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APIs for Sourcing and Procurement

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SAP S/4HANA Cloud | 2302


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Purchase Order

Purchase Order (OData V2)


Create, update or delete purchase orders using this synchronous service.

The service is based on the OData protocol and can be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.

The OData service supports the purchase order type Standard ("NB") and any customer-de ned purchase order type ("ZNB*")
that has been copied with all dependent entries from purchase order type "NB".

The service supports the following purchase order item categories:

Purchase Order Item Category Internal Symbol* External Symbol**

Standard 0 ' ' (=blank)

Subcontracting 3 L

Third- Party 5 S

Enhanced Limits (for materials or lean services) A E

Consignment 2 K

* Enter the required purchase order item category using the internal symbol.

** The external symbol is displayed, for example, in the app Create Purchase Order - Advanced.

This service is published on the SAP API Business Hub. For more information about APIs, see APIs on SAP API Business Hub.

Service Structure
The data model of the OData service contains header, item, account assignment, schedule line (including subcontracting), and
pricing nodes.

The following actions are supported:

Create: The information is sent in the request as a payload. All information is used when creating a purchase order,
including appropriate checks for restricted values and authorizations. Once the purchase order has been created, the
purchase order number is sent in the response with the data included in the purchase order. If there are any issues when
the purchase order is created, the system displays error messages in the response. Note that the action can be
executed to create a purchase order or a purchase order item.

External number assignment is available for the creation of purchase order items. If the number of the purchase order
item is not de ned externally, it is generated automatically.

Update: All information is sent in the request as a payload via a single or batch call, and is updated to the existing
purchase order with the appropriate checks in place for restricted values and authorizations. If the request is a batch call

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which comprises one or more change sets, then each change set must contain information related to one purchase
order. In each change set, use PATCH or MERGE to update an existing service node and POST to create a new service
node, namely a purchase order, purchase order item, schedule line, or an account assignment line.

If account assignment lines or delivery schedule lines are updated, mutual dependencies must be taken into account.
Updates can only be made via a batch call because the quantity or value speci cations must be rebalanced.

 Note
You cannot clear the deletion indicator of a purchase order item by using a PATCH or MERGE call.

If the eld <OrderQuantity> of the item node needs to be updated, the following applies:

If the purchase order item contains only a single schedule line, you can change the quantity on item level.

If the purchase order item contains several schedule lines, you have to change the quantity on schedule line level.

this must be done using the schedule line eld <ScheduleLineOrderQuantity> of the schedule line node.

Once the single or batch call has been submitted, the success response has the status 200 or 202. For a batch call with
an individual change set response, you receive the message Purchase order has been updated, or a failure response with
self-explanatory messages with status 400.

Delete: Deletion in purchase orders does not result in a deletion of the object in the database. Instead, a deletion
indicator is set on the service node. Deletion is handled as part of the update operation in a batch call. Delete is
supported only for the purchase order and purchase order item. Only archiving results in the physical deletion of these

 Note
Items marked for deletion cannot be read, or changed/updated. They are considered as if they do not exist, as if they
were physically deleted. The DELETE operation is not reversible by the service. If you want to undo a delete operation,
you can use the app Manage Purchase Orders, which supports the UNDO operation by clearing the deletion indicator.

Single and Batch Mode

The Odata service supports operations both in single and in batch. Single mode can be used for creating a purchase order or for
minor changes (that is for changes to data that are not interdependent with other data). Batch mode must be used for complex
changes (that is for changes to data that affect related data).

Single mode is supported for the following OData operations:

Single Request Operations

Entity OData Operations



A_PurchaseOrder yes yes yes

A_PurchaseOrderNote yes yes yes

A_PurchaseOrderItem yes yes yes

A_PurchaseOrderItemNote yes yes yes

A_PurchaseOrderScheduleLine yes yes yes

A_POSubcontractingComponent yes yes yes

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 3

Entity OData Operations



A_PurOrdAccountAssignment yes* yes** yes*

A_PurOrdPricingElement yes yes yes

Batch mode is supported for the following OData operations:

Batch Operations*/**

Entity OData Operations



A_PurchaseOrder yes yes yes

A_PurchaseOrderNote yes yes yes

A_PurchaseOrderItem yes yes yes

A_PurchaseOrderItemNote yes yes yes

A_PurchaseOrderScheduleLine yes yes yes

A_POSubcontractingComponent yes yes yes

A_PurOrdAccountAssignment yes yes yes

A_PurOrdPricingElement yes yes yes

 Note
* Using POST/DELETE in single mode to create or delete an A_PurOrdAccountAssignment entity will most likely lead to an
inconsistent purchase order item, and thus to an error in the purchase order. Therefore, such changes should normally
always be performed in batch mode, where POST/DELETE of A_PurOrdAccountAssignment is accompanied to PATCH or
MERGE of the A_PurchaseOrderItem entity.

** If the quantity or value of an account assignment line is updated, this affects the other account assignment lines. In this
case, the PATCH or MERGE operation should therefore also be executed in batch mode.

Service Message Header

The service message header contains information, for example, on the service, the content type (application/json,
application/xml), the involved sender and receiver as well as date and time.


The entities contain the business data of the service.

Entity Description Link to details

A_PurchaseOrder Header information for purchase order API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV -


A_PurchaseOrderNote Header note information for purchase order Header Notes (A_PurchaseOrderNote)

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 4

Entity Description Link to details

A_PurchaseOrderItem Item information for purchase order API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV -


A_PurchaseOrderItemNote Item note information for purchase order Item Notes (A_PurchaseOrderItemNote)

A_PurchaseOrderScheduleLine Schedule line information for purchase API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV-

order A_PurchaseOrderScheduleLine

A_POSubcontractingComponent Subcontracting component information for Subcontracting Components

purchase order (A_POSubcontractingComponent)

A_PurOrdAccountAssignment Account assignment information for API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV -

purchase order A_PurOrdAccountAssignment

A_PurOrdPricingElement Pricing information for purchase order API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV -


Input Validation
Static Field Control: The program checks the incoming payload for elds that are de ned as read-only elds in the data
model, for example the currency eld on item level. If such elds are lled, the incoming values are cleared. This applies
to the POST as well as to the PATCH or MERGE scenario.

Dynamic Field Control: A dynamic eld control has been established for elds whose status is dependent on the entry of
other elds or on the con guration settings for the eld control. For example, if a purchase order has several schedule
lines, the Quantity eld on item level is read-only. Another example: If a certain company code has been selected on
header level, only certain assigned plants are allowed on item level. If the service tries to set an invalid value in such a
dependent eld, the system rejects it and informs the user with a warning or an error message depending on the entity

Handling of Info Messages and Warnings: In the sap-message container in the reponse header, the end user receives also
warnings and info messages that occurred when the OData service has been processed, regardless of whether it is in
single mode or in batch mode. The warnings include tolerable warnings as well as such warnings that hinder the creation
or the update of a purchase order.

Determination of Default Values

Inbound/Outbound Data Conversion: The OData standard functionality for quantity and amount elds has been enabled,
by linking amount resp. quantity elds to currency resp. unit of measure elds according to standard business logic. For
example, the schedule line quantity can refer to the unit of measure of the corresponding item.

Default Address Data: Missing address data can be determined or completed by the system according to standard
business logic. The following applies, for example:

The system determines the address data in the purchase order header from the supplier master data.

The system determines the delivery address of the purchase order item from the plant/storage locaction (if
de ned).

Service Response

Parameter Description

Purchase order number Purchase order number which is created by the service is returned
in response to the successful creation

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 5

Parameter Description

Purchase order header details Newly created purchase order header details

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 011 You are not authorized to create purchase orders

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 064 Use purchase order type "Standard" ("NB") or a type copied from


You have entered a purchase order type that is not supported.


Choose purchase order type "Standard" ("NB") or a customer-

de ned purchase order type (for example "ZNB1") that has been
copied with all dependent entries from purchase order type "NB"
(including eld selection key).

As a con guration expert, you can de ne custom purchase order

types in the con guration app Manage Your Solution -> Con gure
Your Solution -> Application Area: Sourcing and Procurement -> Sub
Application Area: Operational Procurement -> Purchase Order
Processing -> De ne Document Types.

Do not change the default eld selection key.

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 065 Use a supported purchase order item category for item &. See long


You have either chosen a purchase order item category that is not
supported, or you have used a wrong symbol.


Choose purchase order item category "Standard",

"Subcontracting", "Third-Party", or "Enhanced Limit".

Maintain the required purchase order item category using the

internal symbol:

Standard: 0

Subcontracting: 3

Third-Party: 5

Enhanced Limit: A

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 067 Schedule line has been created automatically for item &

Response(Success) Purchase order “Purchase Order number” has been updated with
status 200 at change set level.

Response(Failure) Self-explanatory detailed messages at the change set level with

status 400. Batch response will be status code 200.

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 069 Only one request is allowed in change set

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 070 Only PATCH or MERGE operation is allowed in batch call

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 072 You can only update one purchase order per change set

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 6
With this service, it is not possible to:

1. Create:

Purchase orders with a category other than those speci ed for the header and item.

Purchase order items with a category other than Standard, Subcontracting, Third-Party, and Enhanced Limit .

Only authorized roles can be used to create purchase orders through an API call. Authorized objects: M_BEST_BSA.

2. Update:

Use PUT and MERGE or PATCH, and HEAD in the OData call URL. Only POST, PATCH or MERGE, and DELETE are
allowed with the Batch URL. Using other actions will result in an error.

Update more than one purchase order within one change set. Only one purchase order can be updated in a single
change set. If you would like to update multiple purchase orders, provide the update information of one purchase
order per change set.

Create a new service node (except a purchase order item) in an existing document.

Only authorized roles can be used to update purchase orders through an API call.

3. Get:

More than 1000 purchase orders unless

You set the paging size up to 5000 records using the following OData request:

 Example

$expand=to_PurchaseOrderItem&$ lter=CreationDate gt datetime'2021-04-24T00:00:00'&$top=5000

 Note
With release SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105, <clauses>-limit = 1000 was introduced for performance reasons in

The default paging size (D) = 1000 if the client did not provide $top.

The maximum paging size (M) = 5000 if the client offers $top.

4. Post:

To transfer pricing values 1:1 from an external system as some values are calculated automatically and IDs are
generated. Regarding the pricing details, the OData service contains elds with "Necessity": read-only, which are
not lled during a Post request.

If migrating from one system to another, it is recommended to use the same pricing procedure in the source and
the target system, to ensure that pricing results are the same. If rounding pro les are maintained (material
master, MRT1 tab), do not send condition data in the Post request as a payload.

5. Stock Transfer Order (STO) is not supported.

Related Events
Purchase Order Events

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 7
The following authentication methods are supported:

Basic Authentication

Authentication with Certi cate

Additional Information
The link to the API on the SAP API Business Hub: Purchase Order

 Note
For more details about Communication Management, see Communication Management.

If you have requirements for the interface that go beyond the current scope of functions, you can submit an improvement
request here:


Here, other customers can also vote for your request. Once your improvement request has reached a de ned voting threshold,
it will be reviewed and evaluated by SAP.

Further information on how to in uence development can be found in 11 .

Operations for Purchase Order

The Purchase Order API (OData) offers the following operations:

Operation HTML Sample URL


Read GET GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrder('4500100268')?$expa

order data

Create POST POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrder


Change PATCH PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrderItem(PurchaseOrder=

purchase or
order item MERGE


pricing <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurOrdPricingElement(PurchaseOrder='450

Get GET GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/GetOutputBinaryData?PurchaseOrder='4


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 8

Read Purchase Order with Schedule Line and Subcontracting


You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

PurchaseOrder Mandatory -

The operation returns the data of a single purchase order.



GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrder('4500100268')?$expand=to
Content-Type: application/json


 Sample Code
"d" : {
"__metadata" : {
"id" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SR
"type" : "API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseOrderType"
"PurchaseOrder" : "4500100268",
"CompanyCode" : "0001",
"PurchaseOrderType" : "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentDeletionCode" : "",
"PurchasingProcessingStatus" : "05",
"CreatedByUser" : "YOURNAME",
"CreationDate" : "\/Date(1561420800000)\/",
"LastChangeDateTime" : "\/Date(1561476266788+0000)\/",
"Supplier" : "YOURSUPPLIER",
"PurchaseOrderSubtype" : "",
"Language" : "EN",
"PaymentTerms" : "0002",
"CashDiscount1Days" : "14",
"CashDiscount2Days" : "30",
"NetPaymentDays" : "0",
"CashDiscount1Percent" : "2.000",
"CashDiscount2Percent" : "0.500",
"PurchasingOrganization" : "0001",
"PurchasingDocumentOrigin" : "9",
"PurchasingGroup" : "001",
"PurchaseOrderDate" : "\/Date(1561420800000)\/",
"DocumentCurrency" : "EUR",
"ExchangeRate" : "1.00000",
"ValidityStartDate" : null,
"ValidityEndDate" : null,
"SupplierQuotationExternalID" : "",
"SupplierRespSalesPersonName" : "",
"SupplierPhoneNumber" : "",
"SupplyingSupplier" : "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 9
"SupplyingPlant" : "",
"IncotermsClassification" : "CIF",
"CorrespncExternalReference" : "",
"CorrespncInternalReference" : "",
"InvoicingParty" : "",
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted" : false,
"PurchasingCompletenessStatus" : false,
"IncotermsVersion" : "",
"IncotermsLocation1" : "Hamburg",
"IncotermsLocation2" : "",
"ManualSupplierAddressID" : "",
"IsEndOfPurposeBlocked" : "",
"AddressCityName" : "",
"AddressFaxNumber" : "",
"AddressHouseNumber" : "",
"AddressName" : "",
"AddressPostalCode" : "",
"AddressStreetName" : "",
"AddressPhoneNumber" : "",
"AddressRegion" : "",
"AddressCountry" : "",
"AddressCorrespondenceLanguage" : "",
"to_PurchaseOrderItem" : {
"to_PurchaseOrderItem" : {
"results" : [
"__metadata" : {
"id" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_P
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_
"PurchaseOrder" : "4500100268",
"PurchaseOrderItem" : "10",
"PurchasingDocumentDeletionCode" : "",
"PurchaseOrderItemText" : "SEMI FINISHED",
"Plant" : "0001",
"StorageLocation" : "",
"MaterialGroup" : "00216",
"PurchasingInfoRecord" : "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber" : "",
"OrderQuantity" : "4",
"PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit" : "CRT",
"OrderPriceUnit" : "CRT",
"OrderPriceUnitToOrderUnitNmrtr" : "1",
"OrdPriceUnitToOrderUnitDnmntr" : "1",
"DocumentCurrency" : "EUR",
"NetPriceAmount" : "12.00",
"NetPriceQuantity" : "1",
"TaxCode" : "",
"PriceIsToBePrinted" : true,
"OverdelivTolrtdLmtRatioInPct" : "0.0",
"UnlimitedOverdeliveryIsAllowed" : false,
"UnderdelivTolrtdLmtRatioInPct" : "0.0",
"ValuationType" : "",
"IsCompletelyDelivered" : false,
"IsFinallyInvoiced" : false,
"PurchaseOrderItemCategory" : "3",
"AccountAssignmentCategory" : "",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution" : "",
"PartialInvoiceDistribution" : "",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected" : true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated" : false,
"InvoiceIsExpected" : true,
"InvoiceIsGoodsReceiptBased" : true,
"PurchaseContract" : "",
"PurchaseContractItem" : "0",
"Customer" : "",
"ItemNetWeight" : "0.000",
"ItemWeightUnit" : "KG",
"TaxJurisdiction" : "",
"PricingDateControl" : "",
"ItemVolume" : "0.000",
"ItemVolumeUnit" : "",
"SupplierConfirmationControlKey" : "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 10
"IncotermsClassification" : "",
"IncotermsTransferLocation" : "",
"EvaldRcptSettlmtIsAllowed" : false,
"PurchaseRequisition" : "",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem" : "0",
"IsReturnsItem" : false,
"RequisitionerName" : "",
"ServicePackage" : "0",
"EarmarkedFunds" : "",
"EarmarkedFundsDocument" : "",
"EarmarkedFundsItem" : "0",
"EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem" : "0",
"IncotermsLocation1" : "",
"IncotermsLocation2" : "",
"Material" : "ZSH_VALSEMI",
"InternationalArticleNumber" : "",
"ManufacturerMaterial" : "ZSH_VALSEMI",
"ServicePerformer" : "",
"ProductType" : "1",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount" : "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount" : "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit" : "",
"DeliveryAddressID" : "",
"DeliveryAddressName" : "",
"DeliveryAddressStreetName" : "",
"DeliveryAddressHouseNumber" : "",
"DeliveryAddressCityName" : "",
"DeliveryAddressPostalCode" : "",
"DeliveryAddressRegion" : "",
"DeliveryAddressCountry" : "",
"BR_MaterialUsage" : "",
"BR_MaterialOrigin" : "",
"BR_CFOPCategory" : "",
"BR_IsProducedInHouse" : false,
"ConsumptionTaxCtrlCode" : "",
"ProductSeasonYear" : "",
"ProductSeason" : "",
"ProductCollection" : "",
"ProductTheme" : "",
"SeasonCompletenessStatus" : "",
"ProductCharacteristic1" : "",
"ProductCharacteristic2" : "",
"ProductCharacteristic3" : "",
"PurchasingParentItem" : "0",
"SubItemCategory" : ""
"CrossPlantConfigurableProduct" : "",
"DiversionStatus" : "",
"ReferenceDocumentNumber" : "",
"ReferenceDocumentItem" : "0",
"PurchaseOrderReferenceType" : "",
"ReferenceDocumentScheduleLine" : "0",
"ArticleCategory" : "",
"ItemHasValueAddedService" : "",
"ValAddedSrvcParentItmNumber" : "0",
"StockSegment" : "",
"RequirementSegment" : "",
"to_PurchaseOrder" : {
"__deferred" : {
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/
"to_AccountAssignment" : {
"__deferred" : {
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata
"to_PurchaseOrderPricingElement" : {
"__deferred" : {
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/
"to_ScheduleLine" : {
"results" : [

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 11
"__metadata" : {
"id" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/S
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/
"PurchasingDocument" : "4500100268",
"PurchasingDocumentItem" : "10",
"ScheduleLine" : "1",
"DelivDateCategory" : "1",
"ScheduleLineDeliveryDate" : "\/Date(1561420800000)\/",
"PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit" : "CRT",
"ScheduleLineOrderQuantity" : "4",
"ScheduleLineDeliveryTime" : "PT00H00M00S",
"SchedLineStscDeliveryDate" : "\/Date(1561420800000)\/",
"PurchaseRequisition" : "",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem" : "0",
"ScheduleLineCommittedQuantity" : "0",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate" : null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate" : null,
"to_SubcontractingComponent" : {
"results" : [
"__metadata" : {
"id" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/S
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/
"PurchaseOrder" : "4500100268",
"PurchaseOrderItem" : "10",
"ScheduleLine" : "1",
"ReservationItem" : "1",
"RecordType" : "",
"Material" : "ZSH_VALRAW1",
"BOMItemDescription" : "",
"RequiredQuantity" : "8",
"BaseUnit" : "CRT",
"RequirementDate" : "\/Date(1561420800000)\/",
"QuantityInEntryUnit" : "8",
"EntryUnit" : "CRT",
"WithdrawnQuantity" : "0",
"Plant" : "0001",
"Batch" : ""
"__metadata" : {
"id" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata
"PurchaseOrder" : "4500100268",
"PurchaseOrderItem" : "10",
"ScheduleLine" : "1",
"ReservationItem" : "2",
"RecordType" : "",
"Material" : "ZSH_VALRAW2",
"BOMItemDescription" : "",
"RequiredQuantity" : "12",
"BaseUnit" : "CRT",
"RequirementDate" : "\/Date(1561420800000)\/",
"QuantityInEntryUnit" : "12",
"EntryUnit" : "CRT",
"WithdrawnQuantity" : "0",
"Plant" : "0001",
"Batch" : ""
"to_ValueAddedService" : {
"__deferred" : {
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/op

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 12
} }

Create Purchase Order with Schedule Line and Subcontracting


You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

- - -

The operation returns the data of the new purchase order (including the purchase order number) in response to the successful
creation of the purchase order.


 Sample Code
POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrder
Content-Type: application/json
"CompanyCode" : "0001",
"PurchaseOrderType" : "NB",
"Supplier" : "YOURSUPPLIER",
"PurchasingOrganization" : "0001",
"PurchasingGroup" : "001",
"to_PurchaseOrderItem" : [
"PurchaseOrderItemText" : "Subcontracting item",
"Plant" : "0001",
"OrderQuantity" : "7",
"NetPriceAmount" : "130.00",
"NetPriceQuantity" : "1",
"PurchaseOrderItemCategory" : "3",
"Material" : "ZSH_VALSEMI",
"to_ScheduleLine" : [
"ScheduleLineOrderQuantity" : "7",
"ScheduleLineDeliveryDate" : "2019-07-30T00:00:00",
"to_SubcontractingComponent" : [
"Material" : "ZSH_VALRAW1",
"RequirementDate" : "2019-07-30T00:00:00",
"QuantityInEntryUnit" : "2.000",
"Plant" : "0001"
"Material" : "ZSH_VALRAW2",
"RequirementDate" : "2019-07-30T00:00:00",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 13
"QuantityInEntryUnit" : "4.000",
"Plant" : "0001"


 Sample Code
"d" : {
"__metadata" : {
"id" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrder('45001
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrder('4500
"type" : "API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseOrderType"
"PurchaseOrder" : "4500129848",
"CompanyCode" : "0001",
"PurchaseOrderType" : "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentDeletionCode" : "",
"PurchasingProcessingStatus" : "02",
"CreatedByUser" : "YOURNAME",
"CreationDate" : "\/Date(1570320000000)\/",
"LastChangeDateTime" : null,
"Supplier" : "YOURSUPPLIER",
"PurchaseOrderSubtype" : "",
"Language" : "EN",
"PaymentTerms" : "0002",
"CashDiscount1Days" : "14",
"CashDiscount2Days" : "30",
"NetPaymentDays" : "0",
"CashDiscount1Percent" : "2.000",
"CashDiscount2Percent" : "0.500",
"PurchasingOrganization" : "0001",
"PurchasingDocumentOrigin" : "9",
"PurchasingGroup" : "001",
"PurchaseOrderDate" : "\/Date(1570320000000)\/",
"DocumentCurrency" : "EUR",
"ExchangeRate" : "",
"ValidityStartDate" : null,
"ValidityEndDate" : null,
"SupplierQuotationExternalID" : "",
"SupplierRespSalesPersonName" : "",
"SupplierPhoneNumber" : "",
"SupplyingSupplier" : "",
"SupplyingPlant" : "",
"IncotermsClassification" : "CIF",
"CorrespncExternalReference" : "",
"CorrespncInternalReference" : "",
"InvoicingParty" : "",
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted" : false,
"PurchasingCompletenessStatus" : false,
"IncotermsVersion" : "",
"IncotermsLocation1" : "Hamburg text",
"IncotermsLocation2" : "",
"ManualSupplierAddressID" : "",
"IsEndOfPurposeBlocked" : "",
"AddressCityName" : "Rocky Beach",
"AddressFaxNumber" : "",
"AddressHouseNumber" : "42",
"AddressName" : "California Sunshine Inc.",
"AddressPostalCode" : "69190",
"AddressStreetName" : "Sunshine Road",
"AddressPhoneNumber" : "",
"AddressRegion" : "",
"AddressCountry" : "DE",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 14
"AddressCorrespondenceLanguage" : "EN",
"to_PurchaseOrderItem" : {
"results" : [
"__metadata" : {
"id" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrderItem(Pu
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrderItem(P
"type" : "API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseOrderItemType"
"PurchaseOrder" : "4500129848",
"PurchaseOrderItem" : "10",
"PurchasingDocumentDeletionCode" : "",
"PurchaseOrderItemText" : "Subcontracting item",
"Plant" : "0001",
"StorageLocation" : "",
"MaterialGroup" : "00216",
"PurchasingInfoRecord" : "5300078490",
"SupplierMaterialNumber" : "",
"OrderQuantity" : "7",
"PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit" : "CRT",
"OrderPriceUnit" : "CRT",
"OrderPriceUnitToOrderUnitNmrtr" : "1",
"OrdPriceUnitToOrderUnitDnmntr" : "1",
"DocumentCurrency" : "EUR",
"NetPriceAmount" : "130.00",
"NetPriceQuantity" : "1",
"TaxCode" : "",
"PriceIsToBePrinted" : true,
"OverdelivTolrtdLmtRatioInPct" : "0.0",
"UnlimitedOverdeliveryIsAllowed" : false,
"UnderdelivTolrtdLmtRatioInPct" : "0.0",
"ValuationType" : "",
"IsCompletelyDelivered" : false,
"IsFinallyInvoiced" : false,
"PurchaseOrderItemCategory" : "3",
"AccountAssignmentCategory" : "",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution" : "",
"PartialInvoiceDistribution" : "",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected" : true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated" : false,
"InvoiceIsExpected" : true,
"InvoiceIsGoodsReceiptBased" : false,
"PurchaseContract" : "",
"PurchaseContractItem" : "0",
"Customer" : "",
"ItemNetWeight" : "0.000",
"ItemWeightUnit" : "KG",
"TaxJurisdiction" : "",
"PricingDateControl" : "",
"ItemVolume" : "0.000",
"ItemVolumeUnit" : "",
"SupplierConfirmationControlKey" : "",
"IncotermsClassification" : "",
"IncotermsTransferLocation" : "",
"EvaldRcptSettlmtIsAllowed" : false,
"PurchaseRequisition" : "",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem" : "0",
"IsReturnsItem" : false,
"RequisitionerName" : "",
"ServicePackage" : "0",
"EarmarkedFunds" : "",
"EarmarkedFundsDocument" : "",
"EarmarkedFundsItem" : "0",
"EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem" : "0",
"IncotermsLocation1" : "",
"IncotermsLocation2" : "",
"Material" : "ZSH_VALSEMI",
"InternationalArticleNumber" : "",
"ManufacturerMaterial" : "ZSH_VALSEMI",
"ServicePerformer" : "",
"ProductType" : "1",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount" : "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount" : "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit" : "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 15
"DeliveryAddressID" : "",
"DeliveryAddressName" : "John",
"DeliveryAddressStreetName" : "Street",
"DeliveryAddressHouseNumber" : "15",
"DeliveryAddressCityName" : "Beijing",
"DeliveryAddressPostalCode" : "69191",
"DeliveryAddressRegion" : "01",
"DeliveryAddressCountry" : "DE",
"BR_MaterialUsage" : "",
"BR_MaterialOrigin" : "",
"BR_CFOPCategory" : "",
"BR_IsProducedInHouse" : false,
"ConsumptionTaxCtrlCode" : "",
"ProductSeasonYear" : "",
"ProductSeason" : "",
"ProductCollection" : "",
"ProductTheme" : "",
"SeasonCompletenessStatus" : "",
"ProductCharacteristic1" : "",
"ProductCharacteristic2" : "",
"ProductCharacteristic3" : "",
"PurchasingParentItem" : "0",
"SubItemCategory" : "",
"CrossPlantConfigurableProduct" : "",
"DiversionStatus" : "",
"ReferenceDocumentNumber" : "",
"ReferenceDocumentItem" : "0",
"PurchaseOrderReferenceType" : "",
"ReferenceDocumentScheduleLine" : "0",
"ArticleCategory" : "",
"ItemHasValueAddedService" : "",
"ValAddedSrvcParentItmNumber" : "0",
"StockSegment" : "",
"RequirementSegment" : "",
"to_PurchaseOrder" : {
"__deferred" : {
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrderItem(P
"to_AccountAssignment" : {
"__deferred" : {
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrderItem(P
"to_PurchaseOrderPricingElement" : {
"__deferred" : {
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrderItem(P
"to_ScheduleLine" : {
"results" : [
"__metadata" : {
"id" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrderSchedul
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrderSchedu
"type" : "API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseOrderScheduleLineType"
"PurchasingDocument" : "4500129848",
"PurchasingDocumentItem" : "10",
"ScheduleLine" : "1",
"DelivDateCategory" : "1",
"ScheduleLineDeliveryDate" : "\/Date(1564444800000)\/",
"PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit" : "CRT",
"ScheduleLineOrderQuantity" : "7",
"ScheduleLineDeliveryTime" : "PT00H00M00S",
"SchedLineStscDeliveryDate" : "\/Date(1564444800000)\/",
"PurchaseRequisition" : "",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem" : "0",
"ScheduleLineCommittedQuantity" : "0",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate" : null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate" : null,
"to_SubcontractingComponent" : {
"results" : [

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 16
"__metadata" : {
"id" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_POSubcontractingComp
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_POSubcontractingCom
"type" : "API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV.A_POSubcontractingComponentType"
"PurchaseOrder" : "4500129848",
"PurchaseOrderItem" : "10",
"ScheduleLine" : "1",
"ReservationItem" : "1",
"RecordType" : "",
"Material" : "ZSH_VALRAW1",
"BOMItemDescription" : "",
"RequiredQuantity" : "2",
"BaseUnit" : "CRT",
"RequirementDate" : "\/Date(1564444800000)\/",
"QuantityInEntryUnit" : "2",
"EntryUnit" : "CRT",
"WithdrawnQuantity" : "0",
"Plant" : "0001",
"Batch" : ""
"__metadata" : {
"id" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_POSubcontractingComp
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_POSubcontractingCom
"type" : "API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV.A_POSubcontractingComponentType"
"PurchaseOrder" : "4500129848",
"PurchaseOrderItem" : "10",
"ScheduleLine" : "1",
"ReservationItem" : "2",
"RecordType" : "",
"Material" : "ZSH_VALRAW2",
"BOMItemDescription" : "",
"RequiredQuantity" : "4",
"BaseUnit" : "CRT",
"RequirementDate" : "\/Date(1564444800000)\/",
"QuantityInEntryUnit" : "4",
"EntryUnit" : "CRT",
"WithdrawnQuantity" : "0",
"Plant" : "0001",
"Batch" : ""
"to_ValueAddedService" : {
"__deferred" : {
"uri" : "https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrderItem(P

Change Purchase Order with Schedule Line

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 17

Property Necessity Comment

PurchaseOrder Mandatory -



The operation returns success message "200 (OK)".



 Sample Code
PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseOrderScheduleLine(Purchasi
Content-Type: application/json
"ScheduleLineDeliveryDate" : "2020-12-16T00:00:00"


 Sample Code
200 (OK) and an update of the property as appropriate.

Delete a Pricing Element of a Purchase Order

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

PurchaseOrder Mandatory -




Pricing ProcedureStep


If the operation has been executed successfully, the servers should return 200 (OK) with no response body.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 18



 Sample Code
DELETE <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurOrdPricingElement(PurchaseOrde
Content-Type: application/json
Payload: none


 Sample Code
Status-Code: 200 (OK)

Get Output Binary Data

This operation retrieves a speci c output document from the system in PDF format, that shows what the purchase order looks
like after the output. The consumer must specify the purchase order number.

To retrieve the PDF of a purchase order in the system, you use the HTTP method GET to invoke the GetOutputBinaryData
action on the document number of the target purchase order.

 Note

If several PDF documents of the same purchase order exist (for example, due to a changed output form template),
the service always chooses the newest one.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

purchase order Mandatory -

 Example
To get the PDF for purchase oder 4500000000:

 Sample Code

GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/GetOutputBinaryData?PurchaseOrder='450

When you successfully use the GetOutputBinaryData action on a purchase order document in the system, the service returns a
speci c purchase order in PDF format.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 19
If you request the PDF for a purchase order that does not exist, an error structure containing an appropriate message is



 Sample Code

X-CSRF-Token: abc
Accept: application/json


 Sample Code
Status: 200 ok
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
dataserviceversion: 1.0

The server response contains a Base64 string that always ends with two equal characters: ==

You can easily convert it to a PDF le using javascript or free tooling.

The following code sample shows the corresponding response, which includes the PDF le:

Example by javascript using Node.js:

 Sample Code
const Service = require("@sap_oss/odata-library/lib/Service.js");
const fs = require('fs');
const serviceSuffix = "/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV/";
const defaultSystem = "<replace with your SAP system ID >";
const defaultClient = "< replace with your client number>";
const defaultPO = '<replace with your test purchase order>';
const user = "<replace with your API user>";
const password = "< replace with the password of your API user>";
this.assembleUrl = function (system, client) {
return https:// + system + "-" + client + "" + serviceSuffix;
this.init = async function (url, username, password, loggingEnabled = false, params = {}) {
const logger = {
"trace": () => { },
"debug": console.debug,
"warn": console.warn,
"error": console.error
const parameters = {
"client": "100",
"documentation": ["heading", "quickinfo"],
"language": "EN"

if (params) {
Object.keys(params).forEach((key) => parameters[key] = params[key]);

const srv = new Service({

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 20
"logger": loggingEnabled ? logger : "",
"url": url,
"auth": {
"username": username,
"password": password
"parameters": parameters, //Define initial request by $metadata?sap-client=<client-number
"strict": false // ignore non critical errors, e.g. orphaned annotations
await srv.init;
return srv;

this.fetchPDF = async function (url, purchaseOrder) {

let srv = await this.init(url, user, password, false);
let res = await srv.GetOutputBinaryData({ PurchaseOrder: purchaseOrder });
let fileContents = res["GetOutputBinaryDataF"]["PurchaseOrderBinary"];
var buf = Buffer.from(fileContents, 'base64');
fs.writeFile('PurchaseOrder.pdf', buf, error => {
if (error) {
throw error;
} else {

Example of how to convert Base64 to PDF using web tooling:

Save the response as a text le, for example, using notepad.

Open the free Base64 website and choose Convert application.

Click inside the le drop area to upload Base64 les or drag & drop Base64 les.

Click on the Convert button.

A link to download the converted results will be available shortly after the conversion.

Purchase Order (A_PurchaseOrder)

Header node that contains the purchase order header elds.


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

Property Description Necessity

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 21

Property Description Necessity

AddressCityName Address city name Optional

Used here: default address for supplier or


AddressCorrespondenceLanguage Address correspondence language Optional

AddressCountry Address country key Optional

Used here: default address for supplier or


AddressFaxNumber Address fax number Optional

Used here: default address for supplier or


AddressFullName Address full name Optional

Used here: default address for supplier or


AddressHouseNumber Address house number Optional

Used here: default address for supplier or


AddressName Address name Optional

Used here: default address for supplier or


AddressName2 Address name 2 Optional

Used here: default address for supplier or


AddressPhoneNumber Telephone no.: Dialing code and number Optional

Used here: default address for supplier or


AddressPostalCode Address postal code Optional

Used here: default address for supplier or


AddressRegion Region (State, province, county) Optional

Used here: default address for supplier or


AddressStreetName Address street name Optional

Used here: default address for supplier or


CashDiscount1Days Days for cash discount 1 Optional

CashDiscount1Percent Cash discount percentage 1 Optional

CashDiscount2Days Days for cash discount 2 Optional

CashDiscount2Percent Cash discount percentage 2 Optional

CompanyCode Company code Mandatory

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 22

Property Description Necessity

CorrespncExternalReference The reference ID that is provided by the Optional

external party and that is used in

CorrespncInternalReference The reference ID that is provided by the Optional

internal party and that is used in

CreatedByUser User ID of creator Read-only

CreationDate Creation date Read-only

DocumentCurrency Document currency key Recommendation

 Note
DocumentCurrency is derived from the
supplier master data.

It is recommended, however, to still add

the DocumentCurrency in the payload

to ensure coherent database records

and better performance of the service.

ExchangeRate Exchange rate used for the translation Optional

between foreign currency and local currency

ExchangeRateIsFixed Indicator for Fixed Exchange Rate Optional

IsEndOfPurposeBlocked Business Purpose Completed Read-only

IncotermsClassi cation Incoterms (Part 1) Optional

IncotermsLocation1 Incoterms location 1 Optional

IncotermsLocation2 Incoterms location 2 Optional

IncotermsVersion Incoterms version Optional

InvoicingParty Account of invoicing party Optional

Language Language Optional

LastChangeDateTime Change Time Stamp Read-only

ManualSupplierAddressID Manually entered document address of a Read-only


NetPaymentDays Net payment terms period. Optional

Standard settlement period (in days)

PaymentTerms Payment terms Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 23

Property Description Necessity

PurchaseOrder Request from a buyer to a seller to deliver a POST (new purchase order) and internal
speci ed quantity of material, or perform a number assignment: Not required
speci ed service
POST (new purchase order) and external
number assignment (if allowed by your
con guration settings): Optional

DELETE: Mandatory

PATCH or MERGE operation:

 Note
Be aware that request url and body of
request must be treated differently!

Key elds are to be provided with the url

only and are not allowed as part of the
payload (body of request)!

PurchaseOrderDate The date on which a purchase order has Optional

been placed.

PurchaseOrderSubtype Control indicator for purchasing document Read-only


PurchaseOrderType Purchase order type Mandatory

PurchasingCollectiveNumber Number or code facilitating the collective Optional

management of a number of individual
RFQs (or inquieries) or purchase orders.

PurchasingCompletenessStatus Purchasing document not yet complete Optional

PurchasingDocumentDeletionCode Deletion indicator in purchasing document Read-only

PurchasingDocumentOrigin Origin of purchasing document Read-only

PurchasingGroup Purchasing group Mandatory

PurchasingOrganization Purchasing organization Mandatory

PurchasingProcessingStatus Processing status of a purchasing Optional


PurgAggrgdProdCmplncSuplrSts Summary of the product compliance status Read-only

of the supplier validation with regards to the
whole purchase order

PurgAggrgdProdMarketabilitySts Summary of the product compliance status Read-only

of the marketability status validation with
regards to the whole purchase order

PurgAggrgdSftyDataSheetStatus Summary of the product compliance status Read-only

of the safety data sheet validation with
regards to the whole purchase order

PurgProdCmplncTotDngrsGoodsSts Summary of the product compliance status Read-only

of the dangerous goood validation with
regards to the whole purchase order

ReleaseIsNotCompleted Release not yet completely effected Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 24

Property Description Necessity

Supplier Business partner who offers or provides Mandatory

materials or services

SupplierPhoneNumber Supplier’s telephone number Optional

SupplierQuotationExternalID External quotation ID on supplier’s side Optional

SupplierRespSalesPersonName Responsible Sales Person at supplier’s Optional


SupplyingPlant Supplying plant Optional

SupplyingSupplier Supplying supplier Optional

ValidityEndDate Validity end date Optional

ValidityStartDate Validity start date Optional

Header Notes (A_PurchaseOrderNote)

Purchase order node that contains the note elds of the purchase order header.


 Note
No validation is performed for the Text Object Type parameter.

If you add a new text to an existing text in a POST operation, the two texts are merged.

Property Description Necessity

DocumentText Text ID (Text Object Type) Optional

Language Language Key Optional

NoteDescription Long Text Optional

PurchaseOrder Purchasing Document Number Optional

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, open an operation of the entity and select

Item (A_PurchaseOrderItem)

Item node that contains the purchase order item elds.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 25

 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

 Note
Address handling

Consider the following dependencies for the delivery address elds.

You have, for example, the following situation:

For some of the delivery address elds an input is provided in the payload in addition to the ReferenceDeliveryAddressID, the
Subcontractor, and the Customer.

If a referene delivery address ID is entered in the payload, the address maintained under the reference delivery address ID is
used. If you enter, for example, a delivery address street and house number in the payload in addition to the reference
delivery address ID, the system generates a new delivery address ID. The address saved for this new delivery address ID
consists of a combination of the address of the reference delivery address ID and the address details given explicitly in the
payload for the respective delivery address elds (in our example for the delivery address street and house number).

 Note
GET request and paging

The GET statement is quite powerful as it could possibly retrieve huge amounts of data – if not restricted, all data on the
database could be returned. To have a safety net and keep performance up, paging was introduced for the data in the result.
This means that if no URI Option $top is given in the URI, 1000 records are retrieved. If, however, the $top option is given,
max. 5000 records can be retrieved.

In addition, the $skiptoken option can be used to retrieve the data from all so-called pages: one page is a result set of 1000
records. To get all records in the result set, all pages can be read. To do this, the skiptoken at the bottom of the response can
be used to get to the next page with the next 1000 records, for example:

<link rel="next" href="A_PurchaseOrder?$skiptoken=1000"/>

If this skiptoken is added to the URI, for example:


The next page is retrieved, starting with the next purchase order after the last one in the rst result set.

At the end of this page, the skiptoken allows further "navigation" by giving both skiptokens, the current one and the next one:

<link rel="next" href="A_PurchaseOrder?%24skiptoken=1000&$skiptoken=2000"/>

This can be continued until the end of all pages.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 26

Property Description Necessity

AccountAssignmentCategory Account assignment category Optional

Batch Assigns a material that is manufactured in Optional

batches or production lots to a speci c

Customer Number of the customer for whom a Optional

material is to be delivered.

Please see Note: Address handling on top

of this table and consider the described

DeliveryAddressCityName Delivery address city name Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressCountry Country key Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressDistrictName District is part of a city Optional

DeliveryAddressFullname Delivery address fullname Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressHouseNumber Delivery address house number Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressID Delivery address Read-only

Automatically generated number for the

details given in the payload for the delivery
address elds. Please see Note: Address
handling on top of this table and consider
the described dependencies.

DeliveryAddressName Delivery address name Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressName2 Delivery address name 2 Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressPostalCode Delivery address postal code Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 27

Property Description Necessity

DeliveryAddressRegion Delivery address region (state, province, Optional

Used here: default address for plant or
default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressStreetName Delivery address street name Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DocumentCurrency Document currency key Read-only

DownPaymentAmount Down payment amount in document Optional


DownPaymentDueDate Due date for down payment Optional

DownPaymentPercentageOfTotAmt Down payment percentage Optional

DownPaymentType Down payment indicator Optional

EarmarkedFunds Earmarked funds document Optional

EarmarkedFundsItem Earmarked funds line item Optional

EvaldRcptSettlmtIsAllowed Evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) Optional

ExpectedOverallLimitAmount Expected value of overall limit Optional

GoodsReceiptIsExpected Indicates that a goods receipt is allowed Optional

and expected

GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated Goods receipt, non-valuated Optional

IncotermsClassi cation Incoterms (Part 1) Optional

IncotermsLocation1 Incoterms location 1 Optional

IncotermsLocation2 Incoterms location 2 Optional

IncotermsTransferLocation Incoterms (Part 2) Optional

InternationalArticleNumber International Article Number (EAN/UPC) Optional

InvoiceIsExpected Invoice receipt indicator Optional

InvoiceIsGoodsReceiptBased Indicator: Goods receipt-based invoice Optional

veri cation

IsCompletelyDelivered Indicator for status “Completely delivered” Optional

IsFinallyInvoiced Final invoice indicator Optional

IsReturnsItem Speci es whether or not the item is a Optional

returns item

ItemNetWeight Net weight on item level Optional

ItemVolume Item volume Optional

ItemVolumeUnit Volume unit Optional

ItemWeightUnit Unit of weight on item level Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 28

Property Description Necessity

ManufacturerMaterial Material number corresponding to Optional

manufacturer part number

Material Material Optional

MaterialGroup Material group Optional

MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution Distribution indicator for multiple account Optional


NetPriceAmount Net price Optional

NetPriceQuantity Price unit Optional

OrderPriceUnit Order price unit (Purchasing) Optional

OrderPriceUnitToOrderUnitNmrtr Numerator for conversion of order price unit Optional

into order unit

OrderQuantity Order quantity Optional

OrdPriceUnitToOrderUnitDnmntr Denominator for conversion of order price Optional

unit into order unit

OverallLimitAmount Overall Limit Optional

OverdelivTolrtdLmtRatioInPct Overdelivery tolerance limit Read-only

PartialInvoiceDistribution Determines how invoice amounts in partial Optional

invoices are to be distributed

Plant Plant POST: Mandatory

Alll other operations: Optional

PriceIsToBePrinted Price printout Optional

PricingDateControl Price determination (Pricing) data control Optional

ProductType Product type Optional

PurchaseContract Purchase contract Optional

PurchaseContractItem Purchase contract item Optional

PurchaseOrder Purchase order Optional

PurchaseOrderItem Purchase order item Optional

PurchaseOrderItemCategory Purchase order item category Optional

PurchaseOrderItemText Short text for purchase order item Optional

 Note
When working with item hierarchies, it is
Mandatory to enter a short text for item

PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit Purchase order unit of measure. Speci es Optional

the unit of measure in which the item is

PurchaseRequisition Purchase requisition Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 29

Property Description Necessity

PurchaseRequisitionItem Item number of purchase requisition Optional

PurchasingDocumentDeletionCode Deletion indicator in purchasing document Read-only

[To delete a purchase order or a purchase
order item, use the DELETE operation.]

