notes (C-Eb-G). From C to Eb we will
have 2 white keys and 2 black keys. This is considered a minor interval, so, it is
called a Minor Third. Now, looking at the interval between Eb and G, there ar 3
white keys, and 2 black keys. Then we have again a Major Third.

workbook 4


Minor Third Major Third

C Minor chord intervals

In summary, if we see a chord beggining with a major third, and ending with a mi-
nor third, that will be a major chord. In contrary, if we look at a chord that beggins
with a minor third and finishes with a major third, it is considered a minor chord.
This is the formula to every chords that we can find when we are studying har-
mony. There are other chord formations called diminished, which are built in two
minor thirds, and augmented, built in two major thirds. But these ones are for an
advanced level of harmony analysis.

D) Main Chords: I, IV and V

Since ages that music is based on 3 main chords, Tonic (I), Subdominant (IV) and
Dominant (V). These chords are like mandatory to use in a (normal) composition,
because they give to the listener a sense of tonality, of comfort to their ears. Pop
music, for example, usually is based on this 3 chords, and then add a fourth chord;
the Submediant (vi). This last one is a kind of complement to the main chords.

Of course, there are exceptions, but in general, this is how it happens. That’s why
Pop music is so POPular(!). As piano composers, we can use this main chords, but
their sequence depends on the genre or style we want to compose. For example
if we compose a jazz song, we can use different harmonic progressions, with a lot
of sharps and flats, that sometimes, cause some discomfort, because they escape
from tonalities, sporadically.


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