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What i think of ebonics.

● As a person who knows about ebonics dialect i can say that is is a much easier way to
speak or pronounce words.
● Aave is clearly not only for African American. Nowadays it is easier to listen to this
dialect if you are a regular social media user, instagram,tik tok, twitter, and not only
African Americans community uses it, most of the people talk with ebonics. We can say
that AAVE has been popularized thanks to two of the most universal music genres, Hip
Hop and R&B, it was previously known as bad English because it doesn’t follow the
rules of standardized English.
Personally thanks to that reason now i know some phrases of words of aave, and in my opinion it
is a better way to speak with aave dialect.

● Doing research for this paper, i’ve seen many other documents mostly from universities,
saying that you should not use AAVE and i want to give my opinion on that. As i already
said, aave is a great way to speak and a kind of fun dialect to learn about. I think a person
who does not know english and wants to learn should give it a try. And lets not forget
that not only the youth is using but some adults talk with aave too.

● In conclusion, aave is a dialect of english like any other just more easy to use. But suffers
from people thinking it is not valid and they don't think its features are correct.
It has a coherent gramma and some super cool grammatical features that allow it to communicate
complex ideas in fewer words. Ans as i previously said, hip hop has a huge importance of this
mainstream way to speak, and we can say is thanks that.

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