PurchasingInfoRecord Purchasing info record Optional

PurchasingItemIsFreeOfCharge This eld stores Free of Charge information. Optional

It is a calculated eld with the values
true/false sent in a payload  Note
Patch is not supported

PurchasingParentItem Item number of the parent item set Optional

PurgCon gurableItemNumber Number indicating the position in the Read-only

hierarchy that is generated automatically

PurgDocAggrgdSubitemCategory Hierarchy item indicator that determines an Optional

item set (C = item set)

PurgDocSubitemCategory Sub item category is generated Read-only


PurgExternalSortNumber External sort number is generated Read-only


PurgProdCmplncSupplierStatus Product compliance status with regards to Read-only

the supplier validation of an item

PurgProductMarketabilityStatus Product compliance status with regards to Read-only

the product marketability validation of an

PurgSafetyDataSheetStatus Product compliance status with regards to Read-only

the safety data sheet validation of an item

PurgProdCmplncDngrsGoodsStatus Product compliance status with regards to Read-only

the dangerous goods validation of an item

ReferenceDeliveryAddressID Number of delivery address Optional

Please see Note: Address handling on top Used here: default Reference ID for existing
of this table and consider the described address. No new address can be created.

RequisitionerName Name of requisitioner/requester Optional

ServicePackage Package number Optional

ServicePerformer Service performer Optional

ShippingInsruction Key of shipping instruction according to Optional


StorageLocation Storage location Optional

Subcontractor Supplier to be supplied/Who is to receive Optional


Please see Note: Address handling on top

of this table and consider the described

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 30

Property Description Necessity

SupplierCon rmationControlKey Determines which con rmation categories Optional

are expected for a purchase order item

SupplierIsSubcontractor Subcontracting supplier Optional

SupplierMaterialNumber Supplier material number Optional

TaxCode Tax on sales and purchases code Optional

TaxCountry Tax country Optional

TaxDeterminationDate Tax determination date Optional

 Note
You must ll the eld only if

time-dependant taxes are

activated. Otherwise you must

not ll the eld.

TaxJurisdiction Tax jurisdiction Optional

UnderdelivTolrtdLmtRatioInPct Underdelivery tolerance limit Optional

UnlimitedOverdeliveryIsAllowed Indicates that an unlimited overdelivery is Optional

allowed for this item

ValuationType Valuation type Optional

BR_MaterialOrigin Material Origin Optional in Brazil

BR_MaterialUsage Material Usage Optional in Brazil

BR_CFOPCategory Material CFOP Category Optional in Brazil

BR_NCM NCM Code for Item Optional in Brazil

BR_IsProducedInHouse Produced in-House Optional in Brazil

Item Notes (A_PurchaseOrderItemNote)

Purchase order node that contains the note elds of the purchase order items.


 Note
No validation is performed for the Text Object Type parameter.

If you add a new text to an existing text in a POST operation, the two texts are merged.

Inforecord texts cannot be retrieved by the GET request.

Property Description Necessity

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 31

Property Description Necessity

TextObjectType Text ID (Document Text) Optional

No validation is performed for the Text

Object Type eld.

Language Language Key Optional

PlainLongText Long Text Optional

 Note
Filtering by PlainLongText is not
supported for purchase orderItem Notes

PurchaseOrder Purchasing Document Number Optional

PurchaseOrderItem Item Number of Purchasing Document Optional

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, open an operation of the entity and select

Schedule Line (A_PurchaseOrderScheduleLine)

Schedule line node that contains purchase order item corresponding schedule line elds.


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

Note Regarding Delivery Date:

Relevant for POST operation with a single schedule line: If you order a material for which the system can determine the delivery
date from an info record or from the material master data, the system copies the date determined and ignores any date
entered in the payload.

If you want to de ne a different delivery date, please either create several schedule lines or change the delivery date in a PATCH
or MERGE operation.

Property Description Necessity

DelivDateCategory Category of delivery date Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 32

Property Description Necessity

PerformancePeriodStartDate Start date for period of performance Optional

PerformancePeriodEndDate End date for period of performance Optional

PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit Purchase order unit Read-only

PurchaseRequisition Purchase requisition number Optional

PurchaseRequisitionItem Purchase requisition item number Optional

PurchasingDocument Purchasing document number Mandatory

PurchasingDocumentItem Purchasing document item number Mandatory

SchedLineStscDeliveryDate Statistic relevant schedule line delivery Optional


ScheduleLine Delivery schedule line number Mandatory

ScheduleLineCommittedQuantity Committed quantity of a purchase order Optional

schedule line

ScheduleLineDeliveryDate Schedule line delivery date Optional - please see note above

ScheduleLineDeliveryTime Schedule line delivery time Optional

ScheduleLineOrderQuantity Order quantity in sales unit Optional

Subcontracting Components (A_POSubcontractingComponent)

Node that contains the subcontracting component elds per schedule line.


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

Property Description Necessity

BaseUnit Base Unit of Measure Read-only

Batch Batch Number Read-only

BOMItemDescription BOM Item Text (Line 1) Read-only

EntryUnit Unit of Entry Optional

Material Material Number Optional

Plant Plant Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 33

Property Description Necessity

PurchaseOrder Purchase Order Number Mandatory: in case of PATCH or MERGE

and DELETE operation

PurchaseOrderItem Number of Purchase Order Item Mandatory: in case of PATCH or MERGE

and DELETE operation

QuantityInEntryUnit Quantity in Unit of Entry Optional

RequiredQuantity Requirement Quantity Read-only

RequirementDate Requirements Date for the Component Optional

ReservationItem Item Number of Reservation Mandatory: in case of PATCH or MERGE

and DELETE operation

ScheduleLine Delivery Schedule Line Counter Mandatory in case of PATCH or MERGE


WithdrawnQuantity Quantity Withdrawn Read-only

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, open an operation of the entity and select

Account Assignment (A_PurOrdAccountAssignment)

Account assignment node that contains the account assignment elds that correspond to the purchase order item.


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

Property Description Necessity

AccountAssignmentNumber Sequential number of account assignment Mandatory

BudgetPeriod Timeframe of available budget authority Optional

BusinessArea Business area Optional

BusinessProcess Business process Optional

CommitmentItem Functional grouping of expenditures and Optional

revenues with a FM area

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 34

Property Description Necessity

ControllingArea Controlling area Optional

CostCenter Cost center Optional

CostCtrActivityType Cost center activity type Optional

CostObject Cost object Optional

DocumentCurrency Document currency key Read-only

EarmarkedFundsDocument Business transaction in FM which claims Optional

already allocated budget for expected
revenues or expenditures

FixedAsset ID which, together with the main asset ID, Optional

uniquely identi es a xed asset in Asset

FunctionalArea Functional area Optional

Fund Fund Optional

FundsCenter Structural grouping into departments, areas Optional

of responsibility, projects, and so on.

GLAccount Stores changes in values relating to assets, Optional

payables, stockholders, equity, revenues or
expenses of a company

GoodsRecipientName Person or company that receives goods Optional

GrantID Grant Optional

IsDeleted Is deleted Read-only

JointVentureRecoveryCode Joint venture recovery code Optional

MasterFixedAsset Main asset number Optional

MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrPercent Distribution percentage in case of multiple Optional

account assignment

NetworkActivity Single activity within a project Optional

OrderID Order number Optional

PartnerAccountNumber Partner account number Optional

Pro tCenter Pro t center Optional

ProjectNetwork Sequence of activities in a project or the Optional

sequence of a single activity within a

PurchaseOrder Purchase order Mandatory

PurchaseOrderItem Purchase order item Mandatory

PurchaseOrderQuantity Purchase Order Quantity Read-only

PurgDocNetAmount Net order value in transaction currency Optional

Quantity Quantity Optional

RealEstateObject Internal key for real estate object Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 35

Property Description Necessity

SalesOrder Sales order Optional

SalesOrderItem Sales order item Optional

SalesOrderScheduleLine Sales order schedule line number Optional

SettlementReferenceDate Reference date for settlement Optional

TaxCode Tax on sales and purchase code Optional

TaxJurisdiction Tax jurisdiction Optional

UnloadingPointName Name of a point at which a material is to be Optional


WBSElement Work breakdown structure element (WBS Optional


WBSElementExternalID Work breakdown structure element (WBS Optional

element) - external ID

WBSElementInternalID Work breakdown structure element (WBS Obsolete

element) - internal ID [Please do not use.]

Pricing Element (A_PurOrdPricingElement)

Pricing element node that contains the pricing element elds of the purchase order items.


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

 Note
It is not possible to transfer pricing values 1:1 from an external system as some values are calculated automatically and IDs
are generated. Regarding the pricing details, the OData service contains elds with "Necessity": read-only, which are not
lled during a Post request.

If migrating from one system to another, it is recommended to use the same pricing procedure in the source and the target
system, to ensure that pricing results are the same. If rounding pro les are maintained (material master, MRT1 tab), do not
send condition data in the Post request as a payload.

Property Description Necessity

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 36

Property Description Necessity

AccessNumberOfAccessSequence Number of the access within the access Read-only


CndnIsRelevantForIntcoBilling Condition is relevant for intercompany Read-only


CndnIsRelevantForInvoiceList Condition is relevant for invoice list Read-only

CndnIsRelevantForLimitValue Controls whether the condition is relevant Read-only

for limit values

ConditionAmount Condition value Read-only

ConditionApplication Application Read-only

ConditionBaseValue Value that is used as a basis for calculating, Read-only

for example, percentage conditions

ConditionCalculationType Calculation type for condition Read-only

ConditionCategory Condition category (examples: tax, freight, Read-only

price, cost)

ConditionClass Condition class Read-only

ConditionControl Condition control Read-only

ConditionCurrency Condition currency Mandatory

ConditionInactiveReason Condition is inactive Read-only

ConditionIsForCon guration Condition is for con guration Read-only

ConditionIsForStatistics Condition is used for statistics Read-only

ConditionIsManuallyChanged Condition has been manually or Read-only

automatically changed or created

ConditionOrigin Origin of the condition Read-only

ConditionQuantity Condition quantity Optional

ConditionQuantityUnit Condition quantity unit Optional

ConditionRateValue Value (amount or percentage) that is used Optional

for price conditions

ConditionRecord Condition record number Read-only

ConditionScaleBasisCurrency Currency of the applied scale Read-only

ConditionScaleBasisUnit Unit of measure of the applied scale Read-only

ConditionScaleBasisValue Basis of the scale is used to determine the Read-only

applicable scale step

ConditionSequentialNumber Sequential number of the condition Read-only

ConditionToBaseQtyDnmntr Denominator for converting condition units Optional

to base units

ConditionToBaseQtyNmrtr Numerator for converting condition units to Optional

base units

ConditionType Condition type Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 37

Property Description Necessity

FactorForConditionBasisValue Factor for condition basis value Read-only

IsGroupCondition Group condition Read-only

IsRelevantForAccrual Document or item is relevant for accrual Read-only

PriceDetnExchangeRate Exchange rate for price determination Read-only

PricingDateTime Pricing date time Read-only

PricingDocument Pricing document Mandatory

PricingDocumentItem Pricing document item Mandatory

PricingProcedureCounter Pricing procedure counter Mandatory

PricingProcedureStep Pricing procedure step Mandatory

PricingScaleBasis Scale basis indicator Read-only

PricingScaleType Scale type Read-only

PurchaseOrder Purchase order Mandatory

PurchaseOrderItem Purchase order item Mandatory

TransactionCurrency Transaction currency Read-only

Extensibility: Purchase Order - Read, Create, Update, Delete

You can extend the OData Service API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the OData Service in the Custom Fields app using the following business contexts:

Procurement: Purchasing Document

Procurement: Purchasing Document Item

You can add elds to the following entities:

Entity Business Context

Header Procurement: Purchasing Document

Item Procurement: Purchasing Document Item

See Also
For more information, see the SAP API Business Hub ( ).

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 38

Attachments within Communication Scenario SAP_COM_0053

Within the communication scenario SAP_COM_0053 the following services are available:

Purchase Order - Create, Read, Update, Delete

Attachment - Create, Read, Update, Delete

Attachments can be added on purchase order header level as well as on purchase order item level.

To enable the service Attachment - Create, Read, Update, Delete (API_CV_ATTACHMENT_SRV) for purchase orders, you need
the following header parameter:

Parameter Description Value

Cookie Validates that the Request and Post You request the cookie value about the
functions belong to the same purchase HTTP-GET request.

BusinessObjectTypeName De nes the business object for the

BUS2012 (purchase order)
purchase order or purchase order item.

EKPO (purchase order items)

LinkedSAPObjectKey De nes the business object instance key to

In case BusinessObjectTypeName
which the attachment will be linked to.
is BUS2012, purchase order
 Note number has to be added, for
Enter key without space between example 1234567809.
purchase order number and item
In case BusinessObjectTypeName
is EKPO, the purchase order number
has to be concatinated with the
item number, for example
123456780900010 (item number is
10 including 3 leading zeros).

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 39

Parameter Description Value

X-CSRF-Token Validates together with the cookie that the You get the token value together with the
user is an authenticated communication cookie value about the HTTP-GET request.
user for the communication scenario

 Note
In the app Create
Communication User, you
create the communication user.

In the app Communication

System, you create a system ID
pointing to the system in which
the attachment is to be created.
For the new system, enter the
communication user name as
one of the Users for Inbound

In the app Communication

Arrangement, you enter your
communication user name and
the system for the scenario ID
SAP_COM_0053. In the
Inbound Services section, you
can copy the Service URL /
Service Interface for the
attachment service and use it as

Slug De nes the le name and le type. Example: saptest.txt

Content-Type De nes the mime type of the attachment. Example: Text/plain

Related Information

Purchase Order (Inbound, Asynchronous)

Technical name: PurchaseOrderRequest_In

This asynchronous inbound SOAP service enables you to create a purchase order, using an API call from a source system
outside of SAP S/4HANA Cloud. You can also use this service to update and delete existing purchase order data from the SAP
S/4HANA Cloudsystem.

This service is published on the SAP API Business Hub. For more information about APIs, see APIs on SAP API Business Hub.

 Note
In this service, various eld combinations are possible, depending on the con guration settings.

The following item categories are supported:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 40
“ ” (standard), allowing you to order material items (product type group “1”) and lean services (product type group “2”)

“E” (enhanced limit), allowing you to do the following:

De ne a limit amount against which invoices can be posted (using product type group “1”)

De ne a limit amount for unplanned services that must be con rmed in a service entry sheet (using product type
group “2”)

“S ” (third-party), allowing you to order materials and having them delivered to a delivery address outside your company,
for example, to your customer

Service Request
Service Message Header

The service message header contains information on the service, the involved sender and receiver, as well as date and time. The
following elds are mandatory:

Node or Field Description Necessity

CreationDateTime Date and time of message creation Mandatory

SenderBusinessSystemID ID of the external system sending the Mandatory

message; must be unique in SAP S/4HANA

Service Nodes

The service node “PurchaseOrder” and its sub nodes contain the business data of the service.

 Note
In the following table, attributes are marked in blue.

Node or Field Description Necessity

ActionCode Identi es the action performed by the service (1: Mandatory

create, 2: update, 3: delete)

PurchaseOrderID Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the Mandatory for updating and deleting
document; this ID is generated when the purchase orders
purchase order is created. It is communicated to
the service consumer with the service Purchase
Order - Send Status Update Noti cation

PurchaseOrderExternalReferenceID If purchase order was created on the basis of a Mandatory for creating purchase
purchase order from an external system, this is orders
the ID in the external system.

The eld where this ID is used is case-sensitive.

Together with the SenderBusinessSystemID,
this eld must uniquely identify the source

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 41

Node or Field Description Necessity

DocumentType Identi er allowing to differentiate between the Mandatory

various kinds of purchasing documents in the
SAP system. On the basis of the purchasing
document type, you can, for example,
distinguish between a purchase order, an RFQ,
and a scheduling agreement. The purchasing
document type controls, for instance, the
number assignment of a purchase order, as well
as the selection of the elds to be maintained.

Prerequisite for using the DocumentType eld

is that in the con guration of the document type,
the following elds are empty:

Control indicator for purchasing

document type

Stock transfer: Take supplier data into


Cross-system transit

Store return with inbound and outbound


Advanced returns management active

PurchasingOrganization Purchasing organization Mandatory

PurchasingGroup Group of purchasers who are responsible for Mandatory

certain purchasing activities.

CompanyCode An organizational unit within nancial accounting. Mandatory

DocumentCurrency Currency key for amounts in the system. Must Mandatory

be provided in ISO format.

SupplierParty PurchaseOrderRequest_In - SupplierParty Mandatory

InvoicingParty Alphanumeric key denoting the supplier Optional

(creditor) invoicing the ordered material or
services performed, to whom the amount due is
payable. When the invoice is received, the
number of the invoicing party is inserted in the
invoice in place of the actual supplier.

ExchangeRate PurchaseOrderRequest_In - ExchangeRate Optional

PaymentTerms PurchaseOrderRequest_In - PaymentTerms Optional

HeaderIncoterms PurchaseOrderRequest_In - HeaderIncoTerms Optional

IsIntrastatReportingRelevant Indicates that the document is relevant for Optional

Intrastat reporting

IsIntrastatReportingExluded Indicates that the document Is excluded from Optional

Intrastat reporting

CorrespncExternalReference The internal reference number of the supplier. It Optional

usually identi es the individual who is
responsible for the document at the supplier
site. It can, for example, be the person's initials.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 42

Node or Field Description Necessity

CorrespncInternalReference Your company's internal reference number or Optional

code. It usually identi es the person responsible
for the purchasing document in your company.
The reference number/code often consists of the
relevant person's initials.

PurchaseOrderItem PurchaseOrderRequest_In - PurchaseOrderItem Mandatory

Attachment Optional



Sample Payload

 Sample Code
<n0:PurchaseOrderRequest xmlns:n0="">
<AddressName>P U Company</AddressName>
<Dummy>asdf asdfsdf</Dummy>
<!-- Material Item, without master, single accounting-->
<ItemCategory> </ItemCategory>
<ItemDescription>Sideboard, white</ItemDescription>

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 43
<RequestedQuantity unitCode="PCE">3</RequestedQuantity>
<Amount currencyCode="EUR">65.00</Amount>
<BaseQuantity unitCode="PCE">1</BaseQuantity>
<MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution> </MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution
<PartialInvoiceDistribution> </PartialInvoiceDistribution>
<!-- Material Item, with master, no accounting-->
<ItemCategory> </ItemCategory>
<RequestedQuantity unitCode="PCE">8</RequestedQuantity>
<Amount currencyCode="EUR">2.00</Amount>
<BaseQuantity unitCode="PCE">1</BaseQuantity>
<!-- Service Item, without master, single accounting-->
<ItemCategory> </ItemCategory>
<ItemDescription>Software Hotline Service</ItemDescription>
<RequestedQuantity unitCode="HUR">12</RequestedQuantity>
<Amount currencyCode="EUR">5.00</Amount>
<BaseQuantity unitCode="HUR">1</BaseQuantity>
<MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution> </MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution
<PartialInvoiceDistribution> </PartialInvoiceDistribution>

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 44
<!-- Service Item, with master, single accounting-->
<ItemCategory> </ItemCategory>
<ItemDescription>Gardening - Spring</ItemDescription>
<RequestedQuantity unitCode="HUR">6</RequestedQuantity>
<Amount currencyCode="EUR">3.00</Amount>
<BaseQuantity unitCode="HUR">1</BaseQuantity>
<MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution> </MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution
<PartialInvoiceDistribution> </PartialInvoiceDistribution>
<!-- Enhanced Limit Item, type Service, unknown accounting -->
<ItemDescription>Hardware Repair</ItemDescription>
<OverallLimitAmount currencyCode="EUR">50</OverallLimitAmount>
<ExpectedOverallLimitAmount currencyCode="EUR">45</ExpectedOveral
<MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution> </MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution
<PartialInvoiceDistribution> </PartialInvoiceDistribution>
<!-- Enhanced Limit Item, type Material, unknown accounting -->

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 45
<ItemDescription>Office Supply</ItemDescription>
<OverallLimitAmount currencyCode="EUR">5</OverallLimitAmount>
<ExpectedOverallLimitAmount currencyCode="EUR">2</ExpectedOverall
<MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution> </MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution
<PartialInvoiceDistribution> </PartialInvoiceDistribution>
<!-- Third Party Item, with master, accounting S -->
<RequestedQuantity unitCode="PCE">3</RequestedQuantity>
<Amount currencyCode="EUR">7.00</Amount>
<BaseQuantity unitCode="PCE">1</BaseQuantity>
<MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution> </MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution
<PartialInvoiceDistribution> </PartialInvoiceDistribution>
<!-- <WBSElementInternalID>852</WBSElementInternalID> -->
<AddressName>Kunde A</AddressName>

Required Communication Scenario

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 46
To be able to use this service, you have to con gure communication scenario SAP_COM_0238.

Message Monitoring and Error Handling

To be able to monitor messages transferred by this service, you need to assign the following recipient to the users:

Namespace: /MMPUR


Interface: PO_IN

To assign users to recipients, use the Assign Recipients to Users app from the Communication Management – Message
Monitoring Con guration (SAP_CA_BC_COM_CONF_PC) business catalog.

For message monitoring, use the Message Dashboard app from the Communication Management - Message Monitoring and
Error Handling (SAP_CA_BC_COM_ERR_PC) business catalog.

Both business catalogs are contained in the business role template Con guration Expert – Business Network Integration

Authentication Method
For this service, use your user ID and password to sign on.

This service can be extended at header and at item level, using the app Custom Logic. The business contexts are:

Procurement: Purchasing Document (MM_PURDOC_HEADER)

Procurement: Purchasing Document Item (MM_PURDOC_ITEM)

PurchaseOrderRequest_In - SupplierParty

Nodes and Fields of the Supplier Party Node

Node or Field Description Necessity

Supplier Supplier ID Mandatory

SupplierAddress Optional

AddressName Name of the supplier


Street Street name as part of

the address.

HouseNumber House number as part of

an address. It is printed
in the Street line.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 47

Node or Field Description Necessity

PostalCode Postal code as part of

the address. If different
postal codes are
maintained for the PO
Box and street address
of an address, this eld
contains the street
address postal code.

City City name as part of the


CountryKey The country key contains

information which the
system uses to check
entries such as the
length of the postal code
or bank account number.


Region In some countries, the

region forms part of the
address. The meaning
depends on the country.


CountryCode The country for the

telephone number.

PhoneNumber Telephone number,

consisting of dialing
code and number, but
without country dialing

PhoneNumberExtension Telephone extension



CountryCode The country for the fax


FaxNumber Fax number, consisting

of dialing code and
number, but without
country dialing code. If
the fax number consists
of a company number
and an extension
number, enter the
extension number in the
Extension eld.

FaxNumberExtension Fax extension number.

 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 48
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

PurchaseOrderRequest_In - ExchangeRate

Fields of the ExchangeRate Node

Field Description

Rate Rate used by the system when translating gures from a foreign
currency into the local currency.

ExchangeRateFixedIndicator Determines that the exchange rate that is used for currency
translation in the document is xed.

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

PurchaseOrderRequest_In - PaymentTerms

Fields of the PaymentTerms Node

Field Description

PaymentTermsID Key for de ning payment terms composed of cash discount

percentages and payment periods.

CashDiscount1Percent Cash discount percentage rate applied to the shortest payment


CashDiscount1Days Number of days for the shortest payment period. In conjunction

with the baseline date for payment, this number represents a
payment period or period of quali cation for discount.

CashDiscount2Percent Cash discount percentage rate applied to the second payment


CashDiscount2Days Number of days for the second payment period. In conjunction with
the baseline date for payment, this number represents a payment
period or period of quali cation for discount.

CashDiscount3Days Number of days. In conjunction with the baseline date for payment,
this number represents a payment period or period of quali cation
for discount.

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 49

PurchaseOrderRequest_In - HeaderIncoTerms

Fields of the HeaderIncoTerms Node

Field Description

IncotermsClassi cation Commonly used trading terms that comply with the standards
established by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

IncotermsVersion An incoterms version is an edition of the international terms for

transportation that is de ned by the International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC).

IncotermsLocation1 Provides additional information for the primary Incoterm.

IncotermsLocation2 Provides additional information for the Incoterms.

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

PurchaseOrderRequest_In - PurchaseOrderItem

Service Nodes and Fields

 Note
In the following table, attributes are marked in blue.

Node or Field Description Necessity

ActionCode Identi es the action performed for the item (1: create, 2: Mandatory for updati
update, 3: delete)

PurchaseOrderItemID Speci es the number that uniquely identi es an item in a Optional

purchasing document. When a purchase order is created
 Note and no PurchaseOrderItemID is speci ed in the request, an
internal number from the item number interval is used in the
For any purchase order item, either the
purchase order item.
PurchaseOrderItemID or the
This number can be used as the reference ID in the update
PurchaseOrderItemExternalRefID must
be provided.

PurchaseOrderItemExternalRefID This number can be used as the reference ID in the update Mandatory when crea
case. order.
 Note Optional when updati
purchase order and if
For any purchase order item, either the
PurchaseOrderItemID or the
is available.
PurchaseOrderItemExternalRefID must
be provided.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 50

Node or Field Description Necessity

ItemCategory Indicator which shows the item features. Mandatory

The item category controls whether the following entries and
procedures are necessary or permitted for the item:

Material number

Additional account assignment

Inventory management in the SAP System

Goods receipt

Invoice receipt

Supported categories are Standard (' '), Third party ('S'),

Enhanced limit ('E')

IsReturnsItem Speci es whether or not the item is a returns item. A returns

item is a returned good from a customer to an internal or
external supplier.

ProductType Superordinate term that covers products that can be Mandatory

procured.In the product type group you choose to either
procure a material (by entering 1) or a service (by entering
2). The procurement process is different for materials and

Material Uniquely identi es a material. Optional

MaterialGroup Key that you use to group several materials or services with Mandatory, except fo
the same attributes, and to assign them to a particular items (item category
material group.

ItemDescription Short description of the material. Mandatory

Plant Speci es the key for a production facility or branch office Mandatory
within the company (that is, the company code). You use the
plant key to determine, for instance, which plant is to
receive ordered goods.

DeliveryDate Date on which an item is to be delivered or the service Mandatory for materi

PerformancePeriod Mandatory for service

StartDate Mandatory for service

EndDate Mandatory for service

ServicePerformer A person who performs a service. Optional

Customer Number of the customer to whom a material is to be Optional

delivered or for whom a service is to be rendered. This entry
is used in third-party order processing (triangular business
arrangements). When you enter a customer number, the
delivery address is taken from the customer master record.
If you do not enter a customer number, you must enter a
delivery address.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 51

Node or Field Description Necessity

InternationalArticleNumber The International Article Number (EAN) is a standardized Optional

unit that uniquely identi es a material relating to a unit of
measure or type of packaging.

The International Article Number is assigned by the

manufacturer of the material. In this case, the EAN identi es
the manufacturer uniquely. A company can assign EANs
using "in-store" numbering techniques known only to the

The equivalent of the EAN in America is the Universal

Product Code (UPC).

EvaluatedReceiptSettlementIsAllowed Indicator that speci es that evaluated receipt settlement Optional

(ERS) or the automatic generation of invoices according to
an invoicing plan is to be possible for this document item.
Prerequisite is that the supplier is enabled for ERS in your
SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

 Note
If the supplier is enabled for ERS and the eld
is not included in the message you send to SAP
S/4HANA Cloud, then the system determines
that the purchase order item is enabled for ERS.

If the supplier is enabled for ERS and you want

to avoid that the system determines that the
purchase order item is enabled for ERS, you
have to include the eld
in your message and ll it with a blank value.

RequestedQuantity Quantity ordered by the buyer, to be supplied by the N/A for limit items, m
supplier. The purchase order quantity relates to the order materials and service

unitCode Unit of measure in which the material is ordered.

ItemPrice PurchaseOrderRequest_In - ItemPrice N/A for limit items, m

materials and service

CostUpperLimit Mandatory for limit it

OverallLimitAmount Maximum value that the total of all unplanned services (or Mandatory
the value of the material) covered by this document item
may not exceed.

currencyCode Currency of OverallLimitAmount Mandatory

ExpectedOverallLimitAmount Value that the unplanned services (or the material) covered Mandatory
by this item are not expected to exceed.

currencyCode Currency of ExpectedOverallLimitAmount Mandatory

AccountAssignment PurchaseOrderRequest_In - AccountAssignment Mandatory

ItemIncoterms Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 52

Node or Field Description Necessity

IncotermsClassification Commonly used trading terms that comply with the Optional
standards established by the International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC).

IncotermsLocation1 Provides additional information for the primary Incoterm. Optional

IncotermsLocation2 Provides additional information for the Incoterms. Optional

ItemTax Optional

TaxCode The tax code represents a tax category which must be taken Optional
into consideration when making a tax return to the tax
authorities. Tax codes are unique per country. The tax rate
calculation rules and further features are stored in a table
for each tax code.

TaxJurisdiction The tax jurisdiction is used for determining the tax rates in Optional
the USA. It de nes to which tax authorities you must pay
your taxes. It is always the city to which the goods are

PurchaseRequisitionReference Optional

PurchaseRequisitionID Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the document. Optional

PurchaseRequisitionItemID Number that uniquely identi es an item in a purchase Optional


ProcessFlow Optional

GoodsReceiptIsExpected Speci es whether the item involves a goods receipt. In case Optional
of service items, this indicator is used for service entry

GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated Speci es that the goods receipt for this item is not to be Optional
valuated. If the indicator is set, the valuation of the
purchase order item will take place at the time of invoice
veri cation.

InvoiceIsExpected Speci es whether an invoice receipt is linked to the Optional

purchase order item.

InvoiceIsGoodsReceiptBased Indicator specifying that goods-receipt-based invoice Optional

veri cation will be performed for a purchase order item or
invoice item.

IsCompletelyDelivered Indicates that the item is to be regarded as closed. Optional

IsFinalIyInvoiced Indicates that the last invoice from a supplier has been Optional
received for an item and/or that no further invoice is

DeliveryDetails Optional

OverdeliveryToleranceInPercent Percentage (based on the order quantity) up to which an Optional

overdelivery of this item will be accepted.

UnderdeliveryToleranceInPercent Percentage (based on the order quantity) up to which an Optional

underdelivery of this item will be accepted.

UnlimitedOverdeliveryAllowed Indicator that speci es whether unlimited overdelivery can Optional

be accepted for the item.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 53

Node or Field Description Necessity

StorageLocation Number of the storage location in which the material is Optional

stored. A plant may contain one or more storage locations.

DeliveryAddress Optional

AddressName Name within an address. Optional

Street Street name as part of the address. Optional

HouseNumber House number as part of an address. Optional

PostalCode Postal code as part of the address. If different postal codes Optional
are maintained for the PO Box and Street address of an
address, this eld contains the Street address postal code.

City City name as part of the address. Optional

CountryKey The country key contains information which the system uses Optional
to check entries such as the length of the postal code or
bank account number.

District Optional

Region In some countries, the region forms part of the address. The Optional
meaning depends on the country.

Phone Optional

CountryCode The country for the telephone number. Optional

PhoneNumber Telephone number, consisting of dialing code and number, Optional

but without country dialing code. If the telephone number
consists of a company number and an extension, the
extension must be entered in the eld extension.

PhoneNumberExtension Telephone extension number. Optional

Fax Optional

CountryCode The country for the fax number. Optional

FaxNumber Fax number, consisting of dialing code and number, but Optional
without country dialing code. If the fax number consists of a
company number and an extension number, enter the
extension number in the Extension eld.

FaxNumberExtension Fax extension number. Optional

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

PurchaseOrderRequest_In - AccountAssignment

Nodes and Fields of the AccountAssignment Node

The list below includes all elds that can be used for the different account assigment categories. Which elds are mandatory
depends on the account assignment categories that are used.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 54

 Note
In the following table, attributes are marked in blue.

Node or Field Description

AccountAssignmentCategory The account assignment category

determines which account assignment
details are required for the item (for
example, cost center or account number).

MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution Distribution indicator for multiple account

assignment. The following values are
“1” - Distribution on Quantity

“2” - Distribution by Percentage

“3” - Distribution by Amount

PartialInvoiceDistribution Determines how invoice amounts in

partial invoices are to be distributed. The
following values are supported:

“ ” - Derive from Account

Assignment Category

“1” - Distribute in Sequence

“2” - Distribute Proportionally

AccountAssignmentLine Line belonging to the purchase order item

that contains the account assignment

POAccountAssigmentEntity MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrQty Quantity assigned to one account

assignment line (in case of multiple
account assignment)

unitCode Unit of measure of


MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrPercent Percentage of the total order quantity that

you want to allocate to this account
assignment item. The percentage entered
determines what percentage of the costs
is to be distributed to this account
assignment item. The total of the
percentages must equal 100%.
This value is mandatory if
is “2” - Distribution by Percentage.

NetValueAmount Value of the purchase order (including

discounts and surcharges).
This value is mandatory if
is “3” - Distribution by Amount.

currencyCode Currency code of the NetValueAmount

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 55

Node or Field Description

BusinessArea Key that uniquely identi es a business


CommitmentItem Alphanumeric code of the commitment

item you are creating, changing,
displaying, or to which you are assigning

ControllingArea The controlling area is the highest

organizational unit in Controlling.

CostCenter Cost center

CostObject Cost objects are the activity units of

businesses whose costs are assigned
based on the cost origins. The SAP
system distinguishes between the
following types of cost objects:

Cost objects represented by a

cost object ID

Cost objects represented by

objects from other components,
such as production orders or
sales order items

EarmarkedFundsDocument Document within Funds Management that

can reserve budget already distributed
for revenues or expenditures to be

FixedAsset This is the number which, together with

the main asset number, uniquely
identi es a xed asset in Asset

Fund Key which uniquely identi es the fund.

Funds represent nancial resources that
are provided for a speci c purpose by a
sponsor and managed separately. This
enables the exact source of the funds to
be determined.

FundsCenter Alphanumeric code for the funds center.

Within the organizational unit, the funds
centers represent the structural grouping
into departments, areas of responsibility,
projects, and so on.

GLAccount G/L Account Number. A G/L account

stores changes in value relating to assets,
payables, stockholders' equity, revenues,
or expenses of a company.

MasterFixedAsset This is the number which, together with

the asset sub-number, identi es a xed
asset in Asset Accounting.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 56

Node or Field Description

NetworkActivity A network can structure an entire project

or a task within a project. Numbers are
used to differentiate these project
structures. A network activity can be, for
example, planning, analyzing, controlling
and monitoring schedules, dates, and

NetworkActivityInternalID Network Activity Internal ID

OrderID Key that uniquely identi es an order

within a client.

ProfitabilitySegment An object within Pro tability Analysis to

which costs and revenues are assigned.

ProfitCenter An organizational center that represents

an area of a company for which a separate
period-based pro t is determined and
used for pro t-oriented analysis and
management of the area´s activities.

ProjectNetwork A project network represents the

sequence of activities in a project or the
sequence of a single activity within a

ProjectNetworkInternalID Routing number of operations in the order.

RealEstateObject Internal key for real estate object.

SalesOrder Number that uniquely identi es the sales,

delivery, or billing document. A sales
order is an agreement between a seller
and a customer concerning the sale and
delivery of goods, as well as any services
that are associated with these processes,
on a speci c date, for a speci c quantity,
and for a speci c price.

SalesOrderItem Number that uniquely identi es the item

in the sales document.

SalesOrderScheduleLine Number that uniquely identi es the

schedule line in the sales document.
When an item has more than one schedule
line, the system automatically assigns a
unique number to each line. The number
is displayed in the details screens for
schedule lines.
The schedule line number serves internal
purposes and does not, for example,
determine the sequence of schedule lines
in the overview screen. The schedule lines
on the overview screen are sorted by

WBSElementInternalID Key that identi es a WBS element (work

breakdown structure element).

 Note
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 57
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

PurchaseOrderRequest_In - ItemPrice
 Note
In the following table, attributes are marked in blue.

Nodes and Fields of ItemPrice

Node or Field Description Necessity

Amount Net price per price unit. Mandatory

currencyCode Currency of Amount

BaseQuantity Speci es how many Mandatory

units of the purchase
order price unit the price
is valid for.

unitCode Unit of measure of


PriceCondition Price condition Optional

ConditionType Fix amount discounts Mandatory, if price

and surcharges are conditions are used

ConditionAmount Condition amount Mandatory, if price

conditions are used

currencyCode Currency code of Mandatory, if price

ConditionAmount conditions are used

Purchase Order – Send, Update, Cancel

Technical name: OrderRequest_Out

This asynchronous outbound service enables you to transfer purchase order messages between your SAP S/4HANA buyer
system and an external supplier system. A purchase order is created in the SAP S/4HANA buyer system which is relevant for
XML message exchange processing with a supplier system. Whenever such a purchase order is saved in the system, a
corresponding XML message is created and is transferred to the corresponding buyer system.

Automating the document exchange of purchase orders between suppliers and buyers saves time and effort.

Purchase order sends XML message through this API during create and update operations. Purchase order for goods
purchasing of material items can be exchanged through this API. Purchase orders for drop shipment scenario that is created
from purchase requisiotion generated from Third Party Sales orders is supported. This API is relevant for the scope items 2EJ
(Integration of Procurement with External Suppliers) and 42K (Automation of Source-to-Pay with Ariba Network).

Service Structure

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 58
The service contains a message header and a payload, containing the header and item information.

Service Message Header

The service message header contains information about the service, the involved sender and receiver as well as date and time.

Service Nodes
The service nodes contain the business data of the service.

Service Node Descriptions Link to details

MessageHeader Message header information OrderRequest_Out - MessageHeader

Order Order header information OrderRequest_Out - Order

Party Business partner information OrderRequest_Out - Party

PaymentTerms Payment terms OrderRequest_Out - PaymentTerms

PaymentCard Payment card information OrderRequest_Out - PaymentCard

Text Long text on the order header and Item OrderRequest_Out - Text

OrderItem Order item information OrderRequest_Out - OrderItem

Product Product information OrderRequest_Out - Product

ScheduleLine Schedule line OrderRequest_Out - ScheduleLine

Message Monitoring and Error Handling

To be able to monitor messages transferred by this service, you need to assign the following recipient to the users:

Namespace: /MMEDI


Interface: ORDREQOUT

To assign users to recipients, use the Assign Recipients to Users app from the Communication Management – Message
Monitoring Con guration (SAP_CA_BC_COM_CONF_PC) business catalog.

For message monitoring, use the Message Dashboard app from the Communication Management - Message Monitoring and
Error Handling (SAP_CA_BC_COM_ERR_PC) business catalog.

Both business catalogs are contained in the business role template Con guration Expert – Business Network Integration

Transferring attachments is not supported between SAP S/4HANA buyer system and an external supplier system.
Please note that the following elds related to attachments are not in use:



This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 59

Supplier address is not re ected in the purchase order output if it is added after the purchase order is created (in SAP
S/4HANA Cloud).

See SAP Note 3037036 to know about disruption in integration with third-party system due to change in sequence of
nodes in outgoing XML data.

OrderRequest_Out - MessageHeader
MessageHeader node contains information about the message such as date and time when it was created or ID of the sender


Parameters Description

ID ID of the SOAP message

ReferenceID Reference ID of the SOAP message

CreationDateTime Date and time at which the message was created. This information
is used to check for duplicate incoming messages and to avoid that
the same message is processed again.

ReconciliationIndicator Reconciliation Indicator

SenderBusinessSystemID Unique identi er of the external system that sends the message.
This information is used to send back response messages or
follow-on messages to the sender system.

RecipientBusinessSystemID Unique identi er of the external system that receives the message.
This information is used to receive messages or follow-on
messages from the sender system.

SenderParty ID of the business partner that sends the message to your SAP
S/4HANA Cloud system. The ID must be identical to the business
partner's ID in your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

RecipientParty ID of the business partner that receives the message from your
SAP S/4HANA Cloud system. The ID must be identical to the
business partner's ID in your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

BusinessScope Business scope

OrderRequest_Out - Order
Header node that contains the Order header elds.


Parameter Description Necessity

ActionCode Action code Optional

PurchaseOrderID Purchase order number Mandatory

PurchasingDocumentType Purchase order document type Optional

CompanyCode Company code used in the purchase order Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 60

Parameter Description Necessity

CompanyCodeName Company code name used in the purchase Optional


PurchasingOrganization Purchasing organization Optional

PurchasingOrganizationName Purchasing organization name used in the Optional

purchase order

PurchasingGroup Purchasing group Optional

PurchasingGroupName Purchasing group name used in the Optional

purchase order

PurchaseOrderCreationDate Creation date Mandatory

PurchaseOrderDocumentDateTime Creation Time Mandatory

PurchaseOrderLastChangeDate Last change date Optional

SalesOrderID Sales order ID Optional

SalesDocumentType Sales document type Optional

SalesOrganization Sales organization Optional

DistributionChannel Distribution channel Optional

OrganizationDivision Organization division Optional

SalesGroup Sales group Optional

SalesOffice Sales office Optional

TransactionCurrency Transaction currency Optional

BuyerCompanyCodeCurrency Currency code Optional

BuyerExchangeRate Exchange rate Optional

BuyerVATRegistration This eld carries the VAT number as Optional

maintained in the company code associated
with the purchase order.

CorrespondenceExternalReference Reference Optional

BuyrCorrExternalReference This eld carries the data of the eld Your Optional
Reference maintained in the purchase

BuyrCorrOwnReference This eld carries the data of the eld Our Optional
Reference maintained in the purchase

ItemListIsCompletelyTransferred Indicator Optional

RetsMgmtIsActive Optional

Party Party Optional

RequestedDeliveryDate DO NOT USE Optional

RequestedDeliveryTime DO NOT USE Optional

RequestedDeliveryTimeZone DO NOT USE Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 61

Parameter Description Necessity

RequestedDeliveryDateTime DO NOT USE Optional

UnloadingPointName Unloading location Optional

ReceivingPoint Receiving point Optional

DeliveryBlockReason Delivery block reason code Optional

CompleteDeliveryIsDefined Indicator Optional

OrderCombinationIsAllowed Indicator Optional


IncotermsVersion Incoterms version Optional

IncotermsClassification Incoterms classi cation Optional

IncotermsLocation1 Incoterms location 1 Optional

IncotermsLocation2 Incoterms location 2 Optional

PaymentTerms Payment terms Optional

PaymentCard Payment card Optional

Text Long text on order header Optional

OrderItem Order item Optional

Attachment Carries the name, type, and size of the Optional


 Note
Company details for example company code name, and purchasing organization name are untranslatable.

OrderRequest_Out - Party
Order node that contains the order party elds. This service node is a sub node of Order Item and Order Header.


Parameter Description Necessity

GlobalLocationNumber Standard ID Optional

BuyerPartyID Value depends on the attribute PartyType. See PartyType below for Optional

SupplierPartyID Value depends on the attribute PartyType. See PartyType below for Optional

Address This node carries details of the party address

FormOfAddress Form of address Optional

FormOfAddressName Expanded form of the address text Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 62

Parameter Description Necessity

AddressName Address name 1 Optional

AddressAdditionalName Address name 2 Optional

StreetName Street name Optional

HouseNumber House number Optional

StreetAddressName This eld is a combination of the elds StreetName and HouseNumber. Optional

PostalCode Postal code Optional

CityName City Optional

Country Country Optional

District District Optional

Region Region (State, Province, Country) Optional

PhoneNumber Telephone number Optional

FaxNumber Fax number Optional

FaxExtension DO NOT USE

FaxCountryDialingCode DO NOT USE

FaxCountry DO NOT USE

EmailAddress This eld contains the email address of the supplier party as maintained
in the purchase order.

