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Vanity Metrics

Vanity metrics are metrics that make you look good but aren’t indicative of real performance and don’t
help you define your marketing strategy.

One great example of a vanity metric is social followers. While you might have a million followers on
social media, how many of those followers actively buy from your company? While it’s a great statistic
to share it only highlights the potential of your marketing. What this stat need is nuance and context.

Actionable Metrics
Actionable metrics are ones that tie specific actions to observed results. This means metrics that
highlight what’s working, and what isn’t.

One key example of an actionable metric is revenue. It’s our go-to metric of choice as it’s measurable,
actionable and scalable.

How to determine which metrics to track

Step 1: Determine your marketing goals

If you establish key marketing goals, then you can then associate actionable metrics to each of these

Step 2: Audit your current marketing metrics

You’ll likely already have a marketing report in place. This is a prime time to sift through your data and
better understand what purpose your marketing metrics are serving. Pick out metrics that support your
main marketing goals, and help add value and structure.

Step 3: Transform vanity metrics into actionable insights

It isn’t too difficult to turn vanity metrics into actionable insights.

For example : By monitoring and filtering your website visitors and analyzing their engagement, you can
get granular with what works and what doesn’t & thus convert vanity metrics to an actionable one.

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