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Centro de ensino Dom Pedro II Data______/______/_________

Tufilândia- Ma Turno___________ Turma__________

Aluno Serie ________
Recuperação de Língua Inglesa

Hi! My name is Jacob and I am twelve years old. I am Australian but I live in London, the capital of
England. My family and I live in a big house. My family is big. I have two brothers, Ferris and
Harry, and one sister, Paula. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. We have six pets:
two dogs and four hamsters. They’re cool!

01. The genre of the text is

a) poem. 05. Jacob’s family have ________ pets.
b) autobiography. a) five
c) news. b) six
d) comic strip. c) seven
d) eight
02. London is in 
a) England.
b) Australia. 06. Your father's profession is
c) the United States. a) dentista.
d) the house. b) enfermeiro.
c) veterinário.
03. Jacob lives in d) médico.
a) a small house.
b) a big apartment.
c) a big house. 07. Segundo o texto, Jacob 
d) a small apartment. a) tem duas irmãs.
b) já é um adulto.
04. Complete: c) se diverte com seus amigos na rua.
There are ________ people in Jacob’s family. d) gosta de animais.
a) four
b) six
c) eight
d) nine

Professor: Aldair Carvalho

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