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In this lesson, I learned about the introduction of EAPP. First I learned
that this subejct will help us in a variety of ways, including written and
oral communication. EAPP enables us to learn more about different
languages and their significance to each individual in a given society and I
also learned about academic text, non academic text and acdemic writing.
In Academic texts this are critical objective, specialized texts written in
formal language by writers or professionals in a given topic, In Non-
academic texts are those that are not objective and can be written by
anyone using informal or casual language while In Academic writing is a
set of skills that you need to examine and solve or learn the solution
professionally, like mathematics, reading, writing, and languages that are
formal and informal or casual.
In this lesson, I learned that critical reading is a more detailed, in-depth,
elaborate engagement with a text. It is usually a process of analyzing,
explaining, or sometimes evaluating the written text. And also, I learned
some of the suggestions to become critical readers, and that was that you
need to summarize your text and evaluate the text. I also learned the 3
steps in choosing a topic to make a pre-writing process. First, do the
brainstorming, which means you need to collect or create some possible
topics. The second one is freewriting, which means you are going to write
about the topic you choose. The last step is clustering, which means you
are just going to create a mapping or a graphic organizer to connect the
ideas or know the relationship between your ideas .
In this lesson, I learned about what is Plagiarism. Based on my
understanding Plagiarism is copying the words or the works of other
author or writer and also I learned that Author misconduct is the practice
of using the words or ideas of someone else without proper attribution. It
can have severe ramifications, such as paper retractions and loss of author
credibility and reputation.
In this lesson, I learned about the writing process. It is the writer's
emotions and creativity, as well as a linear process, that leads to successful
writing. I also learned about the thesis statement, how to develop it, and
some tips or needs to remember that by doing the thesis statement, you
need to have sufficient evidence, data, and examples that can help your
work be successful.
In this lesson, I learned about reading academic texts and also how to do a
reaction paper. A reaction paper is An essay is a type of written
assignment that requires a personal opinion and conclusion on a given
topic, both abstract and concrete. It should contain your own thoughts on
the problem discussed in the original article, and should be brief and to the
point. My main lesson I've is doing reaction papers. Your writing is based
only on what you think. Try to highlight the main ideas of that text. It is
also important that you are not copying others' writing.
In this lesson, it gives us the ability and a place to express our feelings
through journaling. I learned that an article review is a piece of writing
that is written with the intention of providing a better understanding of a
specific topic. Reviews can help people understand certain topics without
having to read entire public books or documents, such as articles and
academic works on the subject in question, and I also learned how to find
the meaning of some words without searching or using a dictionary.

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