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Inhibition of cell wall synthesis

Zango UU, Ibrahim M, Shawai SAA, Shamsuddin IM. A review on β-lactam antibiotic drug resistance. MOJ Drug Des Dev Ther. 2019;3:52–8.
2. Disruption of cell membrane function

Sabnis A, Klöckner A, Becce M, Evans LE, Furniss RCD, Mavridou DAI, et al. Colistin kills bacteria by targeting lipopolysaccharide in the cytoplasmic
membrane. bioRxiv [Internet]. 2019 Jan 1;479618. Availablefrom:
3. Inhibition of protein synthesis

OpenStax CNX. OpenStax Microbiology, Microbiology. 2018.

4. Inhibition of nucleic acid

Vidushi Y, Meenakshi B. A review on HPLC method development and validation. Res J Life Sci, Bioinform, Pharm Chem Sci.2017;2(6):178.
5. Action as metabolites

Hassanein MM. Sulfonamides: far from obsolete. 2019;

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