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A. Yes, because there are still many unscrupulous companies that

impose working hours of over 40 hours per week, and some do not
even provide overtime pay which is detrimental to workers.
B. Yes, this law has actually been implemented in Indonesia.
C. Yes, this law has been stated in Law no.13 of 2003 articles 77 to
85, where every company is required to implement working hours
provisions divided into 2 systems, namely 7 hours a day for 6
working days and 8 hours a day for 5 working days with each
system given a limit of 40 hours of work per week. But
unfortunately in Indonesia itself there are still unscrupulous
companies that do not pay overtime. We hope that in the future
these companies can follow the regulations that have been in

A. Yes, it's a good idea, because in accordance with the Labor Law
No. 13 of 2003, every company has the right to give employees
breaks and leave.
B. Yes you can, but there needs to be a change because currently
there are still many shops that are fully open and do not give
employees working time.
C. Yes, we'd love to see it. Because after all workers have the right to
take a day off. And actually it has been implemented in Indonesia
as stated in the Labor Law. But in practice there are still many who
do not know or even do not comply with this.

A. Yes, because not everyone has to focus on work at that age,
generally at that age people want to focus more on spending their
old age with their family, going on vacations etc.
B. Yes, this law can of course be enforced in Indonesia, because
basically this law has been applied for a long time in Indonesia.
C. Yes, this law has been implemented, as recorded in the rules for
the retirement age limit for private employees, namely PP No. 45
of 2015 concerning Implementation of Pension Guarantee
Programs (PPJP) which states that the retirement age is set when
workers reach 56 years of age and will continue to grow 1 year for
every subsequent 3 years until it reaches the limit of 65 years.

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