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LorAN Nc at 4 CRepitsS CONCEPT Peas CODE Pet ee var tes CONTROL Pete cui ce SCREEN IMAGE eMC cs MONOCHROME IVAGES jakub pozar, zoran perdic, ondrej zahradnicek, marcel Ree ON guile INTERFACE DESIGN greg kucera. EDITORIAL INPUT bill king. LAYOUT Pentel ieny PRODUCTION VER MeL am Tamers Astron sro, Praha. TRANSLATOR ET ae DEBUGGING eesti ee ae ts Rule) M CPL old pendrell, sean mcginty ,tim padawer, mark howard, Patrick baldwin and all the wastelanders we met at dragoncon. SPECIAL THANKS TO all who gave their lives at dragoncon. Pa eg tee een eee ee mer cad eres avr eremerre ene cerecenttnres Ppa ee reeset ean pee eee ea eee eee et tn eerie) Liregeatiner trons ete iatseet an Tena OR EATREME VIOLENCE Welcome to Toxie Springs, home to skavengers, crimi- CO ee en Waste World settings we have planned. Narrators and players playing local characters should read through The ee er See eas De ee ee ee Ce eta es ee ens Fe ee od ee ee ee ete Ce eur eas ek ee es nected adventures. We've included some interesting fore- shadowing clues for the Narrator to drop on characters Se re ea eet eras ee aR ed Ce er ert eee Te te) Se ee eed machines. eee adventures, i's time to send them on their way oF con- vince them this town is their new home. A good Narrator can always dream up more adventures deep in the a Rie ere eee Springs that popper the vast desert hardpan of Avernus, Te es Ce a er es eet te ee eo Tee) “inhabitable” environment humanity has ever tried to tame, As to how successful humanity has been in taming the deserts of Wate World, the jury is stil out a Se rece ney thousand kilometers east of Prometheus, one of many unmapped towns on one of many unmapped trails Se tn) Ce ae ed been all but picked clean but stil provide protection from dust storms thet shred unprotected flesh in minutos and Dee eee ne ee cr] ruins, although the city fathors had no intention of ststing rear ene tt) ee ee ay decided to hide cut in a cluster of ruins they had found while the rest of the team mede a mad dash back to Janus. A week later and no rescue mission in sight, the er eer ene) started driling for water. Nobody is sure i the survivors eed eee koe Se ee ey Ce ee ed Neer Historie details about the town's founding become ed found clean water and the well was claimed by other prospectors who happened upon the bot. Others say ee et en ees ok ee eee headquarters for their burgeoning but ultimately failed ees eo had a hundred other similar spots all over the desort. A Foie as ee eee) ee rer) Te eer en) and trade. A ruined woman fled her husband and found Cee Ree es CAMPAIGN PAK: CHAPTER ONE aan ee en ers Eso Sica! x Se a) Preiss a Seer eg Se MINING COMPANY é Ron le ae Sar coca aoe Sel chasis See ee ee Oe ee ne ety 20 oF so and highly transient. Some weeks the population, Ce eer a ea ee ea ary ee ee a between travelers, natives, skavengers and other despera- Ck eet ries ee Ce ena ed Rosey cee eed CeCe Ut ne eee ee eR ca ead De ee ee eee nized army can drive on a good day. A detachment of the See a Roa armed, state-sanctioned thugs, occasionally stops into ‘Toxic Springs to check up on its holdings. Gitizens of Toxic Springs don't consider themselves subjects of Spartus. When the army shows up, everyone eee ee re Doe ee te Se ek eens Sr cee cL esd Rec ea ns GETTING TO TOXIC SPRINGS ‘The desert does strange things to the mind, biological and ee ey Se ee eee) twist rational thought inside-out Meee eo ood Cee ee end Ce Ene ny oak kt ae et Re ee arent a oes eee ns Cre eae eee) Ue ee ee een a Toxic Springs is also a regular stop for motorized con- voys traveling between Prometheus and Janus. Between Se ee eee the desert on all vehicles, uninterrupted travel between the ‘metrozones is nigh impossible. oe ee ed Springs, but it’s unlikely. Remaining in the air is infinitely Se ro aes Cee ea acs PLACES OF INTEREST THE DRAGON'S DEN Ue ee aces eat errs ‘and locals alike. The drinks are weak, the food is foul, and service is nonexistent. Grull, the Krok barkoop and owner, Cee Ra Seu eet ee a torn The Den takes up what remains of the bottom floor of ‘a crumbling high-rise of Ancient design. Gruil serves drinks ee eC Cee en Poe eh ee ora to the ceiling. Only a few still work. pee Cec ers locks. The entire bottom floor of the building is sealed against the elements and foul desert alr. All the windows eee er eee rad CE td Drinks are one credit per shot, and a meal will run you oe There are usually two to twelve drinkers and drunks Se eC ror) clustered in one comer of the Den, playing various card or Ce eos Pe eee oe Ce) Eee CR EA Re ere ee nd en ke eo ence shop, called the Garage Mahal by owner Forgul Lim. The shallow slope down into the depths of the tube station is, eee oe) nee rs rs. ee ee Ed to overclock a skimmer's speed regulator or mount a Dee er ee a collected a motley assembly of techs from passing kon- eee eer as Cee eer es cor GARAGE MAHAL’S SERVICES Poe ot Ce erent een Smear tt ren Peso Eee ee) rg Pope eer poe ea Poca er ree precy Peer tes eserioscoteny Pepe ene neers pote ee ee) ee trees Re er os ‘casts populate the Dust Devil, most of them willing to try anything once. About 12 beings staff the Dust Devil most times. Slave traders passing through sometimes leave Pee ee ea ee tet a) Bs a Se ee rues ‘cular building that may have once been an Ancient hotel or ee a eee as Pro ee eed higher in the building the floors become more dangerous. Po ee ey top floors, usually exotic drugs. The top floors of the build- ing are not offcialy part of the Dust Devil business, but the a eR Poe ee Ce eee NE Daemon oes NCs:Kaycha Radost, Elata, assorted other courtesans, See eer erate) Penson aaa Ecoles ‘The accumulated castoff junk of desert travelers has dit €ed into this shop for a century or more. it might have start- ed as the mining