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& Glutes
REST: 60s (per set);


Hip Thrusts | 15-10-5-5-20

Hip Abduction | 10-10-10-10
American Deadlift | 10-10-10-10 (dumbells);
Cable Kickback | 10-10-10-10
Glute Squeeze | 10-10-10-10 (dumbells);
1 Leg Reverse Hypers | 10-10-10;

DAY- 0 2

Hip Thrusts | 15-10-5-5-20

Bulgarian Split Squat | 10-10-10-10
Sumo Deadlift | 10-10-10-10 (dumbells);
Frog Reverse Hypers | 10-10-10;
Banded Side Walk | 3 x Faliure
Banded Hip Abduction | 3 x Faliure

DAY- 0 3

Barbell Front Squat | 12-10-8

Barbell Back Squat | 8-8-8
Hack Press | 10-10-10-10
Glute Bridges| 15-10-5-5-20

REST: 60s (per set);

DAY- 01 - PU S H

Bench Press | 4 sets x Failure

Incline Barbell Press | 4 sets x Failure
Pectoral Fly-Machine | 10-10-8-8
Cable Upright Rows | 10-10-10-10
Overhead Barbell Press | 10-10-10-10 (dumbells);
Lateral to Frontal Raise | 10-10-10;
Around the World| 10-10-10;
Ovearhead Dumbell Extention | 10-10-10;
Tricep Pushdown| 10-10-10;

DAY- 0 2 - PU LL

Barbell Row| 10-10-8-8

T-Bar Row | 10-10-8-8
Neutral Chin-ups | 4 sets x Failure
Rear Delt Fly| 10-10-10;
Face Pulls| 12-10-8-8
Lat Pulldown | 10-10-10-10 (dumbells);
Alternating Bicep Curl | 12-10-10;
Incline Hammer Curl| 10-8-8;

20 M IN C A R D IO | 10 MI N A B S

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