CorrespondenceLanguage Language key Optional

AddressTimeZone This eld is applicable only for the party type, ShipTo. This eld
carries the data of the eld Time Zone maintained in the delivery
address of the purchase order item.

ExternalAddressParserCode This eld is applicable only for the party type, SoldTo. If value of this
eld is 'B', then address carried in the API is buyer's company address,
and it is an external address for the supplier.

PartyType Describes type of the party.

Following party types are supported:

PartyType Use Case BuyerPartyID SupplierPartyID Address

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 63

Parameter Description Necessity

PartyType Use Case BuyerPartyID SupplierPartyID Address

Sold-to Details Purchasing Supplier code in Company

contain organization the buyer code
value for number in system address,
the party to the buyer use the
whom the system custom
items are logic BAdI:
sold. Modify
for SoldTo
Party Type
for the API
Order -
Cancel to
modify this

Ship-to Details Plant ID in Blank Plant

contain the buyer Address
information system
about the

Details Plant ID in Blank Default

contain the buyer Plant
information system Storage
about the Address
plant, but
address is

Details Plant ID in Blank Storage

contain the buyer Location
information system Address
about the (for the
plant and items)
location is
to items.

Details Blank Blank Address

contain (as entered
manual by the
address user)
entered by
the user
order item

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 64

Parameter Description Necessity

PartyType Use Case BuyerPartyID SupplierPartyID Address

Details Blank Blank Address

contain the (as
address key maintained
as entered in the
by the user. address

Bill-to Details Company Blank Company

contain Code in the Code
value for buyer system Address
the party to
whom the
items are

Supplier Details Supplier Blank Supplier

contain Code in the Business
supplier buyer system Partner
address. Address

Invoicing Details Invoicing Blank Invoicing

Party contain party ID in party
invoicing the buyer address
party system

Goods Details Goods Blank Goods

Supplier contain supplier supplier
goods Code in the address
supplier buyer system

Copy Details Copy Blank Copy

Supplier contain supplier supplier
copy Code in the address
supplier buyer system

OrderRequest_Out - PaymentTerms
Order node that contains the order payment terms elds. This service node is a sub node of Order Header.


Parameter Description Necessity

BuyerPaymentTermsID Buyer payment terms ID Optional

SupplierPaymentTermsID Supplier payment terms ID Optional

FixedValueDate Date Optional

CashDiscount1Percent Percentage of cash discount Optional

CashDiscount1Days Cash discount days Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 65

Parameter Description Necessity

CashDiscount1Description Cash discount description Optional

CashDiscount2Percent Percentage of cash discount Optional

CashDiscount2Days Cash discount days Optional

CashDiscount2Description Cash discount description Optional

NetPaymentDays Net payment days Optional

NetPaymentDescription Net payment description Optional

OrderRequest_Out - PaymentCard
Order node that contains the order payment card elds.


Parameter Description Necessity

PaymentCardType Payment card type Optional

PaymentCardID Payment card ID Optional

PaymentCardValidityEndDate Payment card validity end date Optional

PaymentCardHolderName Payment card holder name Optional

PaymentCardBillingAmount Amount Optional

OrderRequest_Out - Text
Order node that contains the order text elds. This service node is a sub node of Order Item and Order Header.


Parameter Description Necessity

BuyerTextElementID Text ID Optional

SupplierTextElementID Text ID Optional

TextElementLanguage Text language Optional

TextElementText Text line Optional

TextElementTextFormat Tag column Optional

Type Text element type Mandatory

OrderRequest_Out - OrderItem
This service node contains the Order Item information.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 66


Parameter Description Necessity

ActionCode Action code Optional

IsChanged If this eld is marked as true, then it denotes Mandatory

that the changes are done in current purchase
order change. If this eld is marked as false,
then it denotes that the changes are done in
older purchase order change.

PurchaseOrderItemID Item ID Mandatory

PurgConfigurableItemNumber Con gurable item number Optional

PurchasingParentItem Parent item ID Optional

PurchasingIsItemSet If set is an item set Optional

PurgExternalSortNumber Sort number for the purchase order item Optional

PurchaseOrderItemCategory Item category Optional

SalesOrderItemID Sales order item ID Optional

SalesOrderItemCategory Sales order item category Optional

OrderItemText Item short text Optional

Limits Limit items Optional

ExpectedOverallLimitAmount Amount that the buying company plans to Optional

spend on the limit item

OverallLimitAmount Maximum amount that the buying company Optional

intends to spend on the limit item

ReturnInformation Information about returns. The information in Optional

these eld tells you whether a returned item
has to be replaced and why the order was

ReferenceDocument References to related documents, for example, Optional

the order ID in an external system.

RequestedQuantity Requested quantity Optional

UnitCode Requested quantity unit code Optional

Product Product Optional

GlobalTradeItemNumber Global trade item number Optional

BuyerProductId Product Id maintained in the buyer system. Optional

SupplierProductId Product Id maintained in the supplier system. Optional

ManufacturerPartNumber This eld carries the data of the eld Mfr Part Optional
Number maintained in the tab Material Data of
the purchase order item.

Manufacturer This eld carries the data of the eld Optional

Manufacturer maintained in the tab Material
Data of the purchase order item.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 67

Parameter Description Necessity

ManufacturerName This eld carries the data of the eld Optional

manufacturer name maintained in the tab
Material Data of the purchase order item.

ExpectedNetPrice Net price Optional

Amount Amount Optional

CurrencyCode Currency for net price Optional

BaseQuantity Quantity Optional

UnitCode Unit for quantity Optional

PurchasingPriceIsEstimated This eld carries the value of estimated price Optional

indicator as maintained in the purchase order

PriceIsToBePrinted This eld carries the value of the print price Optional
indicator as maintained in the purchase order

POPriceUnitToPOUnitNumerator This eld carries the numerator data of the Optional

eld Over Unit ↔ Order Price Unit maintained
in the purchase order.

POPriceUnitToPOUnitDenominator This eld carries the denominator data of the Optional

eld Over Unit ↔ Order Price Unit maintained
in the purchase order item.

ExpectedNetAmount Amount Optional

CurrencyCode Currency for net price Optional

MaximumNumberOfPartialDelivery Maximum number of partial delivery Optional

UnloadingPointName Indicator Optional

ReceivingPoint Receiving point Optional

Batch Batch details on supplier and buyer systems Optional

BuyerPartyBatch Batch details on the buyer system Optional

SupplierPartyBatch Batch details on the supplier system Optional

Party Party Optional


IncotermsClassification Incoterms classi cation Optional

IncotermsLocation1 Incoterms location 1 Optional

IncotermsLocation2 Incoterms location 2 Optional

Text Long text on order item Optional

BuyerTextElementID Text element id on the buyer system Optional

SupplierTextElementID Text element id on the supplier system Optional

TextElementLanguage Language of the text element Optional

TextElementText Text of the text element Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 68

Parameter Description Necessity

TextElementTextFormat Format of the text element Optional

SubcontrgCompIsRealTmeCnsmpn This eld is not in use. NA

ScheduleLine Schedule line Optional

PurchaseOrderScheduleLine Purchase order schedule line number Optional

RequestedDeliveryDate Requested delivery date Optional

RequestedDeliveryTime Requested delivery time Optional

RequestedDeliveryTimeZone Contains time zone de ned in the delivery Optional

address of the purchase order, if the time zone
is not de ned in the purchase order, then the
system time zone is used in this eld.

 Note
A business add-in Determine Time Zone of
Delivery Address for Purchase Order
is available, this business add-in can be
used to determine time zone of a purchase
order item.

RequestedDeliveryDateTime Contains date, time, and time zone offset Optional

de ned in the purchase order.

ScheduleLineOrderQuantity Schedule line order quantity Optional

ConfirmedDeliveryDate Con rmed delivery date Optional

ConfirmedDeliveryTime Con rmed delivered time Optional

ConfirmedDeliveryTimeZone Con rmed delivery time zone Optional

ConfirmedDeliveryDateTime Con rmed delivery date time Optional

ConfirmedOrderQuantityByMaterialAvailableCheck Con med order quantity by material available Optional


VariantConfiguration This node enables you to send variant Optional

con guration data for a purchase order item.
Con gurable materials are complex products
that can be produced in different variants.
Refer VariantCon guration to know about
variant con guration attributes. Also, refer
Advanced Variant Con guration to know more
about advanced variant con guration.

OrderAcknowledgementRequired Indicator to show if order acknowledgement is Optional

mandatory or not.

Con rmationControlKey Contains the con rmation key id. A Optional

con rmation control key can be de ned with
just one or more con rmation categories (e.g.
shipping noti cation) and a con rmation
control key covering several con rmation
categories (order acknowledgment, loading
con rmation, shipping noti cation).

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 69

Parameter Description Necessity

ExpectedCon rmations > Con rmationSequence: Contains the sequence in which the individual Optional
Con rmationCategory con rmations de ned in a con rmation control
key are expected.
Con rmationCategory: Contains the
internal con rmation category key that
matches the supplier con rmation
document (expected by the buyer).

sequenceNumber: Contains the

con rmation category ID. The
con rmation category IDs are:

Order Acknowledgment: 1

Shipping Noti cation: 2

Rough Goods Receipt: 3

Purchase Order Change: 4

ExpectedConfirmations > ConfirmationSequence > Optional

Tolerance PermittedPriceOverrunInPct:
This eld carries the data of the eld
Permitted Price Overrun in %
maintained in the con guration step Set
up Con rmation Control.

This eld carries the data of the eld
Permitted Price Shortfall in %
maintained in the con guration step Set
up Con rmation Control.

This eld carries the data of the eld
Tol2Early maintained in the
con guration step Set up Con rmation

This eld carries the data of the eld
Tol2Late Tolerance Limit maintained in
the con guration step Set up
Con rmation Control.

PurgOvrdelivTolLmtRatioInPct This eld carries the data of the eld Optional

Overdelivery Tolerance Limit maintained in the
purchase order item.

PurgUnderdelivTolLmtRatioInPct This eld carries the data of the eld Optional

Underdelivery Tolerance Limit maintained in
the purchase order item.

UnlimitedOverdeliveryIsAllowed This eld carries the data of the eld Unlimited Optional
Overdelivery Allowed maintained in the
purchase order item.

IsCompletelyDelivered This eld carries the data of the eld Delivery Optional
Completed maintained in the purchase order

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 70

Parameter Description Necessity

IsFinallyInvoiced This eld carries the data of the eld Inv. Optional
Receipt maintained in the tab Invoice of the
purchase order item.

EvaldRcptSettlmtIsAllowed This eld carries the data of the eld Eval. Optional
Receipt Settlement maintained in the purchase
order item.

IsBlocked This eld carries the ag that states if the Optional

purchase order item is blocked or not.

PurchaseContract Carries the purchase contract ID that is Optional

associated to the purchase order.

PurchaseContractItem Carries the purchase contract item ID that is Optional

associated to the purchase order.

PurContractForOverallLimit Carried the purchase contract number that is Optional

associated with the purchase order for limit

BuyerVATRegistration This eld carries the VAT number as Optional

maintained in the purchase order. This VAT
value can be updated using the custom logic
BAdI: Determine VAT Number for Purchase
Order Items.

Plant Carries the plant number as maintained in the Optional

purchase order item.carries the plant number
as maintained in the purchase order item.

PlantName Carries the plant name as maintained in the Optional

purchase order item.

StorageLocation Carries the storage location number as Optional

maintained in the purchase order item.

StorageLocationName Carries the storage location name as Optional

maintained in the purchase order item.

ShippingInstruction Carries the shipping instruction as maintained Optional

in the purchase order item.

ShippingInstructionName Carries the shipping instruction name as Optional

maintained in the purchase order item.

TaxDetails Refer Optional

ExternalReferences External references of the purchase order Optional

PurgDocExternalReference External reference for the purchase order Optional

PurgDocExternalSystem System of the external system for the purchase Optional


SerialNumber Serial number Optional

Attachment This sub-note carries the elds related to Optional

purchase order item attachments.

FileName This eld carries the name of the purchase Optional

order item attachment.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 71

Parameter Description Necessity

MimeType This eld carries the media type of the Optional

purchase order item attachment.

FileSize This eld carries the le size of the purchase Optional

order item attachment.

VariantCon guration
The following table provides information for variours attributes available in variant con guration.

Node or Field De

VariantConfiguration VarConfignStatus Se
Cardinality: 0..1 yo

CharacteristicValuation Characteristic Sp
Cardinality: 0..unbounded
CharcValue Sp

CharcValueTo Sp

CharcValueIntervalType Sp

CharcValueAssignmentType In

VariantConditionFactor Sp

VarConfignStructureNode VarConfignStructureNodeID Sp
Cardinality: 0..unbounded co
You can use this node for multi-
level variant con guration. For
VarConfignStrucParentNodeID Sp
single-level variant
con gurations, leave the node

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 72

Node or Field De

IdentifierBOMItem Sp

CharacteristicValuation Characteristic Sp
Cardinality: 0..unbounded
CharcValue Sp

CharcValueIntervalType Sp

CharcValueAssignmentType In

CharcValueAssignmentType In

VariantConditionFactor Sp

Source So

OrderRequest_Out - Product
This service node contains the batch characteristics information. This service node is a sub node of Order Item.


Parameter Description Necessity

GlobalTradeItemNumber International article number (EAN/UPC) Optional

BuyerProductID Buyer product ID Optional

SupplierProductID Supplier product ID Optional

ManufacturerPartNumber This eld carries the data of the eld Mfr Optional
Part Number maintained in the tab Material
Data of the purchase order item.

Manufacturer This eld carries the data of the eld Optional

Manufacturer maintained in the tab
Material Data of the purchase order item.

ManufacturerName This eld carries the data of the eld Optional

manufacturer name maintained in the tab
Material Data of the purchase order item.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 73

OrderRequest_Out - ScheduleLine
This service node contains the hierarchy information regarding the batch split items. This service node is a sub node of service
node Order Item.

 Note
In the following table, attributes are marked in blue.


Parameter Parameter/Attribute Description

RequestedDeliveryDate Requested delivery date

RequestedDeliveryTime Requested delivery time

ScheduleLineOrderQuantity Line quantity

RequestedDeliveryTimeZone Contains time zone de ned in the delivery

address of the purchase order, if the time zone
is not de ned in the purchase order, then the
system time zone is used in this eld.

 Note
A business add-in Determine Time Zone
of Delivery Address for Purchase Order
is available, this business add-in can be
used to determine time zone of a purchase
order item.

RequestedDeliveryDateTime Contains date, time, and time zone offset

de ned in the purchase order.

UnitCode Unit for quantity

Con rmedDeliveryDate Delivery date

Con rmedDeliveryTime Delivery time

Con rmedOrderQuantityByMaterialAvailableCheck Con rmed quantity

UnitCode Unit for con rmed quantity

Service Lean service item

PerformancePeriodStartDate Start date of period of performance for the

lean service item

PerformancePeriodEndDate End date of period of performance for the lean

service item

Con rmedExpectedOverallLmtAmt DO NOT USE THIS FIELD


UnitCode Unit for currency used for expected value

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 74

Parameter Parameter/Attribute Description

SubcontractingComponentDetails This eld contains the information related to

subcontracting in the purchase order.
Information such as bill of material,
requirement date, and batch details is carried
with this eld.

BillOfMaterialItemNumber Item number for the bill of material item

SubcontractingComponentProduct Product code

QuantityInEntryUnit Quantity for item

RequirementDate Requirement date

BOMItemDescription Description of the bill of material item

Batch Batch number of the bill of material item

BOMItemCategory Category of the bill of material item

Batch, BuyerPartyBatch, DO NOT USE


Purchase Order - Send Status Update Noti cation

Technical name: PurchaseOrderStatusNotification_Out

This asynchronous outbound service enables you to send status noti cations to an external system from the SAP S/4HANA
Cloud system if certain changes that are relevant for the business process have been made to a purchase order. This includes
noti cations upon creation, blocking and deletion of the purchase orders, as well as changes performed during the approval
process. Furthermore, messages are sent to notify the external consumer about completion and release status changes. You
can use this SOAP-based service only for purchase orders that were created via the inbound web service for purchase order
creation Purchase Order (PurchaseOrderRequest_In).

Service Structure
The request contains a MessageHeader node element and a PurchaseOrderHeader node element.

The PurchaseOrderHeader node element contains information on the purchase order ID, its reference ID, date and time of
the last change, and spreadsheets containing purchase order item list details and purchase order status list details.

This service covers the following purchase order item types:

0 (Material)

1 (Limit)

9 (Service)

 Note
You need to make sure that beside the general mandatory purchase order elds the elds SenderBusinessSystemID and
ReferenceID are lled in the XML structure. If you don't maintain these elds, no outbound message will be called.

This services sends a noti cation message with the following status information to the external consumer:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 75

Purchase Order Status Field Description

PROCSTAT This is the processing status of the purchase order. The following
statuses are available:

02 (Active)

03 (In Release)

05 (Release Completed)

08 (Rejected)

FRGRL This is the release status of the purchase order that indicates
whether the purchase order has already been released.

MEMORY This is the completion status of the purchase order that indicates
whether the purchase order has been completed.

LOEKZ This is the deletion indicator of the purchase order. The following
values are available:

S (Blocked)

L (Deleted)

Service Message Header

The service message header contains information on the service, the involved sender and receiver as well as date and time.


The entities contain the business data of the service.

Service Node Descriptions Link to details

MessageHeader Contains information about the message PurchaseOrderStatusNoti cation_Out -

such as date and time when it was created MessageHeader
or ID of the sender system.

PurchaseOrderHeader Contains information about purchase order PurchaseOrderStatusNoti cation_Out -

such as status of purchase order or item PurchaseOrderHeader

Service Response

Field Name Value Description

PROCSTAT 02 Active

Purchase order is in status Active.

03 In Release

Purchase order is in status In Release.

05 Release Completed

Purchase order has been released.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 76

Field Name Value Description

08 Rejected

Purchase order has been rejected.

LOEKZ S Blocked

Purchase order is blocked.

L Deleted

Purchase order has been deleted.

MEMORY X Purchase order has been completed.

'' Purchase order has not yet been completed.

FRGL X Purchase order has already been released.

'' Purchase order has not yet been released.

Mapping of external system and a logical port must exist to provide communication of the external consumer via this service
with the SAP S/4HANA system. You must create a communication user, a communication system and set up a communication
arrangement. To do so, you can use the following applications:

Maintain Communication Users

Maintain Communication Systems

Communication Arrangements

Please note, that an administrator role must be assigned to your user to enable you to perform this con guration.

PurchaseOrderStatusNoti cation_Out - MessageHeader


Parameter Description

ID ID of the message

UUID UUID of the message

ReferenceID Reference ID of the message

ReferenceUUID Reference UUID of the message

CreationDateTime Date and time when the message wwas created

SenderBusinessSystemID ID of the system that sent the message

RecipientBusinessSystemID ID of the system to which the message was sent

SenderParty Sender party

RecipientParty Recipient party

BusinessScope Business scope of the message

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 77

PurchaseOrderStatusNoti cation_Out - PurchaseOrderHeader


Parameter Subnodes Description

ID ID of the purchase order

ReferenceID Reference ID of the purchase


PurchaseOrderStatusList PurchaseOrderStatus Status of the purchase order

PurchaseOrderStatusType Status type of the purchase


PurchaseOrderStatusCode Status code of the purchase


PurchaseOrderItemList PurchaseOrderItem Purchase order item

ID ID of the item in the purchase


ReferenceID Reference ID of the item in the

purchase order

LastChangedDateTime Date and time of the last change

of the purchase order

Purchase Order – Send Noti cations for Item History Updates

Technical name: PurchaseOrderItemHistoryNotification_Out

This outbound service enables you to send noti cations from an SAP S/4HANA Cloud system to an external system when
changes to the purchase order history of an item have occurred. This is the case when a goods receipt or a supplier invoice has
been created for the purchase order item.

The purchase requisitions on which the purchase order items are based must be created using the OData service Purchase
Requisitions - Read, Create, Update, Delete (API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV). The reason for this prerequisite is that the
noti cations are sent to the external system that called the API API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV to create the purchase

With this service, you cannot transfer information about of service entry sheets that are referenced in the purchase order


Service Structure

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 78
The service contains a message header and a payload containing the data of a single purchase order item and the schedule
lines of this item.

Service Message Header

The service message header contains information on the service, the involved sender and receiver as well as date and time. The
following elds are always transferred:

Node or Field Description

ID ID of the SOAP message

UUID UUID of the SOAP message

ReferenceID Reference ID of the SOAP


ReferenceUUID Reference UUID of the SOAP


CreationDateTime Date and time at which the

message was created

TestDataIndicator Test data indicator

ReconciliationIndicator Reconciliation indicator

SenderBusinessSystemID ID of the SAP S/4HANA system

that sends the message

RecipientBusinessSystemID ID of the external system that

will receive the message


InternalID Internal ID of the sender

StandardID Standard ID of the sender

ContactPerson Contact person of the sender


InternalID Internal ID of the contact person



OrganisationFormattedName Organisation name of the

contact person

PersonFormattedName Name of the contact person

PhoneNumber Phone number of the contact







This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 79

Node or Field Description



FaxNumber Fax number of the contact









EmailURI Email of the contact person



InternalID Internal ID of the recipient

StandardID Standard ID of the sender

ContactPerson Contact person of the recipient


InternalID Internal ID of the contact person



OrganisationFormattedName Organisation name of the

contact person

PersonFormattedName Name of the contact person

PhoneNumber Phone number of the contact









FaxNumber Fax number of the contact



This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 80

Node or Field Description







EmailURI Email of the contact person



TypeCode Type code if the business







InstanceID Instance ID of the business




ID ID of the business scope



Purchase Order Item (PurchaseOrderItem)

The PurchaseOrderItem node contains the business data of the service, that is, the history information of a purchase order

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


PurchaseOrderID ID of the purchase order always 1

PurchaseOrderItemID ID of the purchase order always 1


IsDeleted Deleted ag of the purchase always, if 0..1

order available

IsCompletelyDelivered Delivery ag of the purchase always, if 0..1

order available

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 81

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


GoodsReceiptIsExpected Contains value of the always, if 0..1

indicator that shows if goods available
receipt is expected or not

ScheduleLine Schedule Line always 1..n

ScheduleLineID ID of the delivery schedule always 1

line within the purchase
order item

PurchaseRequisitionID ID of the referenced always, if 0..1

purchase requisition available

PurchaseRequisitionItemID ID of an item referenced always, if 0..1

purchase requisition available

PurReqnExternalReferenceID If purchase requisition was always, if 0..1

created on the basis of a available
requisition from an external
system, this is the
requisition ID in the external

PurReqnItemExternalReferenceID If purchase requisition was always, if 0..1

created on the basis of a available
requisition from an external
system, this is the
requisition item ID in the
external system

PurReqnExternalSystemID If purchase requisition was always, if 0..1

created on the basis of a available
requisition from an external
system, this is the ID of the
external system

ScheduleLineOrderQuantity Quantity of goods in always, if 1

schedule line available


ScheduleLineDeliveryDate Delivery date of goods in always, if 1

schedule line available

ScheduleLineOrderDate Order date in schedule line always, if 1


PurchaseOrderExternalSystemID If purchase order was always, if 0..1

created on the basis of a available
purchase order from an
external system, this is the
ID of the external system

PurchaseOrderExternalReferenceID If purchase order was always, if 0..1

created on the basis of a available
purchase order from an
external system, this is the
ID in the external system

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 82

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


PurchaseOrderItemExternalRefID If purchase order was always, if 0..1

created on the basis of a available
purchase order from an
external system, this is the
purchase order item ID in
the external system

MaterialDocumentItem Goods receipt item Always if goods 0..n

receipt has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system

MaterialDocumentID ID of the goods receipt in the Always if goods 1

purchase order history receipt has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system

MaterialDocumentItemID ID of the goods receipt item Always if goods 1

receipt has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system

FiscalYear Fiscal year when the goods Possible if goods 1

receipt was created receipt has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system

PurchasingHistoryDocumentType SAP internal code of Always if goods 1

material document in the receipt has been
purchase order history (1 for created in SAP
goods receipts) S/4HANA system

PostingDate Date when the goods receipt Possible if goods 1

was posted in SAP S/4HANA receipt has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system

QuantityInBaseUnit Quantity of received goods, Possible if goods 1

speci ed in the base unit of receipt has been
measure for the material. created in SAP
(The base unit of measure is S/4HANA system
the unit of measure in which
the stocks of the material
are managed.)


QtyInPurchaseOrderPriceUnit Quantity of received goods, Possible if goods 1

speci ed in the unit of receipt has been
measure on which the created in SAP
purchase order price is S/4HANA system


TotalGoodsMvtAmtInCCCrcy Total amount of the received Possible if goods 1

goods, based on the net receipt has been
price in the goods receipt created in SAP
(speci ed in the document S/4HANA system

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 83

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality



IsCompletelyDelivered An indicator denoting a Possible if goods 1

closed purchase order item receipt has been
for which no more goods created in SAP
receipts are expected. S/4HANA system

ReferenceMaterialDocumentID A reference ID for the goods Only if goods 0..1

receipt. This can be, for receipt has been
example, an ID used by your created in SAP
business partner, or any S/4HANA system
other reference document.

DocumentDate Date when the goods receipt Possible if goods 1

was created. receipt has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system

CreationDate Creation date that was Possible if goods 1

automatically assigned by receipt has been
the SAP S/4HANA system. created in SAP
S/4HANA system

CreationTime Creation time that was Possible if goods 1

automatically assigned by receipt has been
the SAP S/4HANA system. created in SAP
S/4HANA system

ReferenceDocumentID If the creation of the goods Possible if goods 0..1

receipt was triggered by a receipt has been
service entry sheet, this ID created in SAP
denotes the service entry S/4HANA system

 Note
Transfer of service entry
sheet data is currently
not supported. See below

ReferenceDocumentItemID If the creation of the goods Possible if goods 0..1

receipt was triggered by a receipt has been
service entry sheet, this ID created in SAP
denotes an item in the S/4HANA system
service entry sheet.

 Note
Transfer of service entry
sheet data is currently
not supported. See below

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 84

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


ReferenceDocumentFiscalYear If the creation of the goods Possible if goods 0..1

receipt was triggered by a receipt has been
service entry sheet, this created in SAP
entry refers to the scal year S/4HANA system
when the service entry sheet
was created.

 Note
Transfer of service entry
sheet data is currently
not supported. See below

ServiceEntrySheetItem Item of the service entry Possible if service 0..n

sheet entry sheet has
been created in

ServiceEntrySheetID ID of the service entry sheet Possible if service 1

entry sheet has
been created in

ServiceEntrySheetItemID ID of an item in the service Possible if service 1

entry sheet entry sheet has
been created in

PurchasingHistoryDocumentType SAP internal code of service Possible if service 1

entry sheet in the purchase entry sheet has
order history (9 for service been created in
entry sheets) SAP S/4HANA

PostingDate Date when the service entry Possible if service 1

sheet was posted in SAP entry sheet has
S/4HANA been created in

Con rmedQuantity Quantity of service that was Possible if service 1

provided and con rmed, for entry sheet has
example number of hours or been created in
days SAP S/4HANA


NetAmount Net amount of the con rmed Possible if service 1

service quantity entry sheet has
been created in


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 85

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


PurgDocItemExternalReference This eld is currently not Possible if service 0..1

used. entry sheet has
been created in

ServiceEntrySheetName Name of the service entry Possible if service 1

sheet entry sheet has
been created in

CreationDate Creation date that was Possible if service 1

automatically assigned by entry sheet has
the SAP S/4HANA system. been created in

CreationTime Creation time that was Possible if service 1

automatically assigned by entry sheet has
the SAP S/4HANA system. been created in

SupplierInvoiceItem Item in the supplier invoice Possible if 0..n

supplier invoice
has been created

SupplierInvoiceID ID of the supplier invoice Possible if 1

supplier invoice
has been created

SupplierInvoiceItemID ID of an item in the supplier Possible if 1

invoice supplier invoice
has been created

FiscalYear Fiscal year when the Possible if 1

supplier invoice was created supplier invoice
has been created

PurchasingHistoryDocumentType SAP internal code of Possible if 1

supplier invoices in the supplier invoice
purchase order history (2 for has been created
supplier invoices) in SAP S/4HANA

PostingDate Date when the supplier Possible if 1

invoice was posted supplier invoice
has been created

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 86

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


QuantityInPurchaseOrderUnit Quantity of invoiced goods, Possible if 1

speci ed in the order unit of supplier invoice
measure used in the has been created
purchase order. in SAP S/4HANA


QtyInPurchaseOrderPriceUnit Quantity of invoiced goods, Possible if 1

speci ed in the unit of supplier invoice
measure on which the has been created
purchase order price is in SAP S/4HANA
based. system.


SupplierInvoiceItemAmount Total amount of an item in Possible if 1

the supplier invoice supplier invoice
has been created


SupplierInvoiceIDByInvcgParty The ID that is used by the Possible if 0..1

supplier (that is, the supplier invoice
invoicing party) for the has been created
supplier invoice in SAP S/4HANA

DocumentDate Date when the supplier Possible if 1

invoice was created. supplier invoice
has been created

CreationDate Creation date that was Possible if 1

automatically assigned by supplier invoice
the SAP S/4HANA system. has been created

CreationTime Creation time that was Possible if 1

automatically assigned by supplier invoice
the SAP S/4HANA system. has been created

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 87

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


ReferenceDocumentID If the creation of the goods Possible if 0..1

receipt linked from the supplier invoice
invoice was triggered by a has been created
service entry sheet, this ID in SAP S/4HANA
denotes the service entry system.

 Note
Transfer of service entry
sheet data is currently
not supported. See

ReferenceDocumentItemID If the creation of the goods Possible if 0..1

receipt linked from the supplier invoice
invoice was triggered by a has been created
service entry sheet, this ID in SAP S/4HANA
denotes an item in the system.
service entry sheet.

 Note
Transfer of service entry
sheet data is currently
not supported. See

ReferenceDocumentFiscalYear If the creation of the goods Possible if 0..1

receipt linked from the supplier invoice
invoice was triggered by a has been created
service entry sheet, this in SAP S/4HANA
entry refers to the scal year system.
when the service entry sheet
was created.

 Note
Transfer of service entry
sheet data is currently
not supported. See

ContractCallOff CancelledIndicator Cancelled indicator for the Possible if 0..1

linked purchase contract purchase contract
has been created

Quantity Quantity for the linked Possible if 1

purchase contract purchase contract
has been created

Unit Code Unit Code for quantity

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 88

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


FormattedName Formatted name for the Possible if 1

linked purchase contract purchase contract
has been created

LastChangedDate Last changed date for the Possible if 1

linked purchase contract purchase contract
has been created

Price Price for the linked purchase Possible if 1

contract purchase contract
has been created

NetAmount currencyCode Net amount for the linked Possible if 1

purchase contract purchase contract
has been created

ReceivingPlantId schemeAgencyID Receiving plant Id for the Possible if 1

linked purchase contract purchase contract
has been created

PurchaseContractReference Purchase contract reference Possible if 1

for the linked purchase purchase contract
contract has been created

ContractId Id of the linked purchase Possible if 1

contract purchase contract
has been created

ContractItem Id of the linked purchase Possible if 1

contract item purchase contract
has been created

ReceiverID Receiver Id of the linked Possible if 1

purchase contract purchase contract
has been created

ReceiverItemId Receiver item Id of the Possible if 1

linked purchase contract purchase contract
has been created

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 89

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


ReceiverItemFormattedName Formatted name for the Possible if 1

linked receiver item purchase contract
has been created


Con gure Logical Port

In SAP SOA Manager (SOAMANAGER), de ne the endpoint of the receiving system. To do this, con gure a logical port for
consumer proxy Purchase Order Item History Noti cation (Follow On Documents)

Assign External System to Logical Port

In Customizing for Integration with Other SAP Components under Integration for Purchasing Basic Settings De ne
Communication Systems for Outbound Messages , you have to assign the receiving external system to a logical port. When
doing this, specify the proxy class CO_MMPUR_PO_ITEM_HIST_NOTIF.

Message Monitoring and Error Handling

To be able to monitor messages transferred by this service, you need to do the following:

1. Unpack the content for the SAP Application Interface Framework (AIF). You do this using transaction AIF Content
Transport - Deploy /AIF/CONTENT_EXTRACT. Use the deployment scenario ID SAP_COM_0238.

2. In Customizing for Cross-Application components under General Application Functions SAP Application Interface
Framework System Con guration Recipients Assign Recipients , assign the following recipient to the users:

Namespace: /MMPUR

Recipient Name: MMPUR_PO_HST_OUT (Purchase Order Item History Noti cation Outbound)

3. For message monitoring, use transaction Monitoring and Error Handling (/AIF/ERR)

Purchase Order – Receive Noti cations for Item History Updates

Technical name: PurchaseOrderItemHistoryNotification_In

This inbound service enables you to receive noti cations from an SAP S/4HANA system to an external system when changes to
the purchase order history of an item have occurred. This is the case when a goods receipt or a supplier invoice has been
created for the purchase order item.

The following prerequisites apply:

On the satellite system, the SAP Central Procurement add-on must be installed.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 90
The purchase requisitions on which the purchase order items are based were created locally in the connected system.
The reason for this prerequisite is... To use this service, you must implement the communication scenario Purchase
Requisition Integration (SAP_COM_0102).

The administrator must set up the communication scenario Purchase Order Process Integration (SAP_COM_0238).


With this service, you cannot transfer information about of service entry sheets that are referenced in the purchase order

Service Structure
Service Message Header

The service message header contains information on the service, the involved sender and receiver as well as date and time.

Node or Field Description

ID ID of the SOAP message

CreationDateTime Date and time at which the message was


SenderBusinessSystemID ID of the SAP S/4HANA system that sends

the message

RecipientBusinessSystemID ID of the external system that will receive

the message

Service Node: PurchaseOrderItem

The service nodes contain the business data of the service.

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


PurchaseOrderID ID of the purchase order always 1

PurchaseOrderItemID ID of the purchase order always 1


ScheduleLine Schedule Line always 1..n

ScheduleLineID ID of the delivery schedule always 1

line within the purchase
order item

PurchaseRequisitionID ID of the referenced always, if available 0..1

purchase requisition

PurchaseRequisitionItemID ID of an item referenced always, if available 0..1

purchase requisition

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 91

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


PurReqnExternalReferenceID If purchase requisition was always, if available 0..1

created on the basis of a
requisition from an external
system, this is the
requisition ID in the external

PurReqnItemExternalReferenceID If purchase requisition was always, if available 0..1

created on the basis of a
requisition from an external
system, this is the
requisition item ID in the
external system

PurReqnExternalSystemID If purchase requisition was always, if available 0..1

created on the basis of a
requisition from an external
system, this is the ID of the
external system

ScheduleLineOrderQuantity Quantity of goods in always, if available 1

schedule line


ScheduleLineDeliveryDate Delivery date of goods in always, if available 1

schedule line

ScheduleLineOrderDate Order date in schedule line always, if available 1

PurchaseOrderExternalSystemID If purchase order was always, if available 0..1

created on the basis of a
purchase order from an
external system, this is the
ID of the external system

PurchaseOrderExternalReferenceID If purchase order was always, if available 0..1

created on the basis of a
purchase order from an
external system, this is the
ID in the external system

PurchaseOrderItemExternalRefID If purchase order was always, if available 0..1

created on the basis of a
purchase order from an
external system, this is the
purchase order item ID in
the external system

MaterialDocumentItem Goods receipt item Always if goods 0..n

receipt has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system

MaterialDocumentID ID of the goods receipt in the Always if goods 1

purchase order history receipt has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 92

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


MaterialDocumentItemID ID of the goods receipt item Always if goods 1

receipt has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system

FiscalYear Fiscal year when the goods Possible if goods 1

receipt was created receipt has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system

PurchasingHistoryDocumentType SAP internal code of Always if goods 1

material document in the receipt has been
purchase order history (1 for created in SAP
goods receipts) S/4HANA system

PostingDate Date when the goods receipt Possible if goods 1

was posted in SAP S/4HANA receipt has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system

QuantityInBaseUnit Quantity of received goods, Possible if goods 1

speci ed in the base unit of receipt has been
measure for the material. created in SAP
(The base unit of measure is S/4HANA system
the unit of measure in which
the stocks of the material
are managed.)


QtyInPurchaseOrderPriceUnit Quantity of received goods, Possible if goods 1

speci ed in the unit of receipt has been
measure on which the created in SAP
purchase order price is S/4HANA system


TotalGoodsMvtAmtInCCCrcy Total amount of the received Possible if goods 1

goods, based on the net receipt has been
price in the goods receipt created in SAP
(speci ed in the document S/4HANA system


IsCompletelyDelivered An indicator denoting a Possible if goods 1

closed purchase order item receipt has been
for which no more goods created in SAP
receipts are expected. S/4HANA system

ReferenceMaterialDocumentID A reference ID for the goods Only if goods 0..1

receipt. This can be, for receipt has been
example, an ID used by your created in SAP
business partner, or any S/4HANA system
other reference document.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 93

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


DocumentDate Date when the goods receipt Possible if goods 1

was created. receipt has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system

CreationDate Creation date that was Possible if goods 1

automatically assigned by receipt has been
the SAP S/4HANA system. created in SAP
S/4HANA system

CreationTime Creation time that was Possible if goods 1

automatically assigned by receipt has been
the SAP S/4HANA system. created in SAP
S/4HANA system

ReferenceDocumentID If the creation of the goods Possible if goods 0..1

receipt was triggered by a receipt has been
service entry sheet, this ID created in SAP
denotes the service entry S/4HANA system

 Note
Transfer of service entry
sheet data is currently
not supported. See below

ReferenceDocumentItemID If the creation of the goods Possible if goods 0..1

receipt was triggered by a receipt has been
service entry sheet, this ID created in SAP
denotes an item in the S/4HANA system
service entry sheet.

 Note
Transfer of service entry
sheet data is currently
not supported. See below

ReferenceDocumentFiscalYear If the creation of the goods Possible if goods 0..1

receipt was triggered by a receipt has been
service entry sheet, this created in SAP
entry refers to the scal year S/4HANA system
when the service entry sheet
was created.

 Note
Transfer of service entry
sheet data is currently
not supported. See below

ServiceEntrySheetItem Item of the service entry Possible if service 0..n

sheet entry sheet has
 Note
been created in
This node is currently not supported. SAP S/4HANA

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 94

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


ServiceEntrySheetID ID of the service entry sheet Possible if service 1

entry sheet has
been created in

ServiceEntrySheetItemID ID of an item in the service Possible if service 1

entry sheet entry sheet has
been created in

PurchasingHistoryDocumentType SAP internal code of service Possible if service 1

entry sheet in the purchase entry sheet has
order history (9 for service been created in
entry sheets) SAP S/4HANA

PostingDate Date when the service entry Possible if service 1

sheet was posted in SAP entry sheet has
S/4HANA been created in

Con rmedQuantity Quantity of service that was Possible if service 1

provided and con rmed, for entry sheet has
example number of hours or been created in
days SAP S/4HANA


NetAmount Net amount of the con rmed Possible if service 1

service quantity entry sheet has
been created in


PurgDocItemExternalReference This eld is currently not Possible if service 0..1

used. entry sheet has
been created in

ServiceEntrySheetName Name of the service entry Possible if service 1

sheet entry sheet has
been created in

CreationDate Creation date that was Possible if service 1

automatically assigned by entry sheet has
the SAP S/4HANA system. been created in

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 95

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


CreationTime Creation time that was Possible if service 1

automatically assigned by entry sheet has
the SAP S/4HANA system. been created in

SupplierInvoiceItem Item in the supplier invoice Possible if supplier 0..n

invoice has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system.

SupplierInvoiceID ID of the supplier invoice Possible if supplier 1

invoice has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system.

SupplierInvoiceItemID ID of an item in the supplier Possible if supplier 1

invoice invoice has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system.

FiscalYear Fiscal year when the Possible if supplier 1

supplier invoice was created invoice has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system.

PurchasingHistoryDocumentType SAP internal code of Possible if supplier 1

supplier invoices in the invoice has been
purchase order history (2 for created in SAP
supplier invoices) S/4HANA system.

PostingDate Date when the supplier Possible if supplier 1

invoice was posted invoice has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system.

QuantityInPurchaseOrderUnit Quantity of invoiced goods, Possible if supplier 1

speci ed in the order unit of invoice has been
measure used in the created in SAP
purchase order. S/4HANA system.


QtyInPurchaseOrderPriceUnit Quantity of invoiced goods, Possible if supplier 1

speci ed in the unit of invoice has been
measure on which the created in SAP
purchase order price is S/4HANA system.


SupplierInvoiceItemAmount Total amount of an item in Possible if supplier 1

the supplier invoice invoice has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system.


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 96

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


SupplierInvoiceIDByInvcgParty The ID that is used by the Possible if supplier 0..1

supplier (that is, the invoice has been
invoicing party) for the created in SAP
supplier invoice S/4HANA system.

DocumentDate Date when the supplier Possible if supplier 1

invoice was created. invoice has been
created in SAP
S/4HANA system.

CreationDate Creation date that was Possible if supplier 1

automatically assigned by invoice has been
the SAP S/4HANA system. created in SAP
S/4HANA system.

CreationTime Creation time that was Possible if supplier 1

automatically assigned by invoice has been
the SAP S/4HANA system. created in SAP
S/4HANA system.

ReferenceDocumentID If the creation of the goods Possible if supplier 0..1

receipt linked from the invoice has been
invoice was triggered by a created in SAP
service entry sheet, this ID S/4HANA system.
denotes the service entry

 Note
Transfer of service entry
sheet data is currently
not supported. See

ReferenceDocumentItemID If the creation of the goods Possible if supplier 0..1

receipt linked from the invoice has been
invoice was triggered by a created in SAP
service entry sheet, this ID S/4HANA system.
denotes an item in the
service entry sheet.

 Note
Transfer of service entry
sheet data is currently
not supported. See

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 97

Node or Field Description When Is Data Cardinality


ReferenceDocumentFiscalYear If the creation of the goods Possible if supplier 0..1

receipt linked from the invoice has been
invoice was triggered by a created in SAP
service entry sheet, this S/4HANA system.
entry refers to the scal year
when the service entry sheet
was created.

 Note
Transfer of service entry
sheet data is currently
not supported. See

Purchase Order (OData V4)

Service name: PurchaseOrder

This service enables you to create, update, or delete purchase orders.

The service is based on the OData protocol and can be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and on other user interfaces.

The OData service supports the purchase order type Standard ("NB") and any customer-de ned purchase order type ("ZNB*")
that has been copied with all dependent entries from purchase order type "NB".

The service supports the following purchase order item categories:

Purchase Order Item Category Internal Symbol* External Symbol**

Standard 0 ' ' (=blank)

Subcontracting 3 L

Third- Party 5 S

Enhanced Limits (for materials or lean services) A E

Consignment 2 K

* Enter the required purchase order item category using the internal symbol.

** The external symbol is displayed, for example, in the app Create Purchase Order - Advanced.

This service is published on the SAP API Business Hub. For more information about APIs, see APIs on SAP API Business Hub.

This is an OData version 4 service. This version aims to improve processing time and resource consumption of clients and
servers and to re ect the complexity of the underlying business model. This includes a lightweight JSON format that reduces
the size of every response. Business data can be retrieved in the exact amount, at the right time, and in appropriate mode by
using new synchronization mechanisms. Calculations are made and data is aggregated by using the tiers best suited for this
task. Sophisticated metadata artifacts enable a true-to-life modeling of business models.

