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Shenyang Aerospace University Internship Handbook

April 9 Starting from chapter 4 to 5

Chap6 Page Objects are a testing pattern for websites. Page Objects model a page
on your site to provide accessors and methods for interacting with this page, both
to reduce boilerplate and provide a single place for element locators. This project is
an implementation of this pattern for Python using Selenium webdriver. My
Open the site on the homepage, search pycon, credentials, submit searchfield text,
Check result, wait 15 seconds, Close the session. Process is Load Selenium
Webdriver so we can call it, start a session of Webdriver using Chrome, go to
locators, find and fill” q”, find the Submit button and then click it.
The Page Object Model breaks a script up into chunks that can be plugged back
together again, making them reusable without repetition. If you are checking
multiple web pages, you write scripts for each page separately, and call the bits
you want when you want them. This means you don’t have a single script in charge
of all the details about all the pages you're testing. Everything to do with a page is
written into a different script that deals just with that page.
Ch7 The ActionChains implementation, When you call methods for actions on the
ActionChains object, the actions are stored in a queue in the ActionChains object.
When you call perform(), the events are fired in the order they are queued up.

Page 4

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