company’s supply depot; it doesn’t mat- ‘ter now. The walls are stacked floor to ceiling with count- less odd bits, some quite old, all of It dusty. Almost cer- Dee cd tended up in the shop as well. bite ea cad ne ee ed ‘and armor patches, tools, desert rations and other items POS et ee CAMPAIEN PAC Se ae eon (Two tracing pots owner, Mia, aso doubles as the town butcher should a skavenger or traveler bring back an Need eR a eke aes ‘gy blades for reasons she won't discuss. CR es Ce ee cg ‘should use a little discretion, though, keeping in mind that eee ee Ce ay OOO eC eeane ee errr ee acs Pier re tote ay Rac eu ee ee ae players really need something. eee ee Rie ea oy This is the water source from which Toxic Springs got its eee eed ee ee ee eee ks ee et ee ee Se Rie ees Pee ee ee eee aed Re ee Ree etd Cee aoe eS eee Ren) heavy metals and solvents. Both are invisible and odorless, although unfitered water is said to shimmer slightly. Unfitered water from the Springs is an ingested Strength ad Kreeotooa Is always at the Springs. Water costs 1 eer ee Cee ee ee ee Cee Se ee eT Ce eee eee) rood Re eas ra Moms Bia omer ‘There is a litte-known cult of Machine God worshipers in Toxic Springs. Most members are harmless, as their bois Ce eee ee Cae as shipers come to the Chapel to seek guidance from their eee ee ea ny ‘many of the old Overminds Toxika is quite mad, but at least itis not hostile or, apparently, infected with the Apokalypse rie te Re) CeO ne Pee ee ea) Ultramundae terminal that is stil linked to an ancient data- ‘core deep below the ground, The terminal is nothing more than a cracked monitor and keyboard, its keys meticulous Moree Le ete eek eee eee es ‘original configuration, and typed messages fired off to the en ee ar) FL oe eee! ‘The terminal itself runs the services, and the Chapel has no Se ek ‘spends much of his time at or near the Chapel. etre) THE MINING COMPANY Coe eee eee ee Pe a ee eC R Sm Ce See eno ee on founded by the exploration team that stumbled on Toxic, SR Oe ee LS ‘maintains a staff of no less than three and no more than 20, Cee Cc The heavily armored door opens into the mining com- pany's headquarters. There is always at least one employ- Rn ee ee ios eT ee URC ay ence Down one hallway is GWWMC’s living quarters. Housing is minimal, litle more than coffins cut directly into eee ee eae kod ‘one adult human male and some minimal personal effects. Ce ee Cee eR as ‘garage, but it can house a mid-size sandkrawler. There is also a fairly complete machine shop that can service any of ee ee ree Seat een ey ee eat ec Pe eee cd ‘mostly unused. The employees normally go into town to, Ce ee ec) induce claustrophobia. 'NCs: Joko Kolyer, PTE-961 (Pete) RNR ZG) The locals call the ruins surrounding town the Junk Yard. The ruins stretch for two kilometers in every direction, then, cre ee eee an ets OCR ec ee eras Ce eo eee er oe aC ects ‘Skavenger gangs, criminals, and other undesirables some- times set up house in the Junk Yard, although one's long Reese ee eed cl Ca a mL) sskavenger kondor (rare) eae a Scattered here and there in the Junk Yard are several ‘empty habs, abandoned of forgotten by their original own- ee ey ee rene ee ee eee Ce a errs eee ee cae ters. None of the habs are properly inhabited or owned, 'NCs: Skavenger gangs, Revealed Path pilgrims, harm- Pe en — CAMPAIGN PAK: CHAPTER ONE THE GOOD PEOPLE OF TOXIC SPRINGS ‘The population of Toxic Springs can be generally charac- terized as guarded and occasionally friendly. Everyone, knows thir town relios on outsiders to survive. Evoryone. also knows outsiders bring trouble. I a konvoy drifts, through, most people will be friendly for the duration of their stay, and long enough to get their credits. They're less friendly when it comes to outsiders who look like they might put down roots in their town. Outsiders bring baggage. Outsiders bring enemies. Why else would somebody want to live in such a place? On the other hand, there are no Toxic Springs “natives.” Everyone who lives here has a past they'd rather leave in the past. The following are some notable personalities of the town. GRULL The Dragon's Den Barkeep and Owner Grull, a Krok originally from Janus, came to Toxie Springs, many, many years ago. He won the Dragon’s Den from, another owner (also a Krok) in an all-night head-butting, ‘competition. As the years ground on, Grull began to sus~ pect the original owner may have fet him win. He sure did, taste good though. Roleplaying notes: Gruli will complain about his lot to anyone who will listen but would never actually leave. He. knows life is hard in the desert and restricted in all the metrozones. ST 43 DX +0 Ina Pw+0 MRT LF16 Advantages: AR‘S, bloodhound scent, claws, fangs, regen ‘eration, spiked tail Disadvantages: Negative appearance (hideous) DX Skills: Unarmed combat (claws, fangs, tal) + 1, heavy. ‘weapon (HG) IN Skills: Survival Equipment: HMG (under bar) 2 reloads JOKO KOLYER GWWMC Operations Manager Joko was given charge of this remote mining outpost, because fe was too unpredictable and dangerous any- whero else. Tho company's management would like noth- ing better than to fire him, but Clan Kolyer is a major share- holder in the Skorpio corporation and they just don’t fire ‘family Roleplaying notes: Great bravado, punctuated by bouts of mania and depression. Aimost certainly drunk and, violent if he’s been in town, manic ranting If he's recently, returned from the desert, sT40 DX +1 Maa riz Advantages: Hardy, Disadvantages: Overconfidence (mild) DX Skils: Unarmed Combat (Brawling) +1, Blaster, Dodge IN Skills: Lore: Western Desert +2, Mek +1, Navigator +2, Driving (Wheeled) Equipment: Medium Ceramic Armor (AR: 6), Blast ‘ment in bunker (see location entry) Ne PW +0 ‘equip- PTE-961 (PETE) Mining Company Panzer Pete is the only reason the bunker isn't