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Climate change

Climate change is a global issue that has been affecting our planet for decades. It is the result of
human activities that emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap heat and cause the
planet's temperature to rise. This increase in temperature leads to the melting of polar ice caps,
rising sea levels, and more frequent natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts.

Climate change also has significant consequences for the world's biodiversity, with many species
struggling to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions. Furthermore, it is also causing widespread
food insecurity, as crops are failing due to changing temperatures and weather patterns.

Despite the clear evidence of the impacts of climate change, many people continue to deny that it is
a real problem. Some argue that it is a natural phenomenon, while others claim that it is not a
priority in comparison to other pressing global issues.

However, the scientific community is united in its belief that climate change is a serious issue that
requires immediate action. The world's leaders must work together to reduce emissions and shift
towards a more sustainable future. It is our responsibility to take action now to protect our planet
and secure a future for generations to come.

Exercice 1 :

1. What is the main cause of climate change?

2. What are the consequences of climate change for the planet's temperature?
3. How does climate change impact biodiversity?
4. Why do some people deny that climate change is a real problem?
5. What does the scientific community believe about climate change?
6. What actions must the world's leaders take to address climate change?
Exercise 2: Define the following terms from the text:

1. Climate change
2. greenhouse gases
3. polar ice caps
4. natural disasters
5. biodiversity
6. food insecurity
7. emissions
8. sustainable future

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Next year, I (reduce) my carbon footprint by using public transportation more often.
2. Yesterday, I (realize) how important it is to take action on climate change.
3. I (live) in a Canberra for the past five years.
4. The polar ice caps (melt) rapidly in recent years.
5. Climate scientists (warn) us about the consequences of climate change for decades.
6. Many species (disappear) because of the changing conditions brought on by climate change.
7. We (not take) action on climate change yet, but it is not too late.
8. I (already plant) 10 trees this year as part of my efforts to reduce my carbon footprint.
9. By 2050, sea levels (rise) by one meter, according to predictions.
10. The world (lose) countless species and ecosystems if we do not take action on climate
change now.
Exercise4: Give Your Opinion on Climate Change (Writing)

Instructions: Write an essay in which you express your personal opinion on the issue of climate
change. Consider the following questions as you write:

1. What is your understanding of the causes of climate change?

2. How do you feel about the current efforts to address climate change?
3. What actions do you believe should be taken to address climate change?
4. What role do you believe individuals, governments, and corporations should play in
addressing climate change?
5. How do you think the issue of climate change will impact the future?

Your essay should include specific examples and details to support your opinions. Be sure to use
proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation in your writing.

O.Salah eddine

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