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Nicolás Valencia (00323140) 19-09-22

Existential Psychology.

Written Reflection #3

I have two things that I would like to reflect about this story. The first point is friendship or

companionship, and how important is to have someone that lift you. In this case, like Yellow

that in the end without any words, basically told Stripe to become a beautiful butterfly.

In this case that is one of the biggest things that it gives some sense to life, to have someone to

that stands you, not always supporting you. Of course, there are always conflict, but not

something that hurt you and the other person. And that is one of my desires to have someone,

preferably a girl that we can share some intimacy, as I said in my reflection, to laugh, to joke,

even fight. Like Stripe with Yellow about climbing the pillar again and at the end the end both

being butterflies.

That is how I feel right now, dealing with some issues that are pulling me up to the pillar, but I

am looking for someone that takes me down and help me be a butterfly.

Then is the pillar and how is making every caterpillar go up. I know there are special people

that do awesome things that are not built to follow the rules, but that is not the case for all

people. In a way, everybody is special, so you must find that thing that makes you special,

something that makes you walk down the path that everybody is taking. In my case would be

my desire to help people and personality.

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