Technical Details
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 98
A service group contains services belonging to the same business object model and so it shares similar environment conditions.
This means the con guration and administration of a service group apply to all services in a service group, that is, routing,
authorization, and so on, so you only have to do them once.

In the OData version 4 (V4) runtime implementation of the SAP Gateway Foundation, framework services originate from

Service Group (incl. Repository ID Service Name (incl. Namespace Version

Namespace if Existent) if Existent)

API_PURCHASEORDER_2 srvd_a2x PurchaseOrder 0001

Service Structure
Service Header (optional)

The service header contains information about the header data, such as the Supplier, Purchasing Group, Purchasing
Organization, Company Code , and Currency .


The entities contain the business data of the service.

Entity Description Link to Details

PurchaseOrder Header information for purchase order Purchase Order

PurchaseOrderNote Header note information for purchase order Header Notes

PurchaseOrderItem Item information for purchase order Item

PurchaseOrderItemNote Item note information for purchase order Item Notes

PurchaseOrderScheduleLine Schedule line information for purchase Schedule Line


POSubcontractingComponent Subcontracting component information for Subcontracting Components

purchase order

PurchaseOrderAccountAssignment Account assignment information for Account Assignment

purchase order

PurOrderItemPricingElement Pricing information for purchase order Pricing Element

PurchaseOrderPartner Partner details Partner

PurchaseOrderInvoicingPlan Information on the used invoicing plan Invoicing Plan

PurchaseOrderInvoicingPlanItem Invoicing plan item details Invoicing Plan Item

PurchaseOrderSupplierAddress Supplier address details Supplier Address

PurOrderItemDeliveryAddress Delivery address of a purchase order item Item Delivery Address

Service Response

Entity Description

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 99

Entity Description

Purchase order number Purchase order number which is created by the service is returned
in response to the successful creation of the purchase order

Purchase order header details Newly created purchase order header details

Error Codes

Error Code Description

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 011 You are not authorized to create purchase orders

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 064 Use purchase order type "Standard" ("NB") or a type copied from


You have entered a purchase order type that is not supported.


Choose purchase order type "Standard" ("NB") or a customer-

de ned purchase order type (for example "ZNB1") that has been
copied with all dependent entries from purchase order type "NB"
(including eld selection key).

As a con guration expert, you can de ne custom purchase order

types in the con guration app Manage Your Solution -> Con gure
Your Solution -> Application Area: Sourcing and Procurement -> Sub
Application Area: Operational Procurement -> Purchase Order
Processing -> De ne Document Types.

Do not change the default eld selection key.

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 065 Use a supported purchase order item category for item &. See long


You have either chosen a purchase order item category that is not
supported, or you have used a wrong symbol.


Choose purchase order item category "Standard",

"Subcontracting", "Third-Party", or "Enhanced Limit".

Maintain the required purchase order item category using the

internal symbol:

Standard: 0

Subcontracting: 3

Third-Party: 5

Enhanced Limit: A

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 067 Schedule line has been created automatically for item &

Response(Success) Purchase order “Purchase Order number” has been updated with
status 200 at change set level.

Response(Failure) Self-explanatory detailed messages at the change set level with

status 400. Batch response will be status code 200.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 100

Error Code Description

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 069 Only one request is allowed in change set

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 070 Only PATCH or MERGE operation is allowed in batch call

Message class: APPL_MM_PUR_PO, message no. 072 You can only update one purchase order per change set

With this service, it is not possible to:

1. Create:

Purchase orders with a category other than those speci ed for the header and item.

Purchase order items with a category other than Standard, Subcontracting, Third-Party, and Enhanced Limit .

Only authorized roles can be used to create purchase orders through an API call. Authorized objects: M_BEST_BSA.

2. Update:

Use PUT and MERGE or PATCH, and HEAD in the OData call URL. Only POST, PATCH or MERGE, and DELETE are
allowed with the Batch URL. Using other actions will result in an error.

Update more than one purchase order within one change set. Only one purchase order can be updated in a single
change set. If you would like to update multiple purchase orders, provide the update information of one purchase
order per change set.

Create a new service node (except a purchase order item) in an existing document.

Only authorized roles can be used to update purchase orders through an API call.

3. Get:

More than 1000 purchase orders unless

You set the paging size up to 5000 records using the following OData request:

 Example

$expand=to_PurchaseOrderItem&$ lter=CreationDate gt datetime'2021-04-24T00:00:00'&$top=5000

 Note
For performance reasons in API_PURCHASEORDER_2 the following is valid: <clauses>-limit = 1000

The default paging size (D) = 1000 if the client did not provide $top.

The maximum paging size (M) = 5000 if the client offers $top.

4. Post:

To transfer pricing values 1:1 from an external system as some values are calculated automatically and IDs are
generated. Regarding the pricing details, the OData service contains elds with "Necessity": read-only, which are
not lled during a Post request.

If migrating from one system to another, it is recommended to use the same pricing procedure in the source and
the target system, to ensure that pricing results are the same. If rounding pro les are maintained (material
master, MRT1 tab), do not send condition data in the Post request as a payload.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 101
5. Stock Transfer Order (STO) is not supported.

The following authentication methods are supported:

Basic Authentication

Authentication with Certi cate

Related Events
Purchase Order Events

Additional Information
The link to the API on the SAP API Business Hub:

 Note
For more details about Communication Management, see Communication Management.

Purchase Order
Technical name: PurchaseOrder


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed.

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

Property Description Necessity

CashDiscount1Days Days for cash discount 1 Optional

CashDiscount1Percent Cash discount percentage 1 Optional

CashDiscount2Days Days for cash discount 2 Optional

CashDiscount2Percent Cash discount percentage 2 Optional

CompanyCode Company code Mandatory

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 102

Property Description Necessity

CorrespncExternalReference The reference ID that is provided by the Optional

external party and that is used in

CorrespncInternalReference The reference ID that is provided by the Optional

internal party and that is used in

CreatedByUser User ID of creator Read-only

CreationDate Creation date Read-only

CorrespncExternalReference Your reference Optional

CorrespncInternalReference Our reference Optional

Customer Custoemr number Optional

DownPaymentAmount Down payment amount in document Optional


DownPaymentDueDate Due date for down payment Optional

DownPaymentPercentageOfTotAmt Down payment percentage Optional

DownPaymentType Donw payment indicator Optional

DocumentCurrency Document currency key Recommendation

 Note
DocumentCurrency is derived from the
supplier master data.

It is recommended, however, to still add

the DocumentCurrency in the payload

to ensure coherent database records

and better performance of the service.

ExchangeRate Exchange rate used for the translation Optional

between foreign currency and local currency

ExchangeRateIsFixed Indicator for Fixed Exchange Rate Optional

IsEndOfPurposeBlocked Business Purpose Completed Read-only

IncotermsClassi cation Incoterms (Part 1) Optional

IncotermsLocation1 Incoterms location 1 Optional

IncotermsLocation2 Incoterms location 2 Optional

IncotermsVersion Incoterms version Optional

InvoicingParty Account of invoicing party Optional

IncotermsTransferLocation Incoterms (part 2) Optional

IsIntrastatReportingExcluded Exclude from Intrastat reporting Optional

IsIntrastatReportingRelevant Relevant for Intrastat reporting Optional

ItemNumberIntervalForSubItems Item number intervall for subitems Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 103

Property Description Necessity

Language Language Optional

LastChangeDateTime Change Time Stamp Read-only

ManualSupplierAddressID Address number Optional

NetPaymentDays Net payment terms period. Optional

Standard settlement period (in days)

PaymentTerms Payment terms Optional

PurchaseContract Number of principal purchase agreement Optional

PurchaseOrder Request from a buyer to a seller to deliver a POST (new purchase order) and internal
speci ed quantity of material, or perform a number assignment: Not required
speci ed service
POST (new purchase order) and external
number assignment (if allowed by your
con guration settings): Optional

DELETE: Mandatory

PATCH or MERGE operation:

 Note
Be aware that request url and body of
request must be treated differently!

Key elds are to be provided with the url

only and are not allowed as part of the
payload (body of request)!

PurchaseOrderDate The date on which a purchase order has Optional

been placed.

PurchaseOrderDeletionCode Purchase order deletion code Optional

PurchaseOrderSubtype Control indicator for purchasing document Read-only


PurchaseOrderType Purchase order type Mandatory

PurchasingCollectiveNumber Number or code facilitating the collective Optional

management of a number of individual
RFQs (or inquieries) or purchase orders.

PurchasingCompletenessStatus Purchasing document not yet complete Optional

PurchasingDocumentDeletionCode Deletion indicator in purchasing document Read-only

PurchasingDocumentOrigin Origin of purchasing document Read-only

PurchasingGroup Purchasing group Mandatory

PurchasingOrganization Purchasing organization Mandatory

PurchasingProcessingStatus Processing status of a purchasing Optional


PurchasingReleaseStrategy Release strategy Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 104

Property Description Necessity

PurgAggrgdProdCmplncSuplrSts Summary of the product compliance status Read-only

of the supplier validation with regards to the
whole purchase order

PurgAggrgdProdMarketabilitySts Summary of the product compliance status Read-only

of the marketability status validation with
regards to the whole purchase order

PurgAggrgdSftyDataSheetStatus Summary of the product compliance status Read-only

of the safety data sheet validation with
regards to the whole purchase order

PurgProdCmplncTotDngrsGoodsSts Summary of the product compliance status Read-only

of the dangerous goood validation with
regards to the whole purchase order

PurgReasonForDocCancellation Reason for cancelation Optional

PurgReleaseSequenceStatus Release status Optional

PricingDocument Number of the document condition Optional

PricingProcedure Procedure (for example, pricing, output Optional

control, and so on)

QuotationSubmissionDate Quotation submission date Optional

ReleaseCode Release indicato: purchasing document Optional

ReleaseIsNotCompleted Release not yet completely effected Optional

Supplier Business partner who offers or provides Mandatory

materials or services

SupplierAddressID Address number Optional

SupplierPhoneNumber Supplier’s telephone number Optional

SupplierQuotationExternalID External quotation ID on supplier’s side Optional

SupplierRespSalesPersonName Responsible Sales Person at supplier’s Optional


SupplyingPlant Supplying plant Optional

SupplyingSupplier Supplying supplier Optional

TaxReturnCountry Country/region for tax report Optional

ValidityEndDate Validity end date Optional

ValidityStartDate Validity start date Optional

VATRegistrationCountry Country/region of sales tax id number Optional

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 105




Header Notes
Technical name: PurchaseOrderNote


 Note
No validation is performed for the Text Object Type parameter.

If you add a new text to an existing text in a POST operation, the two texts are merged.

Property Description Necessity

TextObjectType Text ID (Text Object Type) Optional

Language Language Key Optional

PlainLongText Long Text Optional

PurchaseOrder Purchasing Document Number Optional

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:





Technical name: PurchaseOrderItem


 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 106
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

 Note
Address handling

Consider the following dependencies for the delivery address elds.

You have, for example, the following situation:

For some of the delivery address elds an input is provided in the payload in addition to the ReferenceDeliveryAddressID, the
Subcontractor, and the Customer.

If a reference delivery address ID is entered in the payload, the address maintained under the reference delivery address ID
is used. If you enter, for example, a delivery address street and house number in the payload in addition to the reference
delivery address ID, the system generates a new delivery address ID. The address saved for this new delivery address ID
consists of a combination of the address of the reference delivery address ID and the address details given explicitly in the
payload for the respective delivery address elds (in our example for the delivery address street and house number).

 Note
GET request and paging

The GET statement is quite powerful as it could possibly retrieve huge amounts of data – if not restricted, all data on the
database could be returned. To have a safety net and keep performance up, paging was introduced for the data in the result.
This means that if no URI Option $top is given in the URI, 1000 records are retrieved. If, however, the $top option is given,
max. 5000 records can be retrieved.

In addition, the $skiptoken option can be used to retrieve the data from all so-called pages: one page is a result set of 1000
records. To get all records in the result set, all pages can be read. To do this, the skiptoken at the bottom of the response can
be used to get to the next page with the next 1000 records, for example:

<link rel="next" href="R_PurchaseOrder?$skiptoken=1000"/>

If this skiptoken is added to the URI, for example:


The next page is retrieved, starting with the next purchase order after the last one in the rst result set.

At the end of this page, the skiptoken allows further "navigation" by giving both skiptokens, the current one and the next one:

<link rel="next" href="R_PurchaseOrder?%24skiptoken=1000&$skiptoken=2000"/>

This can be continued until the end of all pages.

Property Description Necessity

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 107

Property Description Necessity

AccountAssignmentCategory Account assignment category Optional

AllocationTable, Allocation table Optional

AllocationTableItem Allocation table item Optional

ArticleCategory Article category Optional

Batch Assigns a material that is manufactured in Optional

batches or production lots to a speci c

BR_CFOPCategory Material CFOP category Optional

BR_IsProducedInHouse Produced in-house

BR_MaterialOrigin Origin of the material Optional

BR_MaterialUsage Usage of the material Optional

BR_NCM Brazilian NCM code Optional

CompanyCode Company code Optional

ConsumptionTaxCtrlCode HSN or SAC code Optional

CrossPlantCon gurableProduct Cross plant con gurable material Optional

Customer Number of the customer for whom a Optional

material is to be delivered.

Please see Note: Address handling on top

of this table and consider the described

DeliveryAddressCityName Delivery address city name Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressCountry Country key Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressDistrictName District is part of a city Optional

DeliveryAddressFullname Delivery address fullname Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressHouseNumber Delivery address house number Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 108

Property Description Necessity

DeliveryAddressID Delivery address Read-only

Automatically generated number for the

details given in the payload for the delivery
address elds. Please see Note: Address
handling on top of this table and consider
the described dependencies.

DeliveryAddressName Delivery address name Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressName2 Delivery address name 2 Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressPostalCode Delivery address postal code Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressRegion Delivery address region (state, province, Optional

Used here: default address for plant or
default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryAddressStreetName Delivery address street name Optional

Used here: default address for plant or

default address for storage location, if this
is maintained

DeliveryDocumentType Delivery type for returns to supplier Optional

DiversionStatus Status of diversion process Optional

DocumentCurrency Document currency key Read-only

DownPaymentAmount Down payment amount in document Optional


DownPaymentDueDate Due date for down payment Optional

DownPaymentPercentageOfTotAmt Down payment percentage Optional

DownPaymentType Down payment indicator Optional

EarmarkedFunds Earmarked funds document Optional

EarmarkedFundsItem Earmarked funds line item Optional

EvaldRcptSettlmtIsAllowed Evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) Optional

ExpectedOverallLimitAmount Expected value of overall limit Optional

GoodsReceiptIsExpected Indicates that a goods receipt is allowed Optional

and expected

GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated Goods receipt, non-valuated Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 109

Property Description Necessity

IncotermsClassi cation Incoterms (Part 1) Optional

GrossAmount Gross order value in purchase order Optional


IncotermsLocation1 Incoterms location 1 Optional

IncotermsLocation2 Incoterms location 2 Optional

IncotermsTransferLocation Incoterms (Part 2) Optional

InternationalArticleNumber International Article Number (EAN/UPC) Optional

InventorySpecialStockType Special stock indicator Optional

InvoiceIsExpected Invoice receipt indicator Optional

InvoiceIsGoodsReceiptBased Indicator: Goods receipt-based invoice Optional

veri cation

IsCompletelyDelivered Indicator for status “Completely delivered” Optional

IsFinallyInvoiced Final invoice indicator Optional

IsReturnsItem Speci es whether or not the item is a Optional

returns item

IssuingStorageLocation Issuing storage location for stock transport Optional


ItemGrossWeight Gross weight Optional

ItemIsRejectedBySupplier Rejection indicator Optional

ItemHasValueAddedService VAS relevant Optional

ItemNetWeight Net weight on item level Optional

ItemVolume Item volume Optional

ItemVolumeUnit Volume unit Optional

ItemWeightUnit Unit of weight on item level Optional

ManualDeliveryAddressID Manual address number in purchasing Optional

document item

Manufacturer Number of manufacturer Optional

ManufacturerMaterial Material number corresponding to Optional

manufacturer part number

ManufacturerPartNmb Manufacturer part number Optional

Material Material Optional

MaterialGroup Material group Optional

MaterialType Material type

MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution Distribution indicator for multiple account Optional


NetPriceAmount Net price in purchasing document (in Optional

document currency)

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 110

Property Description Necessity

NonDeductibleInputTaxAmount, Non-deductible input tax Optional

NetPriceQuantity Price unit Optional

OrderPriceUnit Order price unit (Purchasing) Optional

OrderPriceUnitToOrderUnitNmrtr Numerator for conversion of order price unit Optional

into order unit

OrderQuantity Purchase order quantity Optional

OrdPriceUnitToOrderUnitDnmntr Denominator for conversion of order price Optional

unit into order unit

OverallLimitAmount Overall Limit Optional

OverdelivTolrtdLmtRatioInPct Overdelivery tolerance limit Read-only

PartialInvoiceDistribution Determines how invoice amounts in partial Optional

invoices are to be distributed

Plant Plant POST: Mandatory

Alll other operations: Optional

PlndOrderReplnmtElmntType Kanban indicator Optional

PriceIsToBePrinted Price printout Optional

PricingDateControl Price determination (Pricing) data control Optional

ProductCollection Fashion collection Optional

ProductPurchasePointsQtyUnit Points unit Optional

ProductSeason Season Optional

ProductSeasonYear Season year Optional

ProductTheme Fashion theme Optional

ProductType Product type Optional

ProductTypeCode Prduct type code Optional

PurchaseContract Purchase contract Optional

PurchaseContractItem Purchase contract item Optional

PurchaseOrder Purchase order Optional

PurchaseOrderCategory Purchase order category Optional

PurchaseOrderItem Purchase order item Optional

PurchaseOrderItemCategory Purchase order item category Optional

PurchaseOrderItemText Short text for purchase order item Optional

 Note
When working with item hierarchies, it is
Mandatory to enter a short text for item

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 111

Property Description Necessity

PurchaseOrderReferenceType, Action for tracebility in purchase orders Optional

PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit Purchase order unit of measure. Speci es Optional

the unit of measure in which the item is

PurchaseRequisition Purchase requisition Optional

PurchaseRequisitionItem Item number of purchase requisition Optional

PurchasingDocumentDeletionCode Deletion indicator in purchasing document Read-only

[To delete a purchase order or a purchase
order item, use the DELETE operation.]

PurchasingInfoRecord Purchasing info record Optional

PurchasingInfoRecordUpdateCode Indicator: update info record Optional

PurchasingitemIsFreeOfCharge This eld stores Free of Charge information. Optional

It is a calculated eld with the values
true/false sent in a payload.  Note
Patch is not supported

PurchasingParentItem Item number of the parent itemset Optional

PurContractForOverallLimit Purchase contract for enhanced limit Optional

PurgCon gurableItemNumber Number indicating the position in the Read-only

Optionaln in case of POST operation

PurgDocAggrgdSubitemCategory Hierarchy item indicator that determines an Optional

item set (C = item set)

PurgDocPriceDate, Date of price determination Optional

PurgDocSubitemCategory Sub item category is generated Read-only


PurgExternalSortNumber External sort number is generated Read-only


PurgProdCmplncSupplierStatus Product compliance status with regards to Read-only

the supplier validation of an item

PurgProductMarketabilityStatus Product compliance status with regards to Read-only

the product marketability validation of an

PurgSafetyDataSheetStatus Product compliance status with regards to Read-only

the safety data sheet validation of an item

PurgProdCmplncDngrsGoodsStatus Product compliance status with regards to Read-only

the dangerous goods validation of an item

ProductCharacteristic1 Characteristic value 1 Optional

ProductCharacteristic2 Characteristic value 2 Optional

ProductCharacteristic3 Characteristic value 3 Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 112

Property Description Necessity

ReferenceDeliveryAddressID Number of delivery address Optional

Please see Note: Address handling on top Used here: default Reference ID for existing
of this table and consider the described address. No new address can be created.

ReferenceDocumentItem Reference item number for purchase order Optional


ReferenceDocumentNumber Reference document number for purchase Optional

order tracebility

RequisitionerName Name of requisitioner/requester Optional

RetailPromotion Retail promotion Optional

SeasonCompletenessStatus Season completeness indicator Optional

ServicePackage Package number Optional

ServicePerformer Service performer Optional

ShippingGroupNumber PSST group Optional

ShippingGroupRule PSST grouping rule Optional

ShippingInsruction Key of shipping instructions according to Optional


StockType Stock type Optional

StockSegment Stock segment Optional

StorageLocation Storage location Optional

Subcontractor Supplier to be supplied/Who is to receive Optional


Please see Note: Address handling on top

of this table and consider the described

SupplierCon rmationControlKey Determines which con rmation categories Optional

are expected for a purchase order item

Subtotal1Amount Subtotal 1 from pricing procedure for price Optional


Subtotal2Amount Subtotal 2 from pricing procedure for price Optional


Subtotal3Amount Subtotal 3 from pricing procedure for price Optional


Subtotal4Amount Subtotal 4 from pricing procedure for price Optional


Subtotal5Amount Subtotal 5 from pricing procedure for price Optional


Subtotal6Amount Subtotal 6 from pricing procedure for price Optional


SupplierIsSubcontractor Subcontracting supplier Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 113

Property Description Necessity

SupplierMaterialNumber Supplier material number Optional

SupplierSubrange Optional

TaxCode Tax on sales / purchases code Optional

TaxCountry Tax country Optional

TaxDeterminationDate Tax determination date Optional

 Note
You must ll the eld only if

time-dependant taxes are

activated. Otherwise you must

not ll the eld.

TaxJurisdiction Tax jurisdiction Optional

UnderdelivTolrtdLmtRatioInPct Underdelivery tolerance limit Optional

UnlimitedOverdeliveryIsAllowed Indicates that an unlimited overdelivery is Optional

allowed for this item

ValAddedSrvcParentItmNumber Item number of purchasing document Optional

ValuationCategory Valuation category Optional

ValuationType Valuation type Optional

BR_MaterialOrigin Material Origin Optional in Brazil

BR_MaterialUsage Material Usage Optional in Brazil

BR_CFOPCategory Material CFOP Category Optional in Brazil

BR_NCM NCM Code for Item Optional in Brazil

BR_IsProducedInHouse Produced in-House Optional in Brazil

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:





Item Notes
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 114
Technical name: PurchaseOrderItemNote


 Note
No validation is performed for the Text Object Type parameter.

If you add a new text to an existing text in a POST operation, the two texts are merged.

Inforecord texts cannot be retrieved by the GET request.

Property Description Necessity

TextObjectType Text ID (Document Text) Optional

No validation is performed for the Text

Object Type eld.

Language Language Key Optional

PlainLongText Long Text Optional

 Note
Filtering by PlainLongText is not
supported for purchase orderItem Notes

PurchaseOrder Purchasing Document Number Optional

PurchaseOrderItem Item Number of Purchasing Document Optional

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:





Schedule Line
Technical name: PurchaseOrderScheduleLine


 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 115
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

 Note
Regarding Delivery Date:

Relevant for POST operation with a single schedule line: If you order a material for which the system can determine the
delivery date from an info record or from the material master data, the system copies the date determined and ignores any
date entered in the payload. If you want to de ne a different delivery date, please either create several schedule lines or
change the delivery date in a PATCH or MERGE operation.

Property Description Necessity

Batch Batch number Optional

BatchBySupplier Supplier batch number Optional

Currency Currency key Optional

DelivDateCategory Category of delivery date Optional

GoodsIssueDate Goods issue date Optional

GoodsIssueTime Time of goods issue (local, relating to a Optional


LoadingDate Loading date Optional

LoadingTime Loading time Optional

PerformancePeriodStartDate Start date for period of performance Optional

PerformancePeriodEndDate End date for period of performance Optional

ProductAvailabilityDate Material staging/availability date Optional

ProductAvailabilityTime Material staging time (local, relating to a Optional


PurchaseOrder Purchasing document number Mandatory

PurchaseOrderItem Purchase order item number Mandatory

OpenPurchaseOrderQuantity Open purchase order quantity Optional

PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit Purchase order unit Read-only

PurchaseRequisition Purchase requisition number Optional

PurchaseRequisitionItem Purchase requisition item number Optional

PurchasingDocument Purchasing document number Mandatory

PurchasingDocumentItem Purchasing document item number Mandatory

RouteSchedule Route schedule Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 116

Property Description Necessity

SchedLineStscDeliveryDate Statistic relevant schedule line delivery Optional


ScheduleLine Delivery schedule line number Mandatory

ScheduleLineCommittedQuantity Committed quantity of a purchase order Optional

schedule line

ScheduleLineDeliveryDate Schedule line delivery date Optional - please see note above

ScheduleLineDeliveryTime Schedule line delivery time Optional

ScheduleLineOrderDate Order date of schedule line Optional

ScheduleLineOrderQuantity Order quantity in sales unit Optional

TransportationPlanningDate Transportation planning date Optional

TransportationPlanningTime Transportation planning time (local, relating Optional

to a shipping point)

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:





Subcontracting Components
Technical name: POSubcontractingComponent


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

Property Description Necessity

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 117

Property Description Necessity

AccountAssignmentCategory Account assignment category Optional

BaseUnit Base unit of measure Read-only

Batch Batch number Read-only

BillOfMaterialItemNumber Bill of material item number Optional

BOMItemCategory Bill of material item category Optional

BOMItemDescription BOM item text line 1) Read-only

BOMItemText2 BOM item text (line2) Optional

ChangeNumber Change number Optional

ComponentScrapInPercent Component scap in percent Optional

ConsumptionPosting Consumption posting Optional

DebitCreditCode Debit/credit code Optional

EntryUnit Unit of Entry Optional

FormulaKey Formula key for variable-size items Optional

InventorySpecialStockType Inventory special stock type Optional

InventorySpecialStockValnType Inventory special stock valuation type Optional

IsBulkMaterialComponent Indicator: bulk material Optional

IsNetScrap Net scrap indicator Optional

IsMaterialProvision Material provision indicator Optional

LatestRequirementDate Latest requirement date Optional

LeadTimeOffset Lead-time offset Optional

Material Material Number Optional

MaterialCompIsVariableSized Variable-sized item indicator Optional

MaterialComponentIsPhantomItem Phantom item indicator Optional

MaterialProvisionType Material provision type Optional

MaterialQtyToBaseQtyDnmntr Denominator for conversion to base units of Optional


MaterialQtyToBaseQtyNmrtr Numerator for conversion to base units of Optional


MaterialRevisionLevel Revision level Optional

MatlCompFreeDe nedAttribute Sort string Optional

OperationScrapInPercent Operation scrap Optional

OrderLevelValue Order level Optional

OrderPathValue Order path Optional

Plant Plant Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 118

Property Description Necessity

ProductionSupplyArea Production supply area Optional

PurchaseOrder Purchase Order Number Mandatory: in case of PATCH or MERGE

and DELETE operation

PurchaseOrderItem Number of Purchase Order Item Mandatory: in case of PATCH or MERGE

and DELETE operation

QuantityDistributionKey MRP distribution key Optional

QuantityIsFixed Quantity is xed Optional

QuantityInEntryUnit Quantity in Unit of Entry Optional

RecordType Reservation record type Optional

RequiredQuantity Requirement Quantity Read-only

RequirementDate Material component requirement date Optional

RequirementTime Material component requirement time Optional

Reservation Number of reservation/dependent Optional


ReservationIsFinallyIssued Final issue for reservation Optional

ReservationItem Item Number of Reservation Mandatory: in case of PATCH or MERGE

and DELETE operation

ScheduleLine Delivery Schedule Line Counter Mandatory in case of PATCH or MERGE


Size1 Size1 Optional

Size2 Size2 Optional

Size3 Size3 Optional

StorageLocation Storage location Optional

UnitOfMeasureForSize1To3 Unit of measure for size 1 to 3 Optional

VariableSizeComponentUnit Unit of measure for variable-size Optional


VariableSizeComponentQuantity Variable-size item quantity per pc Optional

VariableSizeItemQuantity Number of variable-size components Optional

VariableSizeItemUnit Varialbe-size item unit of measure Optional

WithdrawnQuantity Quantity Withdrawn Read-only

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 119




Account Assignment
Technical name: PurchaseOrderAccountAssignment


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

Property Description Necessity

AccountAssignmentNumber Sequential number of account assignment Mandatory

AcctLineFinalReason Final account assignment reason code Optional

BudgetPeriod Timeframe of available budget authority Optional

BusinessArea Business area Optional

BusinessProcess Business process Optional

ChartOfAccounts Chart of accounts Optional

CommitmentItem Functional grouping of expenditures and Optional

revenues with a FM area

CommitmentItemShortID Commitment item short id Optional

ControllingArea Controlling area Optional

CompanyCode Company code Optional

CostCenter Cost center Optional

CostCtrActivityType Cost center activity type Optional

CostObject Cost object Optional

CreationDate Record created on Optional

DocumentCurrency Document currency key Read-only

EarmarkedFundsDocument Business transaction in FM which claims Optional

already allocated budget for expected
revenues or expenditures

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 120

Property Description Necessity

EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem Earmarked Funds: Dokument Item Optional

FixedAsset ID which, together with the main asset ID, Optional

uniquely identi es a xed asset in Asset

FunctionalArea Functional area Optional

Fund Fund Optional

FundsCenter Structural grouping into departments, areas Optional

of responsibility, projects, and so on.

GLAccount Stores changes in values relating to assets, Optional

payables, stockholders, equity, revenues or
expenses of a company

GoodsRecipientName Person or company that receives goods Optional

GrantID Grant Optional

IsAcctLineFinal Final account assignement indicator Optional

IsDeleted Is deleted Read-only

IsFinallyInvoiced Final invoice indicator Optional

JointVentureRecoveryCode Joint venture recovery code Optional

LastChangedDate Record created on Optional

MasterFixedAsset Main asset number Optional

MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrPercent Distribution percentage in case of multiple Optional

account assignment

NetworkActivity Single activity within a project Optional

NetworkActivityInternalID Internal counter Optional

NonDeductibleInputTaxAmount Non-deductible input tax Optional

OrderID Order number Optional

OrderInternalID Routing number of operations in the order Optional

OrderIntBillOfOperationsItem General counter for order Optional

OrderQuantityUnit Purchase order unit of meas measure Optional

PartnerAccountNumber Partner account number Optional

Pro tCenter Pro t center Optional

ProjectNetwork Sequence of activities in a project or the Optional

sequence of a single activity within a

ProjectNetworkInternalID Routing number of operations in the order Optional

PurchaseOrder Purchase order Mandatory

PurchaseOrderItem Purchase order item Mandatory

PurchaseOrderQuantity Purchase Order Quantity Read-only

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 121

Property Description Necessity

PurgDocNetAmount Net order value in transaction currency Optional

Quantity Quantity Optional

RealEstateObject Internal key for real estate object Optional

SalesOrder Sales order Optional

SalesOrderItem Sales order item Optional

SalesOrderScheduleLine Sales order schedule line number Optional

ServiceDocument Service document id Optional

ServiceDocumentItem Service document item id Optional

ServiceDocumentType Service document type Optional

SettlementReferenceDate Reference date for settlement Optional

TaxCode Tax on sales and purchase code Optional

TaxJurisdiction Tax jurisdiction Optional

UnloadingPointName Name of a point at which a material is to be Optional


ValidityDate Validity date Optional

WBSElement Work breakdown structure element (WBS Optional


WBSElementExternalID Work breakdown structure element (WBS Optional

element) - external ID

WBSElementInternalID Work breakdown structure element (WBS Obsolete

element) - internal ID [Please do not use.]

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:





Pricing Element
Technical name: PurOrderItemPricingElement

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 122


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

 Note
It is not possible to transfer pricing values 1:1 from an external system as some values are calculated automatically and IDs
are generated. Regarding the pricing details, the OData service contains elds with "Necessity": read-only, which are not
lled during a Post request.

If migrating from one system to another, it is recommended to use the same pricing procedure in the source and the target
system, to ensure that pricing results are the same. If rounding pro les are maintained (material master, MRT1 tab), do not
send condition data in the Post request as a payload.

Property Description Necessity

AccessNumberOfAccessSequence Number of the access within the access Read-only


AccountKeyForGLAccount Account key Optional

AcctKeyForAccrualsGLAccount Account key - accruals / provisions Optional

AccrualsGLAccount Number of accruals account Optional

BillingPriceSource Price Source Optional

CndnIsRelevantForIntcoBilling Condition is relevant for intercompany Read-only


CndnIsRelevantForInvoiceList Condition is relevant for invoice list Read-only

CndnIsRelevantForLimitValue Controls whether the condition is relevant Read-only

for limit values

CndnRoundingOffDiffAmount Rounding-off difference of the condition Optional

ConditionAcctAssgmtRelevance Relevance for account assignment Optional

ConditionAdjustedQuantity, Adjusted Quantity Optional

ConditionAlternativeCurrency Condition currency (for cumulation elds) Optional

ConditionAmount Condition value Read-only

ConditionAmountLimitExceeded Indicator for maximum condition basis Optional


ConditionAmountInLocalCrcy Condition value Optional

ConditionApplication Application Read-only

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 123

Property Description Necessity

ConditionBaseValue Value that is used as a basis for calculating, Read-only

for example, percentage conditions

ConditionBaseValueIntlUnit Currency key Optional

ConditionBaseValueUnit Condition unit (currency, sales unit or %) Optional

ConditionBasisLimitExceeded ConditionByteSequence Optional

ConditionByteSequence ConditionByteSequence Optional

ConditionCalculationType Calculation type for condition Read-only

ConditionCategory Condition category (examples: tax, freight, Read-only

price, cost)

ConditionClass Condition class Read-only

ConditionControl Condition control Read-only

ConditionCurrency Condition currency Mandatory

ConditionInactiveReason Condition is inactive Read-only

ConditionIsDeletable Condition is deletable Optional

ConditionIsForCon guration Condition is for con guration Read-only

ConditionIsForStatistics Condition is used for statistics Read-only

ConditionIsManuallyChanged Condition has been manually or Read-only

automatically changed or created

ConditionMatrixMaintRelevance Indicator: matrix maintenance Optional

CndnIsRelevantForIntcoBilling, Condition for intercompany billing Optional

CndnIsRelevantForLimitValue Condition update Optional

ConditionOrigin Origin of the condition Read-only

ConditionQuantity Condition quantity Optional

ConditionQuantityUnit Condition quantity unit Optional

ConditionRateAmount Condition amount Optional

ConditionRateRatio, Condition ratio (in percent or per mille) Optional

ConditionRateValue Value (amount or percentage) that is used Optional

for price conditions

ConditionRateValueIntlUnit Currency key Optional

ConditionRateValueUnit Currency key Optional

ConditionRecord Condition record number Read-only

ConditionScaleBasisCurrency Currency of the applied scale Read-only

ConditionScaleBasisUnit Unit of measure of the applied scale Read-only

ConditionScaleBasisValue Basis of the scale is used to determine the Read-only

applicable scale step

ConditionSequentialNumber Sequential number of the condition Read-only

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 124

Property Description Necessity

ConditionToBaseQtyDnmntr Denominator for converting condition units Optional

to base units

ConditionToBaseQtyNmrtr Numerator for converting condition units to Optional

base units

ConditionType Condition type Optional

ConditionTypeName Description Optional

Con gblParametersAndFormulas Identi er of CPF formula in document Optional

CumulatedConditionBasisValue Condition basis Optional

CustomerRebateRecipient Customer number (rebate recipient) Optional

FactorForConditionBasisValue Factor for condition basis value Read-only

FreightSupplier Account number of supplier Optional

GLAccount G/L account number Optional

IsGroupCondition Group condition Read-only

IsRelevantForAccrual Document or item is relevant for accrual Read-only

PeriodFactorForCndnBasisValue Factor for condition basis (period) Optional

PrcgProcedureCounterForHeader Condition counter (header) Optional

PriceConditionDeterminationDte Condition pricing date Read-only

PriceDetnExchangeRate Exchange rate for price determination Read-only

PricingDateTime Pricing date time Read-only

PricingDocument Pricing document Mandatory

PricingDocumentItem Pricing document item Mandatory

PricingProcedure Procedure (for example, pricing, output Optional

control, acct. det, consting, and so on)

PricingProcedureCounter Pricing procedure counter Mandatory

PricingProcedureStep Pricing procedure step Mandatory

PricingScaleBasis Scale basis indicator Read-only

PricingScaleType Scale type Read-only

PurchaseOrder Purchase order Mandatory

PurchaseOrderItem Purchase order item Mandatory

StructureCondition Structure condition Optional

TaxCode Tax on sales/purchases code Optional

TaxCodeName Tax code description Optional

TaxJurisdictionLevel Tax jurisdiction code levvel Optional

TransactionCurrency Transaction currency Read-only

VariantCondition Variant condition key Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 125

Property Description Necessity

WithholdingTaxCode Withholding tax code Optional

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:





Technical name: PurchaseOrderPartner


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

Property Description Necessity

DefaultPartner Speci es a partner as the default partner Optional

for a particular partner function.

EmploymentInternalID Personnel number Optional

PurchaseOrder Purchasing document number Read-only

PartnerFunction Abbreviated form of the name that Read-only

identi es the partner function.

PartnerCounter Sequential number that the system applies Read-only

when there is more than one partner for a
particular partner function.

PersonWorkAgreement Person work agreement Optional

Plant Plant Read-only

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 126

Property Description Necessity

PurchasingDocumentPartnerType Type of partner number Optional

PurchasingOrganization Denotes the purchasing organization Read-only

Supplier Business partner who offers or provides Read-only

materials or services

SupplierContact Number of contact person Optional

SupplierHierarchyCategory Hierarchy category: supplier hierarchy Optional

SupplierSubrange Subdivision of a supplier's overall product Read-only

range according to various criteria.

CreatedByUser Created by user Read-only

CreationDate Creation date Read-only

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:





Invoicing Plan
Technical name: PurchaseOrderInvoicingPlan


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

Property Description Necessity

PurchaseOrder Purchasing document number Read-only

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 127

Property Description Necessity

PurchaseOrderItem Purchase order item number Read-only

InvoicingPlan Invoicing plan number Optional

InvoicingPlanType Type = 10 (periodic invoicing plan) Read-only

InvoicingPlanStartDate Validity start date for invoicing plan Read-only

InvoicingPlanEndDate Validity end date for invoicing plan Read-only

InvoicingPlanNextInvcDateRule Rule for Origin of Next Invoice Date Read-only

Plant Plant Read-only

PurchaseOrderType Purchasing document type, for example, NB Read-only

PurchasingGroup Purchasing group Read-only

PurchasingOrganization Purchasing organization Read-only

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:



Invoicing Plan Item

Technical name: PurchaseOrderInvoicingPlanItem


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

Property Description Necessity

PurchaseOrder Purchasing document number Optional

PurchaseOrderItem Purchase order item number Optional

InvoicingPlan Invoicing plan number Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 128

Property Description Necessity

InvoicingPlanItem Item for invoice plan Optional

InvoicingPlanSettlementFrmDte Validity start date for invoicing plan Optional


InvoicingPlanSettlementToDte Validity end date for invoicing plan Optional


InvoicingPlanInvoicingDate Billing date Optional

InvoicingPlanAmount Value to be billed on date in invoicing plan Optional

TransactionCurrency Currency key Read-only

PurchasingOrganization Purchasing organization Read-only

PurchasingGroup Purchasing group Read-only

PurchaseOrderType Purchasing document type, for example, NB Read-only

Plant Plant Read-only

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:



Supplier Address
Technical name: PurchaseOrderSupplierAddress


 Note
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

Property Description Necessity

SupplierAddressID Address number Read-only

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 129

Property Description Necessity

PurchaseOrder Purchasing document number Optional

Read-only: in case of UPDATE operation

AddressID Adress number Optional

AddressPersonID Person number Optional

AddressRepresentationCode Version id for international addresses Optional

AddressFullName Full name of person Optional

CorrespondenceLanguage Language key Optional

CityName City name Optional

DistrictName District name Optional

VillageName City (different from postal city) Optional

PostalCode Postal code Optional

CompanyPostalCode Company postal code Optional

StreetName Street name Optional

StreetPre xName1 Street pre x name 1 Optional

StreetPre xName2 Street pre x name 2 Optional

HouseNumber House number Optional

HouseNumberSupplementText House number supplement Optional

Building Building (Number or Code) Optional

Floor Floor in building Optional

RoomNumber Room or apartment number Optional

Country Country/region key Mandatory

Region Region (state, province, county) Optional

TaxJurisdiction Tax jurisdiction Optional

TransportZone Transport zone to or from which the goods Optional

are delivered

POBox PO box Optional

POBoxIsWithoutNumber Flag: PO box without number Optional

POBoxPostalCode PO box postal code Optional

POBoxLobbyName PO box lobby Optional

POBoxDeviatingCityName PO box city Optional

POBoxDeviatingRegion Region for PO box (country/region, state, Optional

province, and so on)

POBoxDeviatingCountry PO box of country/region Optional

CareOfName C/o name Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 130

Property Description Necessity

DeliveryServiceTypeCode, Type of delivery service Optional

DeliveryServiceNumber Number of delivery service Optional

AddressTimeZone Address time zone Optional

FormOfAddress Form-of-address key Optional

EmailAddress Email address Optional

InternationalPhoneNumber International phone number Optional

InternationalFaxNumber International fax number Optional

StreetSuffixName1 Street suffix name 1 Optional

StreetSuffixName2 Street suffix name 2 Optional

PrfrdCommMediumType Preferred communication Optional

OrganizationName1 Name 1 Optional

OrganizationName2 Name 2 Optional

OrganizationName3 Name 3 Optional

OrganizationName4 Name 4 Optional

AddressSearchTerm1 Search term 1 Optional

AddressSearchTerm2 Search term 2 Optional

RegionalStructureCheckStatus City le test status Optional

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:





Item Delivery Address

Technical name: PurOrderItemDeliveryAddress


 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 131
Read-only in the Necessity column below means the following behavior of the OData API. Entries for the respective elds in
the payload can neither be added nor changed:

POST: Any data for the eld in the payload will be ignored.

PATCH or MERGE: Any data that is different from the existing data triggers an error message; matching data will be

Property Description Necessity

PurchaseOrder Purchasing document number Optional

Read-only: in case of UPDATE operation

PurchaseOrderItem Purchase order item number Optional

Read-only: in case of UPDATE operation

DeliveryAddressID Address number Read-only

CorrespondenceLanguage Alphanumeric key that identi es the Optional

language the document is written in.

CityName City name Optional

DistrictName District name Optional

PostalCode Postal code Optional

CompanyPostalCode Company postal code Optional

StreetName Street name Optional

StreetPre xName1 Street pre x name 1 Optional

StreetPre xName2 Street pre x name 2 Optional

HouseNumber House number Optional

HouseNumberSupplementText House number supplement Optional

Building Building Optional

Floor Floor Optional

RoomNumber Room number Optional

Country Country Mandatory

Region Region Optional

TaxJurisdiction Tax jurisdiction Optional

TransportZone Transport zone Optional

POBox Post box Optiona

POBoxPostalCode Postal code of post box Optional

POBoxDeviatingCityName Deviating city name of post box Optional

CareOfName Care of name Optional

AddressTimeZone Address time zone Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 132

Property Description Necessity

FormOfAddress Form-of-address key Optional

EmailAddress Email address Optional

InternationalPhoneNumber International phone number Optional

InternationalFaxNumber International fax number Optional

StreetSuffixName2 Street suffix name 2 Optional

PrfrdCommMediumType Preferred communication Optional

OrganizationName1 Organization name 1 Optional

OrganizationName2 Organization name 2 Optional

OrganizationName3 Organization name 3 Optional

OrganizationName4 Organization name 4 Optional

AddressSearchTerm1 Address search term 1 Optional

AddressSearchTerm2 Address search term 2 Optional

RegionalStructureCheckStatus City le test status Optional

Include the properties of the entity, a short description and the necessity of the property.