sacked when Joko is out or drunk. A well armored sentinel robot of Promethean design, Pete is programmed to sit patiently in the GWWMC bunker and defend it against anyone who. isn't a GWWMC employee. Roleplaying notes: Pete does his guardian job well f ‘unimaginatively. He won't participate in conversation beyond what is required to determine the characters’ clearance to the bunker. ST +4 xO MR a uF 18 Advantages: Innate Sense of Direction, Armor (AR‘S), Giant Disadvantages: Positronic Brain {prime directive: follow Joko's orders), robotic body. overcontidence (mild) ‘DX Skills: HMG, Unarmed Combat (Brawling) IN Skills: Robotics +2, Mek +1 Equipment: HMG, 5 reloads, mini toolkit KAYCHA RADOST The Dust Devil Owner and Manager Kaycha, a Hydran renegade, was in the slaving business. for scores of years, before setting down as owner of the, Dust Devil. A birhling of House Radost, Kaycha learned, uring her decades in the wastes that not all customers, want the most beautiful, the most responsive, the most. alluring lovers. So she leamed how to provide for less com- mon tastes. IN-2 Pwo TE (_Kayeha Radost isan oxcolot business woman. Sho runs a tight ship at the Dust Devil, and despite its remote location her sinhouse draws customers from the entire See Gee or orm eT ee rue iets extend only so far as required to protect her venture, ee ay Ce ee ee business goals. Bel Pe NEC} ca ro ro ee ee Oa! Disadvantages: Overcontidence (mild), code of honor (pro~ eer ee eo) IN Skils: Acting, courtior +2, fast talk, intimidate +1, savoir faire +1, seduction +1 aay CNN ce Elata is one of the Dust Devil's most unusual employees. ‘An empath able to look like any humanoid, male or female, Se eee etd ete eet ees Ce eee ee the most foul Stygian imaginable, and then service the cus- ‘tomer in Stygian form. oe eee ty De ee a a ee Cae en ey cnr i en ees ble. Once in the sinhouse, though, Elata will do everything ces recor eet eter ent) flesh ca Pal ea vec) rr fa Ce ead een ee es ee oo) Pees ee ae eC ee eee ee) ad er erme aNd ee ead Dee ee eee Devil's building, Schottus Nug provides medical services ee ene ee ea) with cash. Schottus won't use any of his own concoctions, Cee Cues Cee ee eee a age Cee ea ee ee een drug. However, itis not a combat drug at all. To simulate ose Ree eke Steg White Frenzy that they have an additional 30 LF and plus DR eg ee cs cfits, though, they are immediately revoked. White Fronzy ee ee nee eee eee Den ee a er Roleplaying notes: Schottus is not a pusher but a Cee Ree ree Ceres eae eee ee eng eee eee os a) Pye ire} ca roe no Leeds Ce a eh Ca a) es Ne a ees oat) Equipment: First aid kit, surgical toolkit, cybersurgeon eee ea ey ea doses at any time), other drugs at Narrator's discretion Tai Me ied oe a ey De a ne care for metrozone dandies. The skavengers get along well, Re ne ee a) Cent ee ed with non-desert dwellers but quick with a smile if she feels Pe ee ete ey Ce ee ee ee) raw either if she senses trouble or just doesn't like your looks. aa ee) nt Cony oo far) Co Ces Pee ee ees eee ene ees een eS ee ee ea trading post goods (see location entry) aa Aa il sone ned TU eS Pe toe ee tee ns Pre Cee Reena Cee cn Cn ead Ske ee a Re eer fee a ee eeu PR ce eed eee eee ok eee Dee Ro oe ecg Ce eo ae re ee eee eee ea Cee Cee eed Cee ee ee eee ed Po ed ete el ee eRe aaa Cee ee ere a Cn es Se aoe aane Bae pyatd nee ca PCr LF 10 Sie dar’ Disadvantages: Vengeance seeker, code of honor (samu- ee) Da eae i ered Rae cues) te a RC een ea ed De en a Rd eae Tae’ Le De) Lim’s crew. However, he was soon bored with this life. If Max can get a moment alone with the characters, he will Pee eet ened ee ee eee takes him up, he'll find a reason to stay or “events” will Ce ae Roleplaying notes: Mex plays the overeager puppy to ‘cover a more conniving mind at work. He's a user and a thief, an inveterate liar who will do or say almost anything to get his way. sto a ro far edd Cee eda) eee eee ees i ee Od Tosh re cry Ne Pao > hoe Pc ec) Truth as itis delivered by Toxika. Driven mad long ago by the desert, Dah! claims he was drawn to the Chapel of the ‘Transmitted Truth by a vision in which he traveled into the eet nh eee cs ere co eg Cr eee aces Roleplaying notes: Wide eyed, manic, nervous but not eee cs er] ra) reed roe LFe ne ed Ce a Ped Pw40 Eee ae ee eeu cy ec Pe en ae Re eg ere eee Rar ea cd CN aa ee ae Cee eee rags ee ee ee ee ea eee ano ‘opairing the pumps and providing water once again to the ry Roleplaying notes: She is deeply protective of the Pek case me but she acts like she does. Ae) ae roe ro Ca Disadvantages: Phobia (gangs, mild), obsession (guard the te) Peers Ce eee rd ead Bonen al oe en ‘supervise a fow blocks of the ancient city that once stood eee an poe Soe ee Ce det ee ee ae ee ee as Se ee ne ee ee ae Se ae See net ne Ce ee ee ee ee eee eS Ce eae ee ae ed ee ae ies) on y Pe cs ae RUMORS ABOUT TOXIC SPRINGS ‘The citizens of Toxic Springs are part of a secret cult. Largely true; see the Chapel of the Transmitted Truth. The ruins on which Toxic Springs was founded was an ee eee eg tes ‘would have you believe, False. There's nothing under Toxic Se ee ee Ree concealed datacore. There are ample opportunities to poke around the Junk Yards but characters won't find anything. The town is really a Promethean military outpost. False. Coe Mt aa Cee es Creations Literally anything might be found buried inthe junk a the trac ingpost.True-sort of. See Mirha's Trading Post for more information. During Church of the Transmitted Truth ceremonies, cee eee een ee ee ee en) translucent humanoid with biue skin and eyes that glitter like crystals. Anyone trying to touch the hologram will pass cet eee ks So ere of holy texts stored in its memory banks. The fact that it ‘sometimes contradicts itself Is taken by its worshippers as one of the paradoxes that a true