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B2 Writing section class 3

Telling a story

Tenses and how to use them:

Simple present: Scientific information: rock formation, cycle of water, laws…
Example: There are three types of rock… When water boils, it becomes steam which…
Simple past: Stories and something that happened before the time of speaking.
Example: Snow white was in the forest when she saw this tiny house…
Past perfect: (Stories) something that happened before of what was said in the past.
Example: Snow white was in the forest when she saw this tiny house, she had been there before but she couldn’t
Present perfect: Something that happened and it’s still relevant to the main point.
Example: Where’s your mom? She’s been inside for four hours.

How well can you remember the formulas?

Use: Subject, auxiliary verbs, main verbs, objects, question marks.

Tense Positive Negative Question Example

Simple present

Simple Past

Past perfect

Present perfect

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