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Where Do We Start?

The Sway of Make-Up

As far back as I can remember the image of women in cosmetics has always been
prevalent. Whether it was solely the application of lipstick or the smoothed face I thought
to be reality I saw it everywhere I looked. In some instances, it was barely noticeable and
in others there was definitely too much going on. From a male's perspective I did not
quite understand the phenomena that was occurring as the young ladies I grew up with
began to experiment with make-up. Maybe I thought of it as a fad or phase, but it became
obvious that the theme would stick the older I got.
I attempted to see the point in women's make-up use, but often I found myself
more drawn to women who wore little or none at all. As I experienced more I learned that
I myself had a misconception concerning cosmetic products. I like many others lumped
cosmetics and make-up together. I am fully aware that I have been using the two terms
interchangeably throughout this article, up until this point. Cosmetics is more so an
umbrella term that can include the upkeep and cleansing of the body. Things such as
lotions, fragrances and nail clippers are considered cosmetic products. Furthermore,
make-up is more specified to beautifying or enhancing the physical appearance. Products
more closely associated with the term being foundation, mascara, false lashes, etc...
As a man there is not much else firsthand knowledge I have of make-up or
perspective on its impact. So, in order to get a better handle on the phenomena we at TLC
News formed seven questions for anonymous participants to help us piece together a
fuller picture. At this time, I would like to thank them for their participation. Check out a
few of their responses below.
 Why do you use make-up?
o "Using cosmetics started off as something I was always intrigued by because I’d see all
my peers experimenting with it. Though my mother wore make up heavily when she
was in high school, my mother never stopped reminding me of how much I didn’t need
make up at all. I believed that to be true until people in my high school, including my
high school sweetheart, began making me feel insecure about myself. At first, I would
only use a little lip gloss, then came along the eyeliner and mascara. The three of those
things failed to be enough when I got to college. Haunted by what my so- called friends
said, I didn’t feel pretty unless I had on a little concealer and foundation."
 Do you know what make-up products are made out of?
o "We all do. Most main stream cosmetic ingredients are accessible at the back of the
packaging it comes in. If you ever look at them, you will find most are harmful
chemicals, alcohols, artificial preservatives, parabens and fillers. Go a little deeper than
that, and you will find some very irrational and alarming things about exactly where
these ingredients really come from. The fact that cosmetic products produced in the US
are not FDA approved before they hit the shelves is even more of a reason to step away
from the lipstick. But sadly, things never get that far..."
o "Knowing what cosmetic products are made of is something I consciously kept away
from because I haven’t completely accepted the fact that I do need to eventually strip
myself away from using makeup. However, today I’ve only been using the basic lip gloss
and mascara, a lot like my younger high school self. But not even eyeliner, because my
loved ones have been reminding me daily of how unnecessary cosmetics are and that I
need to embrace my naturally, beautiful self, which has certainly hit home for me."

