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5. “All men are created …..….” 1. the process of improvement
7. this island was the doorway to the US 2. They were the first at Plymouth Rock.
9. Mayflower ……. (paper signed in 1620) 3. She wrote the poem “The new Colossus” (first name).
10. central trait in the American dream 4. the frontier moved this way
11. E …. unum (inscription e.g. on the one-dollar 6. to … slavery (= to get rid of it)
bill) 8. the …. of Rights (1791)
13. Religious or political ………. were reasons to 12. ……. rights (= they cannot be taken away)
immigrate to the USA. 13. In this the new American people should be melted.
16. Americans in the past thought they were 14. to pursue this is granted in the Constitution
God’s …… people.
15. a person who comes to another country to live there
19. He was French but wrote as an “American
farmer”.SOLUTION: 17. this was destroyed on 9/11 (short form)
18. …… of allegiance
5. equal
7. ellis
9. compact
10. individualism
11. pluribus
13. persecution
16. chosen
19. crèvecoeur

1. progress
2. pilgrims
3. emma
4. west
6. abolish
8. bill
12. unalienable
13. pot
14. happiness
15. immigrant
17. wtc
18. pledge

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