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:





Order Con rmation - Receive

Technical name: OrderCon rmationRequest_In

This asynchronous inbound service enables you to receive order con rmations from an external supplier system in your SAP
S/4HANA buyer system. The supplier con rms the goods or services, their pricing and the delivery schedule. This message can
be generated by a sales order in the supplier SAP system, which in turn triggers a message through this web service, con rming
the purchase order. Upon receipt of this message, the order con rmation is generated in the SAP S/4HANA system.


Service Structure

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 133
The service contains a message header and a payload, containing the header and item information.

The below mentioned operations are supported while processing a message through web service:

Create: Create con rmation and set con rmed net price, con rmed delivery date and/or con rmed quantity.

Update: Update con rmation and set new con rmed net price, new con rmed delivery date and/or new con rmed

Reject: Reject a line item if the supplier is unable to ful l the order for the material or goods.

Service Message Header

The service message header contains information about the service, the involved sender and receiver as well as date and time.

The following nodes and elds are the most important ones:

Node or Field Description

ID ID of the SOAP message

ReferenceID Reference ID of the SOAP message

CreationDateTime Date and time at which the message was created.

This information is used to check for duplicate
incoming messages and to avoid that the same
message is processed again.

ReconciliationIndicator Reconciliation Indicator

SenderBusinessSystemID Unique identi er of the external system that sends

the message. This information is used to send back
response messages or follow-on messages to the
sender system.

RecipientBusinessSystemID Unique identi er of the external system that receives

the message. This information is used to receive
messages or follow-on messages from the sender

SenderParty InternalID ID of the business partner that sends the message to

your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system. The ID must be
identical to the business partner's ID in your SAP
S/4HANA Cloud system.

RecipientParty InternalID ID of the business partner that receives the message

from your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system. The ID must
be identical to the business partner's ID in your SAP
S/4HANA Cloud system.

ContactPerson InternalID ID of the contact person


The nodes contain the business data of the service.

Node Description Link to details

OrderCon rmation Header information for the order OrderCon rmationRequest_In -

con rmation OrderCon rmation

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 134

Node Description Link to details

Item Item information for the order con rmation OrderCon rmationRequest_In - Item

Sample Payload

 Sample Code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<n0:OrderConfRequest xmlns:n0="" xmlns:prx="
<Party PartyType="SoldTo">
<AddressName>Company Code 1010 - Address Name 1</AddressName>
<AddressAdditionalName>Company Code 1010</AddressAdditionalName>
<Party PartyType="BillTo">
<AddressName>Company Code 1010 - Address Name 1</AddressName>
<AddressAdditionalName>Company Code 1010</AddressAdditionalName>
<StreetAddressName>XYZ 16</StreetAddressName>
<Party PartyType="Payer">
<AddressName>Toyota Bharat</AddressName>

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 135
<StreetName>Bhimenahalli, Bidadi</StreetName>
<StreetAddressName>41 Bhimenahalli, Bidadi</StreetAddressName>
<Party PartyType="ShipTo">
<AddressName>Storage Location 101C - Address Nam</AddressName>
<StreetAddressName>XYZ 16</StreetAddressName>
<OrderItemText>Handelsware 11, PD, normaler Handel</OrderItemText>
<RequestedQuantity unitCode="PCE">10.0</RequestedQuantity>
<Amount currencyCode="EUR">100.0</Amount>
<BaseQuantity unitCode="PCE">1.0</BaseQuantity>
<NetAmount currencyCode="EUR">1000.0</NetAmount>
<ConfirmedOrderQuantityByMaterialAvailableCheck unitCode="PCE">0.0</ConfirmedOrderQua
<ConfirmedOrderQuantityByMaterialAvailableCheck unitCode="PCE">10.0</ConfirmedOrderQu

Authentication Method

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 136
For this service, use the basic or X.509 authentication method to sign on.

The basic process authenticates you based on your user ID and password in the HTTP header (Document Authentication). This
option is supported for HTTP and HTTPS.

Required Communication Scenario

To be able to use this service, you have to con gure the following corresponding communication scenario:

For the scenario Sourcing and Procurement with Suppliers Integration, con gure communication scenario

To display more information on the SAP API Business Hub, select the Details tab of the service.

Message Monitoring and Error Handling

To be able to monitor messages transferred by this service, you need to assign the following recipient to the users:

Namespace: /MMEDI


Interface: ORDCFRQIN

To assign users to recipients, use the Assign Recipients to Users app from the Communication Management – Message
Monitoring Con guration (SAP_CA_BC_COM_CONF_PC) business catalog.

For message monitoring, use the Message Dashboard app from the Communication Management - Message Monitoring and
Error Handling (SAP_CA_BC_COM_ERR_PC) business catalog.

Both business catalogs are contained in the business role template Con guration Expert – Business Network Integration

OrderCon rmationRequest_In - OrderCon rmation


The OrderCon rmation node contains the order con rmation header data.

 Note
In the following table, attributes are marked in blue.

Nodes and Fields

Node or Field Description Cardinality

PurchaseOrderID Purchase order ID 1

PurchasingDocumentType Identi er allowing differentiation 0..1

between various formats of a
document category.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 137

Node or Field Description Cardinality

PurchasingOrganization A purchasing organization that 0..1

procures materials and
services, negotiates conditions
of purchase with vendors, and is
responsible for such

PurchasingGroup Purchasing group is a key for a 0..1

buyer or group of buyers
responsible for certain
purchasing activities.

PurchaseOrderCreationDate Calendar date when a purchase 0..1

order is created

PurchaseOrderLastChangeDate Calendar date when a purchase 0..1

order is last modi ed

SalesOrderID A unique alphanumeric identi er 0..1

assigned to a sales order

SalesDocumentType An indicator for controlling the 0..1

sales documents de ned in the
system that allows the system
to process different business
transactions in different ways

SalesOrganization A organizational unit that 0..1

structures the company
according to its sales
requirements. It is an area for
sales that combines the sales
relevant master data for
customers, products and price

DistributionChannel A channel through which 0..1

saleable goods or services
reach customers

OrganizationDivision Organization division 0..1

SalesGroup An organizational unit that 0..1

performs and is responsible for
sales transactions

SalesOffice A manufacture's office that 0..1

supports the activities of a
company's sales agents

SalesOrderCreationDate Sales order creation date 0..1

TransactionCurrency Transaction currency 0..1

BuyerCompanyCodeCurrency Buyer company code currency 0..1

BuyerExchangeRate Buyer exchange rate 0..1

CorrespondanceExternalReference Correspondance external 0..1


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 138

Node or Field Description Cardinality

ItemListIsCompletelyTransferred Indicator for status "completely 0..1


Party see 0..unbounded

OrderCon rmationRequest_In -

RequestedDeliveryDate Requested delivery date 0..1

UnloadingPointName Unloading point name 0..1

ReceivingPoint Receiving point 0..1

DeliveryBlockReason Delivery blok reason 0..1

CompleteDeliveryIsDe ned Complete delivery is de ned 0..1

OrderCombinationIsAllowed Order combination is allowed 0..1

HeaderIncoterms 0..1

IncotermsVersion Incoterms version 0..1

IncotermsClassi cation Incoterms (Part 1) 0..1

IncotermsLocation1 Incoterms location 1 0..1

IncotermsLocation2 Incoterms location 2 0..1

PaymentTerms Payment terms 0..1

BuyerPaymentTermsID Buyer payment terms ID 0..1

SupplierPaymentTermsID Supplier payment terms ID 0..1

FixedValueDate Fixed value date 0..1

CashDiscount1Percent Cash discount percentage 1 0..1

CashDiscount1Days Days for cash discount 1 0..1

CashDiscount1Description Cash discount description 1 0..1

CashDiscount2Percent Cash discount percentage 2 0..1

CashDiscount2Days Days for cash discount 2 0..1

CashDiscount2Description Cash discount description 2 0..1

NetPaymentDays Net payment days 0..1

NetPaymentDescription Net payment description 0..1

PaymentCard Payment card 0..1

PaymentCardType Payment card type 0..1

PaymentCardID Payment card ID 0..1

PaymentCardValidityEndDate Payment card validity end date 0..1

PaymentCardHolderName Payment card holder name 0..1

PaymentCardBillingAmount Payment card billing amount 0..1

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 139

Node or Field Description Cardinality

Text Type A text that you can de ne in 0..unbounded

master records or documents.

The mandatory attribute

speci es the abbreviated form
of the name that identi es
various types of texts.

BuyerTextElementID Text element ID on the buyer 0..1


SupplierTextElementID Text element ID on the supplier 0..1


TextElementLanguage Text element language 0..1

TextElementText Text element text 0..1

TextElementTextFormat Text element text format 0..1

Attachment NOT IN USE




OrderCon rmationRequest_In - Party

Nodes and Fields of the Party Node

The Party node can be included at header and at item level of the order con rmation.

 Note
In the following table, attributes are marked in blue.

Node or Field Description Cardinality

Party GlobalLocationNumber Unique identi cation 0..1

number. The Global
Location Number (GLN)
identi es physical, legal,
or functional units
belonging to companies
or parts of companies.

BuyerPartyID Buyer party ID 0..1

SupplierPartyID Supplier party ID 0..1

Address 0..1

FormOfAddress Form of address 0..1

FormOfAddressName Form of address name 0..1

AddressName Address name 0..1

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 140

Node or Field Description Cardinality

AddressAdditionalName Address additional 0..1


StreetName Street name 0..1

HouseNumber House number 0..1

StreetAddressName Street address name 0..1

PostalCode Postal code 0..1

CityName City name 0..1

Country Country 0..1

District District 0..1

Region Region 0..1

PhoneNumber Phone number 0..1

FaxNumber Fax number 0..1

FaxExtension Fax extension 0..1

FaxCountryDialingCode Fax country dialing code 0..1

FaxCountry Fax country 0..1

EmailAddress Email address 0..1

CorrespondenceLanguage Correspondence 0..1


AddressTimeZone Address time zone 0..1

ExternalAddressParserCode External address parser 0..1


PartyType The business partner is 0..unbounded

a person, organization,
group of persons, or
group of organizations in
which a company has a
business interest.

The mandatory attribute

PartyType speci es
the abbreviated form of
the name that identi es
the partner function.

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

OrderCon rmationRequest_In - Item


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 141
The Item node contains the elds of the order con rmation item.

 Note
In the following table, attributes are marked in blue.

Nodes and Fields

Node or Field Description Necessity

ActionCode Action code n/a

PurchaseOrderItemID Purchase order item id 0..1

PurchaseOrderItemCategory Purchase order item category 0..1

SalesOrderItemID Sales order item id 0..1

SalesOrderItemCategory Sales order item category 0..1

OrderItemText Order item text 0..1

RequestedQuantity unitCode The total (rounded) order 0..1

quantity for this item.

The optional attribute

unitCode speci es the unit
of measure of the ordered
material is.

HigherLevelItem Higher level item 0..1

SalesDocumentRjcnReason Sales document rejection 0..1


SalesDocumentRjcnReasonName Sales document rejection 0..1

reason name

ReturnAttributes 0..1

ProductToRemainWithCust Indicator set by the supplier 0..1

to signal that the returned
goods should remain at the
customer's site

ReturnMaterialAuthID Speci es the return material 0..1

authorization (RMA) number
from the supplier; this item-
speci c number indicates
that the supplier has
accepted the return order.

DeliveryDateQuantityIsFixed Indicator that delivery date 0..1

quantity is xed

DepartmentClassi cationByCust Department classi cation by 0..1


MaterialUsageIndicator Indicator of material usage 0..1

IsUIDRelevant Indicator for UID relevance 0..1

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 142

Node or Field Description Necessity

CustRetMatlAuthzn Customer Material 0..1


RejectionReasonText Reason for rejection 0..1

Product 0..1

GlobalTradeItemNumber A 14-digit number used to 0..1

uniquely identify products

BuyerProductID Buyer product id 0..1

SupplierProductID Supplier product id 0..1

ManufacturerPartNumber This eld carries the data of 0..1

the eld Mfr Part Number
maintained in the tab
Material Data of the purchase
order item.

Manufacturer This eld carries the data of 0..1

the eld Manufacturer
maintained in the tab
Material Data of the purchase
order item.

ManufacturerName This eld carries the data of 0..1

the eld manufacturer name
maintained in the tab
Material Data of the purchase
order item.

NetPrice 0..1

Amount Net price amount 1

currencyCode The mandatory attribute n/a

currencyCode speci es
the currency.

BaseQuantity Base quantity 1

unitCode The quantity on which the

amount or percentage is

The optional attribute

unitCode speci es the
order unit (for example,

NetAmount currencyCode Contains the difference of the 0..1

actual and the tax amounts
The mandatory attribute
currencyCode speci es
the currency.

MaximumNumberOfPartialDelivery Maximum number of partial 0..1


UnloadingPointName Unloading point name 0..1

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 143

Node or Field Description Necessity

ReceivingPoint Receiving point 0..1

Plant A place where materials are 0..1

produced, or goods and
services are provided

StorageLocation A place used for storing 0..1

items in a warehouse or other

Party OrderCon rmationRequest_In 0..unbounded

- Party

Incoterms Incoterms 0..1

IncotermsClassi cation Incoterms 0..1

IncotermsLocation1 Incoterms location 1 0..1

IncotermsLocation2 Incoterms location 2 0..1

PurgDocOrderAcknNumber This eld carries value of the 0..1

eld Order Ack. as
maintained in the
Con rmations tab of the
purchase order.

ScheduleLine 0..unbounded

ScheduleLineOrderQuantity Schedule line order quantity 0..1

unitCode The quantity on which the

amount or percentage is

The optional attribute

unitCode speci es the
order unit (for example,

RequestedDeliveryDate Requested delivery date Optional

RequestedDeliveryTime Requested delivery time Optional

RequestedDeliveryTimeZone Contains time zone de ned in Optional

the delivery address of the
purchase order, if the time
zone is not de ned in the
purchase order, then the
system time zone is used in
this eld.

RequestedDeliveryDateTime Contains date, time, and time Optional

zone offset de ned in the
purchase order.

Con rmedDeliveryDate The date on which it has been 0..1

con rmed that the goods will
arrive at their destination

Con rmedDeliveryTime The time on which it has been 0..1

con rmed that the goods will
arrive at their destination

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 144

Node or Field Description Necessity

Con rmedDeliveryTimeZone Contains time zone de ned in 0..1

the supplier system

Con rmedDeliveryDateTime Contains date, time, and 0..1

timezone offset de ned in the
supplier system

Con rmedOrderQuantityByMaterialAvailableCheck Con rmed order quantity by 0..1

material available check

Service: Service start and end date for 0..1

PerformancePeriodStartDate the purchase order.


unitCode The quantity on which the

amount or percentage is

The optional attribute

unitCode speci es the
order unit (for example,

Con rmedExpectedOverallLmtAmt This eld carries the total

amount con rmed by the
supplier from the external
system for the limit items.

SubcontractingComponentDetails DO NOT USE THIS FIELD

Text BuyerTextElementID Text element ID on the buyer 0..1


SupplierTextElementID Text element ID on the 0..1

supplier system

TextElementLanguage Text element language 0..1

TextElementText Text of the text element 0..1

TextElementTextFormat Format of the text element 0..1

Type Type of the text element 0..1

OrderCon rmationRequest_In - Party

Nodes and Fields of the Party Node

The Party node can be included at header and at item level of the order con rmation.

 Note
In the following table, attributes are marked in blue.

Node or Field Description Cardinality

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 145

Node or Field Description Cardinality

Party GlobalLocationNumber Unique identi cation 0..1

number. The Global
Location Number (GLN)
identi es physical, legal,
or functional units
belonging to companies
or parts of companies.

BuyerPartyID Buyer party ID 0..1

SupplierPartyID Supplier party ID 0..1

Address 0..1

FormOfAddress Form of address 0..1

FormOfAddressName Form of address name 0..1

AddressName Address name 0..1

AddressAdditionalName Address additional 0..1


StreetName Street name 0..1

HouseNumber House number 0..1

StreetAddressName Street address name 0..1

PostalCode Postal code 0..1

CityName City name 0..1

Country Country 0..1

District District 0..1

Region Region 0..1

PhoneNumber Phone number 0..1

FaxNumber Fax number 0..1

FaxExtension Fax extension 0..1

FaxCountryDialingCode Fax country dialing code 0..1

FaxCountry Fax country 0..1

EmailAddress Email address 0..1

CorrespondenceLanguage Correspondence 0..1


AddressTimeZone Address time zone 0..1

ExternalAddressParserCode External address parser 0..1


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 146

Node or Field Description Cardinality

PartyType The business partner is 0..unbounded

a person, organization,
group of persons, or
group of organizations in
which a company has a
business interest.

The mandatory attribute

PartyType speci es
the abbreviated form of
the name that identi es
the partner function.

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

Purchase Requisition / Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart - Replicate

Technical name: <PurchaseRequisitionReplicationRequest_Out>

This service enables you to replicate the shopping cart from an SAP S/4HANA system to an external system. It is based on the
SOAP protocol.

Service Request
Service Message Header

The service message header contains information on the service, the involved sender and receiver as well as date and time. The
following nodes and elds are the most important ones:

Node or Field Description

ID ID of the SOAP message

CreationDateTime Date and time at which the message was created

SenderBusinessSystemID ID of the SAP S/4HANA system that sends the message

RecipientBusinessSystemID ID of the external system that will receive the message

Service Nodes

The service nodes contain the business data of the service.

Service Node Description Link to details

MessageHeader Node that contains details of the message PurchaseRequisitionReplicationRequest_Out

header – MessageHeader

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 147

Service Node Description Link to details

PurchaseRequest Node that contains details of purchase PurchaseRequisitionReplicationRequest_Out

requisition – PurchaseRequest

Required Communication Scenario

To be able to use this service, you have to con gure the following communication scenario: SAP_COM_0090

Message Monitoring and Error Handling

To be able to monitor messages transferred by this service, you need to assign the following recipient to the users:

Namespace: /MMHUB

Recipient Name: PROC_TECH

To assign recipients to users, use the Assign Recipients to Users app from the Communication Management – Message
Monitoring Con guration (SAP_CA_BC_COM_CONF_PC) business catalog.

For message monitoring, use the Message Dashboard app from the Communication Management - Message Monitoring and
Error Handling (SAP_CA_BC_COM_ERR_PC) business catalog.

Both business catalogs are contained in the business role template Con guration Expert – Business Network Integration

PurchaseRequisitionReplicationRequest_Out – MessageHeader

Node that contains the message header details of the purchase requisition document.

Nodes and Fields

The following table provides an overview of the elds.

Node or Field Description

ID ID of the purchase
requisition in the SAP
S/4HANA Cloud hub

PurchaseRequisitionID ID of the purchase

requisition in the
connected system

UUID Universal Unique

Identi er. A global
unique identi er that is
generated from the
system timestamp and
the network address.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 148

Node or Field Description

ReferenceID ID of the purchase

requisition in the
external system

Reference UUID Contains the UUID

reference in order to
connect the sender and
receiver systems

CreationDateTime Date and time when the

message has been

SenderBusinessSystemID ID of the SAP S/4HANA

system that sends the

RecipientBusinessSystemID ID of the external system

that will receive the

SenderParty The SAP S/4HANA


InternalID Internal ID

schemeID Identi es the ID scheme

of the sender party

schemeAgencyID ID of the sender party

that maintains the ID

StandardID Standard ID

ContactPerson Contact person

OrganisationFormattedName Name of the organisation

who sent the message

PersonFormattedName Name of the person who

sent the message

PhoneNumber Phone number of the

sending party.

AreaID Area code

SubscriberID Subscriber code

ExtensionID Extension

CountryCode Country code

CountryDiallingCode Country dailling code

CountryName Country name

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 149

Node or Field Description

languageCode Language in which the

results of the service
requested are to be
delivered. The
description is available
in multiple languages.

FaxNumber Fax number of the

sending party

AreaID Area code

SubscriberID Subscriber code

Extension Extension

CountryCode Country code

CountryDiallingCode Country dailling code

CountryName Country name

languageCode Language in which the

results of the service
requested are to be
delivered. The
description is available
in multiple languages.

EmailURI Email address of the

sending party

RecipientParty The connected system

InternalID Internal ID

schemeID Identi es the ID scheme

schemeAgencyID ID of the party that

maintains the ID scheme

StandardID Standard ID

ContactPerson Contact person

InternalID Internal ID

OrganisationFormattedName Name of the organization

who sent the message

PersonFormattedName Name of the person who

sent the message

PhoneNumber Phone number of the

receiving party

AreaID Area code

SubscriberID Subscriber code

ExtensionID Extension

CountryCode Country code

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 150

Node or Field Description

CountryDiallingCode Country dailling code

CountryName Country Name

languageCode Language in which the

results of the service
requested are to be
delivered. The
description is available
in multiple languages.

FaxNumber Fax number of the

receiving party

AreaID Area code

SubscriberID Subscriber code

ExtensionID Extension

CountryCode Country code

CountryDiallingCode Country dailling code

CountryName Country name

languageCode Language in which the

results of the service
requested are to be
delivered. The
description is available
in multiple languages.

EmailURI Email address of the

receiving party

BusinessScope Business scope

TypeCode Type code

listID Identi es a list of codes

that belong together.
Only unique for the
agency that manages the

listVersionID Identi es the version of

a code list

listAgencyID Identi es the agency

that manages the code
list (such as a
standardization body).

listAgencySchemeID Identi es the agency ID


listAgencySchemeAgencyID ID of the agency that

maintains the ID scheme

 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 151
To display more information about the service node on the SAP API Business Hub, select the operation. This works best in
Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

PurchaseRequisitionReplicationRequest_Out – PurchaseRequest

Node that contains the details of the purchase requisition document.

Nodes and Fields

 Note
In the following table, eld attributes are marked in blue.

The following table provides an overview of the elds.

Node or Field Description

errorResponseIndicator The indicator which tells if an error has occurred in response of the service

Description Description of the purchase requistion item

ID Purchase requisition item number in hub system

PurchaseRequisitionItemID Purchase requisition item number in connected system

CentralRequisitionUpdtCtrlSttg Source of update of the purchase requisition in the connected system

CntrlReqnApprvlStsInRpldReqn Approval status of the purchase requisition

CntrlReqnIsRpldBfrApprvl The indicator tells if the replication of the purchase requisition to the connected
system happens before it is approved in the hub system.

TextCollection Collection of header texts

ProductProcurementArrangementID Depicts an info-record ID in an external system

Typecode Item type code

ProcessingTypeCode Item category in purchase requisition document

PostingDate Date at which the purchase requisition was requested

OrderingDate Date at which the purchase requisition was released

CancelledIndicator Deletion indicator

TotalAmount Total value of the purchase requisition item

ValuationPrice Price in purchase requisition item

TotalRequestedQuantity Item quanity of purchase requisition requested

RequestorPersonName Name of the requestor who requested the purchase requisition document

DeliveryPeriod Date and time at which the purchase requisition is delivered

Product Material in the external system

ProductCategory Material group

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 152

Node or Field Description

Batch Batch number

CurrencyCode Currency code

TaxCode Tax code

Percent Percent

BaseQuantity Base quantity

BaseQuantityTypeCode Base quantity type code

Amount Amount

SellarParty Fixed supplier of an external system

ProposedSellarParty Desired supplier of an external system

ResponsiblePurchasingOrganisationParty Purchasing organization

ResponsiblePurchasingGroupParty Purchasing group

InventoryManagedLocation Storage location

SupplyingPlantID Issuing Plant ID

ReceivingPlantID Plant ID of an external system

TextCollection Collection of item texts

PurchasingContractReference Contract reference of an external system

AccountingCodingBlockDistribution Account assignment data of purchase requisition item

AttachmentFolder Attachment

AddDataLocIBR Usage of material

actionCode Action (create/change) of purchase requisition item

 Note
To display more information about the service node on the SAP API Business Hub, select the operation. This works best in
Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

Purchase Requisition - OData V2


This service enables you to read, create, update, and delete purchase requisitions through an API call from a source system
outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

This service is published on the SAP API Business Hub. For more information about APIs, see APIs on SAP API Business Hub.

Service Structure
Service Message Header

The service message header contains information on the service, the involved sender and receiver as well as date and time.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 153
The purchase requisition has the following entity structure. It contains header, item, account assignment, item notes and
delivery address nodes.


The entities contain the business data of the service.

Entity Description Link to details

Purchase Requisition Header information for purchase requisition Purchase Requisition


Item (A_PurchaseRequisitionItem) Item information for purchase requisition Item

Account Assignment Account assignment information for Account Assignment

(A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt) purchase requisition

Delivery Address Delivery address information for purchase Delivery Address

(A_PurReqAddDelivery) requisition

Item Notes (A_PurchaseReqnItemText) Item text information for purchase Item Notes

Batch and Non-Batch Operations

Single mode is only supported for the following OData operations:

Single Request Operations


A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader YES YES NO

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem YES YES NO

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 154


A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt NO YES NO

A_PurReqAddDelivery NO YES NO

A_PurchaseReqnItemItext YES YES YES

Batch mode is only supported for the following OData operations:

Batch Operations


A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader YES YES NO

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem YES YES NO

A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt YES YES NO

A_PurReqAddDelivery NO YES NO

A_PurchaseReqnItemItext YES YES YES

Service Response
1. Response Codes for Batch and Non-Batch Operations

Response Codes

Operation Success/Failure Response Code Description

Batch Success 202 The system displays a self-

explanatory detailed
Failure 400/500 message.

Batch (Change Set Level) Success 201/204

Failure 400

Non-Batch Success 201/204

Failure 400/500

2. Error Messages

Message Class and Message Number Description

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You cannot edit referenced text.

Message No. 098

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You cannot update the deleted purchase requisition items.

Message No.125

MM_PUR_REQN/ Purchase requisition &1 updated. Status changed to enable

Message No. 025

MM_PUR_REQN/ PR item &1 updated. Status changed to enable resubmission.

Message No. 026

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 155

Message Class and Message Number Description

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You can only update one purchase requisition per change set.

Message No. 033

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You can create items belonging to only one origin in one PR

Message No. 135

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You must use multiple changesets to create multiple PRs

Message No. 136

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You can combine operations pertaining to only one PR in one

Message No. 137

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ Please provide purchasing document type

Message No. 143

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ Please use same purchasing doc. type for header and items
within a PR
Message No. 145

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ Cannot assign info record or contract as SoS for enhanced limit
Message No. 156

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You cannot create or add limit items in a central purchase

Message No. 157

MEPO/ Creating an enhanced limit item with a material is not allowed.

Message No. 169

MEPO/ The expected value exceeds the overall limit.

Message No. 892

MMPUR_SPROC/Message No. 16 Multiple account assignments are not allowed for enhanced
limit items.

MMPUR_REQ_SERVPROC/Message No. 019 Item set &1 does not have a subordinate item.

MMPUR_REQ_SERVPROC/Message No. 020 Hierarchy level limit reached for the item &1.

MMPUR_REQ_SERVPROC/Message No. 031 &1 in item &2 cannot be edited.

MMPUR_REQ_SERVPROC/Message No. 034 A hierarchy list could not be formed using the entered values.

MMPUR_REQ_SERVPROC/Message No. 035 You cannot insert or move an item in a hierarchy list.

MMPUR_REQ_SERVPROC/Message No. 037 Cannot enter hierarchy values in a at list

MMPUR_REQ_SERVPROC/Message No. 042 Provide the parent item details before the subitem details for
item &1.

MMPUR_REQ_SERVPROC/Message No. 043 You cannot have an item note for &1 as it is an itemset.

MMPUR_REQ_SERVPROC/Message No. 044 You cannot change an item set into an item or vice versa.

Error Handling
To monitor messages transferred by this service, you need to assign the following recipient to the users:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 156
Namespace: /MMPUR


Assign Recipients and Monitor Messages

To assign recipients to users, use the Assign Recipients to Users app from the Communication Management – Message
Monitoring Con guration (SAP_CA_BC_COM_CONF_PC) business catalog. For more information, see:

Assign Recipients to Users

Communication Management

To monitor messages, use the Message Dashboard app from the Communication Management - Message Monitoring and Error
Handling (SAP_CA_BC_COM_ERR_PC) business catalog.

To view and lter error logs related to SOAP and OData web services, use the Communication Management - Technical
Message Monitoring (SAP_CA_BC_COM_TECH_ERR_PC) business catalog.

For more information, see:

SOAP Error Log and OData Error Log

Message Dashboard

Message Monitoring

The business role template Con guration Expert – Business Network Integration (SAP_BR_CONF_EXPERT_BUS_NET_INT)
contains both of these business catalogs.

The constraints are as listed below:

Operation Constraints

Create Only authorized roles can be used to create purchase requisition through an API call. The following
authorization objects for purchase requisitions are relevant:





This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 157

Operation Constraints

Only GET, PATCH and POST are allowed with the OData call URL. You cannot use the methods,
DELETE, MERGE, and HEAD in OData call URL. Usage of any of these methods would result
in an error.

PATCH and POST methods are allowed with the batch call request. You cannot use the
methods DELETE, MERGE, HEAD in the change set of Batch Call request. Usage of any of
these methods would result in an error.

Multiple purchase requisitions can be updated using multiple change sets. You cannot update
more than one purchase requisition within one change set. ONLY ONE purchase requisition
can be updated in a single change set.

Only authorized roles can be used to update purchase requisition through an API call.

Related Events
Purchase Requisition Events

Additional Information
The link to the API on the SAP API Business Hub: Purchase Requisition .

 Note
For more details about Communication Management, see Communication Management.

Purchase Requisition
Technical name: A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader

This API node contains the purchase requisition header elds.


Parameter Description Necessity

PurchaseRequisition A requisition to purchase the POST: Optional

external procurement of materials
PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchaseRequisitionType The type of purchase requisition POST: Optional

PATCH: Not Applicable

PurReqnDescription Description of the purchase Optional

requisition header

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 158

Parameter Description Necessity

SourceDetermination Automatic Source of Supply POST: Optional

PATCH, GET: Not Applicable

 Note
The value of this parameter is
not persisted

PurReqnDoOnlyValidation A ag for simulation of purchase Optional

requisition creation.

If the ag is set to True, the

purchase requisition is validated
but not created.

Technical name: A_PurchaseRequisitionItem

This API node contains the purchase requisition item elds.


Parameter Description Necessity

AccountAssignmentCategory Account assignment category Optional

AddressID Address identi er Deprecated

BaseUnit Unit of Measure POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Not Applicable

Batch A batch is a homogenous subset of a material that is Optional

managed separately from other subsets of the same

CompanyCode Company code Optional

ConsumptopnPosting Consumption posting Optional

CreatedByUser User ID of creator Read Only

CreationDate Date of creation Deprecated

DelivDateCategory Category of delivery date Optional

DeliveryAddressID Delivery address Read Only

DeliveryDate Delivery date Optional

ExpectedOverallLimitAmount Amount expected to be spent on the limit item Mandatory for Limit Items, that is for items
with PurchasingDocumentItemCategory = 'A'

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 159

Parameter Description Necessity

ExternalApprovalStatus External Processing Status Optional

External solutions integrated with SAP S/4HANA

Cloud can create purchase requisition items in SAP
S/4HANA Cloud System with external processing
status as In Process Externally, that is, the value of
the eld ExternalApprovalStatus must be set to ʻP’.
The solutions can then invoke the operations
EnableForPurchasing and
DiscardFromPurchasing on these purchase
requisition items, and enable them for purchasing or
discard them from purchasing in SAP S/4HANA
Cloud System.

FixedSupplier Fixed supplier Optional

GoodsReceiptIsExpected Indicates that a goods receipt is allowed and Optional


GoodsReceiptsIsNonValuated Goods receipt non-valuated Optional

InvoiceIsExpected Invoice receipt indicator Optional

IsClosed Document is closed Optional

IsDeleted Indicates if the object is deleted Optional

IsOutline This is used for items in a hierarchy list. It is set to Optional

true for item sets, and set to false for functional
items. In the case of at list, this parameter need not
be provided.

IsPurReqnBlocked Indicates if purchase requisition is blocked Optional

ItemDeliveryAddressID Delivery address identi er Optional

ItemNetAmount Item net amount in transaction currency Read Only

Language Language Optional

LastChangeDateTime Time stamp for last changed Read Only

ManualDeliveryAddressID Manual address identi er in purchasing document Read Only


Material Material Optional

MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration Goods receipt processing duration in working days Optional

MaterialGroup Material group Optional

MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn Planned delivery time in days Optional

MaterialRevisionLevel Revision Level Optional

MinRemainingShelfLife Minimum remaining shelf life Optional

MRPController MRP controller or team of MRP controllers Optional

responsible for material

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 160

Parameter Description Necessity

MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution Distribution indicator for multiple account Optional

assignment. It can be one of the following:

Single Accounting - ""

Distribution on Quantity Basis - "1"

Distribution by Percentage - "2"

 Note
Based on the distribution indicator chosen, you
must pass appropriate values for the parameter
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrPercent" in

OrderedQuantity Ordered quantity Optional

 Note
You must always provide the <BaseUnit>
corresponding to the <OrderedQuantity> value, in
each and every operation.

OverallLimitAmount Maximum amount that can be spent on the limit Mandatory for Limit Items, that is for items
item. It is the upper limit that the expected value of with PurchasingDocumentItemCategory = 'A'
the limit item (ExpectedOverallLimitAmount) must
not exceed.

PerformancePeriodEndDate End date for period of performance Optional

PerformancePeriodStartDate Start date for period of performance Optional

Plant Plant POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Optional

ProcessingStatus Processing status Read Only

N - Not edited

B - PO created

A - RFQ created

K - Contract created

L - Scheduling agreement created

S - Service entry sheet created

F - External Contract Created

G - External RFQ Created

ProductType Identi es the product type group, which is used to Optional

differentiate between materials and lean services.

For example,

1 - Material

2 - Service

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 161

Parameter Description Necessity

PurchaseContract A legally binding purchase agreement that contains Optional

special conditions that are negotiated between a
buyer and a seller, covering goods to be supplied or
services to be performed.

PurchaseContractItem Purchase contract item Optional

PurchaseRequisition A requisition to purchase the external procurement of POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed Indicates that a purchase requisition is xed and Optional

therefore cannot be changed by material
requirements planning.

PurchaseRequisitionItem Item Number of purchase requisition POST: Optional

PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchaseRequisitionItemText Purchase requisition item text Optional

PurchaseRequisitionPrice Price in purchase requisition POST: Optional

PATCH: Not Applicable

 Note
You must always provide the
<PurReqnItemCurrency> corresponding to the
<PurchaseRequisitionPrice> value, in each and
every operation.

PurchaseRequisitionStatus Requisition processing state Deprecated

PurchaseRequisitionType Purchase requisition type POST: Optional

PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchasingDocument Purchasing document number Optional

PurchasingDocumentCategory Purchasing document category Read Only

PurchasingDocumentItem Purchasing document item number Optional

PurchasingDocumentItemCategory Item category in purchasing document Optional

'0' - Standard Item

'A' - Limit Item

PurchasingDocumentSubtype Control indicator for purchasing document type Read Only

PurchasingGroup Purchasing group POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Optional

PurchasingInfoRecord Purchasing information record Optional

PurchasingOrganization Purchasing organization Optional

PurchasingParentItem In the case of hierarchy list, this parameter is used to Optional

provide the item number of the parent item. For at
list, since all the items are in the same level, this
parameter need not be provided.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 162

Parameter Description Necessity

PurgCon gurableItemNumber This parameter provides the hierarchy number of the Optional
items in a hierarchy list. This parameter is empty
("") in the case of at list.

PurgExternalSortNumber This parameter indicates the position of the item Optional

within a particular level of a hierarchy list. This
parameter is '0' in the case of at list.

PurReqCreationDate Purchase request or purchase requisition creation Read Only


PurReqnItemCurrency Purchase requisition item currency key Optional

PurReqnExternalReference External Document Optional

PurReqnItemExternalReference External Item Optional

PurReqnTypeExternalReference External Document Type Optional

PurReqnExternalSystemId External System ID Optional

PurReqnExternalSystemType External System Type Optional

PurReqnProcessingType Processing State Read Only

PurReqnProcessingDateTime Time stamp Read Only

PurReqnOrigin Creation indicator (Purchase Requisition/Schedule POST: Optional

PATCH: Not Applicable
Some of the possible values are:

'R' - Realtime (manual)

'S' - Self-Service Procurement

PurReqnPriceQuantity Price unit Optional

 Note
You must always provide the <BaseUnit>
corresponding to the <PurReqnPriceQuantity>
value, in each and every operation.

PurReqnReleaseStatus Purchase requisition release status Read Only

01 - Version in Process

02 - Active

03 - In Release

04 - For Overall Release

05 - Release Completed

08 - Release Refused

PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType Purchase requisition source of supply type Read Only

PurReqnSSPAuthor Author of requisition Optional

PurReqnSSPCatalog Purchase requisition SSPCatalog user ID Optional

PurReqnSSPCatalogItem Purchase requisition SSPCatalog item ID Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 163

Parameter Description Necessity

PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem Purchase requisition SSPCatalog item key Optional

PurReqnSSPRequestor Requestor of purchase requisition Optional

PurContractForOverallLimit Reference Contract for limit items of type Service Optional

ReleaseCode Purchasing document release indicator Optional

ReleaseIsNotCompleted Release not complete Optional

ReleaseStrategy Release strategy Deprecated

RequestedQuantity Requested quantity Optional

 Note
You must always provide the <BaseUnit>
corresponding to the <RequestedQuantity>
value, in each and every operation.

RequirementTracking Requirement tracking number Optional

RequisitionerName Name of requisitioner/requester Optional

Reservation Document number of the Reservation follow-on Read Only

document, if any, that is created for the purchase
requisition item.

ServicePerformer A person who carries out a service Optional

SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned Indicator if source of supply is assigned Read Only

StorageLocation A location where stock of materials is stored within a Optional


Supplier Supplier Optional

SupplierMaterialNumber Supplier material number Optional

SupplyingPlant Supplying plant Optional

SSPReqrUserId Requestor of SSP purchase requisition Optional

SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber Business Partner Identi er for purchase requisition Optional

TaxCode Tax code Optional

ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst Backend Business System Optional

PurchaseOrderPriceType The price in the purchase order item is adopted from Optional
the purchase requisition item, based on this
parameter. The possible values are:

' ' - Do not adopt

'1' - As gross price

'2' - As net price

Account Assignment

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 164
Technical name: A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt

This API node contains the account assignment elds that correspond to the purchase requisition item.


Parameter Description Necessity

BaseUnit Unit of Measure Read Only

BusinessArea Business area Optional

BusinessProcess Identi es a process in a company that uses Optional

resources and can involve the activities of
different departments

ChartOfAccounts Chart of Account Optional

CommitmentItem Commitment item Optional

ControllingArea Controlling area Optional

CostCenter Cost center Optional

CostCtrActivityType Cost center activity type Optional

CostElement General Ledger (GL) account number Optional

CostObject Cost object Optional

CreationDate Date of creation Optional

EarmarkedFundsDocument Business transaction in funds management Optional

which claims already allocated budget for
expected revenues or expenditures

FixedAsset A unique ID for xed asset in asset Optional


FunctionalArea Functional area Optional

Fund Fund Optional

FundsCenter Structural grouping into departments, areas Optional

of responsibility, projects, and so on.

GLAccount Stores changes in values relating to assets, Optional

payables, stockholders, equity, revenues or
expenses of a company

GoodsRecipientName Person or company that receives goods Optional

GrantID Grant identi er Optional

IsDeleted Account assignment if it is marked for Optional


JointVentureRecoveryCode Joint venture recovery code Optional

MasterFixedAsset Main or master asset number Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 165

Parameter Description Necessity

MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrPercent Distribution percentage in case of multiple Optional

account assignment

 Note
The value that you provide for this
parameter must correspond to the value
of the parameter
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution" in

If "MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution"
in A_PurchaseRequisitionItem is
Single Accounting - "",
must be 0

If "MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution"
in A_PurchaseRequisitionItem is
Distribution on Quantity Basis - "1",
must be 0

If "MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution"
in A_PurchaseRequisitionItem is
Distribution by Percentage - "2",
pass the percentage split for the
accounting lines. For example,

Accounting line 1 - 60.5

Accounting line 2 - 39.5

NetworkActivity Network activity Optional

NetworkActivityInternalID Network activity identi er Optional

OrderID Order number Optional

OrderIntBillOfOperationsItem An identi er of an item of the internal bill of Optional

operations assigned to an order, for
example, a production order or a network.

OrderInternalID The internal identi er of an order. Optional

PartnerAccountNumber Partner account number Optional

Plant Plant Optional

ProcessOrder Manufacturing order used in process Optional

industries. They are used for the production
of materials or for rendering of services in a
speci c quantity on a speci c date.

Pro tabilitySegment Pro tability Segment Number (CO-PA) Optional

Pro tCenter Pro t center Optional

ProjectNetwork Sequence of activities in a project or the Optional

sequence of a single activity within a

ProjectNetworkInternalID Routing identi er for operations in the order Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 166

Parameter Description Necessity

PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmtNumber Serial Number for Purchase Requisition PATCH: Not Applicable

Account Assignment Segment

PurchaseRequisition Purchase requisition PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchaseRequisitionItem Purchase requisition item PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchaseRequisitionType Type of purchase requisition Optional

PurchasingGroup Purchasing group Optional

PurchasingOrganization Purchasing organization Optional

PurReqnNetAmount Net amount of purchase requisition Optional

Quantity Quantity Optional

 Note
You must always provide the
<BaseUnit> corresponding to the
<Quantity> value, in each and every

RealEstateObject Internal key for real estate object Optional

SalesDocumentItem Sales document item Optional

SalesOrder Sales order Optional

SalesOrderItem Sales order item Optional

SalesOrderScheduleLine Sales order schedule line number Optional

ScheduleLine Delivery schedule line number Optional

SDDocument Sales and distribution document number Optional

SettlementReferenceDate Reference date for settlement Optional

UnloadingPointName Name of a point at which a material is to be Optional


ValidityDate Validity date Optional

WBSElement Work breakdown structure element (WBS Optional


Delivery Address
Technical name: A_PurReqAddDelivery

This API node contains the purchase requisition item delivery address elds.


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 167

Parameter Description Necessity

AdditionalStreetPre xName Additional address eld which is printed Optional

above the street line

AdditionalStreetSuffixName Additional address eld which is printed Optional

under the street line

AddressID Address identi er PATCH: Not Applicable

AddressTimeZone Time zone of the address Optional

AddressType Delivery address type Read Only

Some of the possible values are:

'L' - Storage Location

'P' - Plant

'U' - User Entry

'R' - Reference

 Note
Following address types are NOT

'C' - Customer

'S' - Supplier

Address type 'R' is not supported for

purchase requisitions of origin 'S' (Self-
Service Procurement).

Building Building name Optional

BusinessPartnerName1 Name1 for a business partner of category Optional


BusinessPartnerName2 Name2 for a business partner of category Optional


BusinessPartnerName3 Name3 for a business partner of category Optional


BusinessPartnerName4 Name4 for a business partner of category Optional


CareOfName Care of name Optional

CityCode City code Optional

CityName City name Optional

CitySearch City name Optional

Enter the city name in uppercase for search

help table

CompanyPostalCode Company postal code (for large customers) Optional

CorrespondenceLanguage Language for transaction or correspondence Optional

Country Country key Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 168

Parameter Description Necessity

County County code Optional

DeliveryServiceNumber Delivery service identi er. Optional

The type of delivery service is de ned by

eld DeliveryServiceTypeCode

DeliveryServiceTypeCode Code number for the service delivery type Optional

District District Optional

FaxNumber Fax number, consisting of dialing code and Read Only

number, but without country dialing code

Floor Floor number Optional

FormOfAddress Title Optional

FullName Full name Read Only

HomeCityName City of residence which is different from the Optional

postal city

HouseNumber House number Optional

HouseNumberSupplementText House number supplement Optional

ItemDeliveryAddressID Number of delivery address Read Only

ManualDeliveryAddressID Manual address number in purchasing PATCH: Not Applicable

document item

Nation Nation Optional

Person Person Optional

PhoneNumber Telephone number Read Only

Plant Plant PATCH: Not Applicable

POBox PO box Optional

POBoxDeviatingCityName PO box city Optional

POBoxDeviatingCountry Different PO box country Optional

POBoxDeviatingRegion Different PO box region Optional

POBoxIsWithoutNumber Flag: PO box without number Optional

POBoxLobbyName Name of the lobby PO box Optional

POBoxPostalCode PO box postal code Optional

PostalCode Postal code Optional

PrfrdCommMediumType Preferred communication method Optional

PurchaseRequisition A requisition to purchasing for the external PATCH: Not Applicable

procurement of planned materials

PurchaseRequisitionItem Item number of purchase requisition PATCH: Not Applicable

Region Region Optional

RoomNumber Room or apartment number Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 169

Parameter Description Necessity

SearchTerm1 Search Term1 Optional

StreetName Street and house number Optional

StreetPre xName Additional address eld which is printed Optional

above the Street line

StreetSearch Street name in uppercase for Search Optional

Enter the street name in uppercase for

search help table

StreetSuffixName Street name Optional

TaxJurisdiction Tax jurisdiction Optional

TransportZone Transportation zone to or from which goods Optional

are delivered

Item Notes
Technical name: A_PurchaseReqnItemText

This API node contains the item text information for purchase requisition.

