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Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Ten lactating cows were used to compare the feeding value of calcium
carbonate (CaCO~)-treated em'n silage with normal corn silage. A single-
reversal design with 7-wk periods was employed. Cows were fed corn silage as
their only roughage, and grain according to 4% fat-corrected milk (FCM)
The feeding of CaC0.~-treated silage had no significant effect on milk, 4%
FCM, or per cent solids-not-fat (SNF) produced by the cows. The milk fat
percentage was lower in milk from cows fed CaCO~-treated silage (P < .10).
Voluntary dry matter (D.M.) consumption of normal corn silage was significantly
greater (P < .01) than that of Ca C0~-treated corn silage. The average body
weight gain was greater (P < .10) for cows fed normal corn silage.
Corn silage treated with CaCO~ (13.6 lb/ton) had a higher p H (3.92 vs.
3.73), more total organic acids (11.24 vs. 6.52% of D.M.), and a lower carotene
content (5.26 vs. 9.09 mg/lb D.M.) than normal corn silage.

Recent work with beef cattle suggests the chopper, and both silos were refilled on Sep-
feeding value of corn silage can be increased by tember 17, 1962. One silo was filled in the
treatment with high-calcium limestone when en- usual manner, without any addition to the
siling (11, 12). Klosterman et al. (10) re- corn silage. CaC03 was uniformly distributed
ported that heifers fed corn silage treated with at the blower, using a calibrated mechanical
1% calcium carbonate (CaCO~) gained 16% applicator, at a rate of 13.6 lb per ton of silage
faster than those fed the untreated silage. I t going into the other silo." Approximately 31
has been proposed that the improved feeding tons of whole-plant corn silage was placed in
value of CaCO.~-treated silage is due to its in- each silo.
creased content of organic acids. I n laboratory Feeding trial. A single-reversal design with
experiments the addition of 1% CaCO~ to 7-wk periods, including a l-wk adjustment pe-
chopped whole plant corn cnsiled in glass jars riod, was used in this experiment. Ten lactating
nearly doubled the organic acid production cows were divided into two groups balanced
(11). according to milk production, stage of lacta-
The experiment reported here was initiated tion, breed, and age. Each group consisted of a
to determine the feeding value of CaCOs- Holstein, a Jersey, and three Guernseys, and
treated corn silage for lactating dairy cows. the treatments were assigned randomly to the
Byers et al. (6), in a recent study with dairy two groups. All animals were accustomed to
cows, reported that corn silage treated with being fed corn silage as their only roughage for
1% ground limestone when ensiling had no 3 wk before the experiment began. Throughout
significant effect on milk production, milk fat the trial cows were individually fed the silages
test, body weight change, or dry matter intake ad libitum twice daily and weighbacks taken
of the animals. daily.
Grain feeding level was initially 1 lb of grain
per 4 lb of 4% FCM produced. Three pounds
Silages. Well-eared hybrid yellow corn in the of additional grain were given to the pair of
early dent stage of maturity was ensiled in two 2-yr-old Guernseys in the experiment. Subse-
identical 10- by 25-ft concrete stave silos on quent grain adjustments were made every 14
September 13 and 14, 1962. Corn for both silos days on the basis of the average production de-
was harvested from the same field with a field cline for all cows on the experiment. The grain
Received for publication April 7, 1965.
" The Calcium Carbonate Company of Quincy,
1 Published with the approval of the Director of Illinois, furnished CCC calcium carbonate No. 4
the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station. (97.73% CaCO~ and 1.08% MgCO+).

Proximate analysis of silages
Composition of dry matter
Dry Crude Ether N-free Crude
matter protein extract extract fiber Ash
( % ) --
As ensiled
Control 28.6 8.5 3.1 65.8 17.4 5.2
Treated 28.4 8.2 3.1 64.0 17.8 6.9
As fed
Control 28.1 9.0 4.6 62.4 19.0 5.1
Treated 27.5 8.8 4.7 59.4 20.3 6.9

mixture had the following composition (in tureen liquor was stored ~t 4 C, using 0.5 ml
pounds) : ground corn, 1,000 ; ground oats, 500 ; mercuric chloride as a preservative. Volatile
soybean oil meal, 500; trace-mineralized salt, fatty acids (VFA) were analyzed by gas-liquid
20; steamed bone meal, 20; irradiated yeast (4 chromatography, as previously described (2, 7).
million unit), 0.5. The grain mixture contained Immediately preceding the rumen sampling
18.3% total protein. blood samples were taken from the jugular vein
Daily milk weights were recorded for all into oxalated tubes. Protein-free filtrates were
cows. A composite sample of the AM and P~I prepared by the method of Folin and W u (8).
milk was collected weekly and analyzed for milk Blood sugar was determined by Benedict's
fat by the Babcock procedure, solids-not-fat by method (4) and ketones by the method de-
the Golding bead method (9), and protein, us- scribed by Behre (3) and Block (5). Blood
ing the Orange G dye-binding method (17). V F A were determined by gas-liquid chromatog-
Animals were weighed on three consecutive raphy (2, 7).
days at 9 A~ at the beginning and end of each The data were analyzed statistically by meth-
experimental period. ods applicable to a single-reversal trial as out-
Chemical analysis. Composite samples of lined by Steel and Torrie (15).
fresh silage (following addition of CaCO~ in the
treated silage) and silage as fed were used for RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
proximate analyses according to standard Chemical composition of silages. The proxi-
A.O.A.C. methods (1). Dry matter was deter- mate analysis indicated that the control and
mined on composite samples of silage as fed, CaCO~-treated corn silages were very similar in
using the toluene distillation technique. dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, crude
Carotene was determined, using A.O.A.C. pro- fiber, and nitrogen-free extract (Table 1). The
cedures (1), and p H was measured with a glass difference in ash content was expected, since
electrode p H meter. Silage organic acids were CaCO~ was added to the treated silage.
determined by the method of Wiseman and There were some significant differences in the
Irvin (18). chemical quality of the silages as fed (Table 2).
Rumen samples were taken by stomach tube The p H of CaCO~-treated silage was higher
once during the 5th wk of each experimental than that of the control. This difference reflects
period, approximately 4 hr after the morning the neutralizing power of the CaCO~. I t has
feeding. Samples were filtered through several been proposed that CaCO~ neutralizes some of
layers of cheese cloth, and a 20-ml aliquot of the acid produced in the fermentation process

