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Advisory- 05/2023 Date: 03.02.


Beware of fake electricity bill alert

Many customers have reported loss of money as they responded to fake messages of overdue electricity
Modus Operandi:
The message in this scam comes via SMS or WhatsApp
These messages claim to be from the electricity
department and threaten the recipient that the power at
his home will be cut tonight as the last month's bill has
not been updated.
The message reads: "Dear customer your electricity
power will be disconnected by tonight. Last month bill
was not updated. Immediately contact our officer
9054XX ..
The messages aim to scare people and make them call
on the number given in the SMS.
The modus operandi is to fool the person and make him
call on the given number.
Once the call is made the caller is asked to download an xxxxxxxx
app and do a test payment. The payments asked to do
are never big, usually Re 1 or Rs 5. The aim is not to raise

Steps to follow for staying safe from scam attempts:

Never call back or respond to such SMSs/messages.

Check whether the message is received from a personal phone number or an

official number. The electricity board or any official communication from any
service provider would generally come from an official number or message
header (such as AX-CANBNK).

Such scams generally create a sense of urgency or panic, asking you to take an
action immediately.

If you are doubtful that you may have missed payment of electricity bill,
contact the electricity board directly. The official number of electricity board can
be found in previous bills.

Report to or in case of any incidents

General Manager


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