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Social Studies 20-1 -16- Exam One T-T Value PART B: WRITTEN RESPONSE 50 @) Assignment I: Source Interpretation Suggested time: 40 - 55 minutes Examine all three sources below to assist your writing of Assignment [ Source I “Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country.” = John F: Kenneds, augur Speech, January 20,1961 Source IT ©Shuersiock Source III “All of the peoples of the world are in effect partners inthis interest of assuring jus- tice and fair dealing, and for our own part we see very clearly that unless justice be done to others it will not be done to us.” Moodrow Wilson, Speech to Congress, 1918 ALBERTA DISTANCE LEARNING CENTRE EXAM tant Social Studies 20-1 elie Exam One T-T Assignment I Examine each Source Write a response in paragraph form in which you must: + interpret nationalism ich source to demonstrate your understanding of how each source links to AND explain one or more of the relationships that exist among all three sources. Reminders for Writing + Planning space is provided + Interpret each source + Organize your response + Proofread your response Evaluation: + Interpretation of sources 12 marks + Relationships 6 marks + Communication 2 marks ALBERTA DISTANCE LEARNING CENTRE EXAM ant

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