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Invitation v ani a social animat and invitations to Friends, relatives, officers, clients and members of public organisations form a part of the social etiquette. Invitations can be written in two forms: Formal and Informal as per the suitability of the person(s) being invited. oe replying an invitation is also a gesture of courtesy, though people rarely attach any importance to the reply of the invitation. uta reply to an invitation is a must For two reasons: One; the host Feels good if the invitee sends a word of appreciation to rimjher for the invitation. Secondly; by letting the host know whether you will attend the event or not, helps him/her make the arrangements accordingly. The replies to the invitations are also written in Format’ and ‘Informal’ Forms. he formalinvitations, as the term suggests, are Formal, courteous in tone while the informal ones take the shape of personal [etters. But in both the types of invitations we mention—occasion, date, time and venue. + Points to Remember while Writing Formal Invitations > Formal invitations are written in the third person (e.g. Mrs. and Mr. Vineet Chaddha request the pleasure of .. > Noshort forms or abbreviated words are to be used for, titles, dates, days, ete. > Write the content in the centre setting, (in case of an invitation card) > Details like RSVP, address, or any other information should be written on the left. > Don't follow any punctuation mark like Ful stop () at the end of the line. » Format of Writing Formal Invitation > Name/Names of the host/hosts > Name/Names of the guest/auests (in case of a Formal etter of invitation) > Name of the event/function > The venue of the function > The date and time of the function > > Any other important detail, if required, like: dress code, number of quests allowed, etc. While writing a formal invitation card, don’t use any punctuation mark like Full stop () at the end of the line. A. Format of a Formal Letter of Invitation (For an individual) Address of the Sender: Date: Name and address of the receiver: Subje Sir/Madam, cevune |] Event/occasion } Date, time and venue Yours truly/faithfully, Narrie of the sender/XYZ Scanned with CamScanner 1B Format of an Invitation Card (For a lot of persons, e.g. marriage, annual Function, etc.) C. Format of an Informal Invitation A. For Acceptance: 8. For Refusal: Names of the | —_____—[ Mrs. and Mr. mother and the] request the pleasure of your benign presence on father thos) | the occasion of the marriage of their daughter/son Nome ofthe -|- Name aughter/son with Nameofthe | Tame brdesroonvivide | _TSon/Daughter of Mrs. and Mr. parents on {of bridegroom 3 Posie) at {As per Programme Reception of Barat Dinner: Vidai rsvp ee Address of the Sender: Dat iI (Body of the Invitation). Yours affectionately/lovingly/sincerely, Name of the sender/X¥Z |] Day and date ] Venue Time Occasion, date, time and venue Format of Reply to Invitation (Informal) ‘Address of the Sender Datei... DERE sang Thanks for your invi tion to... I/we will surely attend the function, Yours affectionately/lovingly/sincerely, Name of the sender/X¥Z $e ‘Address of the Sender Date: DEAE ve rnnnnns Thanks for your invitation to But dear Tam deeply sony that | would not be able to attend the event/funetion due to .. (eason). Yours affectionately/lovingly/sincerely, Name of the sender/XYZ . a oN Scanned with CamScanner

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