religion uses to test thoir eee eer another subject close to its mechanical heart: laundry! fee econ) to ease its loneliness. Toxika still has some control over the eee ee es Ce ea Msc he eee ed eee et ee cans a ee ee ees ao a take Pen ete ern or thing within the town with its sensors and see anything Po lf questioned Toxika is quite knowledgeable on a num- ber of subjects. There is @ 50% chance that it will be able Sooo eo Deeg ca eee ee gd ‘couched in the form of gibberish, so the players may have ee ee ae Roleplaying Notes: Toxika is incomprehensible and Ce eee ea Re eee ee ear eee pe Re ee ee aed wrath with fess than spotless small-clothes. Justa touch of whitening soda and those hard-to-remove stains will van- a THE WESTERN DESERT Sr we ae) ‘Tho Western Desort is an endless bone-colored plane that stretches in every direction as far as the unenhanced eye Se ‘white dust, swirl here and there in the distance. Wavering hot air makes the horizon line impossible to disor. There Ce eC a ee See a) stripped of their concrete and glass. Yet somehow life rs kok es night, to avoid the day's heat and use the stars as naviga- ee Cee eee ers Ce Rees ee ee es Pe Oca ee mS Flares pop in the night sky as raiders alert one another to ee Rue cece Se eee em eee ocular urs ee en ence CPs RNa eRe Rene er kee es Ce ee es roll against the navigator skil, or an innate sense of direc- tion. Characters must roll against their navigator skill every Cee ed toward their stated location. Each failure becomes a -1 ‘modifier to future navigator rolis to find their way again. ee er ar) on MeCN es ronmental control, during the day requires a Hard (-2) Se ee Cn ee Pe rr is eet ee eed Ce ete te ee eg ee a te a ed Pe ee ee eter td the normal rate. Instead, characters recover LF lost this way at a rato of 1 plus their Strength modifier per day, a Seen cn See eee Cees Ce ee ee eee Cee eon ciet Lore: Westem Desert rol to find one of these trails. Once found, though, a trail will always lead to an established town and the characters will not have to make any more navigator rolls, and can travel without compass and map or Set cae Rcd Se eee re eer Cr eae Cod Pea ee Ren ae book. These times assume about 12 hours/day of travel at ee eter ad Dee eee en ae ea preter cnn eee eke ete ee ees ee ee toe errs pee ae ec ee ‘mechanical failure can all slow travelors way, way down. If these speeds seem slow, keep in mind that there are no ee ee ee Ce ee ee eee under such conditions virtually ensure disaster. ey pol ot Cy eer Ld eed Ree eee co) Pe ee es ey ned WEATHER See eee Ree ee cs De Cee ea Roo Pre ey eee ne ee ee a sc carey en eee eee ates vil result comes up on the Weather Table. On a 10, the Deeg Ue ru eee ay Cet ar ew a avoid an oncoming dust devil. A dust devi's movement is Ce Ren ieee ii s ee eee SNR Ke la De eae RL ead does the air remain stil. The vast flatness of the desert eee ers) eee er een ‘The winds near the center of such currents blow day and night without break, never lower than about 40 kph but ‘sometimes reaching 200 kph or higher. Bee et eer ‘they would rivers, using sails to carry their wheeled and skimmer vehicles downstream. While in a current, these Ce aes Ree Ce et a Pe Coa ee ee times strong enough to uproot tents or even knock over rea ee era eet se ee) storm, he must make a Strength roll or be carried away. Re a a ume Ce ee oe take 10d6 damage when he finally lands. Relay Cee ee a a nee) Visibility to a half dozen meters. A lot of sand can be dead- ly, stripping armor from flesh and flesh from bone. Sand storms have been known to tear apart tires, bury sand- ees (eee cu ke mC Narrator fiat, roll 1d10 to determine how many hours the storm will last. Every 2 hours the storm gets worse by a Se ee Oe eee ed In equal steps. Divide the roll by two to determine the num- bber of hours the storm gets worse and eases off. Example ee eee ees hours of mild and an hour of moderate}, and then ease off ‘over 3 hours (one more hour of moderate and then two hours of mild). The Narrator should keop the length of the storm secret and let the players scurry around in prepara- tion of a really bad one. oe ee ears Cee Wee ae) eee ee ee ee neg hhour to retain control of their vehicle, again at -3 during this Ce os ee ee eer ‘made during the storm. Also, each hour spent in a fierce Seer cere kam ed Re eee ea ee Oa eee ee ean) Force by 1. Any vehicle that does not stay on the move for ee ec Ee) i 1G | | i i i aes SSC OO ES SRT Re ad aL ae a ep eS Bera aot Ce ee een eternal pollution settle over the vast hardpan of the desert, ‘the temperature will start to go up. A lot. The pollution Cee eee ee ee ‘mering sands of the desert reflect back most of the sun's hhoat. The effect is called thermal inversion. ‘There will be no sign of this invisible weather pattem, Ce ee es tioular shade of red in the sunrise (make a Desert Lore rol). By midmoming, the air will tum stale and static-charged. ee oe any ee ee eed Ce eee en kes with air and rags spontaneously combust. Seen ere for days. Each day of thermal inversion is worse than the last. Aftor the third day, metal begins to soften and any liv- oer tor ren eee ky Cee ees Cee eee end Ce ee a Se Rete peers ee Rag Tablo, roll 1410 to determine the number of days the effect re ee ee a a en ee enc eer ne ee ee at the end of the number of days rolled. Unlike sand storms, thermal inversions get worse and worse, suddenly cree eee ; ee ee toctod, they must make daily exhaustion ros rogardiess of Se ee eee CNC re ae ties add up fast, and will kil almost any character in just days. Vehicies and robots passing through an inversion will suffer no il effects itt can get out in five days or less. fa vehicle remains in an inversion for more than five days, it wil take 146 LF damage every hour's caught in the inver- Ne er ae Thermal inversions are static. They