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(Title Page)




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Moral and Religious Lessons

“That our sons may be as plants grown up in

their youth, that our daughters may be as corner

stones, polished after the similitude of a palace.”



* * * *

The Pacific Press

No. 1059 Castro Street, Oakland, Calif.

(Volume 1)


The compiler of this series of volumes has been gathering a large amount
of moral and religious reading during the past twenty years, from which selections
have been made, admitting only those which may be read with propriety on the Sab­

These volumes will be found to containtthe best lessons for the family
circle, such as will inculcate principles of obedience to parents, kindness and
affection to brothers and sisters and youthful associates, benevolence to the
poor, and the requirements of the gospel. These virtuous principles are illus­
trated by instances of conformity to them, or departure from them, in such a
manner as to lead to their love and practice.

Great care has been taken in compiling these volumes to avoid introducing
into them anything of a sectarian or denominational character that might hinder
their free circulation among any denomination, or class of society, where there
is a demand for moral and religious literature.

The family circle can be instructed and impressed by high-toned moral and
religious lessons in no better way during a leisure hour of the Sabbath, when
not engaged in the solemn worship of God, than to listen to one of their number
who shall read fro a these precious volumes. May the blessing of God attend them
to every home circle that shall give them a welcome is the prayer of the


(Volume 2)


The first volume of this series contains moral and religious instruction
adapted particularly to the youthful mind. This second volume embraces the en­
tire family circle. Interspersed in these pages articles will be found which
set forth the influence and the duty of the mother in pai’ticular. God grant
that the melting, refining and molding influence of these lessons may be felt
by all the members of each home circle that welcomes this humble volume.


(Volume 3)

The two volumes that precede this are filled with moral and religious
instruction for the home circle, embracing the entire family. The first is
adapted to the wants of children and youth, the second to those of more mature
years. The matter contained in this volume sets forth the defects ana duties
of persons of all ages; therefore its design is well stated on the cover—
’•For the Home Circle.” Volume four will be more especially devoted to setting
forth da dangers and duties of parents.

The subject matter in this series of books has been selected with the
greatest care. The compilers have read Hundreds of volumes, and papers almost
without number, in search of well-written articles that defend a sound morality,
and breathe a spirit of devotion, tenderness and true piety, They are impressed
with the fact that the religious world have been greatly wronged in having had
thrown upon the market a great number of books continning matter of little value,
still held at high prices. Our Sunday-school and youths' libraries are cursed
with religious fiction. We have endeavored to avoid these errors, in giving to
the public in this humble series, matter-of-fact lessons which appeal to the mind
and heart relative to the everyday duties of life. May God crown the effort with
His blessing.

(Volume U)

The character of the reading matter of this series of volumes, and the
object of the compiler in presenting them to the puolic, has been quite fully
set forth in previous volumes. This one, filled with precious moral and relig­
ious lessons for the household, adds another to the series.

These lessons have been selected from many books and papers, with care to
admit only the very best. And as it has seemed necessary to reject at least
nine tenths of what passes in the religious world as proper literature for the
home circle, the compiler has been led to the conviction that those who purchase
such w orks do not always get the worth of their money.

The value of a book consists very much in the fact that pure and elevating
thought is expressed in its pages in a plain and direct manner, in as few words
as will fully set forth the writer's meaning. It has been our aim to present a
series of books of this character. How well we have succeeded, the discriminat­
ing reading public must decide.


Signs of the Times, Nov. l£, 1877:

The Home Circle

This new collection of Safebath Readings has just been issued from this
Office. We recommend its introduction into all families, as an interest­
ing and instructive addition to the home circle. Its moral lessons should
be heeded by all classes who desire to live Christian lives. Price, 60 cts.

Signs of the Times, Dec. 6, 1877, under heading, "Holiday Presents":

U. "Sabbath Readings for the Home Circle," This series will comprise, when
completed, a library of four or five books of about i|Q0 pages each. They
are filled with the choicest selections both of prose and poetry, and are
adapted to the minds of the youth. Volumes 1 and 2 are now reaefy for orders.
Price per volume, 60 cts.

Review and Herald. March 22, 1877, under heading, "Books, Pamphlets, and
Tracts, issued by the SDA Publishing Association, and for sale at
this Office."

Sabbath Readings. Compiled by Mrs. E. G. White. 60 cts.

Notices, Con

Review and herald, Jan. 3, 1878i

labbath Readln s

Volume 2 of this collect i n is now rea<fy* Vol, 1 is adapted t> the younger
members of the family* Vol. 2 contains selections of moral and religious
reading that is adapted to all. The two volumes are elegantly bound at this
Office, and make valuable books for the hone circle. Price, 7l J cts, a vol­

Review and Herald, ec. 11, 1879, In E* 8, White article, "The Poll days”:
There are many who have not books and publications upon present truth. Here
is a large field where money car- be safely invested* There arc large num­
bers of little ones who should be supplied with reading* The ounohine Series,
Golden Grain Jeries, Poems, Gabbath ileadings, etc., are all precious books,
aiid nay be introduced safely into every family. The many trifles usuall
spent in candies and useless toys, may be treasured up with which to buy
the se volumes.

* .-bite :ubl5c ati >ns

Washington 12, -,C,
June 22, 19&

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