 Note
This service node is a child item of Purchase Requisition Item node and cannot be created independently.


Parameters Description Necessity

ArchObjectNumber Object key for the text POST: Optional

For example, PATCH: Not Applicable


in which,

4000065732 is the PR Number

00010 is the Item Number

DocumentText Document text ID POST: Mandatory

For example, PATCH: Not Applicable

B01- Item Text

B02 - Item Note

B03 - Delivery Text

B04 - Material PO Text

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 170

Parameters Description Necessity

FixedIndicator Fixed Indicator can be one of the following: Read Only

Space – Text is automatically adopted to the

target object

N – Text is referenced to the target object but

cannot be adopted

* - Text is referenced to the target object and

can be adopted

Language Language POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Not Applicable

NoteDescription A long text that includes additional information Optional

about items in the purchase requisition

PurchaseRequisition A purchase requisition number POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchaseRequisitionItem Purchase requisition item number POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Not Applicable

TechnicalObjectType Text object type which is EBAN POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Not Applicable

Operations for Purchase Requisition

Purchase requisition offers the following operations:

Operation HTTP- Sample URL


Create a purchase POST POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeade


Read a purchase GET GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader(

requisition $expand=to_PurchaseReqnItem,to_PurchaseReqnItem/to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt,to_PurchaseReq

Update a purchase PATCH PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHead


Delete a purchase PATCH PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(


Validate purchase GET GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/Validate?PurchaseRequisition=


Enable a purchase POST POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/DiscardFromPurchasing?Purc

requisition for

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 171

Operation HTTP- Sample URL


Discard a purchase POST POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/EnableForPurchasing?Purchas

requisition from

Create a Purchase Requisition

Add an Item to a Purchase Requisition

Add a Limit Item to a Purchase Requisition

Create an Item Note

Add an Accounting Line to a PR Item

Add Accounting Lines - Single to Multiple Account Distribution

Create a Purchase Requisition

In this scenario, you wish to create a purchase requisition of document type "NBS", for a free text item.

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader - Purchase Requisition

 Note
You must include the associated entities of the purchase requisition item, such as account assignment, delivery address and
item note in your request; else the creation request shall fail.

On success, this operation returns the purchase requisition number, along with the data contained in the purchase requisition.
The requisition is created in the logon language.

Here, in the response below, purchase requisition "4000087493" is created successfully. If there are any errors, the appropriate
error messages are returned.

 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 172


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader
Content-Type: application/json
"PurReqnDescription": "",
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": {
"results": [
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NBS",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Test PR",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "1.00",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"TaxCode": "V0",
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {},
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []


"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader('4000
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader('400
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionHeaderType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NBS",
"PurReqnDescription": "David20191202",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(P
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "02",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NBS",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Test PR",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "1.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 173
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "David",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"TaxCode": "V0",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": null,
"Reservation": "0",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 174
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "0",
"ProductSeasonYear": "",
"ProductSeason": "",
"ProductCollection": "",
"ProductTheme": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3Desc": "",
"StockSegment": "",
"RequirementSegment": "",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionIte
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Purch
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Purc
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "",
"AddressType": "",
"Plant": "0001",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "",
"CityName": "ABC",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69191",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Street",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "15",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "01",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "John",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 175
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "",
"CitySearch": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []

Add an Item to a Purchase Requisition

In this scenario, you wish to add an item to an existing purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are adding an item "Cable"
to the purchase requisition "4000087493".

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem - Item

 Note
While creating an item, you must include the associated entities, else the item creation shall fail.

On success, the purchase requisition item is added to the purchase requisition. The item "Cable" is added to the purchase
requisition "4000087493", with item number "20".

 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem
Content-Type: application/json
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Cable",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 176
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"BaseUnit": "P",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "7.00",
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {},
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []


"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(Purchas
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(Purcha
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "02",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NBS",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Cable",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "P",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "7.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "David",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 177
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": null,
"Reservation": "0",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "0",
"ProductSeasonYear": "",
"ProductSeason": "",
"ProductCollection": "",
"ProductTheme": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3Desc": "",
"StockSegment": "",
"RequirementSegment": "",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(Purc
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(PurchaseReq
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(PurchaseRe
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 178
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"AddressID": "",
"AddressType": "",
"Plant": "0001",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "",
"CityName": "ABC",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69191",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Street",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "15",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "01",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "John",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "",
"CitySearch": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []

Add a Limit Item to a Purchase Requisition

In this scenario, you wish to add a limit item to an existing purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are adding a limit item
to the purchase requisition "4000087493", in order to procure minor office supplies for the period 7 July 2020 to 17 July 2020.
As the exact details such as price and quantity are not known at the time of ordering, we create a limit item, that is item with
PurchasingDocumentItemCategory 'A'. We can provide the amount we expect to spend on this item using the eld,
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount", which is 100 EUR in this case. The overall limit or upper limit of the amount that can be spent on
this item is provided using the eld "OverallLimitAmount", which is also 100 EUR in this case. The expected amount must not
exceed the overall limit amount.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 179

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

Item (A_PurchaseRequisitionItem) - Item

On success, the operation creates a limit item with the details provided in the request. If there are any errors, the appropriate
error messages are returned.

 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12


POST <host>/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json

"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Minor Office Supplies",
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": [
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"Plant": "1010",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "A",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Limit Item",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "100",
"OverallLimitAmount": "100",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": "2020-07-07T00:00:00",
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": "2020-07-17T00:00:00",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U"


You can see in the response below that a limit item has been created successfully. The parameters such as DeliveryDate,
PurchaseRequisitionPrice and RequestedQuantity are not applicable for limit items. So, the PerformancePeriodEndDate is
taken as the DeliveryDate. The ExpectedOverallLimitAmount is considered as the PurchaseRequisitionPrice. The
RequestedQuantity is always considered as "0".

status_code: 201 Created

"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader('4000087493')",
"uri": "<host>/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader('4000087493')",
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionHeaderType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 180
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Example Limit PR",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(Purchas
"uri": "<host>/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(Purcha
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "A",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Limit Item",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "0.000",
"BaseUnit": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "100.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0.000",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1594944000000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1597104000000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000105",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1597104000000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 181
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": "/Date(1594080000000)/",
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": "/Date(1594944000000)/",
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": null,
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "100.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "100.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "0",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(Pu
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(Pu
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(Pu
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(Pu

Following are some of the error messages related to limit items

Message Class and Message Number Description

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ Cannot assign info record or contract as SoS for enhanced limit
Message No. 156

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 182

Message Class and Message Number Description

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You cannot create or add limit items in a central purchase

Message No. 157

MEPO/ Creating an enhanced limit item with a material is not allowed.

Message No. 169

MEPO/ The expected value exceeds the overall limit.

Message No. 892

MMPUR_SPROC/Message No. 16 Multiple account assignments are not allowed for enhanced limit

Create an Item Note

In this scenario, you wish to add an item note to an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are adding the item
note "Coaxial Cable" to item "10" of purchase requisition "4000087493".

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseReqnItemText - Item Notes

On success, the item note is added to the purchase requisition item. The item note "Coaxial Cable" is added to item "10" of
purchase requisition "4000087493".

 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseReqnItemText

"DocumentText": "B02",
"NoteDescription": "Coaxial Cable"


"d": {

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 183
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseReqnItemText(Purc
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseReqnItemText(Pur
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseReqnItemTextType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "0",
"DocumentText": "",
"TechnicalObjectType": "",
"Language": "",
"ArchObjectNumber": "",
"NoteDescription": "",
"FixedIndicator": ""

Create a PR Item with Delivery Address

In this scenario, you wish to create a purchase requisition item with a delivery address. The sample below shows the different
types of delivery address that can be provided in a purchase requisition item, and their order of precedence.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurReqAddDelivery - Delivery Address

On success, purchase requisition with delivery address is created.

 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12

If you want to enter the delivery address manually, enter the address details in the delivery address entity,

If you want to provide a reference delivery address, provide reference delivery address ID using the parameter
ItemDeliveryAddressID in A_PurchaseRequisitionItem. Do not provide a manual address.

If you want to have the storage location address as the delivery address, maintain the storage location using the
parameter StorageLocation in A_PurchaseRequisitionItem. Do not provide reference delivery address ID or
manual address.

If you want to have the plant address as the delivery address, maintain the plant using the parameter Plant in
A_PurchaseRequisitionItem. Do not provide the storage location, reference delivery address ID or manual


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 184

POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "User Entry",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": [
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "test item PR1 -1",
"PurchasingOrganization": "0001",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"StorageLocation": "0001",
"Material": "CM_HAWA",
"RequestedQuantity": "10",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "0000406629",
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"Country": "DE",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Adam1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "Gibbs1"



"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeade
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionHeaderType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "12128960",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "User Entry",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "12128960",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "test item PR1 -1",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "",
"Material": "CM_HAWA",
"MaterialGroup": "001",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "10",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "234.56",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "0001",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 185
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1632700800000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1632182400000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "ABC",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1632182400000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "1305825",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "1305825",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "5",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "0001",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "1305825",
"LastChangeDateTime": null,
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 186
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "0",
"ProductSeasonYear": "",
"ProductSeason": "",
"ProductCollection": "",
"ProductTheme": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3Desc": "",
"StockSegment": "",
"RequirementSegment": "",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "12128960",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "",
"Plant": "0001",
"AddressType": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "",
"CityName": "",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Adam1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "Gibbs1",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 187
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "",
"CitySearch": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase

On doing a read of the purchase requisition, you can see that although you have provided the plant, storage location, reference
address and manual address while creating the requisition, the manually entered address takes precedence. Hence the address
type is set as 'U' and the manual address entered by the user is taken as the delivery address of the purchase requisition.


GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader(PurchaseRequis


"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeade
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionHeaderType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "12128960",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "User Entry",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "12128960",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "test item PR1 -1",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "",
"Material": "CM_HAWA",
"MaterialGroup": "001",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "10",
"BaseUnit": "EA",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 188
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "234.56",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1632268800000)/",
"PurchasingOrganization": "0001",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1632700800000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1632182400000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "ABC",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1632182400000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "1306009",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "1306009",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "5",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "0001",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "2345.60",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "1306009",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1632241072431+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 189
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"ProductSeasonYear": "",
"ProductSeason": "",
"ProductCollection": "",
"ProductTheme": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3Desc": "",
"StockSegment": "",
"RequirementSegment": "",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "12128960",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "1306009",
"Plant": "0001",
"AddressType": "U",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "1306009",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "Adam1 Gibbs1",
"CityName": "",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Adam1",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 190
"BusinessPartnerName2": "Gibbs1",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "",
"CitySearch": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_P
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseReqnItemTextType
"PurchaseRequisition": "12128960",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"DocumentText": "B04",
"TechnicalObjectType": "EBAN",
"Language": "EN",
"ArchObjectNumber": "001212896500010",
"NoteDescription": "Sample text",
"FixedIndicator": "N"

Add an Accounting Line to a PR Item

In this scenario, you wish to add an accounting line to an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are adding an
accounting line to item "10" of purchase requisition "4000087493". Please note that while you add a new accounting line to an
item, you must also correspondingly update the accounting details in the purchase requisition item, hence this operation is only
supported as a batch request.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt - Account Assignment

On success, the accounting line is added to item "10" of purchase requisition "4000087493".

 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 191


content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset_1

content-type: application/http
content-transfer-encoding: binary

PATCH A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(PurchaseRequisition='4000087493',PurchaseRequisitionItem='10') HTTP

accept: application/json
content-type: application/json

"AccountAssignmentCategory": "K",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": ""

content-type: application/http
content-transfer-encoding: binary

POST A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt HTTP/1.1

accept: application/json
content-type: application/json

"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"CostCenter": "SVC_AUNIT_",
"GLAccount": "0000400000"




Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=C3A8F6C0C42A1009C11AC305D368163E1
Content-Length: 2403

Content-Type: application/http
Content-Length: 71
content-transfer-encoding: binary

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Content-Length: 0
dataserviceversion: 2.0

Content-Type: application/http
Content-Length: 2035
content-transfer-encoding: binary

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1723
location: https://<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt(Purchase
dataserviceversion: 2.0

"d": {
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 192
"__metadata": {
"id": "https://<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt(Purch
"uri": "https://<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt(Purc
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqnAcctAssgmtType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmtNumber": "1",
"CostCenter": "SVC_AUNIT_",
"MasterFixedAsset": "",
"ProjectNetwork": "",
"BaseUnit": "",
"Quantity": "100.000",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrPercent": "0.0",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "",
"PurReqnNetAmount": "0.00",
"IsDeleted": "",
"CostElement": "",
"GLAccount": "400000",
"BusinessArea": "",
"SDDocument": "",
"SalesOrder": "",
"SalesDocumentItem": "0",
"SalesOrderItem": "0",
"ScheduleLine": "0",
"SalesOrderScheduleLine": "0",
"FixedAsset": "",
"ProcessOrder": "",
"OrderID": "",
"UnloadingPointName": "",
"ControllingArea": "0001",
"CostObject": "",
"ProfitabilitySegment": "0",
"ProfitCenter": "SAP-DUMMY",
"ProjectNetworkInternalID": "0",
"CommitmentItem": "",
"FundsCenter": "",
"Fund": "",
"FunctionalArea": "",
"CreationDate": null,
"GoodsRecipientName": "",
"RealEstateObject": "",
"NetworkActivityInternalID": "0",
"PartnerAccountNumber": "",
"JointVentureRecoveryCode": "",
"SettlementReferenceDate": null,
"OrderInternalID": "0",
"OrderIntBillOfOperationsItem": "0",
"EarmarkedFundsDocument": "",
"CostCtrActivityType": "",
"BusinessProcess": "",
"GrantID": "",
"ValidityDate": null,
"ChartOfAccounts": "",
"WBSElement": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "",
"Plant": "",
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": ""


Add Accounting Lines - Single to Multiple Account Distribution

In this scenario, you wish to add another accounting line to an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are adding
another accounting line to item "10" of purchase requisition "4000087493". Please note that while you add a new accounting
line to an item, you must also correspondingly update the accounting details in the purchase requisition item, hence this
operation is only supported as a batch request.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 193

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt - Account Assignment

On success, the accounting line is added to item "10" of purchase requisition "4000087493".

 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12


content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset_1

content-type: application/http
content-transfer-encoding: binary

PATCH A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(PurchaseRequisition='4000087493',PurchaseRequisitionItem='10') HTTP

accept: application/json
content-type: application/json

"AccountAssignmentCategory": "K",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "1"

content-type: application/http
content-transfer-encoding: binary

PATCH A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt(PurchaseRequisition='4000087493',PurchaseRequisitionItem='10',PurchaseReq
accept: application/json
content-type: application/json

"Quantity": "70"

content-type: application/http
content-transfer-encoding: binary

POST A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt HTTP/1.1

accept: application/json
content-type: application/json

"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"CostCenter": "RWB_AUNIT_",
"GLAccount": "0000400000",
"Quantity": "30"

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 194




Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=0470133E3A84A169BC9E3B1C89DC636C1
Content-Length: 2602

Content-Type: application/http
Content-Length: 71
content-transfer-encoding: binary

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Content-Length: 0
dataserviceversion: 2.0

Content-Type: application/http
Content-Length: 71
content-transfer-encoding: binary

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Content-Length: 0
dataserviceversion: 2.0

Content-Type: application/http
Content-Length: 2035
content-transfer-encoding: binary

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1723
location: https: //<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt(Purchas
dataserviceversion: 2.0

"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "https://<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqnAcctAssgmt
"uri": "https://<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqnAcctAssgm
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqnAcctAssgmtType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmtNumber": "2",
"CostCenter": "RWB_AUNIT_",
"MasterFixedAsset": "",
"ProjectNetwork": "",
"BaseUnit": "",
"Quantity": "30.000",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrPercent": "30.0",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "",
"PurReqnNetAmount": "0.00",
"IsDeleted": "",
"CostElement": "",
"GLAccount": "400000",
"BusinessArea": "",
"SDDocument": "",
"SalesOrder": "",
"SalesDocumentItem": "0",
"SalesOrderItem": "0",
"ScheduleLine": "0",
"SalesOrderScheduleLine": "0",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 195
"FixedAsset": "",
"ProcessOrder": "",
"OrderID": "",
"UnloadingPointName": "",
"ControllingArea": "0001",
"CostObject": "",
"ProfitabilitySegment": "0",
"ProfitCenter": "SAP-DUMMY",
"ProjectNetworkInternalID": "0",
"CommitmentItem": "",
"FundsCenter": "",
"Fund": "",
"FunctionalArea": "",
"CreationDate": null,
"GoodsRecipientName": "",
"RealEstateObject": "",
"NetworkActivityInternalID": "0",
"PartnerAccountNumber": "",
"JointVentureRecoveryCode": "",
"SettlementReferenceDate": null,
"OrderInternalID": "0",
"OrderIntBillOfOperationsItem": "0",
"EarmarkedFundsDocument": "",
"CostCtrActivityType": "",
"BusinessProcess": "",
"GrantID": "",
"ValidityDate": null,
"ChartOfAccounts": "",
"WBSElement": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "",
"Plant": "",
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": ""


Create a Purchase Requisition with Hierarchy List

Item Hierarchy

You can use item hierarchies in purchase requisitions to structure and sort items, such as materials or services in a hierarchy. To
get an overview of what item hierarchies are, what functions they have, and where you can nd examples of how you work with
them, see Item Hierarchies.

 Note
In the standard system, the item hierarchy function is switched off by default. The con guration expert can activate the item
hierarchy function for purchase requisitions using the con guration step Activate Item Hierarchies in Purchasing present
under Sourcing and Procurement General Settings Item Hierarchy . Note that once the item hierarchy function is
switched on, it cannot be turned off.

For example, if you are purchasing materials and services for different departments of a company, you can use item hierarchies
to group the items by department.

You can create functional items (materials and services) and item sets by using the Create operation.

Create an Item Set

To create an item set using the Create operation:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 196
Set IsOutline to true.

Set PurchasingParentItem to '0' for creating at root level. If you are creating it as a child of another item set,
provide that item set's PurchaseRequisitionItem (item number) as the PurchasingParentItem.

As an item set is just used to de ne the hierarchical structure, it can contain only the
PurchaseRequisitionItemText which is a description of the item set.

An item set must always have atleast one functional item in it, else the Create operation will return an error.

In the request payload, always provide the parent item details rst, followed by the details of the children, else the
operation returns an error.

You cannot have more than ve levels of nesting in the hierarchy list.

The values provided by you in the request payload for the parameters PurgConfigurableItemNumber and
PurgExternalSortNumber are not considered. These values are internally calculated.

It is mandatory to provide the item number PurchaseRequisitionItem in the request payload.

Create a Functional Item

To create a functional item using the Create operation:

Set IsOutline to false.

Set PurchasingParentItem to '0' for creating at root level. If you are creating it as a child of another item set,
provide its PurchaseRequisitionItem (item number) as the PurchasingParentItem.

The functional item can be a material or a service.

The values provided by you in the request payload for the parameters PurgConfigurableItemNumber and
PurgExternalSortNumber are not considered. These values are internally calculated.

It is mandatory to provide the item number PurchaseRequisitionItem in the request payload.

If the create operation is successful, then the functional item or item set is added to the hierarchy list. In the response payload,
PurgConfigurableItemNumber contains the hierarchy number, and PurgExternalSortNumber contains the number
that indicates the position of the item within a particular level. For example, if PurgConfigurableItemNumber is 2.3, and
PurgExternalSortNumber is 3, then it indicates that the item is at position 2.3 of the hierarchy list, and is the third item in
the second level of the hierarchy as shown in the sample list below:

1 Printer

1.1 Cartridge (Material)

2 Stationery Items

2.1 Pen (Material)

2.2 Eraser (Material)

2.3 Pencil (Material)

3 Maintenance (Service)

 Note
You cannot convert a at list into a hierarchy list and vice-versa.

Following are some of the sample create scenarios for item hierarchy:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 197
Create an Item Set at Root Level

Create an Item Set at Root Level

Add a Functional Item to an Item Set

Add Another Functional Item to the Same Item Set

Add an Item Set Within an Item Set

Create a Hierarchy List with Item Sets and Functional Items

Create an Item Set at Root Level

In this scenario, you want to create a purchase requisition with a hierarchy list that contains an item set to group some
information technology items. Hence, we are creating Information Technology as an item set. This item set contains a
functional item cartridge in it.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader - Purchase Requisition

On success, a purchase requisition with a hierarchy list is created. The hierarchy list contains a parent item set with a functional
item in it as shown below:

1 Information Technology (Item Set)

1.1 Cartridge (Material)


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader
Content-Type: application/json

"PurchaseRequisition": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Item Set 1",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": [
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Information Technology (Item Set)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"IsOutline": true,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0"
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Cartridge (Material)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 198
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"ProductType": "1",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"RequestedQuantity": "10",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "10.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",


status_code: 201 Created

"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeade
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionHeaderType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Item Set 1",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "02",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Information Technology (Item Set)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "0.000",
"BaseUnit": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "0.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "0",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "",
"Plant": "",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0.000",
"DeliveryDate": null,
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644537600000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 199
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644537600000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": false,
"InvoiceIsExpected": false,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": null,
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": true,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "1",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"__deferred": {

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 200
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Cartridge (Material)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "10",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "10.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1644969600000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644537600000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1617235200000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 201
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": null,
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1.1",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "1",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 202

Create a Functional Item at Root Level

In this scenario, you wish to add a functional item at the root level of the hierarchy list. Here, we are adding a functional material
item Pen (Material) at the root level of the hierarchy list of purchase requisition 10006454.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem - Item

On success, a functional item (Pen) is added to the root level of the hierarchy list. Now, the hierarchy list looks as below:

1 Information Technology (Item Set)

1.1 Cartridge (Material)

2 Pen (Material)


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem
Content-Type: application/json

"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText":"Pen (Material)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "30",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"ProductType": "1",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "5.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {


status_code: 201 Created

"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(P
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 203
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "30",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Pen (Material)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "5.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1644969600000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644537600000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644537600000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 204
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": null,
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "2",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "2",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Pur
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Pu
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "30",
"AddressID": "",
"Plant": "1010",
"AddressType": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "DE",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "CET",
"FullName": "",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 205
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "",
"CitySearch": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI

Add a Functional Item to an Item Set

In this scenario, you wish to add a functional item to an item set in the hierarchy list. Here, we are adding a functional material
item Keyboard (Material) to the Information Technology item set of the purchase requisition 10006454.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem - Item

On success, functional item (Keyboard) is added to the item set (Information Technology) of the hierarchy list. Now, the
hierarchy list looks as below:

1 Information Technology (Item Set)

1.1 Cartridge (Material)

1.2 Keyboard (Material)

2 Pen (Material)


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 206


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem
Content-Type: application/json

"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText":"Keyboard (Material)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "40",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"ProductType": "1",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"RequestedQuantity": "15",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "15.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {


status_code: 201 Created

"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(P
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "40",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Keyboard (Material)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "15",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "15.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1644969600000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644537600000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 207
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644537600000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": null,
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1.2",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "2",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 208
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Pur
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Pu
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "40",
"AddressID": "",
"Plant": "1010",
"AddressType": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "DE",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "CET",
"FullName": "",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "",
"CitySearch": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 209

Add Another Functional Item to the Same Item Set

In this scenario, you wish to add another functional item to the item set in the hierarchy list. Here, we are adding a functional
service item, Maintenance (Service) to the Information Technology item set of the purchase requisition 10006454.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem - Item

On success, functional item (Maintenance) is added to the item set (Information Technology) of the hierarchy list. Now, the
hierarchy list looks as below:

1 Information Technology (Item Set)

1.1 Cartridge (Material)

1.2 Keyboard (Material)

1.3 Maintenance (Service)

2 Pen (Material)


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem
Content-Type: application/json
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText":"Maintenance (Service)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "50",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"MaterialGroup": "YBMM01",
"ProductType": "2",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": "/Date(1597170600000)/",
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": "/Date(1597343400000)/",
"RequestedQuantity": "30",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "200.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 210

status_code: 201 Created

"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(P
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
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"PurchasingDocument": "",
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"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
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"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
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"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Maintenance (Service)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "YBMM01",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "30",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "200.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1597276800000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "2",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": "/Date(1597104000000)/",
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": "/Date(1597276800000)/",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 211
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": null,
"Reservation": "0",
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"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1.3",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "3",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Pur
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Pu
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "50",
"AddressID": "",
"Plant": "1010",
"AddressType": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "DE",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
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"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "CET",
"FullName": "",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 212
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "",
"CitySearch": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI

Add an Item Set Within an Item Set

In this scenario, you wish to add an item set within the item set in the hierarchy list. Here, we are adding the item set, Mouse
(Item Set) to the item set (Information Technology) of the purchase requisition 10006454.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem - Item

 Note
Since an item set cannot be created without a functional item in it, we are creating the item set and a functional item in it.
Since the request body includes two POST requests, one for the item set (Mouse) and another for the functional item (Wired
Mouse), it is done using a batch call as shown below.

On success, item set (Mouse) with the functional item (Wired Mouse) is added to the item set (Information Technology) of the
hierarchy list. Now, the hierarchy list looks as below:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 213
1 Information Technology (Item Set)

1.1 Cartridge (Material)

1.2 Keyboard (Material)

1.3 Monitor (Material)

1.4 Mouse (Item Set)

1.4.1 Wired Mouse (Material)

2 Pen (Material)


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/$batch
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=batch
content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset_1

content-type: application/http
content-transfer-encoding: binary
Content-ID: 1

POST A_PurchaseRequisitionItem HTTP/1.1

content-type: application/json
accept: application/json

"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Mouse (Item Set)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "60",
"IsOutline": true,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10"

content-type: application/http
content-transfer-encoding: binary
Content-ID: 2

POST A_PurchaseRequisitionItem HTTP/1.1

content-type: application/json
accept: application/json

"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "60",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006454",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText":"Wired Mouse (Material)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "70",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"ProductType": "1",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"RequestedQuantity": "120",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "150.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 214


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HTTP/1.1 201 Created

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"target": "",
"severity": "warning",
"transition": false,
"details": [
"code": "06/403",
"message": "Purchase requisition 10006454 changed",
"longtext_url": "/sap/opu/odata/iwbep/message_text;o=LOCAL/T100_longtexts(MSGID='06',MS
"target": "",
"severity": "success",
"transition": false
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This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 215
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"DeliveryDate": null,
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644537600000)/",
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"IsDeleted": "",
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"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644537600000)/",
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"PurReqnItemCurrency": "",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "",
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"PurchaseContract": "",
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"ProductType": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
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"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": false,
"InvoiceIsExpected": false,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": null,
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": true,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1.4",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 216
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "4",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI
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HTTP/1.1 201 Created

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"d": {
"__metadata": {
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"uri": "
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"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
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"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
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"RequestedQuantity": "120",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "150.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1644969600000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644537600000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 217
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644537600000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
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"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
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"Language": "EN",
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"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
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"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
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"Batch": "",
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"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
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"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
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"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
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"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
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"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
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"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "60",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1.4.1",
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"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI
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"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 218
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Pur
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Pu
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
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"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "70",
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"AddressType": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "DE",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
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"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
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"FullName": "",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
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"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
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"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "",
"CitySearch": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 219

Create a Hierarchy List with Item Sets and Functional Items

In this scenario, you wish to create a purchase requisition with a hierarchy list containing 2 item sets Stationery Items and
Printer, and one functional service item Maintenance at the root level.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader - Purchase Requisition

On success, a purchase requisition containing a hierarchy list is created. The hierarchy list contains 2 parent item sets
Stationery Items and Printer, and 1 functional service item at the root level as shown below:

1 Stationery Items (Item Set)

1.1 Pen (Material)

1.2 Eraser (Material)

2 Printer

2.1 Cartridge (Material)

3 Maintenance (Service)


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader
Content-Type: application/json

"PurchaseRequisition": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Item set",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": [
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Stationery Items (Item Set)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"IsOutline": true,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0"
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText":"Pencil (Material)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 220
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"ProductType": "1",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "10.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U"

"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText":"Eraser (Material)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "30",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"ProductType": "1",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "5.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U"

"IsOutline": true,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText":"Printer (Material)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "40"
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "40",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText":"Cartridge (Material)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "50",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"ProductType": "1",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "500.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U"

"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText":"Maintenance (Service)",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "60",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"ProductType": "2",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"RequestedQuantity": "50",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "100.00",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 221
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": "/Date(1597170600000)/",
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": "/Date(1597343400000)/",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U"



status_code: 201 Created

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"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionHeaderType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Item set",
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This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 226
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"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 231
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": null,
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "40",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "2.1",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "1",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase

Read a Purchase Requisition

Read a Purchase Requisition Item

Read Delivery Address

Read Item Notes

Read a Purchase Requisition

In this scenario, you wish to read a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are reading the purchase requisition
"4000087493", along with its items and associated entities.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 232

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader - Purchase Requisition

On Success, this operation returns the purchase requisition along with its associated entities. The purchase requistion
"4000087493" is returned, along with its header and item level details.


GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader(PurchaseRequis


"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader('4000
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader('400
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionHeaderType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NBS",
"PurReqnDescription": "DescriptionUpdated",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(P
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NBS",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Cable",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "P",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "0.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 233
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "David",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "655846",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1575309641722+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "0",
"ProductSeasonYear": "",
"ProductSeason": "",
"ProductCollection": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 234
"ProductTheme": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3Desc": "",
"StockSegment": "",
"RequirementSegment": "",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionIte
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Purch
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Purc
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"AddressID": "655846",
"AddressType": "P",
"Plant": "0001",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "John",
"CityName": "ABC",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69191",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Street",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "15",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "01",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "John",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "STREET",
"CitySearch": "ABC",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 235
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(P
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NBS",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "ItemTextUpdated",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "1.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "David",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "655846",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 236
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1575311465282+0000)/",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "0",
"ProductSeasonYear": "",
"ProductSeason": "",
"ProductCollection": "",
"ProductTheme": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3Desc": "",
"StockSegment": "",
"RequirementSegment": "",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionIte
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Purch
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Purc
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "655846",
"AddressType": "P",
"Plant": "0001",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 237
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "John",
"CityName": "ABC",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69191",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Street",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "15",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "01",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "John",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "STREET",
"CitySearch": "ABC",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseReqnItemTex
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseReqnItemTe
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseReqnItemTextType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"DocumentText": "B02",
"TechnicalObjectType": "EBAN",
"Language": "EN",
"ArchObjectNumber": "400008749300010",
"NoteDescription": "Coaxial Cable",
"FixedIndicator": ""

Read a Purchase Requisition Item

In this scenario, you wish to read an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are reading item "10" of purchase
requisition "4000087493".

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 238

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem - Item

On success, this operation returns the item in the purchase requisition. Here, it returns only item "10" of purchase requisition
"4000087493", along with its associated entities.


GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(PurchaseRequisit


"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(Purchas
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(Purcha
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NBS",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "ItemTextUpdated",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "1.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "David",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 239
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1575244800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "655846",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1575311465282+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "0",
"ProductSeasonYear": "",
"ProductSeason": "",
"ProductCollection": "",
"ProductTheme": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3": "",
"ProductCharacteristic1Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic2Desc": "",
"ProductCharacteristic3Desc": "",
"StockSegment": "",
"RequirementSegment": "",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(Purc

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 240
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(PurchaseReq
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(PurchaseRe
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "655846",
"AddressType": "P",
"Plant": "0001",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "John",
"CityName": "ABC",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69191",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Street",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "15",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "01",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "John",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "STREET",
"CitySearch": "ABC",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseReqnItemText(Purc
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseReqnItemText(Pur
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseReqnItemTextType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 241
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"DocumentText": "B02",
"TechnicalObjectType": "EBAN",
"Language": "EN",
"ArchObjectNumber": "400008749300010",
"NoteDescription": "Coaxial Cable",
"FixedIndicator": ""

Read Delivery Address

In this scenario, you wish to read the delivery address of an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are reading
the delivery address of item "10" of purchase requisition "4000087493".

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurReqAddDelivery - Delivery Address

On success, this operation returns the delivery address of the purchase requisition item. Here, it returns the delivery address
maintained in item "10" of purchase requisition "4000087493".


GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(PurchaseRequisition='4


"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "655846",
"AddressType": "P",
"Plant": "0001",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 242
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "John",
"CityName": "ABC",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69191",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Street",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "15",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "01",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "John",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "STREET",
"CitySearch": "ABC",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": ""

Read Item Notes

In this scenario, you wish to read the item note of all items in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are reading the
item note of all items in purchase requisition "4000087493"

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseReqnItemText - Item Notes

On success, this operation returns the item note of all items in a purchase requisition. Here, it returns the item note of all the
items in the purchase requisition "4000087493".


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 243


GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseReqnItemText?$filter=PurchaseReq


"d": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseReqnItemT
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseReqnItem
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseReqnItemTextType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "4000087493",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"DocumentText": "B02",
"TechnicalObjectType": "EBAN",
"Language": "EN",
"ArchObjectNumber": "400008749300010",
"NoteDescription": "Coaxial Cable",
"FixedIndicator": ""

Read a Purchase Requisition with Hierarchy List

You can read a hierarchy list containing functional items (materials and services) and item sets by using the Read operation.

Following are some of the sample read scenarios for item hierarchy:

Read a Hierarchy List with Item Sets and Functional Items

Read an item in a Hierarchy List

Read a Hierarchy List with Item Sets and Functional Items

In this scenario, you wish to read a purchase requistion that has item sets and functional items in it.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader - Purchase Requisition

On success, the hierarchy list with the item sets and functional items in it is returned as follows:

1 Stationery Items (Item Set)

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 244
1.1 Pen (Material)

1.2 Eraser (Material)

2 Printer

2.1 Cartridge (Material)

3 Maintenance (Service)


GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader(PurchaseRequis


status_code: 200 OK
"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeade
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionHeaderType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Item set",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "02",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Stationery Items (Item Set)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "0.000",
"BaseUnit": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "0.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "0",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "",
"Plant": "",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0.000",
"DeliveryDate": null,
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 245
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": false,
"InvoiceIsExpected": false,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1644821735062+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": true,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "1",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 246
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "",
"Plant": "",
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "",
"CityName": "",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "",
"Region": "",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "",
"CitySearch": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 247
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "40",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "02",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Printer (Material)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "0.000",
"BaseUnit": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "0.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "0",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "",
"Plant": "",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0.000",
"DeliveryDate": null,
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 248
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": false,
"InvoiceIsExpected": false,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1644821735062+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": true,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "2",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "2",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "40",
"AddressID": "",
"Plant": "",
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "",
"CityName": "",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 249
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "",
"Region": "",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "",
"CitySearch": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "30",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "05",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Eraser (Material)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "5.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "1010",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1645056000000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "24739",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 250
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "X",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "500.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1644821737493+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1.2",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "2",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "30",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 251
"AddressID": "24739",
"Plant": "1010",
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "DE",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "CET",
"FullName": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "DIETMAR-HOPP-ALLEE",
"CitySearch": "WALLDORF",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
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"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "05",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Pencil (Material)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 252
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "10.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "1010",
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"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1645056000000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
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"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
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"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
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"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
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"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
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"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "X",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
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"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
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"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
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"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1644821737903+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 253
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1.1",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "1",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"AddressID": "24739",
"Plant": "1010",
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "DE",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "CET",
"FullName": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 254
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "DIETMAR-HOPP-ALLEE",
"CitySearch": "WALLDORF",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "50",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "05",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Cartridge (Material)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "500.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "1010",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1645056000000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "24739",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 255
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "X",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "50000.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1644821738342+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "40",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "2.1",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "1",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "50",
"AddressID": "24739",
"Plant": "1010",
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "DE",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 256
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "CET",
"FullName": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "DIETMAR-HOPP-ALLEE",
"CitySearch": "WALLDORF",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "60",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "05",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Maintenance",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "50",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "100.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 257
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "1010",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1597276800000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "24739",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "2",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "X",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": "/Date(1597104000000)/",
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": "/Date(1597276800000)/",
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "5000.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1644821738784+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 258
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "3",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "3",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "60",
"AddressID": "24739",
"Plant": "1010",
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "DE",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "CET",
"FullName": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "DIETMAR-HOPP-ALLEE",
"CitySearch": "WALLDORF",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 259
"results": []

Read an item in a Hierarchy List

In this scenario, you wish to read an item in a purchase requistion.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem - Item

On success, the requested item is returned.

1 Stationery Items (Item Set)


GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(PurchaseRequisit


status_code: 200 OK
"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(P
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "02",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Stationery Items (Item Set)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "0.000",
"BaseUnit": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "0.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "0",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 260
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "",
"Plant": "",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0.000",
"DeliveryDate": null,
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": false,
"InvoiceIsExpected": false,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1644821735062+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 261
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": true,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "1",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Pur
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Pu
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "",
"Plant": "",
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "",
"CityName": "",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "",
"Region": "",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "",
"CitySearch": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 262
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []

Update a Purchase Requisition

Update a Purchase Requisition Item

Update Delivery Address

Update Item Notes

Update a Purchase Requisition

In this scenario, you wish to update a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are updating the description of purchase
requisition "4000087493".

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader - Purchase Requisition

On success, the description of purchase requisition is updated. Here description of purchase requisition "4000087493" is

 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12


PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader('4000087493'
"PurReqnDescription": "DescriptionUpdated"


status_code: 204 No Content

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 263

Update a Purchase Requisition Item

In this scenario, you wish to update an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are updating the purchase
requisition item text of item "10" of purchase requisition "4000087493". If the elds that have been updated retrigger the
work ow based on the work ow con guration, the status gets changed to In Release and the item is then resubmitted for
further processing.

Rejected items and items that have follow-on documents can also be updated using this operation. The status gets changed to
In Release and is resubmitted for further processing.

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem - Item

On success, the purchase requisition item details are updated. Here, the purchase requisition item text of item "10" of purchase
requisition "4000087493" is updated.

 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12



PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(PurchaseRequis
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "ItemTextUpdated"


status_code: 204 No Content

Update Delivery Address

In this scenario, you wish to update the delivery address details of an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are
updating the delivery address details of item "10" of purchase requisition "4000087493".

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 264

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurReqAddDelivery - Delivery Address

On success, the delivery address details of the purchase requisition item are updated. Here, the delivery address details of item
"10" of purchase requisition "4000087493" are updated.

 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12


PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(PurchaseRequisition=
"CareOfName": "CareOfNameUpdated"


status_code: 204 No Content

Update Item Notes

In this scenario, you wish to update the item note of an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are updating the
item note of item "10" of purchase requistion "4000087493".

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseReqnItemText - Item Notes

On success, the item note of the purchase requisition item is updated. Here, the item note of item "10" of purchase requisition
"4000087493" is updated.

 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 265


PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseReqnItemText(PurchaseRequisiti
"NoteDescription": "NoteUpdated"


status_code: 204 No Content

Update a Purchase Requisition with Hierarchy List

You can update existing functional items (materials and services) and item sets by using the Update operation.

Update an Item Set

You can update only the item description (PurchaseRequisitionItemText) of the item set. The other parameters in the
item set cannot be updated. If you provide the parameters PurgConfigurableItemNumber and
PurgExternalSortNumber in the request payload, please provide the correct values (as returned by Create).

Update a Functional Item

The hierarchy parameters IsOutline and PurchasingParentItem cannot be updated. Update of other parameters is
similar to that of at list. If you provide the parameters PurgConfigurableItemNumber and PurgExternalSortNumber
in the request payload, please provide the correct values (as returned by Create).

Following are some of the sample update scenarios for item hierarchy:

Update an Item Set

Update an Item Set

In this scenario, you wish to update the item description of an item set in a purchase requistion.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem - Item

On success, the item description of the item set is updated.


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 266

PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(PurchaseRequis
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Stationery Items Updated (Item Set)"


status_code: 204 No Content

On doing a read of item 10 of the purchase requisition using the read request provided in Read an Item in a Hierarchy List, we
can see that the item description of the item set has been updated.

"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(P
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "02",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Stationery Items Updated (Item Set)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "0.000",
"BaseUnit": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "0.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "0",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "",
"Plant": "",
"CompanyCode": "",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0.000",
"DeliveryDate": null,
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "",
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 267
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "0.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": false,
"InvoiceIsExpected": false,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1644834344066+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": true,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "1",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionI
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Pur
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAddDelivery(Pu
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "",
"Plant": "",
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 268
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "",
"CityName": "",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "",
"Region": "",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "",
"CitySearch": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []

Delete a Purchase Requisition Item

Delete a Purchase Requisition Item

In this scenario, you wish to delete an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are deleting item "20" of purchase
requisition "4000087493".

 Note
DELETE operation is not supported. The purchase requisition item is marked for deletion.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 269
You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem - Item

On success, this operation marks the purchase requisition item for deletion. Here, it marks item "20" of purchase requisition
"4000087493" for deletion.

 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12


PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(PurchaseRequis
"IsDeleted": "X"


status_code: 204 No Content

Delete a Purchase Requisition with Hierarchy List

You can soft delete, that is, set the IsDeleted ag to 'X' for existing functional items (materials and services) and item sets by
using the Update operation.

Deleting an Item Set

You can soft delete an item set by setting its IsDeleted ag. When you soft delete an item set, all its children are also soft-

Deleting a Functional Item

You can soft delete a functional item by setting its IsDeleted ag.

 Note
If the functional item is the only child of an item set, then the Delete operation returns an error. This is because an item set
must have at least one functional item in it.

Following are some of the sample delete scenarios for item hierarchy:

Delete an Item Set

Delete a Functional Item

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 270

Delete an Item Set

In this scenario, you wish to delete an item set in a purchase requistion. Here, we are deleting the item set Printer in the
purchase requisition 10006740.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem - Item

On success, the item set and all its children are soft deleted. That is, the IsDeleted ag is set to 'X'.


PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(PurchaseRequis
"IsDeleted": "X"


status_code: 204 No Content

On doing a read of the purchase requisition using the read request provided in Read a Hierarchy List, we can see that the
IsDeleted ag is set to 'X' for the item set 'Printer' and its child 'Cartridge'.