tend to cover an area of d6x5 kilometers 60 characters on the move will ee ee eer een inversion. They are very useful though for winking players eres re et ar tos ANG The great granddaddy of all weather events, shatterstorms Pee en ceed eee let eos N ENCOUNTERS AND EVENTS, ‘The Westem Desert is a wasteland but it's far from barren. Each day, the Narrator should roll once to see if the piay- fers bump into other travelers, skavengors or desort crea- tures. Being lost, being on a trail and being in the deep Cea te err roe the special Western Desert weather table to see if unusual Re sete LANDMARKS Ruins are scattered across the Westom Desert. Some are Se eee eke ned fare more recent, products of the desert, violence, or time. ees ny. Thase features often attract life or something rasem- Cn ‘The following are examples of what can be found in the dosort within a day's travel from Toxic Springs by truk. Nobody has ever mapped the desert, and there are surely ‘many more secrets hidden in the wastes. aa eaated Peo ce ee et a ‘The shipyard consisting of several walls outlining what may ee Ui ly intact metal shel of a sea-going tanker tipped on its side. Bits of metal and concrete litter the desert nearly a kilome- ek ee ten bits for raw buliding materials but there always seems to be alittle more feft. eu ecg Cen ee eee tas duels and grudge matches between skavenger tough guys, Sees Reet Nea coleaa This is a more recent addition to the desert’s collection of ea eer to Ce ee an ei eee ier Me) ‘swallowed most of the buildings but the interiors are still Cee rae Rue eae peer ar rs meters and the interior is utterly dark. The surprise drop Re eae See eee NCs: Travelers, stranded individuals, pack rats VALLEY OF MONUMENTS Ra ee ae middle of the desert. They are not organized in any dis a ee eer) ee ho eee Cee aoe es ea nee See eae ANNO E7111 | Crean 1 a Evy 56 ea) eed ere Ce ou nie +2 ifroliing the day after a shatterstorm or thermal inversion ENCOUNTER TABLE (1020) 1 er Pes oe toe ee ey eR ce Cae aD lunatics, 5-6 militia, 7-8 konvoy, 9-10 prospectors) Tem ers Pes OS oC cic eee ee eed SR ee uae Se ead Most non-inteligent fife clusters around the ruins and natur- SR ee arte cet Cee eu enue Poeuemec vty ee’ Se aC Ca Ce ee ee ets Cee ee ec real praca un) Soe ee ce endary size and power, so dangerous that even the best Se ee Rs Naturally, the player characters are made of tougher (or stu Secs Loo ec Dragons and their babies in the abandoned ruins. In the Ce ue ee Rod Springs and every other habitat), there are rare spottings of the great Waste Worms. Experienced desert travelers are ‘said to know how to find , or, more sensibly, avoid , these See ccd Sc Scr Ro Dust devil ror cag focieanced ee aad oe Ce CAMPAIGN PA (Wino buit thse statues? How ot are they? How have they survived? Nobody knows. It is said the area induces Cee eee cn ee oie eee aoe Ey Petey ee ee ea Cee ee ae upward by their highest psionic Power Level. Any charac- tae eed a startlingly vivid dream of a verdant world. Grass and trees stretch in every direction. The dreamer awakens on Pee mu ed ene eee eg eee CO ce Ln Po eceers The being will not see or hear the dreamer and will sim- ply walk through the forest, speaking a long-dead alien a ar a et) stream, make an immediate PW roll, modified downward Og aes ‘On 6 or more successes, the character adds 1 to his rr ee ee ore ea anywhere else in the desert; roll once per day), the object Cee ae ee Sen ae ae eae ‘enters the Lunatic Flats. On 5 or more failures, the charac- ee RR ee a ne Reece ergs NCs: Revealed Path pilgrims NTN ela R eel Reece nes Pe eet eee ee less skavenger village. Sail-rigged vehicles and gliders of a half-dozen minor gangs are tethered outside town. Anyone Ce CR ee ee a) eR ee es er Oe eng modified, highly inefficient vehicles. ee ers ABANDONED MINING CAMP. A testimony to the importance of Drakonium to Waste World, reports of a new field compelled a Janusian mining Ce ems Jn just seven days. Then the Warlord of Spartus heard Pot ee ees Hundreds on both sides died. The field yielded a micro- eee eats ‘The remains of the mining camp consist of three low concrete bunkers and a common grave pit marked with a perm ae ened td honored dead who died in the service of Skorpio, and the ee ae ees (weed Pee noe UL) ound fields of green-blue glass covering the desert hard- eek ad glass is paper-thin and easily crumbles underfoot. Some Ce oes Pere eee ns eines Sie oN Ree Cree rll oa Cee ee Bulls have set up a permanent residence in a low cluster of Ree ee eae en ‘machine shop where they repair vehicles, an ammo dump Peer are scar aaa ey Cee eu eee) share stories. At the entrance to the hideout is a set of three wide concrete columns where prisoners are chained Bless ee oe eo ce Co ARMY OF KORRUSH ENCAMPMENT Korrush and her skavenger gang don’t have a set base, ee ea eee sree eng defended travelers, weaker gangs and the occasional Re Korrush’s skimmer transport, three truks, about 30 bikes Deer eee ee eg eee a ee eet es ee eee etn ad Do ene eR ce} Reels) ‘Tho Spartus militia has fashioned a fortress out of a long- pe ae Ren rest and collect information about the surrounding area. eee er ee ee Seer ee cy ‘There is always a detachment of 15 men and/or women at eons et a Ly LUNATIC FLATS PR ee eee aa Cee ee Pease ter Pee at ea ees eee POR tn tact) Ce Dre eee ee en cron cL ares con CO en Ce ee ee ce ‘CAMPAIGN PAK: CHAPTER ONE tke or ap ane kon, no more a haan reece | i unre chee at cyte ur Pret | i ie, sna ea are eee scien minicom at BLL 0 ana, Daeeaed ‘ie CAMPAIGN PAC Here's the secret of Lunatic Flats: day and night are not reversing at all Instead, the characters jump ahead pprocisoly 12 hours when they step into or out of the Entropic zone. The jump Is always ahoad. So if they stop ort ec em ees ee ee as ‘A few days, even weeks, of such