 Does the public/societal opinion affect your when, where, why, what and how
you apply make-up?
o "It most definitely DID. I had friends that wore makeup and they always encouraged me
to wear it when we would go to the movies or make a trip to IHOP after the football
games. And of course, the advertisements didn't make things any better. I said I
wouldn't get extreme with my makeup wearing but of course that didn't happen. Before
I knew it, I was looking like everybody else."
o "When I was in high school I used to never leave home without applying makeup, lol.
The reason for this is because I grew up being bullied and told that I "look like a man"
(because I had a very strong body when I was younger from playing sports) these words
really made me want to appear pretty every time I went out in public because I felt very
insecure. And a lot of what I learned about makeup was from friends I had in high
school, but I was not very experienced. But since I've been coming into the knowledge &
awareness of what is happening on Earth, the public opinion literally doesn't mean
anything to me. My decisions are solely based upon what I choose & not because of
what the media or society pushes or assholes, lol. "
o “ The societal opinion affects the when, where, what, why and how women apply
cosmetics through media/propaganda, allowing vanity to control them and start to
consume the false idea of what "beauty" is due to Westernized European features being
portrayed in the media and is now being bought by melaninated women. Many women
who allow vanity to control them, buy the latest thing. So far, the latest popular makeup
line that's out is Kylie Jenners. Kylie Jenner is a part of the Kardashian family. They're
culture vampires who love CERTAIN physical melaninated features, all while keeping
their 'privilege'. So they will go out and buy a bigger butt, bigger lips, fake body spray
tans, fake braiding hair, etc. But they will keep their European features at the same time
to look like the westernized standard of beauty. The more women see that and
internalize that, the more their mind shifts towards that belief and that vanity demon
now controls them.”
 Would you allow your daughter to use make-up?
o "I would raise my child to know that she is beautiful in her natural state. I will create an
environment around her that supports this truth as well as remind her daily of her
worth. I will instill in her the WORD of The Most High so that she learns the truth from
an early age. I wouldn't want her to follow in my footsteps at all and I definitely don't
want her to view herself as less than beautiful because that's how I felt when I was
o "Cosmetics, yes. Makeup? Absolutely not. Cosmetics are everyday products we use to
promote our wellbeing (Ex. Soap, lotion, toothpaste, etc.) I will let my daughter know
the right and wrong ways to utilize cosmetics and I will continue to lead by example and
show her through my own actions and TMH's word what true beauty really is. This was
one of the main motivations for me creating a natural cosmetics line for TLC. I know that
we have Young Stars who are constantly being targeted just as we were to be and look a
certain way. I wanted our bey bees to have something to look to that would educate
them about beauty while helping them stay true to themselves and show them that you
can still be beautiful without the glitz and glamour of this world. We are beauty.
o No i would not allow my daughter to use cosmetics because she will love herself enough to not even
feel the need to, because she won't need to. My daughter will know the true standard of beauty and it
doesn't start with the physical nor does it end there. She will know that beauty doesn't equate to
physicality, opposite of what western civilization teaches.

 What would you tell your younger self now about your use of make-up?
o "Beauty begins with taking care of your health from the inside. Stop picking at your
skin, drink plenty of water & realize that the world has been deceived. You are amazing
and special just as you are. Your hair is beautiful, your eyes are beautiful & your skin is
beautiful. Love your body. Take care of your body. Feed your body with health & LIFE.
Because by doing so, you will glow so bright & brilliantly that you will always be
confident. The Most High makes NO mistakes."
o "I would tell my younger self to love herself or nobody will."
o "This is not for you. TMH made you beautiful as you are. This beauty industry is a part of
something that is not meant for you nor your mission of being in this life. You have a
better option. Go another way. The OTHER way."
 When did you begin to use make-up? Did someone teach you?
o "Cosmetics was honestly put to my attention when I was a highly impressionable seven
years old girl. This was back in the early 2000s when I was in ballet. I was one of the very
few girls in the dressing room who looked like me before the ballet recital and I
remember almost being in tears because my mother would only allow me to wear a
little lip gloss she found in her purse. Makeup has always been an interest of mine.
However, I didn’t recognize it as a true problem within my mentality until I began feeling
like I needed to use concealer and foundation as a sophomore in college. I never wanted
to look crazy so before I ever made a purchase I would always get assistance from a lady
at the makeup counter. Also, what I considered to be very valuable lessons at the time,
my mother taught me that less is always best and that makeup is supposed to enhance,
never to cover up."
o " I began using make-up at 14-15 years old. I was shown some techniques by my friends
in high school."

 Are you aware of how much you spend on make-up?

o "Cosmetic industries are one of the biggest economic scammers of the world. We think
we are paying for good quality, prestige products when really, it’s the same stuff they
sell in drugstores. You basically just pay for the brand itself and fancier packaging. I was
a beauty fanatic, so I had a collection of a little bit of everything from everywhere. Spent
thousands of dollars on cosmetics in my lifetime that I would never even get to finish up
because I always had some other new product that came out to distract me. Bought the
same color lipstick multiple times because I forgot I had it already. I was a total product
junkie. And having that new limited-edition product was my fix. But those days are
behind me. I make my own cosmetic products at home and are seeing incredible results
for issues I have tried to repair for years! And all I had to do was get back to nature. I
feel moor beautiful than I ever now and being able to share the jewels I have found
along the way is a blissing within itself. I Thahnk TMHs every day for giving me the
opportunity to share what I love with the people that I love. I am excited for what the
future holds for me and TLC."

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