"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeade
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionHeaderType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Item set",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "30",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "05",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 271
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Eraser (Material)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "5.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "1010",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1645056000000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "24739",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "X",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "500.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1644821737493+0000)/",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 272
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1.2",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "2",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "30",
"AddressID": "24739",
"Plant": "1010",
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "DE",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "CET",
"FullName": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 273
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "DIETMAR-HOPP-ALLEE",
"CitySearch": "WALLDORF",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "05",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Pencil (Material)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "100",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "10.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "1010",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1645056000000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "24739",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 274
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": false,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "1",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "X",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "1000.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1644821737903+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "10",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "1.1",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "1",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"AddressID": "24739",
"Plant": "1010",
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "DE",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 275
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "CET",
"FullName": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "DIETMAR-HOPP-ALLEE",
"CitySearch": "WALLDORF",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "60",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "05",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Maintenance",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "50",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "100.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 276
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "1010",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1597276800000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "24739",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
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This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 277
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This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 278
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This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 279
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This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 280
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This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 281
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"to_PurchaseReqn": {
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"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 282
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
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"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "40",
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"Plant": "",
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"Building": "",
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"Country": "",
"Region": "",
"County": "",
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"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
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"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
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"CitySearch": "",
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"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 283
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "50",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "05",
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"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
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"SupplyingPlant": "",
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"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1645056000000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
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"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644796800000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "24739",
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"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
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"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
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"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
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"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
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"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
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"ServicePerformer": "",
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"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
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"Batch": "",
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"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "50000.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 284
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1644839103976+0000)/",
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"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
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"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "40",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "2.1",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "1",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "50",
"AddressID": "24739",
"Plant": "1010",
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "DE",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "CET",
"FullName": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 285
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "DIETMAR-HOPP-ALLEE",
"CitySearch": "WALLDORF",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []

Delete a Functional Item

In this scenario, you wish to delete a functional item in a purchase requistion. Here, we are deleting the item Maintenance in the
purchase requisition 10006740.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem - Item

On success, the functional item is soft deleted. That is, the IsDeleted ag is set to 'X'.


PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionItem(PurchaseRequis
"IsDeleted": "X"


status_code: 204 No Content

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 286
On doing a read of the purchase requisition using the read request provided in Read a Hierarchy List, we can see that the
IsDeleted ag is set to 'X' for the item 'Maintenance'.

"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequisitionHeade
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionHeaderType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Item set",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"to_PurchaseReqnItem": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
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"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Stationery Items (Item Set)",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "",
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"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": null,
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"CompanyCode": "",
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"OrderedQuantity": "0.000",
"DeliveryDate": null,
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644969600000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644969600000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
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This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 290
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This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 294
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"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "50000.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 297
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1645013282044+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "40",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "2.1",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "1",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "50",
"AddressID": "24739",
"Plant": "1010",
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "CET",
"FullName": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 298
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "1010 - Address Name 1",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "DIETMAR-HOPP-ALLEE",
"CitySearch": "WALLDORF",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequi
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurchaseRequ
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "60",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Maintenance",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "L002",
"PurchasingDocumentCategory": "B",
"RequestedQuantity": "50",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": "100.00",
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": "1",
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": "0",
"ReleaseCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate": "/Date(1644969600000)/",
"PurchasingOrganization": "1010",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "1010",
"CompanyCode": "1010",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": "0",
"DeliveryDate": "/Date(1597276800000)/",
"CreationDate": "/Date(1644969600000)/",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": "X",
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "CC0000000060",
"PurReqCreationDate": "/Date(1644969600000)/",
"DeliveryAddressID": "24739",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": "0",
"DelivDateCategory": "1",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 299
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"IsPurReqnBlocked": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductType": "2",
"PurchaseRequisitionStatus": "",
"ReleaseStrategy": "",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": "/Date(1597104000000)/",
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": "/Date(1597276800000)/",
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": "0",
"ItemNetAmount": "5000.00",
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"TaxCode": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"AddressID": "",
"LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1645013354372+0000)/",
"Reservation": "0",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"OverallLimitAmount": "0.00",
"PurContractForOverallLimit": "",
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemType": "",
"PurReqnTypeExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnProcessingType": "",
"PurReqnProcessingDateTime": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"IsOutline": false,
"PurchasingParentItem": "0",
"PurgConfigurableItemNumber": "3",
"PurgExternalSortNumber": "3",
"to_PurchaseReqn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_Purchase
"to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": {
"results": []
"to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAdd
"uri": "<host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/A_PurReqAd
"type": "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV.A_PurReqAddDeliveryType"
"PurchaseRequisition": "10006740",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "60",
"AddressID": "24739",
"Plant": "1010",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 300
"AddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "CET",
"FullName": "Plant 1010 - Address Name 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "BW",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "Plant",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "1010 - Address Name 1",
"Nation": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"StreetSearch": "DIETMAR-HOPP-ALLEE",
"CitySearch": "WALLDORF",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"Person": "",
"AddresseeFullName": ""
"to_PurchaseReqnItemText": {
"results": []

This operation performs a number of validation checks on the data in a purchase requisition.

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 301

Property Necessity Comment

PurchaseRequisition GET: Mandatory A string that uniquely identi es a request to

procure a material or service

This operation returns the response codes with corresponding error messages. On success, it returns the success response
code, indicating that the parameters in the purchase requisition are valid.

Property Necessity Comments

Type Optional Message type - information, warning, or error

ID Optional Message ID

Number Optional Message Number

Message Optional Message description

LogNumber Optional Application Log Number

LogMsgNo Optional Internal message serial number

MessageV1 Optional Message variable

MessageV2 Optional Message variable

MessageV3 Optional Message variable

MessageV4 Optional Message variable

Parameter Optional Parameter name

Row Optional Lines in parameter

Field Optional Field in parameter

System Optional Logical system from which message


 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12

Response Codes

Following are the response codes for batch and non-batch mode:

Response Codes

Operation Success/Failure Response Code Description

Non-Batch Success 200 The system displays a self-

explanatory detailed message.
Failure 400/500

Batch Not Applicable Not Applicable

Batch (Change Set Level) Not Applicable Not Applicable

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 302


GET <host>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV/Validate?PurchaseRequisition='4000070421'


status_code: 200 OK

The constraints are as listed below:

Operation Constraints

Validate Batch mode is not supported


External solutions integrated with SAP S/4HANA Cloud can invoke this operation on purchase requisition items, and enable
them for purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

External solutions can create purchase requisition items in SAP S/4HANA Cloud with external processing status as In Process
Externally, that is, the value of the eld ExternalApprovalStatus must be set to ʻP’. The solutions can then invoke the
operation EnableForPurchasing, on these purchase requisition items. The operation transitions the external processing
status of the purchase requisition items, and enables them for purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

 Note

This operation can only be applied on purchase requisition items that are created from external solutions integrated
with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, with external processing status as In Process Externally.

You cannot update or delete purchase requisition items in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, while their external
processing status is In Process Externally.

If header-level approval is con gured, you cannot add an item that is In Process Externally to a purchase requisition
that has all its items enabled for purchasing.

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

PurchaseRequisition POST: Mandatory A string that uniquely identi es a request to

procure a material or service
PATCH: Mandatory

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 303

Property Necessity Comment

PurchaseRequisitionItem POST: Mandatory A string that indicates the item within the
purchase requisition.

 Note
If you specify as ʻ00000’, then the action
is applied on all the items in the
purchase requisition. The status
transition happens only for items with
status In Process Externally. The status
of the other items remains unchanged.

This operation returns the response codes with corresponding error messages. On success, it returns the success response
code, indicating that the status of the purchase requisition has been changed to enable it for purchasing.

Property Necessity Comments

Type Optional Message type - information, warning, or error

ID Optional Message ID

Number Optional Message Number

Message Optional Message description

LogNumber Optional Application Log Number

LogMsgNo Optional Internal message serial number

MessageV1 Optional Message variable

MessageV2 Optional Message variable

MessageV3 Optional Message variable

MessageV4 Optional Message variable

Parameter Optional Parameter name

Row Optional Lines in parameter

Field Optional Field in parameter

System Optional Logical system from which message


 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12

Response Codes

Following are the response codes for batch and non-batch mode:

Response Codes

Operation Success/Failure Response Code Description

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 304

Operation Success/Failure Response Code Description

Non-Batch Success 200 The system displays a self-

explanatory detailed message.
Failure 400/500

Batch Not Applicable Not Applicable

Error Messages

Following are the messages displayed when there is an error:

Message Class and Message Number Description

MEREQ/ You can't perform this action as this PR status change is not
Message No. 002

MEREQ/ Item in PR does not exist

Message No. 003

MEREQ/ Can't add item that is In Process Externally to purchase requisition

Message No. 008




status_code: 400 Bad Request

"error": {
"code": "MEREQ/002",
"message": {
"lang": "en",
"value": "You can't perform this action as this PR status change is not allowed"
"innererror": {
"application": {
"component_id": "MM-PUR-REQ",
"service_namespace": "/SAP/",
"service_version": "0001"
"transactionid": "ADDAB28236D104B0E005D6D496EB6FB6",
"timestamp": "20190905053423.4926400",
"Error_Resolution": {
"SAP_Transaction": "For backend administrators: use ADT feed reader \"SAP Gateway E
"SAP_Note": "See SAP Note 1797736 for error analysis (
"errordetails": [
"code": "MEREQ/002",
"message": "You can't perform this action as this PR status change is not allow
"longtext_url": "/sap/opu/odata/iwbep/message_text;o=LOCAL/T100_longtexts(MSGID
"propertyref": "",
"severity": "error",
"transition": false,
"target": ""

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 305

The constraints are as listed below:

Operation Constraints

EnableForPurchasing Batch mode is not supported


External solutions integrated with SAP S/4HANA Cloud can invoke this operation on purchase requisition items, and discard
them from purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

External solutions can create purchase requisition items in SAP S/4HANA Cloud with external processing status as In Process
Externally, that is, the value of the eld ExternalApprovalStatus must be set to ʻP’. The solutions can then invoke the
operation DiscardFromPurchasing, on these purchase requisition items. The operation transitions the external processing
status of the purchase requisition items, and discards them from purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

 Note

This operation can only be applied on purchase requisition items that are created from external solutions integrated
with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, with external processing status as In Process Externally.

You cannot update or delete purchase requisition items in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, while their external
processing status is In Process Externally.

You can include the following properties in the URL of the request:

Property Necessity Comment

PurchaseRequisition POST: Mandatory A string that uniquely identi es a request to

procure a material or service
PATCH: Mandatory

PurchaseRequisitionItem POST: Mandatory A string that indicates the item within the
purchase requisition.

 Note
If you specify as ʻ00000’, then the action
is applied on all the items in the
purchase requisition. The status
transition happens only for items with
status In Process Externally. The status
of the other items remains unchanged.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 306

This operation returns the response codes with corresponding error messages. On success, it returns the success response
code, indicating that the status of the purchase requisition has been changed to discard it from purchasing.

Property Necessity Comments

Type Optional Message type - information, warning, or error

ID Optional Message ID

Number Optional Message Number

Message Optional Message description

LogNumber Optional Application Log Number

LogMsgNo Optional Internal message serial number

MessageV1 Optional Message variable

MessageV2 Optional Message variable

MessageV3 Optional Message variable

MessageV4 Optional Message variable

Parameter Optional Parameter name

Row Optional Lines in parameter

Field Optional Field in parameter

System Optional Logical system from which message


 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12

Response Codes

Following are the response codes for batch and non-batch mode:

Response Codes

Operation Success/Failure Response Code Description

Non-Batch Success 200 The system displays a self-

explanatory detailed message.
Failure 400/500

Batch Not Applicable Not Applicable

Error Messages

Following are the messages displayed when there is an error:

Message Class and Message Number Description

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 307

Message Class and Message Number Description

MEREQ/ You can't perform this action as this PR status change is not
Message No. 002

MEREQ/ Item in PR does not exist

Message No. 003





status_code: 200 OK

The constraints are as listed below:

Operation Constraints

DiscardFromPurchasing Batch mode is not supported

Purchase Requisition - OData V4

This service helps you to read, create, update, and delete purchase requisitions through this OData Version 4 service from a
source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud.


This service enables you to read, create, update, and delete purchase requisitions through this OData version 4 from a source
system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

This service is published on the SAP API Business Hub. For more information about APIs, see APIs on SAP API Business Hub.

This is an OData version 4 service. This version aims to improve processing time and resource consumption of clients and
servers and to re ect the complexity of the underlying business model. This includes a lightweight JSON format that reduces
the size of every response. Business data can be retrieved in the exact amount, at the right time, and in appropriate mode by
using new synchronization mechanisms. Calculations are made and data is aggregated by using the tiers best suited for this
task. Sophisticated metadata artifacts enable a true-to-life modeling of business models.

Technical Details
A service group contains services belonging to the same business object model and so it shares similar environment conditions.
This means the con guration and administration of a service group apply to all services in a service group, that is, routing,
authorization, and so on, so you only have to do them once.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 308
In the OData version 4 (V4) runtime implementation of the SAP Gateway Foundation, framework services originate from

Service Group (incl. Namespace if Repository ID Service Name (incl. Namespace if Version
Existent) Existent)


Service Structure
Service Header (optional)

The service header contains information about the service.


The entities contain the business data of the service.

Entity Description Necessity Link to Details

Purchase Requistion ( Header information for Mandatory Purchase Requisition

A_PurchaseRequisition_2 ) purchase requisition

Item ( Item information for purchase Mandatory Item

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem_2 requisition

Account Assignment ( Account assignment Mandatory Account Assignment

A_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt_2 ) information for purchase

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 309

Entity Description Necessity Link to Details

Delivery Address ( Delivery address information Mandatory Delivery Address

A_PurchaseReqnDelivAddress_2 for purchase requisition

Item Notes ( Item text information for Mandatory Item Notes

A_PurchaseReqnItemText_2 ) purchase requisition

Batch and Non-Batch Operations

Single mode is only supported for the following OData operations:

Single Request Operations


A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader_2 YES YES NO

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem_2 YES YES NO

A_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt_2 NO YES NO

A_PurchaseReqnDelivAddress_2 NO YES NO

A_PurchaseReqnItemText_2 YES YES YES

Batch mode is only supported for the following OData operations:

Batch Operations


A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader_2 YES YES NO

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem_2 YES YES NO

A_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt_2 YES YES NO

A_PurchaseReqnDelivAddress_2 NO YES NO

A_PurchaseReqnItemText_2 YES YES YES

Service Response
Response Codes for Batch and Non-Batch Operations

Response Codes

Operation Success/Failure Response Code Description

Batch Success 202 The system displays a self-

explanatory detailed message.
Failure 400/500

Batch (Change Set Level) Success 201/204

Failure 400

Non-Batch Success 201/204

Failure 400/500

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 310

Error Messages

Message Class and Message Number Description

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You cannot edit referenced text.

Message No. 098

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You cannot update the deleted purchase requisition items.

Message No.125

MM_PUR_REQN/ Purchase requisition &1 updated. Status changed to enable

Message No. 025

MM_PUR_REQN/ PR item &1 updated. Status changed to enable resubmission.

Message No. 026

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You can only update one purchase requisition per change set.

Message No. 033

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You can create items belonging to only one origin in one PR

Message No. 135

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You must use multiple changesets to create multiple PRs

Message No. 136

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You can combine operations pertaining to only one PR in one

Message No. 137

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ Please provide purchasing document type

Message No. 143

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ Please use same purchasing doc. type for header and items within
a PR
Message No. 145

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ Cannot assign info record or contract as SoS for enhanced limit
Message No. 156

MMPUR_REQ_COMMON/ You cannot create or add limit items in a central purchase

Message No. 157

MEPO/ Creating an enhanced limit item with a material is not allowed.

Message No. 169

MEPO/ The expected value exceeds the overall limit.

Message No. 892

MMPUR_SPROC/Message No. 16 Multiple account assignments are not allowed for enhanced limit

The constraints are as listed below:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 311

Operation Constraints

Create Only authorized roles can be used to create purchase requisition through an API call. The following
authorization objects for purchase requisitions are relevant:





Only GET, PATCH and POST are allowed with the OData call URL. You cannot use the methods,
DELETE, MERGE, and HEAD in OData call URL. Usage of any of these methods would result
in an error.

PATCH and POST methods are allowed with the batch call request. You cannot use the
methods DELETE, MERGE, HEAD in the change set of Batch Call request. Usage of any of
these methods would result in an error.

Multiple purchase requisitions can be updated using multiple change sets. You cannot update
more than one purchase requisition within one change set. ONLY ONE purchase requisition
can be updated in a single change set.

Only authorized roles can be used to update purchase requisition through an API call.


Additional Information
The link to the API on the SAP API Business Hub: Purchase Requisition .

 Note
For more details about Communication Management, see Communication Management.

Purchase Requisition
Technical name:A_PurchaseRequisitionHeader_2


Property Description Necessity

PurchaseRequisition A requisition to purchase the external POST: Optional

procurement of materials
PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchaseRequisitionType The type of purchase requisition POST: Optional

PATCH: Not Applicable

PurReqnDescription Description of the purchase requisition Optional


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 312

Property Description Necessity

SourceDetermination Automatic Source of Supply assignment POST: Optional

PATCH, GET: Not Applicable

 Note
The value of this parameter is not

PurReqnDoOnlyValidation A ag for simulation of purchase requisition Optional


If the ag is set to True, the purchase

requisition is validated but not created.

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:

Create a Purchase Requisition

Read a Purchase Requisition

Update a Purchase Requisition


Technical name:A_PurchaseRequisitionItem_2


Property Description Necessity

AccountAssignmentCategory Account assignment category Optional

BaseUnit Unit of Measure POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Not Applicable

BaseUnitISOCode ISO Code for Unit of Measure Mandatory

Batch A batch is a homogenous subset of a material that is Optional

managed separately from other subsets of the same

CompanyCode Company code Optional. The value passed is relevant only

for Central Procurement scenarios, and is
determined based on the plant. In all other
scenarios, this value is ignored.

ConsumptionPosting Consumption posting Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 313

Property Description Necessity

CreatedByUser User ID of creator Read Only

DelivDateCategory Category of delivery date Optional

DeliveryDate Delivery date Optional

ExpectedOverallLimitAmount Amount expected to be spent on the limit item Mandatory for Limit Items, that is for items
with PurchasingDocumentItemCategory = 'A'

ExternalApprovalStatus External Processing Status Optional

External solutions integrated with SAP S/4HANA

Cloud can create purchase requisition items in SAP
S/4HANA Cloud System with external processing
status as In Process Externally, that is, the value of
the eld ExternalApprovalStatus must be set to ʻP’.
The solutions can then invoke the operations
EnableForPurchasing and
DiscardFromPurchasing on these purchase
requisition items, and enable them for purchasing or
discard them from purchasing in SAP S/4HANA
Cloud System.

FixedSupplier Fixed supplier Optional

GoodsReceiptIsExpected Indicates that a goods receipt is allowed and Optional


GoodsReceiptsIsNonValuated Goods receipt non-valuated Optional

InvoiceIsExpected Invoice receipt indicator Optional

IsClosed Document is closed Optional

IsDeleted Indicates if the object is deleted Optional

PurReqnItemBlockingStatus Indicates if purchase requisition is blocked Optional

PurReqnItemBlockingReasonText Indicates the reason due to which the purchase Optional

requisition is blocked

ItemDeliveryAddressID Delivery address identi er Optional

ItemNetAmount Item net amount in transaction currency Read Only

Language Language Optional

LastChangeDateTime Time stamp for last changed Read Only

Material Material Optional

MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration Goods receipt processing duration in working days Optional

MaterialGroup Material group Optional

MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn Planned delivery time in days Optional

MaterialRevisionLevel Revision Level Optional

MinRemainingShelfLife Minimum remaining shelf life Optional

MRPController MRP controller or team of MRP controllers Optional

responsible for material

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 314

Property Description Necessity

MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution Distribution indicator for multiple account Optional

assignment. It can be one of the following:
Single Accounting - ""

Distribution on Quantity Basis - "1"

Distribution by Percentage - "2"

 Note
Based on the distribution indicator chosen, you
must pass appropriate values for the parameter
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrPercent" in

OrderedQuantity Ordered quantity Optional

 Note
You must always provide the <BaseUnit>
corresponding to the <OrderedQuantity> value, in
each and every operation.

OverallLimitAmount Maximum amount that can be spent on the limit Mandatory for Limit Items, that is for items
item. It is the upper limit that the expected value of with PurchasingDocumentItemCategory = 'A'
the limit item (ExpectedOverallLimitAmount) must
not exceed.

PerformancePeriodEndDate End date for period of performance Optional

PerformancePeriodStartDate Start date for period of performance Optional

Plant Plant POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Optional

ProcessingStatus Processing status Read Only

N - Not edited

B - PO created

A - RFQ created

K - Contract created

L - Scheduling agreement created

S - Service entry sheet created

F - External Contract Created

G - External RFQ Created

ProductTypeCode Identi es the product type group, which is used to Optional

differentiate between materials and lean services.

For example,

1 - Material

2 - Service

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 315

Property Description Necessity

PurchaseContract A legally binding purchase agreement that contains Optional

special conditions that are negotiated between a
buyer and a seller, covering goods to be supplied or
services to be performed.

PurchaseContractItem Purchase contract item Optional

PurchaseRequisition A requisition to purchase the external procurement of POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed Indicates that a purchase requisition is xed and Optional

therefore cannot be changed by material
requirements planning.

PurchaseRequisitionItem Item Number of purchase requisition POST: Optional

PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchaseRequisitionItemText Purchase requisition item text Optional

PurchaseRequisitionPrice Price in purchase requisition POST: Optional

 Note PATCH: Not Applicable

You must always provide the
<PurReqnItemCurrency> corresponding to the
<PurchaseRequisitionPrice> value, in each and
every operation.

PurchaseRequisitionType Purchase requisition type POST: Optional

PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchasingDocument Purchasing document number Optional

PurchasingDocumentItem Purchasing document item number Optional

PurchasingDocumentItemCategory Item category in purchasing document Optional

'0' - Standard Item

'A' - Limit Item

PurchasingDocumentSubtype Control indicator for purchasing document type Read Only

PurchasingGroup Purchasing group POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Optional

PurchasingInfoRecord Purchasing information record Optional

PurchasingOrganization Purchasing organization Optional

PurContractForOverallLimit Reference Contract for limit items of type Service Optional

PurReqCreationDate Purchase request or purchase requisition creation Read Only


PurReqnItemCurrency Purchase requisition item currency key Optional

PurReqnExternalReference External Document Optional

PurReqnItemExternalReference External Item Optional

PurReqnExternalSystemId External System ID Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 316

Property Description Necessity

PurReqnOrigin Creation indicator (Purchase Requisition/Schedule POST: Optional

PATCH: Not Applicable
Some of the possible values are:

'R' - Realtime (manual)

'S' - Self-Service Procurement

PurReqnPriceQuantity Price unit Optional

 Note
You must always provide the <BaseUnit>
corresponding to the <PurReqnPriceQuantity>
value, in each and every operation.

PurReqnReleaseStatus Purchase requisition release status Read Only

01 - Version in Process

02 - Active

03 - In Release

04 - For Overall Release

05 - Release Completed

08 - Release Refused

PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType Purchase requisition source of supply type Read Only

PurReqnSSPAuthor Author of requisition Optional

PurReqnSSPCatalog Purchase requisition SSPCatalog user ID Optional

PurReqnSSPCatalogItem Purchase requisition SSPCatalog item ID Optional

PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem Purchase requisition SSPCatalog item key Optional

PurReqnSSPRequestor Requestor of purchase requisition Optional

ReleaseIsNotCompleted Release not complete Optional

RequestedQuantity Requested quantity Optional

 Note
You must always provide the <BaseUnit>
corresponding to the <RequestedQuantity>
value, in each and every operation.

RequirementTracking Requirement tracking number Optional

RequisitionerName Name of requisitioner/requester Optional

Reservation Document number of the Reservation follow-on Read Only

document, if any, that is created for the purchase
requisition item.

ServicePerformer A person who carries out a service Optional

SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned Indicator if source of supply is assigned Read Only

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 317

Property Description Necessity

StorageLocation A location where stock of materials is stored within a Optional


Supplier Supplier Optional

SupplierMaterialNumber Supplier material number Optional

SupplyingPlant Supplying plant Optional

SSPReqrUserId Requestor of SSP purchase requisition Optional

SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber Business Partner Identi er for purchase requisition Optional

TaxCode Tax code Optional

ProcurementHubSourceSystem Hub source system in central procurement Optional

PurchaseOrderPriceType The price in the purchase order item is adopted from Optional
the purchase requisition item, based on this
parameter. The possible values are:

' ' - Do not adopt

'1' - As gross price

'2' - As net price

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:

Add an Item to a Purchase Requisition

Add a Limit Item to a Purchase Requisition

Read a Purchase Requisition Item

Update a Purchase Requisition Item

Delete a Purchase Requisition Item



Account Assignment
Technical name:A_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt_2


Property Description Necessity

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 318

Property Description Necessity

BaseUnit Unit of Measure Read Only

BaseUnitISOCode ISO Code for Unit of Measure Mandatory

BusinessArea Business area Optional

BusinessProcess Identi es a process in a company that uses Optional

resources and can involve the activities of
different departments

ChartOfAccounts Chart of Account Optional

CommitmentItem Commitment item Optional

ControllingArea Controlling area Optional

CostCenter Cost center Optional

CostCtrActivityType Cost center activity type Optional

CostObject Cost object Optional

CreationDate Date of creation Optional

EarmarkedFundsDocument Business transaction in funds management Optional

which claims already allocated budget for
expected revenues or expenditures

FixedAsset A unique ID for xed asset in asset Optional


FunctionalArea Functional area Optional

Fund Fund Optional

FundsCenter Structural grouping into departments, areas Optional

of responsibility, projects, and so on.

GLAccount Stores changes in values relating to assets, Optional

payables, stockholders, equity, revenues or
expenses of a company

GoodsRecipientName Person or company that receives goods Optional

GrantID Grant identi er Optional

IsDeleted Account assignment if it is marked for Optional


JointVentureRecoveryCode Joint venture recovery code Optional

MasterFixedAsset Main or master asset number Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 319

Property Description Necessity

MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrPercent Distribution percentage in case of multiple Optional

account assignment

 Note
The value that you provide for this
parameter must correspond to the value
of the parameter
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution" in

If "MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution"
in A_PurchaseRequisitionItem is
Single Accounting - "",
must be 0

If "MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution"
in A_PurchaseRequisitionItem is
Distribution on Quantity Basis - "1",
must be 0

If "MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution"
in A_PurchaseRequisitionItem is
Distribution by Percentage - "2",
pass the percentage split for the
accounting lines. For example,

Accounting line 1 - 60.5

Accounting line 2 - 39.5

NetworkActivity Network activity Optional

NetworkActivityInternalID Network activity identi er Optional

OrderID Order number Optional

OrderIntBillOfOperationsItem An identi er of an item of the internal bill of Optional

operations assigned to an order, for
example, a production order or a network.

OrderInternalID The internal identi er of an order. Optional

PartnerAccountNumber Partner account number Optional

Plant Plant Optional

Pro tCenter Pro t center Optional

ProjectNetwork Sequence of activities in a project or the Optional

sequence of a single activity within a

ProjectNetworkInternalID Routing identi er for operations in the order Optional

PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmtNumber Serial Number for Purchase Requisition PATCH: Not Applicable

Account Assignment Segment

PurchaseRequisition Purchase requisition PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchaseRequisitionItem Purchase requisition item PATCH: Not Applicable

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 320

Property Description Necessity

PurchaseRequisitionType Type of purchase requisition Optional

PurchasingGroup Purchasing group Optional

PurchasingOrganization Purchasing organization Optional

PurReqnItemCurrency Currency of purchase requisition item Mandatory

PurReqnNetAmount Net amount of purchase requisition Optional

Quantity Quantity Optional

 Note
You must always provide the
<BaseUnit> corresponding to the
<Quantity> value, in each and every

REInternalFinNumber Internal key for real estate object Optional

SalesOrder Sales order Optional

SalesOrderItem Sales order item Optional

SalesOrderScheduleLine Sales order schedule line number Optional

SettlementReferenceDate Reference date for settlement Optional

UnloadingPointName Name of a point at which a material is to be Optional


ValidityDate Validity date Optional

WBSElementExternalID Work breakdown structure element (WBS Optional


 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:

Add an Accounting Line to a PR Item

Add Accounting Lines - Single to Multiple Account Distribution

Delivery Address
Technical name:A_PurchaseReqnDelivAddress_2


Property Description Necessity

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 321

Property Description Necessity

AdditionalStreetPre xName Additional address eld which is printed Optional

above the street line

AdditionalStreetSuffixName Additional address eld which is printed Optional

under the street line

AddressID Address identi er PATCH: Not Applicable

AddressTimeZone Time zone of the address Optional

PurchasingDeliveryAddressType Delivery address type Read Only

Some of the possible values are:

'L' - Storage Location

'P' - Plant

'U' - User Entry

 Note
Following address types are NOT

'R' - Reference

'C' - Customer

'S' - Supplier

Building Building name Optional

BusinessPartnerName1 Name1 for a business partner of category Optional


BusinessPartnerName2 Name2 for a business partner of category Optional


BusinessPartnerName3 Name3 for a business partner of category Optional


BusinessPartnerName4 Name4 for a business partner of category Optional


CareOfName Care of name Optional

CityCode City code Optional

CityName City name Optional

CompanyPostalCode Company postal code (for large customers) Optional

CorrespondenceLanguage Language for transaction or correspondence Optional

Country Country key Optional

County County code Optional

DeliveryServiceNumber Delivery service identi er. Optional

The type of delivery service is de ned by

eld DeliveryServiceTypeCode

DeliveryServiceTypeCode Code number for the service delivery type Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 322

Property Description Necessity

District District Optional

Floor Floor number Optional

FormOfAddress Title Optional

FullName Full name Read Only

HomeCityName City of residence which is different from the Optional

postal city

HouseNumber House number Optional

HouseNumberSupplementText House number supplement Optional

ItemDeliveryAddressID Number of delivery address Read Only

ManualDeliveryAddressID Manual address number in purchasing PATCH: Not Applicable

document item

Plant Plant PATCH: Not Applicable

POBox PO box Optional

POBoxDeviatingCityName PO box city Optional

POBoxDeviatingCountry Different PO box country Optional

POBoxDeviatingRegion Different PO box region Optional

POBoxIsWithoutNumber Flag: PO box without number Optional

POBoxLobbyName Name of the lobby PO box Optional

POBoxPostalCode PO box postal code Optional

PostalCode Postal code Optional

PrfrdCommMediumType Preferred communication method Optional

PurchaseRequisition A requisition to purchasing for the external PATCH: Not Applicable

procurement of planned materials

PurchaseRequisitionItem Item number of purchase requisition PATCH: Not Applicable

Region Region Optional

RoomNumber Room or apartment number Optional

SearchTerm1 Search Term1 Optional

StreetName Street and house number Optional

StreetPre xName Additional address eld which is printed Optional

above the Street line

StreetSuffixName Street name Optional

TaxJurisdiction Tax jurisdiction Optional

TransportZone Transportation zone to or from which goods Optional

are delivered

 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 323
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:

Read Delivery Address

Update Delivery Address

Item Notes
Technical name:A_PurchaseReqnItemText_2


Property Description Necessity

TextObjectKey Object key for the text POST: Optional

For example, PATCH: Not Applicable


in which,

4000065732 is the PR Number

00010 is the Item Number

TextObjectType Document text ID POST: Mandatory

For example, PATCH: Not Applicable

B01- Item Text

B02 - Item Note

B03 - Delivery Text

B04 - Material PO Text

FixedIndicator Fixed Indicator can be one of the following: Read Only

Space – Text is automatically adopted to the

target object

N – Text is referenced to the target object but

cannot be adopted

* - Text is referenced to the target object and

can be adopted

Language Language POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Not Applicable

PlainLongText A long text that includes additional information Optional

about items in the purchase requisition

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 324

Property Description Necessity

PurchaseRequisition A purchase requisition number POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Not Applicable

PurchaseRequisitionItem Purchase requisition item number POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Not Applicable

TextObjectCategory Text object type which is EBAN POST: Mandatory

PATCH: Not Applicable

 Note
To display more information about the properties on the SAP API Business Hub, choose Schema View.

Supported Operations
The following operations are supported:

Create an Item Note

Read Item Notes

Update Item Notes

Delete an Item Note

Operations for Purchase Requisition

Purchase requisition offers the following operations:

The Purchase Requisition API offers these operations:

Operation HTTP- Sample URL


Create a purchase requisition POST POST <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequis

Create a Purchase Requisition

Read a purchase requisition GET GET <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisit

Read a Purchase Requisition $expand=_PurchaseRequisitionItem($expand=_PurchaseReqnItemText,_PurchaseReqnAcctAss

Update a purchase requisition PATCH PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequi

Update a Purchase Requisition

Delete a purchase requisition PATCH PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequi

Delete a Purchase Requisition

Validate purchase requisition GET POST <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequis


Enable a purchase requisition POST POST

for purchasing <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 325

Operation HTTP- Sample URL


Discard a purchase requisition POST POST

from purchasing <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0

Change Sets
When you combine operations in batch mode, please consider the following:

Within a changeset, you can combine operations pertaining to only one purchase requisition.

You can create only one purchase requisition within a changeset. Use multiple changesets to create multiple purchase

You can update only one purchase requisition within a changeset. Use multiple changesets to update multiple purchase

The API uses entity tags (ETags) for optimistic concurrency control. That is, if a client requests a modi cation of a resource on
the back-end server, the ETags of the resource on the client server and on the back-end server are compared to determine
whether any changes were made to the resource on the back-end server. For this API, the If-Match header must be set for all
change operations.

Create a Purchase Requisition

Add an Item to a Purchase Requisition

Add a Limit Item to a Purchase Requisition

Create an Item Note

Add an Accounting Line to a PR Item

Add Accounting Lines - Single to Multiple Account Distribution

Create a Purchase Requisition

In this scenario, you wish to create a purchase requisition of document type "NB", for a free text item.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisition_2 - Purchase Requisition

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 326
On success, a purchase requisition is created. In the example below, purchase requisition "10783070" is created.


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purc
Content-Type: application/json
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Example PR",
"_PurchaseRequisitionItem": [
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Test PR",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"RequestedQuantity": 100,
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": 1.00,
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001"


status_code: 201 Created

"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqn(_PurchaseRequisitionItem())/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201013095656\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Example PR",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"SAP__Messages": [],
"_PurchaseRequisitionItem": [
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Test PR",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"RequestedQuantity": 100,
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": 1.00,
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": 1,
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": 0,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": 0,
"DeliveryDate": "2020-10-14",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 327
"IsDeleted": false,
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "JOHN",
"PurReqCreationDate": "2020-10-13",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": 0,
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"PurReqnItemBlockingStatus": "",
"PurReqnItemBlockingReasonText": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductTypeCode": "1",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": 0,
"ItemNetAmount": 100.00,
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"LastChangeDateTime": "2020-10-13T11:06:45.35354Z",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": 0.00,
"OverallLimitAmount": 0.00,
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"SAP__Messages": []

Add an Item to a Purchase Requisition

In this scenario, you wish to add an item to an existing purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are adding an item "cable"
of quantity "100" to the purchase requisition "10783070".

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem_2 - Item

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 328

On success, the operation creates an item with the details provided in the request. If there are any errors, the appropriate error
messages are returned.


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purc
Content-Type: application/json
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Cable",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"RequestedQuantity": 100,
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": 1.00,
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001"


status_code: 201 Created

"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnItem/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201013095656\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Cable",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"RequestedQuantity": 100,
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": 1.00,
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": 1,
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": 0,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": 0,
"DeliveryDate": "2020-10-14",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": false,
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "JOHN",
"PurReqCreationDate": "2020-10-13",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": 0,
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 329
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"PurReqnItemBlockingStatus": "",
"PurReqnItemBlockingReasonText": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductTypeCode": "1",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": 0,
"ItemNetAmount": 100.00,
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"LastChangeDateTime": "2020-10-13T13:19:53.978926Z",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": 0.00,
"OverallLimitAmount": 0.00,
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"SAP__Messages": []

Add a Limit Item to a Purchase Requisition

In this scenario, you wish to add a limit item to an existing purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are adding a limit item
to the purchase requisition "10783070", in order to procure minor office supplies for the period 20 August 2020 to 3 September
2020. As the exact details such as price and quantity are not known at the time of ordering, we create a limit item, that is item
with PurchasingDocumentItemCategory 'A'. We can provide the amount we expect to spend on this item using the eld,
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount", which is 100 EUR in this case. The overall limit or upper limit of the amount that can be spent on
this item is provided using the eld "OverallLimitAmount", which is also 100 EUR in this case. The expected amount must not
exceed the overall limit amount.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem_2 - Item


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 330
On success, the operation creates a limit item with the details provided in the request. If there are any errors, the appropriate
error messages are returned.


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purc
Content-Type: application/json
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Minor Office Supplies",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "A",
"ProductTypeCode": "1",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"PurchasingOrganization": "0001",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": 100,
"OverallLimitAmount": 100,
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": "2020-08-20",
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": "2020-09-03"


status_code: 201 Created

"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnItem/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201013170647\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "30",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "A",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Minor Office Supplies",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "",
"RequestedQuantity": 0.000,
"BaseUnit": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": 100.00,
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": 0,
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": 0,
"PurchasingOrganization": "0001",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": 0.000,
"DeliveryDate": "2020-09-03",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": false,
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "JOHN",
"PurReqCreationDate": "2020-10-13",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": 0,
"DelivDateCategory": "",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 331
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"PurReqnItemBlockingStatus": "",
"PurReqnItemBlockingReasonText": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductTypeCode": "1",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": "2020-08-20",
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": "2020-09-03",
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": 0,
"ItemNetAmount": 100.00,
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"LastChangeDateTime": "2020-10-13T17:28:41.555311Z",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": 100.00,
"OverallLimitAmount": 100.00,
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"SAP__Messages": []

Create an Item Note

In this scenario, you wish to add an item note to an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are adding the item
note "Coaxial Cable" to item "10" of purchase requisition "10783070".

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseReqnItemText_2 - Item Notes

On success, the item note is added to the purchase requisition item. The item note "Coaxial Cable" is added to item "10" of
purchase requisition "10783070".


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 332


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purc
Content-Type: application/json
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"TextObjectCategory": "EBAN",
"TextObjectType": "B01",
"Language": "EN",
"PlainLongText": "Coaxial Cable"


status_code: 201 Created

"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnItemText/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201013170647\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"TextObjectCategory": "EBAN",
"TextObjectKey": "001078307000010",
"TextObjectType": "B01",
"Language": "EN",
"PlainLongText": "Coaxial Cable",
"FixedIndicator": "",
"SAP__Messages": []

Add an Accounting Line to a PR Item

In this scenario, you wish to add an accounting line to an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are adding an
accounting line to item "10" of purchase requisition "10783070". Please note that while you add a new accounting line to an
item, you must also correspondingly update the accounting details in the purchase requisition item, hence this operation is only
supported as a batch request.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt_2 - Account Assignment

On success, the accounting line is added to item "10" of purchase requisition "10783070".



POST <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/$bat
content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 333
content-type: application/http
content-transfer-encoding: binary
Content-ID: 1

PATCH PurchaseReqnItem(PurchaseRequisition='10783070',PurchaseRequisitionItem='10') HTTP/1.1

accept: application/json
content-type: application/json

"AccountAssignmentCategory": "K"

content-type: application/http
content-transfer-encoding: binary
Content-ID: 2

POST PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt HTTP/1.1

content-type: application/json
accept: application/json

"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"CostCenter": "JMW-COST",
"GLAccount": "46000"




status_code: 200 OK
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=EE71428608BB8AAEA0983B819C3CFAF61
Content-Length: 4319

Content-Type: application/http
Content-Length: 2508
content-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id: 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 2207
odata-version: 4.0
cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
sap-messages: [{"code":"06/403","message":"Purchase requisition 10783070 changed","numericSeverity"

"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnItem/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201014104118\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "ItemTextUpdated",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "K",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"RequestedQuantity": 100,
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": 1,
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": 1,
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": 0,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 334
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": 0,
"DeliveryDate": "2020-10-14",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": false,
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "JOHN",
"PurReqCreationDate": "2020-10-13",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": 0,
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "V",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"PurReqnItemBlockingStatus": "",
"PurReqnItemBlockingReasonText": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductTypeCode": "1",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": 0,
"ItemNetAmount": 100,
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": true,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"LastChangeDateTime": "2020-10-14T12:34:59.112271Z",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": 0,
"OverallLimitAmount": 0,
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"ProcurementHubSourceSystem": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"SAP__Messages": []
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Length: 1482
content-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id: 2

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1167
location: PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt(PurchaseRequisition='10783070',PurchaseRequisitionItem='10',Purcha
odata-version: 4.0

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 335
cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate

"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201014104118\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmtNumber": "1",
"CostCenter": "JMW-COST",
"MasterFixedAsset": "",
"ProjectNetwork": "",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"Quantity": 100,
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrPercent": 0,
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"PurReqnNetAmount": 0,
"IsDeleted": false,
"GLAccount": "46000",
"BusinessArea": "0001",
"SalesOrder": "",
"SalesOrderItem": "0",
"SalesOrderScheduleLine": "0",
"FixedAsset": "",
"OrderID": "",
"UnloadingPointName": "",
"ControllingArea": "0001",
"CostObject": "",
"ProfitabilitySegment": "0",
"ProfitCenter": "SAP-DUMMY",
"ProjectNetworkInternalID": "0",
"CommitmentItem": "",
"FundsCenter": "",
"Fund": "",
"FunctionalArea": "",
"CreationDate": null,
"GoodsRecipientName": "",
"NetworkActivityInternalID": "0",
"PartnerAccountNumber": "",
"JointVentureRecoveryCode": "",
"SettlementReferenceDate": null,
"OrderInternalID": "0",
"OrderIntBillOfOperationsItem": "0",
"EarmarkedFundsDocument": "",
"CostCtrActivityType": "",
"BusinessProcess": "",
"GrantID": "",
"ValidityDate": "2020-10-14",
"ChartOfAccounts": "INT",
"WBSElementExternalID": "",
"SAP__Messages": []


Add Accounting Lines - Single to Multiple Account Distribution

In this scenario, you wish to add another accounting line to an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are adding
another accounting line to item "10" of purchase requisition "10783070". Please note that while you add a new accounting line
to an item, you must also correspondingly update the accounting details in the purchase requisition item, hence this operation
is only supported as a batch request.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 336

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt_2 - Add Accounting Lines - Single to Multiple

Account Distribution

On success, the accounting line is added to item "10" of purchase requisition "10783070".



content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset

content-type: application/http
content-transfer-encoding: binary
Content-ID: 1

PATCH PurchaseReqnItem(PurchaseRequisition='10783070',PurchaseRequisitionItem='10') HTTP/1.1

accept: application/json
content-type: application/json

"AccountAssignmentCategory": "K",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "1"

content-type: application/http
content-transfer-encoding: binary
Content-ID: 2

PATCH PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt(PurchaseRequisition='10783070',PurchaseRequisitionItem='10',PurchaseRe
content-type: application/json
accept: application/json

"Quantity": 70,
"BaseUnit": "EA"

content-type: application/http
content-transfer-encoding: binary
Content-ID: 3

POST PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt HTTP/1.1

content-type: application/json
accept: application/json

"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"CostCenter": "JMW-COST",
"GLAccount": "46000",
"Quantity": 30,
"BaseUnit": "EA"



This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 337


status_code: 200 OK
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=5F3EC26D4515625E64D2416C87C82F281
Content-Length: 5814

Content-Type: application/http
Content-Length: 2509
content-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id: 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 2208
odata-version: 4.0
cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
sap-messages: [{"code":"06/403","message":"Purchase requisition 10783070 changed","numericSeverity"

"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnItem/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201014104118\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "ItemTextUpdated",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "K",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"RequestedQuantity": 100,
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": 1,
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": 1,
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": 0,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": 0,
"DeliveryDate": "2020-10-14",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": false,
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "JOHN",
"PurReqCreationDate": "2020-10-13",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": 0,
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "1",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "V",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"PurReqnItemBlockingStatus": "",
"PurReqnItemBlockingReasonText": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 338
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductTypeCode": "1",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": 0,
"ItemNetAmount": 100,
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": true,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"LastChangeDateTime": "2020-10-14T13:27:04.685152Z",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": 0,
"OverallLimitAmount": 0,
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"ProcurementHubSourceSystem": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"SAP__Messages": []
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Length: 1349
content-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id: 2

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1167
odata-version: 4.0
cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate

"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201014104118\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmtNumber": "1",
"CostCenter": "JMW-COST",
"MasterFixedAsset": "",
"ProjectNetwork": "",
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"Quantity": 70,
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrPercent": 70,
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"PurReqnNetAmount": 0,
"IsDeleted": false,
"GLAccount": "46000",
"BusinessArea": "0001",
"SalesOrder": "",
"SalesOrderItem": "0",
"SalesOrderScheduleLine": "0",
"FixedAsset": "",
"OrderID": "",
"UnloadingPointName": "",
"ControllingArea": "0001",
"CostObject": "",
"ProfitabilitySegment": "0",
"ProfitCenter": "SAP-DUMMY",
"ProjectNetworkInternalID": "0",
"CommitmentItem": "",
"FundsCenter": "",
"Fund": "",
"FunctionalArea": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 339
"CreationDate": null,
"GoodsRecipientName": "",
"NetworkActivityInternalID": "0",
"PartnerAccountNumber": "",
"JointVentureRecoveryCode": "",
"SettlementReferenceDate": null,
"OrderInternalID": "0",
"OrderIntBillOfOperationsItem": "0",
"EarmarkedFundsDocument": "",
"CostCtrActivityType": "",
"BusinessProcess": "",
"GrantID": "",
"ValidityDate": "2020-10-14",
"ChartOfAccounts": "INT",
"WBSElementExternalID": "",
"SAP__Messages": []
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Length: 1482
content-transfer-encoding: binary
content-id: 3

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1167
location: PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt(PurchaseRequisition='10783070',PurchaseRequisitionItem='10',Purcha
odata-version: 4.0
cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate



Read a Purchase Requisition

Read a Purchase Requisition Item

Read Delivery Address

Read Item Notes

Read a Purchase Requisition

In this scenario, you wish to read a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are reading the purchase requisition
"10783070", along with its items and associated entities.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisition_2 - Purchase Requisition


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 340
On Success, this operation returns the purchase requisition along with its associated entities. In the sample below, the purchase
requistion "10783070" is returned, along with its header and item level details.