jumping might go unno- oir ue re From the outside, people entering the Fiats simply van- Ce ee TT) pane oe eee) Ce Ce a make a roll against Power, adding the highest psionic a ee eet ang Pee eee ees eet a Into the sky to the vanishing point. Hordes of beings, ee ee eo ees Nobody can see of hear the character. This will last for an cot ee Oe er coer) Oe ee ees disaray. If the character should follow the crowd, he will walk and then run about five minutes. There will be a sud- dion burst of ight in the sky and everyone will look up ati See eee ea a downward by their highest psionic PL. Cree oer ray ee ere ee to resist while in the Flats, -3 to resist if anywhere else in the desert; rll once per day), the object of the obsession Ce ee ee a PW willbe lost, if the character enters the Iron Forest. On DEE ee ere ee ee ns ea eet eee ats [arias os ‘The Iron Forest, a field of twisted metal scaffolding as far PS eee eed ie ee Se en ead Soe ee oe rene eee ee Dee ee ed ee eg eee Ceo eed re eee ea a eae ere a ee a vast burning city. Nobody is alive and the city seems deserted. If the character walks around the city, she'll ‘come across a street full of anatomically perfect stone ea eee ead hhave been actual beings somehow tumed to stone in the Etc ieee ered ‘another Power roll, modified downward by the highest psionic power levels she may have. On § or more success ¢s, the character gains one level of PW and the Obsession disadvantage (-5 to all Intelligence rolls to resist while in the Forest, -3 to resist if anywhere else in the desert; roll ‘once per day), the object of the obsession to “go north- ast.” The obsession will be fulfilled, and it and the gained hue coe Cee ‘Monuments. On § or more failures, the character perma- rently loses 1 Power. The affects of touching the statue will ones preted coumalaiad ‘This is one of the most powerful and most used trade wind Ce Re eg eventually reaches Janus itself in about two weeks of glid- ct aod Be Ua EFFECTS OF OBSESSIONS ee ae structures littering the desert you will be under the influ- ence of competing compulsions. You need to roll once ‘each day for each obsession. If you resist all of them, Pe eee he Es direction of your obsession, proceeding afoot and aban- Cee ee ead than one obsession, you will become confused and either ce tee ad Be ue ea ee aed ee MP AIGN PAI: CHAPTER ONE rr CP ee ee LIFE FORMS BLN else er Nery} There are hundreds of gangs of various sizes all over the Cee ee ma Rc Desert Is probably 10,000 or more, broken into small SO ee oe eee Ris Tent, although a few are truly more interested in maintain- Cee ee Led oe CC RC ceed ‘gangs. See the section on Faceless Hordes to figure out Ce hee ts THE IRON BULLS ard The Iron Bulls’ sole purpose is to prove its macho dom nance over al other gangs in the area. They constantly pick ee eer eee rd Ce ee ees When encountered, the [ron Bulls travel in sinail ere See ny Oe es cee a eC mec Ree nee een es Pe ee ren ees ed ee oces Oe ek oe ee ‘The gang Is ruled by the Iron Bull, the single tough- ee ee ed etd with some regularity, as young bucks overpower older mombers. See the complete writeup of the Iron Bull in the Eee aad ARMY OF KORRUSH eed ‘The Army of Korrush is less interested in warring with other Pe ka ue) ee ee ee desert’s weather. Any members they lose to violence are ect ae ee en es DC Ry smail horde of L1 bikers, of as the entire mobile encamp- ment (see location entries}. The Army of Korrush will not ee ee os ee ee Eke) Me need Cee he es Ce ee Lk eae Korrush is in exile from Promethous, an escapee of the ‘sekutor purges. She is known for her wise leadership, fair- eee ae a ores solalaeia] Ara ard nee CUE Co ry Lee er a ay Disadvantages: Code of honor (standard, strong), overcon- eM en ten) ee ee cee ed eee) Ee ee eed Equipment: Skimmer (AR:4, LF 80, dual HMGs on fixed eee ee eae reac ac cael PRON Gren) ‘The desert is crawling with lunatics. Some are harmless eet ey violent but too crazy even for the skavenger gangs. ee ed Cee enn ey re ee Ok ee eer) ‘conversations about the visions they have at those loca- Peet eo eu Ce en ek ee eo ow the path to the nearest stopping point. They call them- ee ere kos are part of a larger organization. The structure of this orga- nization Is not discernible to outsiders. encore ry ‘aciapt well to the desert. There are insane mutants, posthu- mans and xenogens. Many lunatics are latent or active Peres ey, CAMPAIGN PAK: CHAPTER ONE ame rte | i] F PT , i SioT eck bnedacohercd Pe Kemah tikaret se-cdplteushanee-tedecced elo tak rd betta) LF behead alk porncdakighons MUM sani rhcoall sag digeg Aniplandve dong ars Bragiewede huebiciq-tppeeaiedet- Whore hice Lhasarcewlind aula wanbvckece lawl f ta Le A ee a Se ee ied placer dinntoeiy Lnelienlielaih mamnealananall San. One oth Cake Neos Ce eee ars N Doleite-Aércioahealico’ Econ a ia = Basageacd bonnet Lee hagh tte oo Ladigmnd heehee E Paiaeshigieey rye) Li roe ia pe Foe Ace Reto =7 MM Val VI Nae Seed Mactan aed c Ba eee) ‘The characters know Toxic Springs will allow them to gath- Cee er {get back on the road. As they approach town, though, they ee ee eels Pee ne eka Sc eo ea ee ee Lory OC ee ec) Pe ars See oe ned Re tae eee ees Cee eee es Pee het ee een the characters stop, they can talk to the surviving citizens Cf Toxic Springs. Jump down to The Town Makes a Plea eR ee ee ed RC Re ee RC aoe er ocean rn ee eee ee jumping down on the characters from the heights of the Ce ee as ‘les. The skavengers won't directly assault the characters if they are enclosed in a truk or such. Instead, they wil try to barricade the vehicle with their bikes and disable It so, oe eee ae) Cee eee ee ‘opposed by the characters. Hf the characters defeat the raiding party, or if they retreat back into the Junk Yard, the towns people will again Cees It they are defeated, they will be