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New features in free VRAYforC4D 1.2.

5 update:

• implementation of newest Vray core 1.90.03

• new material option to force materials/objects to be calculated by brute force, even
though irradiance map is used in vray gi options. Enables use of brute force per
material or objects that use that material (good for detailed interesting for animations
• New option in overwrite material to set a per object based reflection environment
(similar to the global reflection environment)
• new option to set exit colors on reflection channels
• new option to set exit colors on refraction channel
• new material option to limit reflection by a certain depth (in real world units), with fading
• Translucency texture in BDRF SSS under Refraction channel of the
VrayAdvancedMaterial (and much better and faster Volume Fog and SSS effects)
• new option to use environment fog for BRDF SSS calculation
• new emitter parameter in Volume refraction
• vray dirt material added into diffuse and luminance channel, good for dirt effects and
for fast AO.
• option to mix inverted vray dirt material to achieve multilayer effect of surface dirt
• as per user request, all c4d lights can have now physical emitter values, they use a
approximations as if they would be very small area emitters. (watt, lumen, etc),for
100% precise photometric lights use only area lights though, as in reality are only area
• Lights can use shaders instead of light color. Note that you need texture scalings
rather big (ca 100-500x)
• shadows can be textured by use of procedual shaders. Note that you need texture
scalings rather big (ca 100-500x)
• as user wish shadow color can be also changed in physical sun light (please note that
only black is physical correct though)
• new option to set custom multipliers for diffuse light emissision (default = 1x)
• new option to set custom multiplier for specular light contributions (independent to light
intensity, default =1x)
• new mesh light code with better precisions and support for instancing and mograph
• all area lights can have bitmap and shader textures now (also rectangular area lights,
good to built natural studio lights, light boxes etc)
• new sunlight control in physical sky to use only the physical sky illumination without a
physical sun. Good for overcast skies or for separating sky and sun to have
independent control over both
• added option to enable/disable shadow casting of the atmosphere in physical sky to
• vray fur added, procedual fur/grass/short hair/carpets solution, it generates special
dynamic geometry on the fly during rendering for anything where you need fast and
simple hairs or fibers. Detailed controls by textures or shaders
• Show calculation phase added for caustics
• Vray Volume environment fog added, in Vray environment settings.
• can be used with any object as „gizmo“, density, color scattering, falloff can be
controlled with native c4d 3d shaders (noises). very detailed control by textures and
shaders, optimized for GI use. Good to make fog, ground fog, clouds, mist, smoke and
other volumetric effects. Note that GI is also volumetric in this release, light truly
scatters through the atmosphere volume (no fake scattering)
• weight maps can be used to limit or multi layer displacements (see example file)
• added option to auto connect AA threshold to DMC threshold (recommended to use in
most situations)
• added option to show AA samples, this is good to canalize and improve an AA
• added GI option to limit ray distance, can give speedups (speed up strongly depends
on scene)
• added new LC option to set ray depth of light cache calculation. (default =100)
• updated GI presets
• normal export rewritten, also added extra support for objects with negative flipped axis
by vray core.(mirrored objects with setting axis to -1 will not result on artefacts
anymore, no need to use the axis reset tool anymore)
• ability to set c4d lights color, even if a vray tag was added (color will be transferred to
the vray tag in case)
• compensate exposure option in luminance channel, it will make an auto exposure of
the luminance color/texture, a multiplier of 1 will then be always fir any physical camera
exposure if this option is checked. useful for easy and fast use of luminance
• Emit on Back Side parameter in Luminance layer of the VrayAdvancedMaterial
• speed -up and code cleanup in material previews
• displacement optimization
• added true refractive dispersion (actually a feature preview from forthcoming vray 2.0!)

the vrayforc4rd versions are available for 10.5,11.021+ and 11.5.26+

please note this is an „in-between“ update to versions 1.3, as many user requested, many
(but not all yet) reported issues from should be working fine now in this release. Some that
could not be done in that release, will be taken care of in next work steps...

IMPORTANT: do not change version during a project! If You open old scenes in new vray
versions it is recommended that you have to copy into a new file and re-setup settings fresh
in new version (there is an auto update feature built in, but then you are on save side)

if you want to update on osx and have both 1.20 and 1.2.5 you can have 2 c4d installations.
In that case use the manual install files, not the installer. The installer will remove older
versions otherwise.

Please use our free support forum, the link is on the website or direct on The forum is our main communication center with our users. For
support help please email us direct to support, not in forum.
Future updates, or If you need to re download the installers, you will find it there if you are
logged in. please make sure to read the manual and the EULA, links are also in the forum.

next steps on the road:

>> compatibility update for a future c4d version
>> vrayforc4d 1.3, mp + compositing release (very new multipass system, compositing
features like vray fade sphere, particle sprites, etc)
>> adding vray RT & DR components, optional .vrscene native work flow (with all maya and
max s vray shaders), new more reliable MB system which supports also deformed objects.
>> all rest of vray max features, as far possible in c4d, baking, animated proxies, etc
>> special c4d only features (secret yet).
>>Vray 2.0 ( for a sneek preview see

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