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1. A: Have you ever make jewellery?

B: Yes, I have
A: When did you do that?
B: I did make jewellery last month

2.A: Have you ever do traditional dancing?

B: Yes, I have
A: When did you do that?
B: I did do traditional dancing last year

3.A: Have you ever perform a play?

B: Yes, I have
A: When did you do that?
B: I did perform a play last summer
4.A: Have you ever make a film?
B: Yes, I have
A: When did you do that?
B: I did make a film 1 year ago

5.A: Have you ever create an animation?

B: Yes, I have
A: When did you do that?
B: I did create animation 4 years ago

6.A: Have you ever do origami?

B: Yes, I have
A: When did you do that?
B: I did do origami 5 years ago

7.A: Have you ever do ceramics?

B: Yes, I have
A: When did you do that?
B: I did do ceramics last year

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