dead. Time to make a eee ee eet Sore ad ee eo ae ed gang got tired of their municipal responsibilities and left, Seo Ber eee nN A crowd of about eight adult humans, male and female, Bes ee a eas Ce eee ne ek coe They are not dressed for the desert. Most of them are caked in dust, plagued with phlegmy coughs and weak er eo ans ‘A middle-age woman, probably quite attractive if she Ce eu Ce ee ee ers ae ere el es ognize her name as associated with the notorious Dust Devil sinhouse. “You must help us. The iron Bulls took over, ee ee cay CL eee hs Bu ey from the mining company are holed up in their bunker. But Ce ea ee one eas eos CeCe ee Attacked in the night. Shot anyone who moved and spared, anyone who begged for mercy.” She shudders, shakes her ee eed ‘mean drunk and locoweed crazy and started killing any- thing that moved. On behaif of the town, I beg you to help. ets Se ees Re ok ee as tinue. Kaycha says, “Before they chased us out of town, ee ek ge es Se a eee Ce aes eR ee Ts they're looking for her even as we speak.” Kaycha pauses. “You help us take back our town, and. Ree eg aa ae Grull, the Krok barkeep, steps forward. “And all the Ce a ey pore oe ed PO ee ee ee what they've soon of the desert so far, they should know Sa eee “They'll never fix the pumps, | made sure of that,” Ce eee ue a eee eer eer ek nobody will gt the pumps to work. They'll never got mo to ee ‘about the pumps until nobody can hear her any more. ee ee re eid this decision and point them in the direction of the next ‘town, she willie and say its about 10 days away. Again, the Cen aC ee LT open desert. eee ee more animated (except for Kreeoteea, who will sink deop- ee coer) eS et ee Re ee ee ee er es ec Cee ence) Der ‘Outside, somebody repeats over a bullhom, “Give us Ce ee ee eee ere eee es =”, ——— CAMPAIGN PAK: CHAPTER ONE / aa MAKING PLANS In the safety of their hiding place, the characters and, ‘townspeople can make their plans. They construct a sim pple model of the town tshow the players the enclosed town, map). Kaycha and Grull explain where the gang is holed up, and what their most likely goals ara: Tho Pumps: skavengers continue to try and fix the pumps. to no avail The Mining Company: the worst of the gang members are thers, trying to crack open the bunker and liberate the equipment inside. The Dust Devil: Supposedly the tron Bull himself, his lieutenant and his favored gang members are holed up in the sinhouse with some of Kaycha’s employoes. This Is their headquarters, of sorts. At this point, the Natrator can jump to the appropriate sections. Thie is a non-linear adventure, so the Narrator should be familiar with all three sections and the impiica- ‘ions of deating vith the gang in different orders. THE PUMPS Several of tho cloverer skavengers among the fron Bulls aro trying to figure out how the fiiraion system at the Toxic Springs pumps work. They have met with nothing but frustration. There are three techie skavongers at work at the pumps. Two will be deeply engrossed in their work, the thicd is on break and smoking a cigarotta. There are also two LO Skavengers on bikes standing guard. Wel, napping actualy. Unless the characters make & point of alerting the tron Bulls to their presence, they will get @ drop on the skavengers. The PCs will gat one combat round before the skavengers as a gtoup get to make an initiative rol. ifthe Pumps are the characters fist stop: When the characters are through dealing with the skavengers, thoy will hear a low, ominous engine rumble nearby. As thoy look around, they see a single skavenger, dressed in dark rags with a black mask pulled over his rebroather, watch ing them from the back of his bike. Then this Mysterious Biker (as he will be known for the rest of this scenario} takes off, presumably to alert the rest of the gang. One character in the group will get one pot shot at the depart- ing Mysterious Biker, at -8 to the shot. if thoy kil the Mysterious Biker, treat the other encounters as “frst stops." This NC will make no more appearances. ‘tthe Pumps are not the characters’ frst stop: By now the Mysterious Bikar has alerted the Iron Bulls te the char- acters’ presence. Instead of just two guards, there vill be ‘wo on visible, alert quard duty and a small horde bidden in the rubble (3 to spot on an Perception rol), waiting to ambush the charactors. It the characters don't spot the ‘ambushing guards, the Narrator wil rll for their initiative as 0 group at +6. COMBAT VARIABLES AT. THE PUMPS Target hiding behing comer: 4 Target hiding in rubble: -2 Target hiding behind the pump machinery: -2 Target hiding behind bikes: -2, on a miss apply damage to bike (AR:3} and roll a critical hit if Boe bike takes 2 or more points damage in one shot. f the bike explodes, do 26, damage to all the other LO and their bikes and hope tor a chain reaction Release steam from the pumps: -2 fo everyone's to-hi chance | Wf the characters have already defeated the skavengers at the Dust Devil: The pumps will be unoccupie. However, the Iron Bulls have rigged the Pumps with a small bomb, large enough te kil the operator and destray the equip: ‘ment, it will not be weil hidden (one success on an unmod- ified Perception roll wil spot i), nor welt designed ‘one success on an unmodified Secunty Systems will disarm il) However, if anyone tries fo fox the pups and ted the bomb, or misses the Security System more while trying to disarm i, wil trigger an explosion that wi do 1086 damage to everyone in and near tho Pumps. ‘The equipment will be destroyed and will require ‘and free access to the GWWMC Bunker machine shop tc ‘fax by Kreeoteea. The Garage Mahal will not have the right tools or materials to rebuild the fitration systems 'NCs: Skavenger techies x 3 LO autopistols, Skavenger LO x 2 (or a smail horde if this isn't the characters” first