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In my opinion, I will be a great president because I want to help people.

If I am the president from my

country, I will clean all cities from here.

Also, I will hire only professionals to my minister council because I need people who can help me with
ideas. and I will give opportunities to people why want to improve themselves not like others that do
not give new opportunities.

To be honest, I would like to work for improvement of all possible areas like tourism, economy,
education, health. I think those are important for people. Another thing is when I walk through the
streets of my city I understand that We must have priorities like improve education, environment and

I think the biggest problem is improving education because public schools are saturated with students,
the structures of schools are bad ad no one cares about it.

Also, If I were President, everyone could go to university free of charge like other countries. I think is
important because there are people that really want to study but they can't because of the high fees,
and the public universities fill up very quickly.

Besides, I will improve the actions to take care of environment, we need laws that force us to respect
nature and not exploit it because many people are damaging the environment also, I will put a penalty
for people who throw garbage on the street.

I have many proposals in my mind, so I hope to fulfill one day, for the time I will wait that moment.

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