GET <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purch


"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqn(_PurchaseRequisitionItem(_PurchaseReqnItemText(),_Pur
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201014043838\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Test Patch Update",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"SAP__Messages": [],
"_PurchaseRequisitionItem": [
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Cable",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"RequestedQuantity": 100,
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": 1.00,
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": 1,
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": 0,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": 0,
"DeliveryDate": "2020-10-14",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": false,
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "JOHN",
"PurReqCreationDate": "2020-10-13",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": 0,
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 341
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"PurReqnItemBlockingStatus": "",
"PurReqnItemBlockingReasonText": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductTypeCode": "1",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": 0,
"ItemNetAmount": 100.00,
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"LastChangeDateTime": "2020-10-13T13:19:53.978926Z",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": 0.00,
"OverallLimitAmount": 0.00,
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"ProcurementHubSourceSystem": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"SAP__Messages": [],
"_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": [],
"_PurchaseReqnDelivAddress": {
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "20",
"AddressID": "655846",
"Plant": "0001",
"PurchasingDeliveryAddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "SAP Labs 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Hasso-Plattner-Ring",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "7",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "08",
"County": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 342
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "SAP Labs 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"PhoneNumber": "333",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"SAP__Messages": []
"_PurchaseReqnItemText": []
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "30",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "A",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "Minor Office Supplies",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "",
"RequestedQuantity": 0.000,
"BaseUnit": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": 100.00,
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": 0,
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": 0,
"PurchasingOrganization": "0001",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": 0.000,
"DeliveryDate": "2020-09-03",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": false,
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "JOHN",
"PurReqCreationDate": "2020-10-13",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": 0,
"DelivDateCategory": "",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"PurReqnItemBlockingStatus": "",
"PurReqnItemBlockingReasonText": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductTypeCode": "1",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": "2020-08-20",
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": "2020-09-03",
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 343
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": 0,
"ItemNetAmount": 100.00,
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"LastChangeDateTime": "2020-10-13T17:28:41.555311Z",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": 100.00,
"OverallLimitAmount": 100.00,
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"ProcurementHubSourceSystem": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"SAP__Messages": [],
"_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": [],
"_PurchaseReqnDelivAddress": {
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "30",
"AddressID": "655846",
"Plant": "0001",
"PurchasingDeliveryAddressType": "P",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "SAP Labs 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Hasso-Plattner-Ring",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "7",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "08",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "SAP Labs 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"PhoneNumber": "333",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"SAP__Messages": []

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 344
"_PurchaseReqnItemText": []
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "ItemTextUpdated",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"RequestedQuantity": 100,
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": 1.00,
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": 1,
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": 0,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": 0,
"DeliveryDate": "2020-10-14",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": false,
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "JOHN",
"PurReqCreationDate": "2020-10-13",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": 0,
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"PurReqnItemBlockingStatus": "",
"PurReqnItemBlockingReasonText": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductTypeCode": "1",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": 0,
"ItemNetAmount": 100.00,
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"LastChangeDateTime": "2020-10-13T18:28:40.998227Z",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": 0.00,

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 345
"OverallLimitAmount": 0.00,
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"ProcurementHubSourceSystem": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"SAP__Messages": [],
"_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": [],
"_PurchaseReqnDelivAddress": {
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "984428",
"Plant": "0001",
"PurchasingDeliveryAddressType": "U",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "984428",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "CareOfNameUpdated",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "SAP Labs 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Hasso-Plattner-Ring",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "7",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "08",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "SAP Labs 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"SAP__Messages": []
"_PurchaseReqnItemText": [
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"TextObjectCategory": "EBAN",
"TextObjectKey": "001078307000010",
"TextObjectType": "B01",
"Language": "EN",
"PlainLongText": "Twisted Cables",
"FixedIndicator": "",
"SAP__Messages": []

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 346

Read a Purchase Requisition Item

In this scenario, you wish to read an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are reading item "10" of purchase
requisition "10783070".

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem_2 - Item

On success, this operation returns the item in the purchase requisition. Here, it returns item "10" of purchase requisition
"10783070", along with its associated entities.


GET <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purch


status_code: 200 OK
"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnItem(_PurchaseReqnItemText(),_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt()
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201014043838\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "ItemTextUpdated",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"RequestedQuantity": 100,
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": 1.00,
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": 1,
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": 0,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": 0,
"DeliveryDate": "2020-10-14",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 347
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": false,
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "JOHN",
"PurReqCreationDate": "2020-10-13",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": 0,
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"PurReqnItemBlockingStatus": "",
"PurReqnItemBlockingReasonText": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductTypeCode": "1",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": 0,
"ItemNetAmount": 100.00,
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"LastChangeDateTime": "2020-10-13T18:28:40.998227Z",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": 0.00,
"OverallLimitAmount": 0.00,
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"ProcurementHubSourceSystem": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"SAP__Messages": [],
"_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt": [],
"_PurchaseReqnDelivAddress": {
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "984428",
"Plant": "0001",
"PurchasingDeliveryAddressType": "U",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "984428",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "CareOfNameUpdated",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 348
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "SAP Labs 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Hasso-Plattner-Ring",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "7",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "08",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "SAP Labs 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"SAP__Messages": []
"_PurchaseReqnItemText": [
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"TextObjectCategory": "EBAN",
"TextObjectKey": "001078307000010",
"TextObjectType": "B01",
"Language": "EN",
"PlainLongText": "Coax Cables",
"FixedIndicator": "",
"SAP__Messages": []

Read Delivery Address

In this scenario, you wish to read the delivery address of an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are reading
the delivery address of item "10" of purchase requisition "10783070".

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseReqnDelivAddress_2 - Delivery Address


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 349
On success, this operation returns the delivery address of the purchase requisition item. Here, it returns the delivery address
maintained in item "10" of purchase requisition "10783070".


GET <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purch


status_code: 200 OK
"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnDelivAddress/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201014043838\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "984428",
"Plant": "0001",
"PurchasingDeliveryAddressType": "U",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "984428",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "CareOfNameUpdated",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "SAP Labs 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Hasso-Plattner-Ring",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "7",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "08",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "SAP Labs 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"SAP__Messages": []

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 350

Read Item Notes

In this scenario, you wish to read the item note of all items in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are reading the
item note of all items in purchase requisition "10783070"

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseReqnItemText_2 - Item Notes

On success, this operation returns the item note of all items in a purchase requisition. Here, it returns the item note of all the
items in the purchase requisition "10783070".



GET <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purch


status_code: 200 OK
"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnItemText",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201014043838\"",
"value": [
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"TextObjectCategory": "EBAN",
"TextObjectKey": "001078307000010",
"TextObjectType": "B01",
"Language": "EN",
"PlainLongText": "Twisted Cables",
"FixedIndicator": "",
"SAP__Messages": []

Update a Purchase Requisition

Update a Purchase Requisition Item

Update Delivery Address

Update Item Notes

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 351

Update a Purchase Requisition

In this scenario, you wish to update a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are updating the description of purchase
requisition "10783070".

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisition_2 - Purchase Requisition

On success, the description of purchase requisition is updated. Here,description of purchase requisition "10783070" is updated.



PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Pur
Content-Type: application/json
"PurReqnDescription": "Test Patch Update"


status_code: 200 OK
"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqn/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201013170647\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionType": "NB",
"PurReqnDescription": "Test Patch Update",
"SourceDetermination": false,
"PurReqnDoOnlyValidation": false,
"SAP__Messages": []

Update a Purchase Requisition Item

In this scenario, you wish to update an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are updating the purchase
requisition item text of item "10" of purchase requisition "10783070". If the elds that have been updated retrigger the
work ow based on the work ow con guration, the item status gets changed to In Release and the item is then resubmitted for
further processing.

Rejected items and items that have follow-on documents can also be updated using this operation. The status gets changed to
In Release and is resubmitted for further processing.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 352

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem_2 - Item

On success, the purchase requisition item details are updated. Here, the purchase requisition item text of item "10" of purchase
requisition "10783070" is updated.



PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Pur
Content-Type: application/json
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "ItemTextUpdated"


status_code: 200 OK
"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnItem/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201013170647\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"PurchasingDocument": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItem": "0",
"PurReqnReleaseStatus": "03",
"PurchasingDocumentSubtype": "",
"PurchasingDocumentItemCategory": "0",
"PurchaseRequisitionItemText": "ItemTextUpdated",
"AccountAssignmentCategory": "U",
"Material": "",
"MaterialGroup": "A001",
"RequestedQuantity": 100,
"BaseUnit": "EA",
"PurchaseRequisitionPrice": 1.00,
"PurReqnPriceQuantity": 1,
"MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration": 0,
"PurchasingOrganization": "",
"PurchasingGroup": "001",
"Plant": "0001",
"CompanyCode": "0001",
"SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned": false,
"SupplyingPlant": "",
"OrderedQuantity": 0,
"DeliveryDate": "2020-10-14",
"ProcessingStatus": "N",
"ExternalApprovalStatus": "",
"PurchasingInfoRecord": "",
"Supplier": "",
"IsDeleted": false,
"FixedSupplier": "",
"RequisitionerName": "",
"CreatedByUser": "JOHN",
"PurReqCreationDate": "2020-10-13",
"PurReqnItemCurrency": "EUR",
"MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn": 0,
"DelivDateCategory": "1",
"MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution": "",
"StorageLocation": "",
"PurReqnSSPRequestor": "",
"PurReqnSSPAuthor": "",
"PurchaseContract": "",

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 353
"PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType": "",
"PurchaseContractItem": "0",
"ConsumptionPosting": "U",
"PurReqnOrigin": "R",
"PurReqnSSPCatalog": "",
"PurReqnSSPCatalogItem": "",
"PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem": 0,
"PurReqnItemBlockingStatus": "",
"PurReqnItemBlockingReasonText": "",
"Language": "EN",
"IsClosed": false,
"ReleaseIsNotCompleted": true,
"ServicePerformer": "",
"ProductTypeCode": "1",
"PerformancePeriodStartDate": null,
"PerformancePeriodEndDate": null,
"PurchaseOrderPriceType": "",
"SupplierMaterialNumber": "",
"Batch": "",
"MaterialRevisionLevel": "",
"MinRemainingShelfLife": 0,
"ItemNetAmount": 100.00,
"GoodsReceiptIsExpected": true,
"InvoiceIsExpected": true,
"GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated": false,
"RequirementTracking": "",
"MRPController": "",
"PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed": false,
"LastChangeDateTime": "2020-10-13T18:16:03.440976Z",
"ExpectedOverallLimitAmount": 0.00,
"OverallLimitAmount": 0.00,
"PurReqnExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnItemExternalReference": "",
"PurReqnExternalSystemId": "",
"ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst": "",
"SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber": "",
"SSPReqrUserId": "",
"SAP__Messages": []

Update Delivery Address

this scenario, you wish to update the delivery address details of an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are
updating the delivery address details of item "10" of purchase requisition "10783070".

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseReqnDelivAddress_2 - Delivery Address

On success, the delivery address details of the purchase requisition item are updated. Here, the delivery address details of item
"10" of purchase requisition "10783070" are updated.



This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 354

PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Pur
"CareOfName": "CareOfNameUpdated"


status_code: 200 OK
"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnDelivAddress/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201013170647\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"AddressID": "984428",
"Plant": "0001",
"PurchasingDeliveryAddressType": "U",
"ManualDeliveryAddressID": "984428",
"ItemDeliveryAddressID": "",
"CareOfName": "CareOfNameUpdated",
"AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
"PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
"POBox": "",
"POBoxIsWithoutNumber": false,
"POBoxPostalCode": "",
"POBoxLobbyName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
"POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
"POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
"DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
"DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
"AddressTimeZone": "",
"FullName": "SAP Labs 1",
"CityName": "Walldorf",
"District": "",
"CityCode": "",
"HomeCityName": "",
"PostalCode": "69190",
"CompanyPostalCode": "",
"StreetName": "Hasso-Plattner-Ring",
"StreetPrefixName": "",
"AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
"StreetSuffixName": "",
"HouseNumber": "7",
"HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
"Building": "",
"Floor": "",
"RoomNumber": "",
"Country": "DE",
"Region": "08",
"County": "",
"FormOfAddress": "",
"BusinessPartnerName1": "SAP Labs 1",
"BusinessPartnerName2": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"FaxNumber": "",
"SearchTerm1": "",
"BusinessPartnerName3": "",
"BusinessPartnerName4": "",
"TaxJurisdiction": "",
"TransportZone": "",
"SAP__Messages": []

Update Item Notes

In this scenario, you wish to update the item note of an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are updating the
item note of item "10" of purchase requistion "10783070".

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 355

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseReqnItemText_2 - Item Notes

On success, the item note of the purchase requisition item is updated. Here, the item note of item "10" of purchase requisition
"10783070" is updated.



PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Pur
"PlainLongText": "Twisted Cables"


status_code: 200 OK
"@odata.context": "$metadata#PurchaseReqnItemText/$entity",
"@odata.metadataEtag": "W/\"20201013170647\"",
"PurchaseRequisition": "10783070",
"PurchaseRequisitionItem": "10",
"TextObjectCategory": "EBAN",
"TextObjectKey": "001075287500010",
"TextObjectType": "B01",
"Language": "EN",
"PlainLongText": "Twisted Cables",
"FixedIndicator": "",
"SAP__Messages": []

Delete a Purchase Requisition Item

Delete an Item Note

Delete a Purchase Requisition Item

In this scenario, you wish to delete an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are deleting item "20" of purchase
requisition "10783070".

 Note
DELETE operation is not supported. The purchase requisition item is marked for deletion.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 356

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseRequisitionItem_2 - Item

On success, this operation marks the purchase requisition item for deletion. Here, it marks item "20" of purchase requisition
"10783070" for deletion.


PATCH <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Pur
"IsDeleted": true


status_code: 204 No Content

Delete an Item Note

In this scenario, you wish to delete an item note in an item in a purchase requisition. In the sample below, we are deleting the
item note in item "10" of purchase requisition "10783070".

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

A_PurchaseReqnItemText_2 - Item Notes

On success, the item note in item "10" of purchase requisition "10783070" is deleted.



DELETE <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Pu


status_code: 204 No Content

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 357

This operation performs a number of validation checks on the data in a purchase requisition.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

PurchaseRequisition Mandatory A string that uniquely identi es a request to

procure a material or service

On success, it returns the success response code, indicating that the parameters in the purchase requisition are valid.


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purc


status_code: 204 No Content

External solutions integrated with SAP S/4HANA Cloud can invoke this operation on purchase requisitions, and enable them for
purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

External solutions can create purchase requisitions in SAP S/4HANA Cloud with external processing status as In Process
Externally, that is, the value of the eld ExternalApprovalStatus must be set to ʻP’. The solutions can then invoke the operation
EnablePurReqForPurchasing, on these purchase requisitions. The operation transitions the external processing status of
the purchase requisitions, and enables them for purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

 Note

This operation can only be applied on purchase requisitions that are created from external solutions integrated with
SAP S/4HANA Cloud, with external processing status as In Process Externally.

You cannot update or delete purchase requisitions in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, while their external processing
status is In Process Externally.

If header-level approval is con gured, you cannot add an item that is In Process Externally to a purchase requisition
that has all its items enabled for purchasing.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 358

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

PurchaseRequisition POST: Mandatory A string that uniquely identi es a request to

procure a material or service
PATCH: Mandatory

On success, it returns the success response code, indicating that the status of the purchase requisition has been changed to
enable it for purchasing. Else, it returns the appropriate error code and message.

Property Necessity Comments

Type Optional Message type - information, warning, or error

ID Optional Message ID

Number Optional Message Number

Message Optional Message description

LogNumber Optional Application Log Number

LogMsgNo Optional Internal message serial number

MessageV1 Optional Message variable

MessageV2 Optional Message variable

MessageV3 Optional Message variable

MessageV4 Optional Message variable

Parameter Optional Parameter name

Row Optional Lines in parameter

Field Optional Field in parameter

System Optional Logical system from which message


 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12



POST <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purc


status_code: 200 OK
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 359

External solutions integrated with SAP S/4HANA Cloud can invoke this operation on purchase requisitions, and discard them
from purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

External solutions can create purchase requisitions in SAP S/4HANA Cloud with external processing status as In Process
Externally, that is, the value of the eld ExternalApprovalStatus must be set to ʻP’. The solutions can then invoke the operation
DiscardPurReqFromPurchasing, on these purchase requisitions. The operation transitions the external processing status
of the purchase requisitions, and discards them from purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

 Note

This operation can only be applied on purchase requisitions that are created from external solutions integrated with
SAP S/4HANA Cloud, with external processing status as In Process Externally.

You cannot update or delete purchase requisitions in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, while their external processing
status is In Process Externally.

If header-level approval is con gured, you cannot add an item that is In Process Externally to a purchase requisition
that has all its items enabled for purchasing.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

PurchaseRequisition POST: Mandatory A string that uniquely identi es a request to

procure a material or service
PATCH: Mandatory

On success, it returns the success response code, indicating that the status of the purchase requisition has been changed to
discard it from purchasing. Else, it returns the appropriate error code and message.

Property Necessity Comments

Type Optional Message type - information, warning, or error

ID Optional Message ID

Number Optional Message Number

Message Optional Message description

LogNumber Optional Application Log Number

LogMsgNo Optional Internal message serial number

MessageV1 Optional Message variable

MessageV2 Optional Message variable

MessageV3 Optional Message variable

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 360

Property Necessity Comments

MessageV4 Optional Message variable

Parameter Optional Parameter name

Row Optional Lines in parameter

Field Optional Field in parameter

System Optional Logical system from which message


 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12


POST <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purc


status_code: 200 OK

External solutions integrated with SAP S/4HANA Cloud can invoke this operation on purchase requisition items, and enable
them for purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

External solutions can create purchase requisition items in SAP S/4HANA Cloud with external processing status as In Process
Externally, that is, the value of the eld ExternalApprovalStatus must be set to ʻP’. The solutions can then invoke the operation
EnablePurReqItemForPurchasing, on these purchase requisition items. The operation transitions the external processing
status of the purchase requisition items, and enables them for purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

 Note

This operation can only be applied on purchase requisition items that are created from external solutions integrated
with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, with external processing status as In Process Externally.

You cannot update or delete purchase requisition items in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, while their external
processing status is In Process Externally.

If header-level approval is con gured, you cannot add an item that is In Process Externally to a purchase requisition
that has all its items enabled for purchasing.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 361

Property Necessity Comment

PurchaseRequisition POST: Mandatory A string that uniquely identi es a request to

procure a material or service
PATCH: Mandatory

PurchaseRequisitionItem POST: Mandatory A string that indicates the item within the
purchase requisition.

 Note
If you specify as ʻ00000’, then the action
is applied on all the items in the
purchase requisition. The status
transition happens only for items with
status In Process Externally. The status
of the other items remains unchanged.

This operation returns the response codes with corresponding error messages. On success, it returns the success response
code, indicating that the status of the purchase requisition item has been changed to enable it for purchasing.

Property Necessity Comments

Type Optional Message type - information, warning, or error

ID Optional Message ID

Number Optional Message Number

Message Optional Message description

LogNumber Optional Application Log Number

LogMsgNo Optional Internal message serial number

MessageV1 Optional Message variable

MessageV2 Optional Message variable

MessageV3 Optional Message variable

MessageV4 Optional Message variable

Parameter Optional Parameter name

Row Optional Lines in parameter

Field Optional Field in parameter

System Optional Logical system from which message


 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12



This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 362

POST <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purc


status_code: 200 OK

External solutions integrated with SAP S/4HANA Cloud can invoke this operation on purchase requisition items, and discard
them from purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

External solutions can create purchase requisition items in SAP S/4HANA Cloud with external processing status as In Process
Externally, that is, the value of the eld ExternalApprovalStatus must be set to ʻP’. The solutions can then invoke the operation
DiscardPurReqItemFromPurg, on these purchase requisition items. The operation transitions the external processing
status of the purchase requisition items, and discards them from purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

 Note

This operation can only be applied on purchase requisition items that are created from external solutions integrated
with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, with external processing status as In Process Externally.

You cannot update or delete purchase requisition items in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, while their external
processing status is In Process Externally.

If header-level approval is con gured, you cannot add an item that is In Process Externally to a purchase requisition
that has all its items enabled for purchasing.

You can include the following properties in the request's URL:

Property Necessity Comment

PurchaseRequisition POST: Mandatory A string that uniquely identi es a request to

procure a material or service
PATCH: Mandatory

PurchaseRequisitionItem POST: Mandatory A string that indicates the item within the
purchase requisition.

 Note
If you specify as ʻ00000’, then the action
is applied on all the items in the
purchase requisition. The status
transition happens only for items with
status In Process Externally. The status
of the other items remains unchanged.

This operation returns the response codes with corresponding error messages. On success, it returns the success response
code, indicating that the status of the purchase requisition item has been changed to discard it for purchasing.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 363

Property Necessity Comments

Type Optional Message type - information, warning, or error

ID Optional Message ID

Number Optional Message Number

Message Optional Message description

LogNumber Optional Application Log Number

LogMsgNo Optional Internal message serial number

MessageV1 Optional Message variable

MessageV2 Optional Message variable

MessageV3 Optional Message variable

MessageV4 Optional Message variable

Parameter Optional Parameter name

Row Optional Lines in parameter

Field Optional Field in parameter

System Optional Logical system from which message


 Note
Success, information and warning messages, if any, are returned in the response header. Currently this is limited to 12



POST <host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_purchaserequisition_2/srvd_a2x/sap/purchaserequisition/0001/Purc


status_code: 200 OK

Purchase Requisition – Create, Update

Short description: PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In, service de nition: MMPUR_PURREQUISITIONREQUEST_IN

This inbound service enables you to create and update purchase requisitions through an API call. The update operation can be
used to ag line items as “deleted” or “undeleted”. The item category “standard” allows you to use material items (product
type group “1”) and lean services (product type group „2 “). Enhanced limit items (item category “E”) are also supported.

The service contains a message header and nodes for the purchase requisition header, attachments at header level, the
purchase requisition item, the delivery address, account assignment information, a text collection, and attachments at item

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 364

Service Structure
Service Message Header: The service message header contains information about the service.

The following nodes and elds are the most important ones:

Node or Field Description

ID ID of the SOAP message

CreationDateTime Date and time at which the message was


SenderBusinessSystemID ID of the external system that sends the


SenderParty InternalID ID of the business partner that sends the

message to your SAP S/4HANA Cloud
system. The ID must be identical to the
business partner's ID in your SAP S/4HANA
Cloud system.

Service Nodes

The service nodes contain the business data of the service.

Service Node / Field Description Is a Subnode of Link to Details

PurchaseRequisition Purchase requisition header n/a PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In

[Service Node] – PurchaseRequisition

Attachment [Field] Attachment Purchase requisition header and PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In

purchase requisition item – Attachment

PurRequisitionReqItm Purchase requisition item Purchase requisition PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In

[Service Node] – PurRequisitionReqItm

PurReqDeliveryAddress Delivery address of purchase Purchase requisition item PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In

[Service Node] requisition item - PurReqDeliveryAddress

PurReqAcctAssignment Account assignment of Purchase requisition item PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In

[Service Node] purchase requisition item – PurReqAcctAssignment

TextCollection [Service Node] Text collection Purchase requisition item PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In

– TextCollection

With this service, it is not possible to:

Create items with item category “enhanced limit”

Determine sources of supply

You should always transfer the external procurement reference document ID (ExtProcmtRefDocument). This applies
when you use the service to create a purchase requisition and when you use it to update a purchase requisition.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 365
You have to provide both the external procurement reference document ID and the external procurement reference
document item ID. This means, you have to ll the elds ExtProcmtRefDocument and

Message Monitoring and Error Handling

To be able to monitor messages transferred by this service, you need to assign the following recipient to the users:

Namespace: /MMPUR

Recipient Name: MMPUR_PREQN_IN

Interface: PREQNIN

To assign users to recipients, use the Assign Recipients to Users app from the Communication Management – Message
Monitoring Con guration (SAP_CA_BC_COM_CONF_PC) business catalog.

For message monitoring, use the Message Dashboard app from the Communication Management - Message Monitoring and
Error Handling (SAP_CA_BC_COM_ERR_PC) business catalog.

Both business catalogs are contained in the business role template Con guration Expert – Business Network Integration

This service can be extended at item level, using the app Custom Fields and Logic. The business context is Purchase Requisition

PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In – PurchaseRequisition
Fields of the Purchase Requisition Header

Field Description Necessity

ActionCode Action code Mandatory

ItemListCompleteTransmissionIndicator Indicates whether full transmission or Mandatory

partial transmission of the data is
performed. Currently, only full
transmission is supported.

PurchaseRequisitionID Purchase requisition number Optional

PurchasingRequisitionType Purchasing requisition type Mandatory

PurchaseRequisitionText Purchase requisition text Optional

ExtProcmtRefDocument External procurement reference Optional

document: identi es the document in
the external system that corresponds to
the purchase requisition in SAP
S/4HANA Cloud

Attachment Attachment Optional

PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In – Attachment
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 366

Attributes of the purchase requisition attachments

Attribute Description Necessity

FileName File name Mandatory

MimeType Mime type Mandatory

FileSize File size Mandatory

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In – PurRequisitionReqItm

Service nodes and elds of purchase requisition items

Service Node / Field Description Necessity Link to Further Field


ActionCode Action code Optional

PurchaseRequisitionItemID Identi er of Optional

requisition item

PurReqItemCategory Item category of Mandatory

the purchase

PurReqnOrigin Purchase Optional

requisition origin:
speci es the
background why a
requisition was
created, for
example, from an
MRP run or for a
production order

PurchasingOrganization Purchasing Optional


PurchasingGroup Purchasing group Mandatory

MaterialRevisionLevel Material revision Optional

level: together with
a change number,
this identi er
denotes the
change status of a
material or

RequisitionerName Requisitioner Optional


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 367

Service Node / Field Description Necessity Link to Further Field


PurchaseRequisitionItemText Text of purchase Optional

requisition item

Material Material number Optional

of the requested

SupplierMaterialNumber Supplier material Optional


MfrPartNumber Manufacturer part Optional


PurReqnPrice Purchase Optional

requisition price

PurReqnPrice Shows the price of Optional

the requested
material per price

PurReqnPriceQuantity Speci es for how Optional

many units the
price is valid

PurReqQuantity Purchase Optional

quantity: identi es
the quantity of the
requested on this
requisition item

PurReqCreationDate Creation date of Optional

the purchase

DelivDateCategory Delivery date Optional

indicates whether
the delivery date
is entered and
displayed as a
calendar day,
week or month

DeliveryDate Delivery date Optional

GoodsReceiptDurationInDays Goods receipt Optional

duration in days:
Represents the
number of
workdays required
for inspection and
for placement into
storage after a
material has been

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 368

Service Node / Field Description Necessity Link to Further Field


Plant Plant Mandatory

StorageLocation Storage location Optional

SupplyingPlant Supplying plant Optional

RequirementTracking The requirement Optional

tracking number is
copied from the
requisition to other
documents (for
example: RFQ or
purchase order)
for reference. The
tracking number
thus enables you
to group the
documents that
exist for a speci c

MaterialGroup Material group Optional

AcctAssignmentCategory Account Optional


ConsumptionPosting Consumption Optional

posting: speci es
that the
consumption is to
be posted to a
account (V) or an
asset account (A)

MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution Multiple account Optional

indicates how the
quantity and value
of the purchase
order item are
distributed to
individual account
assignment items

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 369

Service Node / Field Description Necessity Link to Further Field


PartialInvoiceIndicator Partial invoice Optional

determines how
invoice amounts in
partial invoices
are to be
distributed among
the individual
assignments. -
Applies when
multiple account
distribution is

GoodsReceiptIsExpected Goods receipt is Optional

indicates that a
goods receipt is

GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated Goods receipt is Optional

indicates that a
goods receipt is
not valuated.

InvoiceIsExpected Invoice is Optional

indicates that an
invoice is

PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType Purchase Optional

requisition source
of supply type:
allows making a
between the
documents that
can be used as
sources of supply

PurchasingInfoRecord Speci es the Optional

number that
uniquely identi es
a purchasing info
record. It indicates
that a Purchasing
info record exists.

SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned Source of supply Optional

is assigned:
indicator denoting
that a source of
supply has been

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 370

Service Node / Field Description Necessity Link to Further Field


MRPController MRP Controller: Optional

speci es the
number of the
MRP controller or
group of MRP
controllers who are
responsible for
planning for the

IsClosed Is closed: Optional

indicates that a
requisition is
closed; this means
that no further
purchase orders
are to be created
for this purchase

PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed Purchase Optional

requisition is
xed: rms the
requisition or
delivery schedule
line of a
agreement, and
determines that it
cannot be
changed by the
materials planning
and control

PurReqnReceivingSupplier Purchase Optional

receiving supplier:
the supplier to be
supplied, that is,
who is to receive a
delivery of raw
materials, for

MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn Material planned Optional

delivery duration:
number of
calendar days that
is needed to
obtain the material
or service if it is

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 371

Service Node / Field Description Necessity Link to Further Field


PurchaseRequisitionStatus Purchase Optional

requisition status

IsPurReqnBlocked Indicates whether Optional

a purchase
requisition is

ExtMaterialForPurg External material Optional

for purchasing: a
material in an
external system
that is the
equivalent of a
material in the

ExtFixedSupplierForPurg External xed Optional

supplier for
purchasing: xed
supplier from an
external system

ExtDesiredSupplierForPurg External desired Optional

supplier for
desired supplier
from an external

ExtContractForPurg External contract Optional

for purchasing

ExtContractItemForPurg External contract Optional

item for

ExtInfoRecordForPurg External info Optional

record for

ExtPlantForPurg External plant for Optional


ExtCompanyCodeForPurg External company Optional

code for

ExtPurgOrgForPurg External Optional

organization for

ExtProcmtRefDocumentItem External Optional

document item

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 372

Service Node / Field Description Necessity Link to Further Field


MinRemainingShelfLife Minimum Optional

remaining shelf
life: speci es the
minimum amount
of time for which
the material must
keep upon goods
receipt so that the
goods receipt is
accepted by the

PurchasingDocumentItemProductType Purchasing Optional

document item
product type:
identi es the
product type
group of the item,
such as “material”
or “service”

OverallLimitAmount Overall limit Optional

amount: maximum
value that the total
of all unplanned
services (or the
value of the
material) covered
by this document
item may not

ExpectedOverallLimitAmount Expected overall Optional

limit amount:
value that the
services (or the
material) covered
by this item are
not expected to

PerformancePeriod Performance Optional


PerformancePeriodStartDate Start date of the Optional

period (applicable
to enhanced limit

PerformancePeriodEndDate End date of the Optional

period (applicable
to enhanced limit

Batch Batch Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 373

Service Node / Field Description Necessity Link to Further Field


PurchasingContractReference Reference to a Optional

purchase contract

PurchaseContractID ID of the Optional

purchase contract

PurchaseContractItemID ID of the Optional

purchase contract

PurchasingOrderReference Reference to a Optional

purchase order or

PurchasingDocumentID ID of a referenced Optional

purchase order or

PurchasingDocumentItem ID of a referenced Optional

purchase order or
agreement item

ItemNetAmount Item net amount Optional

PurReqnSSPRef Collection of data Optional

that is relevant
when self-service
requisitioning is
used to create the

PurReqnSSPAuthor Person who has Optional

created the

PurReqnSSPCatalog Technical key of a Optional

web service, e.g. a

PurReqnSSPCatalogItem Catalog item ID Optional

PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem Catalog item Optional


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 374

Service Node / Field Description Necessity Link to Further Field


PurReqnSSPRequestor Person who has a Optional

requirement and
on whose behalf
the purchase
requisition was
created. Can differ
from the author in
cases when an
author creates a
PR on behalf of
another user.

CreatedByUser Created by user Optional

ServicePerformer Service performer Optional

FixedSupplier Fixed supplier Optional

PurReqDeliveryAddress Delivery address Optional PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In

for the material or - PurReqDeliveryAddress
service ordered in
the purchase

PurReqAcctAssignment Account Mandatory PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In

assignment of the – PurReqAcctAssignment

TextCollection Text collection Optional PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In

– TextCollection

Attachment Attachment Optional

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In - PurReqDeliveryAddress

Nodes and elds of the delivery address

Service Node / Field Description Necessity

AddressName Name of the company or person Optional

in the address

CityName City name Optional

Country Country Optional

District District Optional

FaxNumber Fax number Optional

HouseNumber House number Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 375

Service Node / Field Description Necessity

PhoneNumber Phone number Optional

AreaID Area ID

SubscriberID Subscriber ID

ExtensionID Extension ID

CountryCode Country code

CountryDiallingCode Country dialling code

PostalCode Postal code Optional

AddressRegion Address region Optional

StreetName Street name Optional

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In – PurReqAcctAssignment

Account assignment data elds in a purchase requisition

Field Description Necessity

BusinessArea Business area Optional

BusinessProcess Business process Optional

CommitmentItem Commitment item Optional

ControllingArea Controlling area Optional

CostCenter Cost center Optional

CostCtrActivityType Cost center activity type: A unit in a Optional

controlling area that classi es the activities
performed in a cost center.
Example: Activity types in production cost
centers are machine hours or nished units.

CostObject Cost object Optional

CreationDate Creation date Optional

EarmarkedFundsDocument Number of earmarked funds document Optional

FixedAsset Fixed asset Optional

FunctionalArea Functional area Optional

Fund Fund Optional

FundsCenter Funds center Optional

GLAccount General ledger account Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 376

Field Description Necessity

GoodsRecipientName Goods recipient name Optional

GrantID Grant ID Optional

IsDeleted Indicator that re ects whether the item in a Optional

purchase requisition has been deleted

JointVentureRecoveryCode Joint venture recovery code Optional

MasterFixedAsset Master xed asset: The number which, Optional

together with the asset sub-number,
identi es a xed asset in Asset Accounting

MultipleAcctAssgmtDistrPercent If multiple account assignment distribution Optional

is in place: the percentage value which is
assigned to a single account assignment

PurReqnNetAmount Purchase requisition net amount: The value Optional

of a single account assignment line item if
multiple account assignment is used

NetworkActivityInternalID Internal ID of the network activity (not Optional

visible to the user)

OrderID Order ID: Key that uniquely identi es an Optional

order within a client, for example a
production order or a process order

OrderIntBillOfOperationsItem General counter for a production order or a Optional

process order

OrderInternalID Order Internal ID: Number of the routing or Optional

reference operation set used in the order

PartnerAccountNumber Account number of a business partner Optional

ProfitabilitySegment Pro tability segment Optional

ProfitCenter Pro t center Optional

ProjectNetwork Project network Optional

ProjectNetworkInternalID Project network internal ID: Number of the Optional

routing or reference operation set used in
the network order.

PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmtNumber Purchase Requisition Account Assignment Optional

Number: Number that uniquely identi es
the account assignment of a purchasing
document item

PurReqQuantity Purchase Requisition Quantity: quantity Optional

speci c to an account assignment line

RealEstateObject Real estate object Optional

SalesOrder Sales order Optional

SalesOrderItem Sales order item Optional

SalesOrderScheduleLine Sales order schedule line Optional

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 377

Field Description Necessity

SettlementReferenceDate Settlement Reference Date: date that is Optional

used to identify the settlement period for
invoice account assignment

UnloadingPointName Unloading point name Optional

WBSElement WBS element Optional

TaxJurisdiction Tax jurisdiction Optional

TaxCode Tax code Optional

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In – TextCollection

Fields and nodes of the text collection of a purchase requisition

Service Node / Field Description Necessity

TextTypeCode Code identifying the text type Optional

CreationDateTime Creation date and time Optional

ContextText Context of the text Mandatory

BuyerTextElementID (currently not used) n/a

SupplierTextElementID (currently not used) n/a

TextElementLanguage (currently not used) n/a

TextElementText Text of a purchase requisition Mandatory


TextElementTextFormat (currently not used) n/a

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

Purchase Requisition - Send Status Update Noti cations

Technical name of the service: PurchaseRequesitionStatusNotification_Out

Service Structure

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 378
This outbound SOAP interface enables you to send status noti cations to an external system from the SAP S/4HANA system if
certain changes that are relevant for the business process have been made to a purchase requisition. This includes noti cations
upon creation, blocking and deletion of the purchase requisitions. Furthermore, messages are sent to notify the external
consumer about completion and release status changes. The external consumer receives noti cations about any changes to
the processing status of the purchase requisition. You can use this service only for purchase requisitions that were created via
the inbound web service for purchase requisition creation Purchase Requisition– Create.

This services sends a noti cation message with the following status information to the external consumer:

Purchase Requisition Status Field Description

BANPR This is the processing status of the purchase requisition. The following statuses
are available:

01 (In Process)

02 (Active)

03 (In Release)

04 (For Overall Release)

05 (Release Completed)

08 (Release Refused)

FRGZU This is the release status of the purchase requisition that indicates whether the
purchase requisition has already been approved. It is set automatically if the
release strategy for the purchase requisitions has been applied.

MEMORY Indicates that the purchase requisition has not yet been completed

MEMORYTYPE Shows that the purchase requisition is not yet complete, and indicates the status.
The following statuses are available:

' ' (Document Saved as Complete)

P (Document Parked)

H (Document on Hold)

LOEKZ This is the deletion indicator of the purchase requisition. The following values are

S (Blocked)

L (Deleted)

Service Structure
The request contains a MessageHeader node element, a PurchaseRequesitionHeader node element and a
PurchaseRequesitionItemList node element.

Service Message Header

The service message header contains information on the service, the involved sender and receiver as well as date and time.


The entities contain the business data of the service. The PurchaseRequesitionHeader node element contains the ID of
the purchase requisition, as well as its the reference ID. The PurchaseRequesitionItemList contains information on
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 379
purchase requisition items list.

The service nodes contain the business data of the service.

Service Node Descriptions Link to details

MessageHeader Business Document Message Header PurchaseRequesitionStatusNoti cation_Out:


PurchaseRequesitionHeader Purchase Requisition Header PurchaseRequesitionStatusNoti cation_Out:


PurchaseRequesitionItemList Purchase Requisition Items List PurchaseRequesitionStatusNoti cation_Out:


Mapping of external system and a logical port must exist to provide communication of the external consumer via this service
with the SAP S/4HANA system. You must create a communication user, a communication system and set up a communication
arrangement. To do so, you can use the following applications:

Maintain Communication Users

Maintain Communication Systems

Communication Arrangements

Please note, that an administrator role must be assigned to your user to enable you to perform this con guration.

Message Monitoring and Error Handling

To be able to monitor messages transferred by this service, user with the Administrator role can use the Message Dashboard
app, that enables the administrator to analyze the root causes of errors, restart or cancel inbound messages.

 Note
You need to assign the following recipients to the user in the app Assign Recipients to Users rst:

For inbound SOAP service PurchaseRequisitionRequest_In:

Namespace: /MMPUR

Recipient Name: MMPUR_PREQN_IN

For outbound SOAP service PurchaseRequesitionStatusNotification_Out:

Namespace: /MMPUR


PurchaseRequesitionStatusNoti cation_Out: MessageHeader


Parameter Description

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Parameter Description

ID Noti cation ID. It is generated in the SAP S/4HANA system and has the length of 35

UUID Noti cation UUID. It is generated in the SAP S/4HANA system and has the length of
36 characters.

ReferenceID ID of the purchase requisition in the external system

CreationDateTime Date and time when the message has been created.

SenderBusinessSystemID ID of the SAP S/4HANA system

RecipientBusinessSystemID ID of the external system that receives the outbound message.

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

PurchaseRequesitionStatusNoti cation_Out:


Parameter Description

ID ID of the purchase requisition in the SAP S/4HANA system

ReferenceID ID of the document in the external system that is referenced by the

purchase requisition in the SAP S/4HANA system

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

PurchaseRequesitionStatusNoti cation_Out:


Parameter Subnodes Description

ID ID of the purchase requisition item in the SAP

S/4HANA system

ReferenceID ID of the purchase requisition item in the external


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 381

Parameter Subnodes Description

PurchaseRequesitionStatusList PurchaseRequesitionStatus: Each change of the elds BANPR, FGRZU,

down in this list, one entry per eld. Each entry
PurchaseRequesitionStatusType includes the STATUSCODE and the STATUSTYPE
of the eld change.

LastChangedDateTime Date and time of the last change of the purchase

requisition in the SAP S/4HANA system

 Note
To display more information about the service node, select the operation. This works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google

Purchase Requisition – Send Replication Noti cations

Technical name: PurchaseRequisitionReplicationNotification_Out

This service enables you to send noti cations when a purchase requisition is replicated.

Service Structure
Service Message Header

The service message header contains information on the service, the involved sender and receiver as well as date and time.

Node or Field Description

ID ID of the SOAP message

CreationDateTime Date and time at which the message was


SenderBusinessSystemID ID of the connected system that sends the


RecipientBusinessSystemID ID of the external system that will receive

the message

Service Node: PurchaseRequisition

These service nodes contain the business data of the service.

Service Node Description

ID The ID of the purchase

requisition that the replication
noti cation is valid for

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 382

Service Node Description

ReplicationIsCompleted The indicator which tells the

purchase requisition replication
in the connected system is
completed or not.

True (Replication

False (Replication

SenderHubBusinessSystemID The ID of the SAP S/4HANA

Cloud hub system that sends
the message



ID The ID of the purchase

requisition that got successfully
replicated in the connected

ItemID The ID of the purchase

requisition item that got
successfully replicated in the
connected system.

Service Node: Log

These service nodes contain the log data of the service.

Service Node Description




TypeID Unique identi cation of the

type of a log entry







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Service Node Description

SeverityCode Message type in the log:

S (Success)

E (Error)

W (Warning)

I (Info)

A (Abort)



Note A short text for the log













In SAP SOA Manager (SOAMANAGER), de ne the endpoint of the receiving system. To do this, con gure a logical port for
consumer proxy Invoice – Send Status Update Noti cations (InvoiceStatusUpdateNotification_Out).

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 384

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