Chemical quality of silages
Organic acids
Acetic Lactic Total ~ pH Carotene
( % o f dry matter) (mg/Ib D.M.)
Control 1.60 4.82 ~ 6.52 ~ 3.73 ~* 9.09 ~
Treated 2.45 8.67 11.24 3.92 5.26
Statistically significant (P ~ .05).
~ Statistically significant (P ~ .01).
Total volatile fatty acids plus lactic acid.

TABLE 3 tein in the milk was also higher when cows were
Average daily response of lactating dairy cows fed control silage (P < .05). The average daily
gain was higher for cows fed control corn silage
Silage fed
(P < .10). The average grain fed per pounds
Response Control Treated of 4% FCM produced was the same for both
Milk production (lb) 34.8 35.7 groups (1:3.47). The average body weight for
4% FCM (lb) 36.2 36.0 cows receiving the control and treated silages
Milk fa~ (%) 4.47 4.23 ~ was also identical (1,111 lb). Differences in
SNF (%) 9.06 8.98 body weight gain between groups can be ex-
Milk protein (%) 3.52 3.43*
Total D.M. intake 30.2 27.2** plained by the differences in voluntary intake of
Silage D.M. intake 21.1 18.2"* the silages.
Total D.M. intake/100 lb B.W. 2.74 2.47** The consumption of control corn silage was
Silage D.M. intake/100 lb B.W. 1..91 1.64"* significantly greater (P < .01) than that of
Body weight gain (lb/day) 0.45 0.11 ~
CaCO~-treated silage. A possible explanation
* Statistically significant (P ~ .05). for the reduced consumption of the treated si-
** Statistically significant (P ~ .01). lage is its higher content of organic acids, espe-
" Statistically significant (P ~ .10).
cially lactic acid. Thomas et al. (16) found that
adding high levels of lactic acid (575 g) to
and allows the fermentation to either proceed wilted silage decreased silage consumption by
further, or at a faster rate, which results in the dairy heifers. I n the same paper it was re-
production of additional organic acids (11). As ported that average daily silage D.M. consump-
shown in Table 2, the total organic acid con- tion was not altered by addition of limestone
centration in the treated silage was significantly to the silage at feeding time. Therefore, the
greater than that in the control. A n 80% in- lowered consumption of CaCO~-treated silage in
crease in the lactic acid content of the CaCO,- the present experiment probably was not due
treated silage was observed. This is in agree- directly to the added CaCO~. Montgomery et al.
ment with results of several other workers who (14) recently reported that acetic acid infused
found that limestone treatment of corn silage intraruminally significantly decreased daily hay
increases its organic acid content (6, 12). consmnption. I t is reasonable to propose that
The control corn silage contained more caro- the decreased intake of CaCO~-treated silage is
tene than the treated; the latter had a darker- due to a metabolic effect on the animals as a
brown appearance when fed. This is in con- result of the increased organic acid content of
trast to the findings of Mohler et al. (13), who the silage. It should be pointed out that other
reported that limestone-treated corn silage had workers have not found decreased consumption
a much greener color and contained 3.5 times due to addition of CaCO~ to corn silage. On the
more carotene than nontreated silage. Silage contrary, Mohler et al. (13) reported that cattle
temperatures during the fermentation process consumed 13% more limestone-treated corn si-
were recorded by means of thermoeouples in lage than normal corn silage. However, these
each silo; no differences were observed. workers did not report rumen VFA.
Feeding trial The average daily performance Analysis of ruminal fluid showed there was a
of lactating dairy cows indicated that CaCO~ significantly (P < .01) greater concentration of
treatment of corn silage did not improve its total V F A in the rumen when cows were fed
feeding value in this investigation (Table 3). treated silage (Table 4). Concentrations of
There were no significant differences between acetic, propionic, isobutyric, and valeric acids
groups in milk production, 4% FCM, and per were all significantly (P < .01) increased in the
cent SNF in the milk. The per cent milk fat tureen of cows fed treated silage. There were
was higher (P < .10) in the milk from cows no statistically significant differences in the per-
receiving the control silage. The per cent pro- centage of Y F A ' s in the ruminal fluid from

Effect of feeding CaCO~-treated silage on rumen VFA
Iso- Iso-
Acetic Propionic butyric Butyric Valeric valerlc Total
(weight %) (mg/lO0 ml)
Control 56.0 20.0 ].6 18.6 1.9 1.5 543**
Treated 55.9 21.4 1.5 17.5 1.8 1.6 656
** Statistically significant (P ~ .01}.

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Control 46.0 5.7 5.3
Treated 48.3 5.0 5.0 H. W., MOXON, A. L., AND STAVERN, J. V.
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a n d p r o p i o n i c acid c o n t e n t of the t r e a t e d silage.
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A c c o r d i n g to the results of this e x p e r i m e n t , Cattle of Corn Silages Treated to Increase
there are no a d v a n t a g e s to a d d i n g CaC0~ to Their Content of Organic Acids. J. Ani-
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