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is a nineth-century Hindu sanctuary situated in Central Java, Indonesia, and devoted to

theTrimurti, the statement of God as the Creator (Brahma), the Preserver (Vishnu) and the
Destroyer (Shiva). The sanctuary compound is more or less 17 kilometers (11 mi) upper east of
the city of Yogyakarta on the limit between Central Java and Yogyakarta territories.

The sanctuary compound which is considered as an UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the
greatest Hindu sanctuary site in Indonesia. It is portrayed by its stature and pointed structural
planning, and the towering 47-meter-high (154 ft) focal building inside an extensive complex of
individual sanctuaries. Prambanan awes numerous guests from over the world.

Being in the wild. I am a person who really enjoys moments of solitude that are separated from
the hustle and bustle of social interactions among human beings. Where I will be able to interact
directly or indirectly with the inhabitants of nature. Animals, plants, sounds, sunlight, or the
twinkling stars at night. All those natural elements always manage to make me happy and smile.
Wild spaces in the sea or mountains are worth three coins. In the sea the garbage is scattered, the
waves are no longer pleasant. Although usually secluded beaches are still able to present the
beautiful night sky. Meanwhile, mountains, along with the increasing popularity of social media,
do not seem to be able to be a home for those who want to be alone. The number of climbers
continues to increase but the altitude space is getting narrower and polluted.

Mariposa's book tells the story of a woman named Natasha Kay Loovi, usually called by a
nickname called Acha. The Acha is trying to approach a man named Iqbal, Iqbal is a handsome
young man and always fills the recesses in his heart. They are Acha and Iqbal who attend high
school. Acha's struggle for Iqbal is very difficult because Iqbal is a young man whose type is
very strange, Iqbal doesn't seem to budge when he is approached by a woman as beautiful as
Acha. Acha himself who is fighting for Iqbal and never backs down he keeps trying to fight for
his love to get Iqbal and Iqbal's love. Until Acha was approached by a man named Juna, Acha's
heart was not interested in Juna, but Acha's heart still chose Iqbal, and wanted to continue
fighting for his love

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