stop), The Mysterious Biker (f this is their first stop), THE MINING COMPANY A large group of drunkeniy violent, well armed tron Bus are trying break into the GWAWMC Bunker. They hope te {et Into the bunker’s well-equipped machine shop and any ther goodies that may be hiding insido. Joke Kolyer and his security bot, Pete, have holed thomselves up inside the bunker and have no intention of, letting anyone, NC or PC, in. ‘There is @ horde of zero-ievel thugs standing in front of Cor on top of the bunker doors. Hai of the horde is on bikes, the other half came with an armed and armored truk (ARS, LF 80, Huy Biaster on turret). The truk is taking shots at the bunker doors with its turroted Heavy Blaster. Whien tho haracters arrive, t looks like the door vill take only three fr four more such shots, Ne CAMP AIEN PAIC COMBAT VARIABLES AT THE GWWMG eee es Sere eee aed ree ea ee) Jumping down from atop bunker: +4 (considered a charge) Meee ec fee N RASTA CY Amt eee cores es potas Pee ed See eur eas to bike (AR:3) and roll a critical hit ifthe bike takes 2 or more Se ee ee ‘damage to four other LO and their bikes and hope for a chain reaction The Iron Bulls are drunk and high: -2 ferelWI-y Wm Nat NCR ON ea Kelas) cere ened bere beret ed Perrone ee eek eee get the drop on the horde. They wil get one free combat aioe eer ae eee Dee ee Okun Cg ee eer eae Skavonger; on a 10 or less that skavenger fees), thoy will ee een ata eter eee) er een raed rea errs rt eee et ae ee ee ee yo ane See oe ee er ee Rr ee ns ae ee err es eee ee ed rebreather, watching thom from the back of his bike. SS cre cee Lead Ce eta td rest of the gang. One character in the group will get one Pe nc meen shot. If they tag and kill the Mysterious Biker, treat the other encounters as “first stops.” This NC will make no oye eee The thugs will not be here. Add a horde-size force to the ee ee ee oc) still have to deal with Joko Kolyer (see above). ee ey Pe eee RT eet ee eee eee eee ty ee Rome ‘equipment inside destroyed and Joko seriously wounded, etree tae een Perc a ce Ce Ld isn't the characters’ first stop), the Mysterious Biker (if this eee Sr aoe ‘The Iron Bulls came to Toxic Springs for several reasons, Seen er ea Pa ens Re reece cy leaving with the majority of the gang to go raiding. oe ee) members to watch over the town a few days, try to get the pumps to work again and steal what they could. He is not ots eee ea TS large horde of zero-level thugs present. Half are inside the Ptr eons the characters should they get inside without causing a Peet ae a ee eee) ee ee Re ppretty wide-open, so sneaking up on the gang willbe diff- cult. The characters will get the drop on the thugs on a Teele Pes eee cae eee een a egy the thugs inside. They will take the four surviving sinhouse Pee eu a tn oe eee ed thugs on an Perception rol. f the characters don't spot the Se ee ea eg ee eee es ee et ae Cee a enor ees Do ete eed him the first time they saw him). There is an additional horde-size group of skavengers waiting for the characters, DR a au end circumstances (psionic powers, for example), sneaking up Ce eee eat) Crea etc CAMPAIEN PAK: CHAPTER ONE (Fotow standard panic nies as they appear in Wasto Pei eec eter recnreen tTs pee eestor res eee rc tas Poca ee Ler og Ce ee es ee ee ead Ce cet aa en eae NCs: Large horde of thugs (plus a basic horde if the Pe ee ee Crt od BEAT e laa Role alot Ce ee) Company and the Dust Devil, there is a chance they will Co een ee eee OR ae mL of their vehicle’s LF (Le. -2 for a bike, -8 for a truk); on a 10 ee ee ae ees ee ceed a ee) Cee eet eo cs en a aed Ce eee cee ec Mk are spotted, the skavengors will stop their bikes, jump off, ek ae Cer oe cot ey skavengers and get in one free combat round before the Cen ogee reer he oe) wil try to get back to hs bike and alert the others while the eek eed) panicked per the rules in Waste Worid. If this skavonger escapes, treat all other encounters as if they are not the Pesma cot ON meatal Be as Se ee ete fare going to stop them. Strss the chaos and the random Soe ee ee eos ed eee ees plug ae many Skavengers aa they can. Don't hesitate 10 De Rae eT Le Cet er eee ies expecting anybody as tough as the PCs will undoubtedly be to come and stop them. The gang's fearsome leas Se Ott earn age may well simply run away or fall over and sob drunk enly. The last horde the players face may show a bit more umption. Remember though the purpose of this adven- Noreen aetna ee err earns ee ae tees Cerne s foro) te meritony Reo ee ee Ce a all the characters are killed by the skavengers, thon its time ee eee cnn aad Narrator can assume the Iron Bulls got bored after a while pers oe ee ed Se eae ke See aCe eee ry Ce ee eo ed drinks at the bar, free service at Garage Mahal, maybe even a couple free quickies from the grateful survivors at the Dust Devil, Toxic Springs is a safe haven for the char- ee ee ee) ee eee er ee XP Award: 6 if the PCs drive off the Iron Bulls. +1 for Coit cen Be eae cial Me eC ee) to the Iron Bull and has no aspirations of taking over the ee ne Ce eet ean ed Peers He dresses in dark rags with a black sash across his ed eee eae ugly specimen: His skin appears to be perpetually bursting Sets ee ee Pe tLe ta og Ce ed darkness, trying to take them out one by one. Ree Dyer) INO ca Pome Coen Disadvantages: Negative Appearance (Hideous), Fanatic ee org et ee eee lo) +3, Quick Draw (blaster) +2, Unarmed Combat (brawling) “ Equipment: Blaster pistol x 2, motorcycle, dagger, rebreather mask, survival suit fares earl) Seat) Coe ORC OM Irom ey Navigation, Rifle (assault rifle}, Survival + any other skills, Cu Res Ce eee a eee es Suit, d6 reloads. All iron bulls wear helmets with curving Roe eee) Cees Re oe Le) masked and keep their skin wrapped in bandages. They Cn Ts CO ek ak)

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