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SPAN4070 Pan’s Labyrinth Quiz 1 Key

1. What is the setting of "Pan's Labyrinth"?

A. Spain in the 1940s
B. America in the 1960s
C. England in the 1850s
D. France in the 1750s
Answer: A. Spain in the 1940s

2. Who is the main character of "Pan's Labyrinth"?

A. Ofelia
B. The Faun
C. The Pale Man
D. Captain Vidal
Answer: A. Ofelia

3. What is the main theme explored in "Pan's Labyrinth"?

A. Love
B. Power
C. The loss of innocence
D. Freedom
Answer: C. The loss of innocence

4. Who directed "Pan's Labyrinth"?

A. Guillermo del Toro
B. Pedro Almodovar
C. Alejandro González Iñárritu
D. Alfonso Cuaron
Answer: A. Guillermo del Toro

5. What is the significance of the labyrinth in the film?

A. It represents Ofelia's journey
B. It is a symbol of oppression
C. It is a metaphor for the Spanish Civil War
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above

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